Shortstack wrote..
With signs and symbols used by different European factions as well as Native Indians (who might have been copying many of the symbols); are there any simple ways to tell the difference in all of the "users"?
Also, have you found any of the "modified" big cacti on any of the trails you've mapped? Here in the South, I've kept my eyes on the lookout for any old grafts on trees, etc. as I've seen pictured in some of the books. When I was a youngster, way before "discovering" treasure signs and symbols, I remember coming across a "bullseye" tree while squirrel hunting.
I think that the Jesuits based their codes on what came before them, from King Solomon, to the Templars, to the Masons, gathering Arcane data from the Pagans, the Celts,the Romans, the Greeks the Phoenicians, to Archaic Hebrew!, When they found signs and symbols of the Amerindian, and the Aztecs, they added them to THEIR arsenal!! The other thing that the Jesuits learned from the American Indians was Rock Incorporation! A very valuable bit of data, that help hide the signs and symbols in the back ground camouflage that Mother Nature so abundantly provides. The very reason the naysayers and the deniers cant see the treasure map cleverly disguised as an Indian Pictograph! Perfect! The gnashing of teeth in the empty air, is a delight to hear the level of frustration that the Ignore list, the hidden coded info sent in back all adds up..their in their death throws as they "spin out of control"
There are more tactics to come..hehehe

(c)copyright 2005-09-all rights reserved-rangler
Here in this photo you see the square cut hole in the cactus -I will pm this to all migs-notice in the background
see if you can see the elephant and the dog..note: it is invisible to naysayers,cannot be seen by negative types!
In my many visits to the Superstition Mountians, I have ran across many altered Cacti, most of which are part
of what I call a 'Redundant' series of markers, that back up or confirm markers on rocks of more substantial
lasting power, the cacti markers are still standing in most places but are coming to the end of their natural
life span of 130 plus years and many have fallen and are now dust in the wind.
regarding the naysayers...
" tis a tale full of sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing" ..W.Shakespeare