Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Meanwhile back to the theme...

Treasure numbers, you will see some number on EVERY Alpha Monument that you run across as well as the Omega, a vital part of Sign and Symbols 101


Fill in the blanks, I know that there is lots of speculation of different 'numbers' that stand for different treasure symbols:

The number 7, as G is the seventh letter of the alphabet, and that stands for GOLD and
some say for camp spots for the seventh day he rested passage in the Bible

the number 5 stands for Silver, I think because it is the next odd number under seven.

The number 8 stands for a treasure collection room or vault.

Lets see what you folks can contribute to the list of treasure numers,
Letters are fair game as well..

" I am the seventh son of a seventh son, and in the whole world
there is only one, I am the one"......Johnny Rivers

Dear Rangler;
I have a question regarding the Letter/Numbering system, my friend. If "V" equals 5 in the Roman numeral system and "X" equals 10, "L" equals 50, "C" equals 100, and "D" equals 500, why doesn't "M" equal 1,000? ???
Your enqiring friend;

lamar said:
Dear Rangler;
I have a question regarding the Letter/Numbering system, my friend. If "V" equals 5 in the Roman numeral system and "X" equals 10, "L" equals 50, "C" equals 100, and "D" equals 500, why doesn't "M" equal 1,000? ???
Your enqiring friend;

Logic would dictate that it can indeed

Thank you lamar, for your thoughtful reply to my question.

I appreciate it.

I did break it down to a smaller post now,thanks for the suggestion,
and will post the rest later
as needed, I was just adamant about staying on thread with the data here.

Certain people want to stray from the topic, this aint no history hunter thread
this is Treasure Signs and Symbols 101, Please let keep the focus.

In true Jesuit tradition, one sign is used to mean one or two different
Ⓒ2005-all rights reserved-rangler
The owl and the rabbit-see em?

1. The M stands for Roman Numeral 1000
2. The M stands for the Owl of Minerva
3. The M stands for Travel On, simulated mountain range

They did like the concept of the Trinity, so when you decode one sign
remember there are likely a couple more subtle meanings.......

Dear SWR;
I must agree with your assessment of the situation, my friend. The Jesuits would NOT have use an English based system, rather everything they would have done would have been in Koine Greek, however since most treasure hunters seem to be familiar with only the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, an English based system must be used, lest the entire Treasure Sign concept immediately unravel.
Your friend;

Dear desertmoons;
You are very welcome and thank you for posing such a thought provoking and stimulating question!
Your friend;

Dear Rangler;
I must say that I admire greatly your devotion and spirit to the quest, my friend!
Your friend;

So lets say i found a C335 carved on top of a hill. or perhaps it is C3X


Thank you DM
for your question in the spirit of the thread..

you ask....
So lets say i found a C335 carved on top of a hill. or perhaps it is C3X

at first glance, my intuition tells me that the later is more in keeping with the
Codemakers typical formatting marks.. having said that , first rule out that
335 is NOT a compass heading and the the C is really a Horseshoe telling you
to 'travel on'!

[size=9pt]ⓒcopyright 2007-all rights reserved-rangler
here is a Horses Head, Two Sets ofOwls ears, the Black (brown) Dog, with
a Diamond around his Left eye with one Owl ear pointing to the other
silhouette ears, that have a sighting notch right in the middle
in the direction of the Omega,when you can see all of these , you
are ready to get off the couch into your boots ,and last but not least
is the the Kings Fifth! in in the shape of a Hoyo! A classic in design
and excellence in its execution!! A true treasure hunter delight and
a true critics nightmare, because they cant see a damn thing HA!*

C - 100, as in Roman Numerals
3 - two choices here, one choice gives you 103. as a distance or compass heading
the other , i think more correctly multiplies by 3 giving you = 300. Both should
be proved out on the ground, looking for some confirmation at the end of those
measurements or compass headings, if it is true you will find one or the other!
X - the X could serve as confirmation that you do indeed multiply!, They were also
found of expressing things in reverse or backwards to confuse the unwary so
if you revered it it reads, X3C or "Times 3 to the C" = 300..only one possibility
is the the X could be a 'tenths' holder and you add another zero getting 3000
unless you in a wide open plains area of huge distaces, I would relegate the
later use of the X to the last choice, or as last resort if the other two , you find
no confirmation of your deductions.

DM, there is ONLY one reason why I have continue down the Jesuit Treasure Trail
for over 20 years and that is, confirmations, that has pulled me along, showed
me how they think and what to expect.

Those confirmations are STRONGER than any Johnny-come-lately, weak attempt at
criticizing or disparaging my comments. Their marks are carved in STONE, truth that
transcending the centuries, the weak kneed arm-chair critic and hyperactive naysayers,
mere fleeting attempts for negative attention or some thinly veiled agenda setter.

The overall tone of the Codemakers intent is that the sign be found by the correct people
(i.e. the Kings Men) or if that failed then the future generations of their Brothers. That is
why the Jesuits Code is ultimately breakable, and that Confirmations follow EVERY important
step of the way.
Good Luck on your seeking the Golden Glow
I am more than happy to help all I can...

D4...."these are the statues and judgments that I give you this day"

*xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx x xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx xxx xxxx x xxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx
xxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
Members in good standing (migs) pm for uncoded data!

*The object lesson of both Monuments is Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx
brought to by Dign, and his amazing insight!

In another revealing post Dign releases information on reading "letter syle" treasure maps....

I have stated before that there are several ways that the secret society coded their treasure maps. One of the least recognized techniques (least recognized by treasure hunters) is what I call the letter-style treasure map.

With this type of coding technique, a written letter is used to conceal the true information. Most of these letter style maps will have a topic that is totally innocent of the letter's true nature. For example the letter, when read like an ordinary letter, will speak of things that are unrelated to the subject of treasure. And, even in cases where letters do speak of treasure, the true directions to these treasures is hidden within the contents of the letter.
[size=9pt]Owls have large forward-facing eyes and ear-holes, a hawk-like beak, a flat face, and usually a conspicuous circle of feathers around each eye called a facial disc. Although owls have binocular vision, their large eyes are fixed in their sockets, as with other birds, and they must turn their entire head to change views./

In his book titled "of men and gold," author Steve Shaffer shows us a letter style treasure map that does speak of the location(s) where treasure/mines can be found, but if you follow these directions you'll be miles away from the true locations. This letter map is found on Page 82. Once this letter is properly deciphered you are shown, literally, the mountain range where these treasures/mines are located. Once deciphered, you have a whole new map that shows the mountain peaks, what they actually look like, and exactly where you need to go in order to locate several mines and at least one major accumulation room.

Steve offers 3 ebooks for $9.95 on Spanish Signs & Symbols
lets see...burger fries and a coke at Mickey D's for two or
three ebooks for the same price, hmmm decisions decisions..

Another example of this technique is a map posted by the late Dwight Traina on another web site. This map gives some pretty rough directions to a treasure, then at the bottom of the page there are 12 names of different people, including Jesse James, Cole younger and Frank James, to name a few. Again, the true information is concealed.
One of the most interesting events in history that revolves around these letter-style maps took place in 1881, and it involves Billy the Kid. While incarcerated in a Santa Fe jail, Billy was writing to the Governor of New Mexico, Lew Wallace. Seeking a pardon for his crimes, Billy wrote several letters to Wallace, asking Wallace to come and see him at the jail. Wallace was shunning Billy, distancing himself from The Kid. Billy took offense to this act, and in a letter dated March 20(?), 1881, Billy writes to Wallace stating: "I wish you would come down to the jail and see me. It will be to your interest-to come and see me.I have some letters which date back two years,, and there are parties who are very anxious to get them."

I am going to stop right here to say that, when you understand the secret society, you will understand that it was a very common thing for outlaws to have a friendly relationship with those in political power. This relationship was due to the fact that they both belonged to the secret society. These very same relationships can be noticed throughout history. Again, it was because they were all working for the same cause, they just did it in different ways, with different "careers." It is also interesting that Billy would use "some letters" as a "carrot" for the purpose of getting the Governor to "come and see me."

What would be so important about these letters that Billy thought that the Governor would drop everything just to come and see him in jail? I mean, it just doesn't make sense, until you realize that what Billy was offering were letter-style treasure maps. Billy was basically saying that "if you don't come here to see me, I'll give these treasure sites to other interested parties." No doubt the Governor decided to make sure Billy lips were silenced, for ever.

Generally, when dealing with these types of treasure maps you need to look through the letter and find the "A's" that have one leg longer than the other. Placing a ruler along this longer leg you will be lead to other "hidden" messages. Also, the very dots of the small letter "i" will be used in such a way as to guide you (with a ruler) to the true information.

Other letters can also be used to guide you to this hidden info. The capital letter "B" is also used. It will be written in such a way that this letter will look more like the number 13. The number 13 is another code for the owl, and the owl is one of the most important treasure room symbols that you can find, both on maps as well as in the field. The number 13 comes from the owl itself. The owl is a major symbol that is still used by the secret society, and they know it as the "Owl of Minerva." The "M" from the word "Minerva" is used, and of course the "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet, hence the use of the number 13. One more thing about the "M." Treasure hunters have been taught that when they find an "M" in the field that it is telling you to "go to the next valley" or something along those lines. The truth is, when you find an "M" in the field (if it is all by itself) you are being told to "look for the Owl, the Owl of Minerva," that you are very close to a major accumulation room.

This same holds true for the number 13 (when found in the field). On paper maps, when you find the capital "B" that looks more like "13," you want to hold your ruler along the "1" part of the 13.

In closing, you can find hundreds of these letter-style maps at the Library of Congress* web site. As we have discussed, outlaws and pirates (to name two) had close relationships with the politicians. Again, they were a part of the same "family." So, knowing this information, what better place to find examples of ALL of the coding techniques than right there in the archives of the very people who were accumulating this wealth and making coded maps to ensure that these sites would never be lost!!??!!

When it comes to the secret society there is no such thing as lost treasure. They know exactly where ALL of these sites are located. Develop your skills with these different coding techniques and you, too, will know where these treasures are located.

Critic or promoter, Dign is hard to beat, he knows his stuff, shares it freely, a mark of a true treasure hunter and a true gentleman.
Here is a link I found at the LofC for searching maps
dig in hahaha

" oh how the things of Esua are sought up!"

Thank You Rangler !!! :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Gratias tibi ago! :icon_salut:

Dear Rangler;
How were outlaws like Cole Younger, Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Frank James and others associated with either the Jesuits or the Templars, my friend? I am fairly certain that most Old West outlaws were of the Protestant persuasion, if they were in fact religious at all, therefore how could have possibly been associated with Roman Catholic religious Orders? Also, if these codes are so complex, how were a bunch of semi-illiterate outlaws supposed to be familiar enough with them in order to even understand them, much less have been able to make some sort of use of them?

Also, if outlaws such as the James gang and Billy the Kid were able to understand these treasure codes, why didn't they just follow the signs to the treasures and leave the more mundane tasks, such as robbing banks and trains, to other less enlightened outlaws, or was armed robbery a sort of hobby with these types?
Your friend;

Stilldign up info on the Owl....

"It took me along time to "see" and then decipher the owl symbol.
You will find that certain signs and symbols are used to locate
mines, and that certain signs and symbols are used to locate
accumulation rooms. The owl is the symbol used for accumulation

As you can imagine, an accumulation room full of treasure required
special attention. These sites had to be set up in such a way as to
guarantee that they could not be found accidentally. And, speaking
from experience, trying to use the same techniques used at a mine
site to find an accumulation room will drive you nuts.
ⓒcopyright 2007-all right reserved-rangler-
You will find, at EVERY accumulation room site, that there has been
a triangle set up. And at least one of these triangle points will
have an owl carved in it or on it, etc. We know that we need to
measure between the three points of the triangle. Add these
measurements together and we have the distance to measure to the
treasures location, the spot to dig.

(Sometimes this measurement must be tripled.) And, last but not least,
we need to know what point of the triangle to measure from, the direction to measure, etc,
etc, etc. I am mentioning this because you will ALWAYS find an
accumulation room set up this way, that is, made to look like a very
simple triangle format. But it's not as easy as that!!!!!!

Number one, forget the triangle. It has got NOTHING to do with
your locating the treasure room. It has everything to do with
keeping you "off-track" and lost.

Secondly, you need to know that there are several different ways
to "say" owl that were used by the Church. Sometimes it's a specific
number they used to say that an accumulation room is in the area, and
that you should keep your eyes open for further information.

You must also realize that the entire owl was not always used. You
may only get a portion of the owl, and if you don't know what you're
looking at, you'll walk right on past the very treasure you are
looking for.

There are other symbols that are associated with the owls. So, you
may not even see an owl symbol at first, only one of these
other "associated" symbols.

There is one thing for sure. When you have finally located the
correct place to dig, you WILL find an "owl rock map". This rock map
will be in the shape of an owl (a complete owl) and may or may not
have tunnel information carved on it. You need to know this tunnel
information in order to stay alive.

[note: this is original data here, not available anywhere else!

If the owl rock does not have the tunnel information on it, then you
will find the tunnel information rock buried a little deeper, and DIRECTLY
below the owl rock. The owl rock map will be buried approximately one
foot deep. Situations vary, so these rocks may be shallower due to erosion, or
they may be a little deeper. Never, though, have I seen them deeper
than two feet.

[note: more good points here gang]

These rock maps located at the treasure location are fairly big.
They are about two foot square (although rarely are they square), and
can be one to two feet thick. The reason for the big size at the
treasures location is to help confirm that you have, indeed, found
the treasure.
There are many, many false trails around an
accumulation room, with many, many possible dig spots. You will know
that you have the wrong dig spot by the size of the rocks found while

These smaller rocks found will ALWAYS tell you the proper
way to go in order to find your treasure. And their smaller size, IN
ITSELF, is telling you that you've screwed up. Their smaller size is
saying "you are going away from the treasure". This relates to the
fact that as you walk away from an object, a car for example, the car
appears to get smaller. Hence, the reason for the smaller rocks at
these false trail sites

Accumulation rooms, while being the biggest pay-off possible, they
are also the most deceptive sites set up. These sites are easily
found in the Eastern United States, simply because the rooms were
filled with treasure that didn't have to be mined in that specific
In other words, when you have to sort out the information
leading to mines from the information that leads to the treasure
rooms, it can get confusing. And if the area of an accumulation has
50 mines, it now becomes the challenge of a lifetime. Eliminate the
mines and their information and all you have left is the accumulation
room(s). Or, get to know about the owl and his associates, which is
even better"!!!!!!!!
In the West and Southwest the Kings Fifth caches to me are the best
bet, the Mines themselves are dangerous, costly and labor intensive to work.
The caches make more sense, but you still need to learn the code, and that
is what this thread is all about!
oh how nice that golden glow....

"I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning and not to suit any body but myself. If people don't like my opinions, it makes little difference as I don't solicit their opinions or votes" _William Tecumseh Sherman

"The data IS the presented for free, nothing is "solicited" the "documentation" is proving it for yourself
as this is original data, therefore, no one came before to write it down and let someone else refer to it. ha! "

So much information,, and so little time!! Thank You, Rangler td

what kind of mark would one look for to get the final direction point after adding up the distances of the triangle?thanks again, brent

You have

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untill this thead i had always assumed this was nothing more than graphiti. went out and took pics of the whole area today.


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