Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

" iI forwarded it to you "

Thank You Mr Gold Guru. I never will but I can write a book just on that alone. I will add some that Rangler knows I have confirmed . Thank you so very Much.

You are on my Buddy List Mr Gold Guru

I Wrote " Rangler Would You please E Mail me The Meaning of all those XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Thanks for posting. "

SWR, Sir I never really thought you would ever be much help to me on my Quest but it just goes to prove my point that " God " uses everybody. You have really helped me allot, even if it was just cut and paste. Thank you Mr SWR. If you will allow me I will consider adding you to my Buddy list too. :hello:

Even a broken Clock is ............ " right "............... Twice a Day. :wink:


With signs and symbols used by different European factions as well as Native Indians (who might have been copying many of the symbols); are there any simple ways to tell the difference in all of the "users"?
Also, have you found any of the "modified" big cacti on any of the trails you've mapped? Here in the South, I've kept my eyes on the lookout for any old grafts on trees, etc. as I've seen pictured in some of the books. When I was a youngster, way before "discovering" treasure signs and symbols, I remember coming across a "bullseye" tree while squirrel hunting.

I just found this link and wanted to pass it on to those interested in treasure signs and markings.
Lots of good info and links there.
Also check out the map at the bottom of the page :thumbsup:


Goodyguy said:
I just found this link and wanted to pass it on to those interested in treasure signs and markings.
Lots of good info and links there.
Also check out the map at the bottom of the page :thumbsup:


A good site for KGC and cypher information.
Bob is really on the ball.
Lots of great insight here.


Shortstack wrote..
With signs and symbols used by different European factions as well as Native Indians (who might have been copying many of the symbols); are there any simple ways to tell the difference in all of the "users"?
Also, have you found any of the "modified" big cacti on any of the trails you've mapped? Here in the South, I've kept my eyes on the lookout for any old grafts on trees, etc. as I've seen pictured in some of the books. When I was a youngster, way before "discovering" treasure signs and symbols, I remember coming across a "bullseye" tree while squirrel hunting.

I think that the Jesuits based their codes on what came before them, from King Solomon, to the Templars, to the Masons, gathering Arcane data from the Pagans, the Celts,the Romans, the Greeks the Phoenicians, to Archaic Hebrew!, When they found signs and symbols of the Amerindian, and the Aztecs, they added them to THEIR arsenal!! The other thing that the Jesuits learned from the American Indians was Rock Incorporation! A very valuable bit of data, that help hide the signs and symbols in the back ground camouflage that Mother Nature so abundantly provides. The very reason the naysayers and the deniers cant see the treasure map cleverly disguised as an Indian Pictograph! Perfect! The gnashing of teeth in the empty air, is a delight to hear the level of frustration that the Ignore list, the hidden coded info sent in back all adds up..their in their death throws as they "spin out of control"
There are more tactics to come..hehehe
(c)copyright 2005-09-all rights reserved-rangler
Here in this photo you see the square cut hole in the cactus -I will pm this to all migs-notice in the background
see if you can see the elephant and the dog..note: it is invisible to naysayers,cannot be seen by negative types!

In my many visits to the Superstition Mountians, I have ran across many altered Cacti, most of which are part
of what I call a 'Redundant' series of markers, that back up or confirm markers on rocks of more substantial
lasting power, the cacti markers are still standing in most places but are coming to the end of their natural
life span of 130 plus years and many have fallen and are now dust in the wind.

regarding the naysayers...
" tis a tale full of sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing" ..W.Shakespeare


I'm overdue on getting the prescription updated on my glasses, but here's what I see. By looking at just your photo, I would have called the dog a horse. :dontknow: ;D ;D

Elephant and dog Merged.webp

Since the hopeless naysayers could not find the very obvious Rabbit and the Owl
which is very elementary - as this IS the Basic 101 - and really the Treasure Map
Horse posted by Dign was more advanced, it is no wonder that the naysayers cant
see diddly squat!.

And that is proved by the Elephant and Dog hidden in plain site, in which they didnt even
try, as it is BEYOND the negative type to have enough faith and imagination to see anything
except the Cactus, which they can look up in the dictionary to see what an annotation about
a Cactus might say......" a dry stick who will prick* anyone who comes in contact with it!"....
* or visa versa hehehee
You will see less input from the negative types in the near future as I switch gears and
relate original discoveries, which by THEIR NATURE precludes the silly demands for annotations
as I am the first one in 150 years or so to see these for what they are...NO footnotes are possible
SO if you see these silly little girls making some snide remarks were they dont belong,, you know
the Agenda, is way out if front of their actions and IGNORE them even more if possible!!
auriferiously - a word to the wise...

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. " - Bill Cosby

TTH's and Argonauts...

The reason the square cut hole in the Cactus was made as a temporary and redundant* sign, was not for so much
the cactus, but the view it FORCED you to take when you stopped to look at the REAL monuments behind the cactus!!
that ONLY came out when I developed the pic and looked at them on my you see fellow Argonauts, the
silly little naysayers will not win this debate because they lack the knowledge of what to look for and HOW to even
see it!! The overambitious posting of childish cactus bird holes show the elementary level they will stoop to..for what
more stimuli to the pea constrained in the cranium? Joke my friends a real joke!

* the Original square was cut in stone, about 100 yard away, only visible for about 2 hours per day*

And Shortstack you made a noble attempt to identify the critters in the background, and you came close - a better pic and your new glasses will nail these two..oh plus see if you can see the shadow profile of a man looking left, right at the base of the rock with the dog and then next to the dog, the elephant.
Dog and Elephant available to all members in good standing that pm for the data. Sorry for the extra step but the truth has to go underground again...nothing new on these forums, as the lurkers, trolls, naysayers, negative one, and overall agenda setters DONT want this data coming...remember they ran dign off of that forum before he came here, and you know the rest of the story here..he got fed up with the same crap coming out here now...but one big difference..I will NOT be deterred! Under ANY circumstances, ANY time, ANY way NO matter what!

AFTER ALL ask you self this question...why why why do they want to hijack this thread so bad>?
The only thing that comes to mind, is they are protecting something from someone??hmmmmm?
think about it ...riddle me that Argonauts!

"The greatest accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm."
........ Thomas J. Watson

Thank You Rangler, I see the profile looking left. Thank You !!!

These carvings are like eye catchers, plus they tell you what to look for in the area behind the " gunsite ". Huh!! Thanks for the information Hombre! td


This thread has had to be extensively edited due to certain members' inappropriate, inconsiderate, and irresponsible conduct.

It is quite likely that more direct corrective measures will be taken if this problem persists.

Also, please keep the following in mind when posting:

• Do not quote posts unnecessarily— and especially not lengthy posts in their entirety.

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MD Your Darn Tootin You can!!! THANK YOU GENTLEMEN,,,,,,, td

PBK.................. :hello:..................... :thumbsup:

Queen of Sheba is Beautiful !!!

Thank you.
I promise to make good use of the space.
rangler :notworthy:

The Calvary has arrived
and cleared the debris from the field of view. We not only appreciate this beyond what
words can say..[note: this thread WAS 3 pages long-now it is 2 pages, so you see a full
page 1/3of the volume was inapproprate posts!]

We can thank the Moderator, in a couple of ways.

In light of this new Mandate we now must take the Ignore advice to one step further.
Now in this new phase we must NOT even be tempted to peek at their attacks!

1. Place on Ignore and NOW don't peek at the response at all..lets take their advice and
go from pretend ignore to REAL ignore.

2. Dont respond under ANY circumstances! This will be hard for all of us, because we are
real men, we dont take crap from anyone, for any reason,.,.but remember they are BAITING
us to respond, they are well versed antagonists, highly skilled in staying inside the 'letter'
of the terms of use..while trapping and baiting us to stray OUTSIDE those terms in an
attempt to get US banned! Remember despite what they say, that is their end goal!

3. Dign was the Scapegoat, and the Sacrificial Lamb at the same while Dign left
us some awesome original data, he also VOLUNTARY left as a demonstration of his disgust
as a from of protest.So lets pay back Dign for his data, by NOT getting booted ourselves.

4. So we go from Ignore List to the Persona Non Grata -which means they dont exist at all!!

5. I will be going back thru my old post over time and deleted all references to these PNG's

6.I urge you to do the same , although I think the mods did a good clean up job which we
are eternally grateful for..and will NOW help the Mods as much as we can to control this
site for the open and friendly discussion of Treasure Signs and Symbols 101.
7. I will continue to encode all pertinate data posted here, after all why educate them? right!
All members in good standing (migs) send me your email address so I can send pics as well.

Thanks to all for hanging in there through all the disturbances, but we come out on the other
side with a new Mandate and a new Freedom to Express our Constitutional Rights of Free Speach!

Ok gang Onward and Upward! In the next post, The Queen of Sheba account continues with Part 2

This thread has had to be extensively edited due to certain members'
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It is quite likely that more direct corrective measures will be taken if this problem persists.
Also, please keep the following in mind when posting:
• Do not quote posts unnecessarily— and especially not lengthy posts in their entirety.
• Do not post off-topic comments, quotes, other text, or images.


After reading Kenworthy's books back in the early 90s, I began noticing the large trail signs that could be seen from the interstate highways. ( I was a truck driver at the time) It was surprising how many can be seen in New Mexico from the "big roads". If someone is driving these roads and spots a marker, they should note the milemarker and return there when they have time to followup. Or, use a GPS to note the location, then check topos of the area to learn the lay of the land and find the backroads and trails before "going in". There are large markers to be seen in Utah, Arizona, west Texas, and the southern half of California, too. Just a thought.

I may have missed your comments on this, but, what started you on the trail you were following when you found the Queen? By chance, did you start out from one of those markers spotted from an Interstate highway?
Excuse me if I'm asking you to repeat yourself and I hope this isn't off topic.

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