Thanks for posting the pics!
you commented,...
can anyone tell the difference between the man made "markers" and the similar looking naturally occurring ones?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record [ yea too late for that now!] it is Confirmation! Confirmation! Confirmation!
The is why they made these confirmation marks, so you tell the difference.

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The Mighty Owl, cut from stone, 'holding' a heart rock telling you that you are confirmed and their is a Cache nearby
kinda a double whammy sign!
1. Hoyo
2. Human Faces
3. Letters
4. Numbers
5. Animal Faces
6. Geometric shapes
7. Shadow signs that make up the above
It takes time, you really cant rush this part of the program. Take your pics one at at time and look for the above items.
Crawl over each rock until you can see every nook and cranny. If you find nothing after due diligence, then you have
eliminated that part of the country side. Move on to the next pic. Normally I look for the Hoyo when something catches
my eye..then I take a pic and do like the above! This cuts the time down considerably. As you go you can learn to take pics once you have seen at least a hoyo ..narrowing down the field work/
Even after 20+ years in the field, you still cant see and verify a Monument with out the camera, and the computer..
that how well hidden these marks are - they are made to blend in with background camo of mother nature.
Hidden in plain site
have fun, hope this helps
Thom Thank You!
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