Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Dear group;
I do not wish to be a naysayer, however SWR is correct in his assumption that the *Spaniard* in the above photo is in fact a modern rendition of an American cowboy. My lines of reasoning are thus shown in the photo itself, starting from top to bottom;
1) The saddle horn. This is a very new development in saddlery and it first appeared on saddles in the American West in the late 1860s due to a need for cowboys to utilize the horn as a anchor point whilst roping cattle.
2) Chaps. These outer garments also made their first appearance in the late 1860s, due to a need for cowboys to have a tough outer garment to protect the legs and thighs from stickers and brush, while remaining flexible enough to ride and work in.
3) The undercut heel. The undercut heel first started appearing on boots in the very late 1880s or early 1890s time frame. Before this time all boots had squared off heels, which are today known as *walking heels* as opposed to the undercut or *riding heels*. Prior to the development of the riding heel, many cowboys were injured or killed when their foot accidentally slipped through the stirrip and not being able to extract it, they were dragged by their heel from the stirrup. The undercut riding heel allowed the cowboy to pull his foot back through the stirrup, thus greatly lessening of danger of being dragged across Kingdom come.

There exists many more lines of evidence, however I astutely refrained from including them, lest I start sounding pompous and overbearing. We may now conclude that the painting is modern in nature and it could not have possibly been rendered before the 1890s. We may use the photo as depicted by Rangler as a prime example of why a thorough knowledge of history becomes so very important, lest one proceeds from false assumptions.
Your friend;


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on this post we look at a small publication that is valuable to the Basic 101 TTH's

Book Title: Treasure Hunter's Field Notebook
Author: Mike "Hawkeye" Pickett
Publisher: THU Publication Company
3409 Georgeann Pl Suite 101
Ceres,Ca 95307-9591
Year: 2001
Price: $15
thu field book_front.webp

This little pack sized handbook contains a wealth of data with regards to the solution to signs
and symbols. While it is yet another publication that contains the work of others, like Kenworthy
and Carson, is does have its place as a field guide, with quick references to signs you find in the field.
Plus a couple of blank pages dispersed within the chapters andat the back for quick notes or drawing
you may find in the field.

I use this guide for a general idea of various signs, and more importantly I use it to update and correct
some of the sign solutions.

In his introduction, Hawkeye, says...

"When the Kings of Spain sent out their many
explorer's , they all had specific orders from the King

1. Bring back anything of Value
2. Document these places of Importance
3. You will have mapmakers [to help you]

With so many mapmakers being employed, one of these Kings
finally decreed that the signs, symbols, coded messages, and other
indicators would be standardized.
So that everyone was "one the same page" so to speak.

The King wanted his "Royal Quinto" if fifth, of whatever these explorers found
He also knows that these hostile environments could cost him greatly if anything
ever happened to his explorers or mapmakers. The way he could send others at
a later date and still be able to recover what he wanted most.
These Explorers explorers built large mountain range mountain range monuments
these were to be the long distance highway markers for their
day. Similar to the highway signs of today. It was necessary they they be seen from
8 to 10 miles away.These monumented trails were ment for the safe movements of
large caravans of people, animals and of course , the Kings Fifth!"

here is a little blurb about the Spanish...

The Spanish

Quote: "To understand the Spanish, you must try to think like a Spaniard. That is not as easy as it seems. I still have a lot to learn. Each country and every man, had their own particular "Agenda". This is still true today. But what was its' agenda over 500 years ago? "Commodities!" Just like it is today. Some countries chose the fur trade, the spice trade; the Spanish chose precious metals, gems, minerals and spices.

Remember this: A Spaniard 500 years ago had three things that drove him. "Gold, glory, and God!"

Most of you have heard of Christopher Columbus. In 1490 he wrote: 'Gold is most excellent, of gold is treasure made, with gold the man who possesses it, does all that he desires in the world, and may even send souls to paradise."

Two years later, on April 17, 1492, he made an agreement with King Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. This document stated that whatever items whether it be gold, silver, gems, pearls, spices or anything else discovered, acquired or obtained, he got a tenth and the remaining nine parts is for the Crown. Nowhere in this document did it mention that this expedition was to prove that the world was round.

Does the above sound like the man that is depicted in what we have been taught? Having the bravery and dedication to his convictions and beliefs, to prove that the world was round. His bravery and dedication was, as others before and all those after him was: "The gold, the glory and last but not least, God!" He said this by his own hand in 1490.

When Ponce de Leon struck his deal with Ferdinand and Isabella, nowhere did it state that he was sent to find the "Fountain of Youth" end quote

A check on Amazon shows no books in stock, as I guess it is out of print, to
show you the real value of this book, 2 used copies are on sale at $59-60 each!!
(but you know the best part of this little field guide....
Not enough room for trolls! :tongue3: :thumbsup:)

Hawkeye, stated the case accuratly and hense the need to learn the basic Treasure Signs
for those that want to learn these codes , this is as good as any for a place to start!
as Haweye says
"Be safe out there"

C2 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit"

lamar you sure are the artist!! Look at the beard the Spaniard wears,, pointed goatee, Do you know what time period it is from??

And many Spanish used mules, for their sure footedness, the saddle horn is Spanish or Mexican,, those were all made with thick pommels,, the whole saddle tree was made thick, not untill they started making them out of metal, did they get smaller,, and the Chaps were named by the Spanish,, named for the rough and tough plant the Chapparal, that they constantly rode through,, don't forget they blazed many of the trails, and did not always have the luxury of riding a used trail,, and finally the Boots... All these were used before the 1800's, all except lamars boots !!


Hola Capitan! Gracias,,,,,,, td "And Long May It Wave"

And Long May It Wave
True That!
We are right here in the foxhole TD, ..thanks
Onward and Upward!

More to follow about Treasure Signs and Symbols! As we keep this thread back on track/

heres a tiny bit about Dign resourcefulness and tracking down information

"....for that kind of factual documentation, you may wish to contact someone at your local or state college that is knowledgeable about where these types of documents exist. These documents DO exist, however, they are generally off-limits to the public.
In my personal experience I have found that you can contact a college by computer, telling them what it is you are looking for. Then, if the info you desire is on-hand at that college, your name and e-mail address will be put on a bulletin board, where it will be seen by dozens of people (college students) that have access to these papers, and are anxious to earn an extra buck or two. These students will copy these documents and send them to you.
The downfall is that you don't get to see what it is they are copying, so you must be very specific about what you are interested in.
If one college fails to have what you want, go to another college, even to another state if needed. You will find that records of Texas can be found in Virginia (for example)."
Hope this helps.


I have tried this and was buying beer and pizzas, I am sure for some - unseen donors - who search data for me.!
Once I managed to get copies of documents out of an area, that was only open to upperclassmen who were working on Doctorates.
Dign sure was thinking out of the box, before it was a cliché !!

Dear tesoro dog;
You, of course, are fully entitled to believe whatever you wish. I wrote about the facts and if they do not suit you... so be it.

And after a bit deeper research, we may find that Chief Jack House was born around 1891(exact DOB unk.) and died in 1971. This means that my initial assestment of the pictograph as having been painted after the 1890s spot on the money.

old dog, how am I going to find you quickly if you keep changing your picture? LOL
How about one of these?

okey dokey


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Old Dog, That doesn't look like a dog, that looks like an old Chupa cabra. :D :laughing9: I'm enjoying the reading. Everyday I check in to see if Stilldign comes Home. :hello:

Your both wrong,
It is NOT Chief House!

The codemakers were very fond of hiding treasure codes in plain site! And very often right in
amoung Ameridian petroglyps sites!. The logic is easy...when the Indians saw the new marks
they would think the Great Spirit did it, and If the White man saw it , they would think the
Indians did it! Perfect camo, passed by as nothing more than art to either race.
As time passed. The legend grew that this painting was done by one of their own, and who
else could have done it but an important person in the tribe, The Chief, who else?

Now that the tour shows off the early work of their ancestors, they have to point with pride
to the Art Work of their Ancestors. What else are they to do>?Say that the Interlopers in
Black Robes who tried to steal their Language and Culture and Rip the Tears of the Sun from
the ground , did it? Nope..since not one in a million would know the difference anyway..why
not claim it as there own? Perfectly logical to me.. however this Treasure map, and the rock
incoporation matches the local topomap of the area , which is also a know gold mining area.

Hawkeyes book is the only one I've bought so far..except for the oh so very excellent treasure hunters manual number 6 or 7..which i would most enthusiastically recommend for any cache hunters,metal detectorists.

How many of us starting out have gone again and again to Hawkeyes web site to study the info there? I know i sure did and it is the reasons i bought his book.What you see on his web site are, in some cases, actual chapters from his book.

I have found it educational and useful. There is a little detour into something questionable at the end..but hey..we all are learning all the time and reconsider our conclusions. Hawkeye does not put himself out as an all knowing expert either.

I doubt any book gives all the answers but this book suited me perfectly 6 months ago and i still refer to it fairly often.

Just wanted to mention it, because no book is perfect. But this one i think contains some great information on signs and also general safety out in the field.

True Treasure Hunters!

Remember THEY now have to PROVE that Chief Horse made this drawing....
where are THEIR annotations in history, where is THEIR peer review, where
is THEIR while paper, where is THEIR footnotes, where is THEIR archeologist, cultural
or otherwise report., THEY only accepting the tour guides word, which is based on
hearsay and conjectural story telling !!! i.e. shall i say it....................THEIR LEGEND!!!!!
Now the shoe is on THEIR other foot..THEY have to supply the proof or THEY have to move on
to THEIR next point of hijacking!
so THERE you go

"oh ye of little faith"

TTH's here is a list and solution of common letters and numbers found in the field!

1 - Xxxxxxxx most point of a triangle (anchored)
2 - most most xxxxxxx (floater)corner of the triangle
3 - XXXXXXXX most number of the triangle(anchored)
4 - means "xxxxx xxxxxx hand corner" also xth book of the Bible, Xxxx.
5 - the number for Xxxxxx-can be expressed at a Xxxxx xxxxxxx x
6 - an "xxxxx" number ie the xth clue of a site might be xxxxx..
7 - Gold and a camp spot
8 - the treasure collection room or vault or cache.
9 - Xxxx x xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx!!!
10 - as an X, xxxxx xxxxxxx, stands for Xxxx,meaning 'xxxx' - equals Xxxxx Xxxxx
11 - This is the xxxxxx of the Xxxxxxx xxxx
12 - the xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
13 - The Xxx reference - can be expressed as letter 'X'
XX - a time of 'xxxxxxxxxx' as in xx xxxxx and xx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxx!

Might as well include some letters in this dialog

A - xx xx..or xxxx xxxx, in the direction of the xxxxx xxx, xx xxxxxx /xxxxxxx xxx
B - stands for 13 according to Dign, which makes sense to me
C - Roman Numeral for 100
D - Roman Numberal for 500
E - change direction
F- God, and for Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
G - Gold
H - High point and xxxxxx xxxxxx
I - In rare instances can be used to mean Jesus
J - Seen as a 'xxxxxxx' imagine 'xxxxxxx' it and see what it 'xxxxx'
K - Many believe that this is the symbol for xxx degrees
L - Roman Numeral for 50 and the xxxxx xxxxx of the xxxxxx or xx degrees
M - the Owl when you are getting close
N - North when written on a map
O- Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx.
P - Usually Proverbs or Palms followed by numbers which is verses
Q -
R - Reverse or Rio, as in seeing the reflection in water, a reverse image.
A - backward R I will keep to my self for the time being
S - South or a xxxx xx xxxxxx.
T - Tesoro or Thomas, as in Doubting Thomas..Bible clue, or xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx
U - Xxx xx xxxxx OR xxxxx xxxx = xxxxx
V - The Kings Fifth. or the Jesuits - Xxxxxxx. or the Roman Numeral 5
W - upside down X as per dign
X - Roman numeral for 10. some say keep any rocks with this mark on your xxxxxxxxxx
Y - The robbers Y..left or right, which way.? some mines tunnels do is the goods
the other the trap..I always pick the xxxxxxxxx! but that is up to you the research before you pick
Z - Not sure I ever saw this in the field, believe it to be an 'X' xx xxx xxxx.

Please feel free to add to this list..that is the point of the exercise...

Just for the sake of being true to this post and the thread, I would ask that ALL posts from this point on STAY on focus
with comments on Signs & Symbols 101 - that are used in Treasure Codes..and the newbies as well as the pros may learn something

( Any more attacks here now that I have explained who is who as far as I am concerned - will not be tolerated and I will ask the moderator to delete any unwarranted or attack like posts , an any attempts to hijack this thread)

Thanks to all who have contributed so far, and lets keep this ball rolling, it is the little things like letter and numbers used in Spanish Code that can make huge strides in the attempt to solve these puzzles!
MIGS-will pm to all
MOIL-need not apply
I rest my case

"all warfare is based on deception".....sun tzu

Rangler Would You please E Mail me The Meaning of all those XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Thanks for posting.

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