Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Old Dog said:
Trail markers that have hoyos are usually directional.
They are sight specific as well, they give a limited view of a very small area.
One that may be cluttered with similar things that will distract the viewer from what was placed there to look at.
The hoyo helps one discriminate from all the fakes by focusing the view on a small given area, or even a single sign.

Trail markers of the type you are showing are made to be visible when standing under or next to the previous.
I have some locally that stretch from hill top to hill top with three or more miles between across the plains.
They were meant to be followed from the bottom of the valley and can be seen one from another in both directions.
They only indicate a course of travel that was mainly used for travelers and supply caravans.
We have since located a few that almost covertly extend to the south and take a much different route than the main established trail.

The alpha markers for these trails would be around Mexico city or somewhere on the Baja peninsula.
there would be no omega as the end of the trail is only a turn around point.

Sweet, thanks for the help on that. gives a broader understanding of the big picture so to speak

Hoyo Marker

Lost Horse


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Awesome example Lost Horse,

The ones I have posted are on site (up close ) and don't give the context yours does.

you had agreed with what is name,, Cesar de Decustus, or something like that! lol
all kidding aside, you pose a valid point about the Templars; however if you read my
post here entitled "The Land of Ophir and the Ancient Ones" while it is lengthy , it
doesnt ramble, but rather a spirited debate with my new friend OroBlanco ( Roy)...

My first hint about the Templars was when I saw a modern pic of a new dig under an
area where the Temple of Jerusalem used to stand. There on the lintel carved very
discretely was the shape of a Knight. The ones working on the new dig where oblivious
to the mark , as it was hidden in plain site, and their focus was not to the level to see
it, like it is once you can see the new focus. It stuck me in another article that the
Templars used a Code and part of their gear, was a key or a solution to the code, so
no matter what missive or mission they the received or were planning, they had the
key ON them.( I apologize that I don't have those opics or articles at hand to show you)
templar shield_.webp
Then years later I get the data about Columbus NOT being the first one to step foot in
America, then still later the the Kensington Stone articale came out, about that time
members of this forum where talking about a very REAL presence of Ancient people
making Monuments all over this country, much much older than the Jesuits. I had
some of the same evidence, and started the above mentioned thread..pushed on
ward by a the very capable Oro Roy, I dug deep into what was available on the net
and elsewhere.

My conclusion is (please read the thread for complete understanding) that the Templar
numbering over 20,000 at one time and lasted for over 200 years- did not simply "go away"
just because the guy in the big hat said so..the Templar's are the ones who built ALL the
famous Gothic Cathedrals and Church of Europe...a mind blowing fact that lets you know
the scope and scale of their involvement and power. They needed the unlimited resources
available in the New World.

Besides it was King Solomon that was shipping tons of Gold from Ophir, and one good theory
is the the USA was Ophir, and the Templar's found documents in the Catacombs under the Temple
of Jerusalem!!

What I didn't mention in that article was the King Solomon himself made have invented the
first prototype of the Code. If you havent heard of Solomon s Seal you should investigate.

Read the thread Rigmover, and then circle back here and let me know if you have any questions
that I can answer for you - while I don't know it all, I do know some..and be happy to share
that with you and all True Treasure Hunters!

"SlCUT UMBRA TRANSEUNT DIES."............ As the shadow pass the days.

Dear Rangler;
First, the saying "In hoc signo vinces" which means, "By this sign (we shall) conquer" does NOT have it's origins in Latin, rather it is a Latin translation of the Greek saying "εν τούτω νίκα", which literally translates to "From this (sign) you (will) conquer". Legend has it that Constantine I saw a Chi-Rho symbol in the sky just before the Battle of Milivian Bridge, and not understanding the vision, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a dream and stated that Constantine I should use the Chi-Rho sign against his enemies. Constantine then used the Chi-Rho symbol on all of his banners and thus won the campaign.

Continuing on, The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (AKA the Templars) did NOT at any time during their existence use the symbol shown below:

as part of their Beaussant. This symbol was/is used by the philanthropic Templar branch of the York Rite of Freemasonry which are NOT associated with the dissolved Roman Catholic Templar Order in any form or manner, historically or otherwise.
Your friend;


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Lost Horse
I do believe that your last pic in an Omega Monument!
The hoyo shows the ground thru the hole not the sky
And down on the lower right you will notice a Triangle
and just below the lower right point, is a number 5
more later

meanwhile back at the ranch...

Dign in this post breaches the subject of Drill Holes
and really this is a can of worms, they are critiical
to success - but very misunderstood.
Dign says...

The drill holes were one of the toughest treasure leads to be deciphered. When I say drill holes, I mean holes that are obviously drilled into boulders and on the faces of mountains and out croppings. These holes are usually an inch and a half or larger in circumference and can vary in depth from a few inches to a few feet.
These drill holes are much different from the "water hole" symbols, which are generally shallow in depth, and much larger in circumference. Water holes lead to water in the area, which, as Kenworthy points out, have been sealed off.

Drill holes, on the other hand, lead to treasure, but it's in a round about way.
Whenever you encounter drill holes, then know for certain that you are standing near a covered mine/treasure room opening. These holes are mostly used with treasure rooms, however, it is known that rich mines can have treasure rooms within them.

In previous topics I have discussed the use of the stars for the purpose of showing you, for example, the proper triangle point to measure from as well as the direction to measure. The triangles that are found on the ground (made of large boulders, etc), are "backed up" by star formations that will also be in the form of a triangle. There are many star formations that are in the shape of a triangle, and knowing which one pertains to your treasure site can be a pain. You also need to know : #1) the time of night, #2) the time of year etc, the proper location in the order to get the correct star formation. This information is all out there. It can be found quite easily......just look for the drill holes.

Not all treasure sites using triangles incorporate the star formation (and the triangle is not the only formation used), but if you have drill holes....and I mean true drill holes...then you're not too far away from your goal. The depth of these holes give specific info. Also, stick a wooden dowel into these holes and see where you are taken.

If you have only one drill hole, place the dowel into the hole and you should be lead to the place where multiple drill holes are found. This single hole may also be pointing you to the correct trail to take in order to get to the treasure site.
There is much more to know about these drill holes, but you've got the basics.

I will post more data on the drill holes as I find it , Dign has another post about drill holes, if anyone wants
to look for it please do, and if you send it to me , I will post it here..any good data about drill holes,.
If you spend enough time in the field you will find drill holes sooner or later.

rangler said:
if you read my
post here entitled "The Land of Ophir and the Ancient Ones" while it is lengthy , it
doesnt ramble, but rather a spirited debate with my new friend OroBlanco ( Roy)...
did indeed read it, it was kinda charlie browns teacherish to me though

rangler said:
My conclusion is that the Templar numbering over 20,000 at one time and lasted for over 200 years- did not simply "go away"
just because the guy in the big hat said so..
no but they could have gone away because king phillip IV had them hunted down and executed, it was a criminal offense to be or aide a templar. im sure he didnt get them all by a long shot, but for all intents and purposes it destroyed the power that the orginization had up untill 1307. one could still be a templar, simply not out galavanting around in the snazzy white robes and whatnot. wouldnt want the authorities to find out. this severly limits the power and ambition of such an orginization as it removes the prime source of their power, fear.
rangler said:
Read the thread Rigmover, and then circle back here and let me know if you have any questions
that I can answer for you -
Ok, here we go, im not trying to start up an E-fight or prove or disprove anything i seek knowledge and understanding within reason. it is not my mission to convince you or anyone else of my views on anything i state my opinions and they are just that, my opinions and interpetation of the facts. and i welcome the opinions and thoughts of others as well. i am quite open to all posibilities and explanations.
Now, the area where i live, prior to the current occupation has had 4 previous major occupations. Anasazi 1124-1280 ad; Mesa Verde mid 1300ds to 14 something; then Spanish unknown dates; and finally Mexican till mid to late 1800ds. my dates might be a wee bit off, going from memory from tour of ruins few yrs ago. the point is what does the jesuits, kgc, templars and other such shady groups of people have to do with my persuit of burried items from the Spanish and Mexican occupation.

Templars were early, 1320

Jesuits are concurrent with the Spanish, Expelled 1767.

KGC were basically the confederate secret service when the started out,
But changed as the confederacy changed. 1855 to now

Old Dog said:
Templars were early, 1320
Officially endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church around 1129, In 1307, many of the Order's members in France were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake. Pope Clement V disbanded the Order in 1312. (wikepedia so info is subjective)
Old Dog said:
Jesuits are concurrent with the Spanish, Expelled 1736.
expelled from where? to where, just asking cause i never heard of them before i found this site.i just figured they were some stuff yall made up to button up some conspiracy theory or somthing.
Old Dog said:
KGC were basically the confederate secret service when the started out,
But changed as the confederacy changed. 1855 to now
okie dokie, hadnt heard of them either, no big discovery channel exposee on their exploits as of yet.

Appreciate your position, like your attitude, in the words of the old Mountain Men
" I am well met sir"

Quote from: rangler on Today at 10:30:37 AM
My conclusion is that the Templar numbering over 20,000 at one time and lasted for over 200 years- did not simply "go away"
just because the guy in the big hat said so..
no but they could have gone away because king Phillip IV had them hunted down and executed, it was a criminal offense to be or aide a Templar. im sure he didnt get them all by a long shot, but for all intents and purposes it destroyed the power that the organization had up until 1307. one could still be a templar, simply not out gallivanting around in the snazzy white robes and whatnot. wouldn't want the authorities to find out. this severely limits the power and ambition of such an organization as it removes the prime source of their power, fear.

What I am trying to say is that long long before the KT bbq, they were , according to my theory,
in the New World, exploring, prospecting, they needed huge amounts of gold and silver to
finance the building the Gothic buildings of Europe. I think think they were here as early
as the mid 1100's.
lg templar cross.webp
They found the gold and silver, mined it, monumented it, with code, Solomon s Code ,this was the Land of ophir is my thoughts.
The Johnny-come-latley's., as I mentioned , the Jesuits MAY have merely broke the code of the Templars.

The point I am trying to make is that the Templars were doing all this stuff BEFORE the
BBQ and the Disbanding by the Pope...not after..and likely the survivors of the
persecution fled to the New World, like via Scotland then Novia Scotia ( New Scotland).

After the disbanding , these were not the type of men to just drop their convictions and lifes work.
They melded into the Masons of the Scottish Rite. Perfect cover, for their secret work, signs, codes, etc
could survive. And it has unto this day, albiet much removed from the original intent.

Quote from: Old Dog on Today at 07:27:25 PM
Jesuits are concurrent with the Spanish, Expelled 1736.
[ed.note I am sure Old Dog corrected this date to 1767

expelled from where? to where, just asking cause i never heard of them before i found this
site.i just figured they were some stuff yall made up to button up some conspiracy theory
or somthing

( I am only going to hit the highlights of this stuff here for more in depth hit the google window.)
Expelled from the New World, North America, Central American, South America. WE didnt and COULDNT
make up the Jesuits, the foot soldiers of the Pope. Because I think the Pope back in the 1100
learned of the Templar expeditions to the land of Ophir, and Ophir being North America..
and the reasons for the Jesuits
being sanctioned by the Pope was to go to New Spain ( North America) and given the 'mission' to find
the trails of the Templar's and find the gold and silver mines, ship 80% back to the Pope and 20% to the
King of Spain. Some will refute this, if so fine, write your own thread about it, and i will look in ..otherwise
not here not now.
Columbus hit the beach in 1492, the Spanish bought a Condo in Florida about 15 years later, only
about 30 years after Old Chris' beach party, the Spanish arrived in time for Spring Break,
San Diego! Then the Philippines a few years after that!

The Jesuits were in Baja in the mid 1600's and Missions and Mines went deep into the interior of the
Southwest, California,
Mexico, Arizona, and elsewhere. 176 year later they got canned!
The Jesuits were mining engineers, cartographers, astronomers, to name just a few of their skills
15 years in the University of Salamania, gets you a couple of Phd equivalents! Highly learned men,
Padres - but business men thru and thru, everything from mining to farming, to slave trading
you name it, they coveted power and wielded it thru most of the Monarchs of Europe, as trusted
advisers, their intrigues are legendary. The Gunpowder Revolt, the French Revolution and more.

So you see we could never make them up, they were larger than life, AND the exist to this day
a tribute to their organizations and planning.

Thanks for your question and I thank you in advance
for your reply, I am not selling anything, just trying to open the discussion.
Appreciate the conversation

rangler said:
The point I am trying to make is that the Templars were doing all this stuff BEFORE the
BBQ and the Disbanding by the Pope...not after..and likely the survivors of the
persecution fled to the New World, like via Scotland then Novia Scotia ( New Scotland).
ah, i was thinking you meant in colonial times and such,
rangler said:
So you see we could never make them up, they were larger than life, AND the exist to this day
a tribute to their organizations and planning.

Thanks for your question and I thank you in advance
for your reply, I am not selling anything, just trying to open the discussion.
Appreciate the conversation

Thank you for the education so to speak.. Just the highlights will do. Gives me a few things to ponder and perhaps some things to research when i get a chance. Also, thanks for not assuming i was being sarcastic with my inquiry as so often happens when people ask stupid questions on forums

Dear group;
It was written:
"google the (oath of the jesuits).if you have a couple days to read."

If any are interested in the history of the Order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon (ie. The Templars) or the Society of Jesus (ie. The Jesuits) or the history of the Roman Catholic church in general, please ask specific questions regarding their place(s) in history and I shall do my best to provide a complete and factual answer. Please note that I do not support alternate histories, fanciful conspiracy theories, suppositions, assumptions, myths, legends, accusations, outright fabrications or other such nonsense, however if one would like to know the actual historical FACTS then I please consider me to be at your disposal.
Your friend;

Hi lamar

I was wondering about the relationships of monarchs and the pope during oh...say 1680-1767.

Particularly, who was ascendent? Did the pope claim ultimate authority over the monarchs? And were jesuits particularly prized as representatives of the Church in various courts for that purpose? They seemed so highly educated a division. Haven't read much about other orders that seemed to go through a rather broad and in depth education.

To tie this back to the main topic - might be worthwhile to study the writings of such "courtiers" to gain better understanding of them.


In regard to any animal marker, defined and identifiable as such.
First identify the animal then study the animal.
Learn all of it's habits and particular patterns of behavior.
The ones who used these animals were familiar with the habits of the animals they used.
Using this as a research tool has helped us (my partner and I) understand the meaning of many standing monuments.
It has also given us another good tool to use in our search of Spanish trails.

Dear Desertmoon;
You asked an excellent question!!! Unfortunately, the answer may not be black and white as such, rather it's often tinted with various shades of grey. The rule of the Vatican in regards to secular authority went anywhere to virtually nil to all-encompassing. Much of the Vatican's political influence stemmed from the piety of the Monarch(s) at any particular time and so, the Vatican held varying degrees of sway in secular matters during the Medieval and Rennasance periods.

Historically the Vatican has almost always concentrated it's efforts on matters of a purely ecumenical nature and has been content to let the political powers that be play in the political arena. Also, as an historical fact, whenever the Vatican DID delve into political matters, the end results could most often be classified as anywhere from tumultuous to catastrophic.

That the Vatican held substantial political sway over the secular monarchs is a very common myth and it was first perpetuated by the Protestants throughout the Reformation period, and even today the alledged power of the Vatican over Western Europe is implied in scholastic texts today, however NOTHING could be further from the truth. The monarchs of Europe used to appoint the Bishops in their realms! And also the monarchs were even powerful enough to appoint the Popes and of course this practice led to a LOT of political wrangling, favoritism and in-fighting. The cause and effect of this practice can be noted in the numerous anti-Popes present throughout the history of the Church. Finally, the Vatican got a handle on things and they reserved the sole right to elect and appoint Her members to offices within the Church.

This is why the Vatican elected only Italian Popes for several centuries, so as not to play favorites with the various world governments. Only within the last 35 years has there been enough separation of church and state worldwide that the Vatican has seen fit to elect a Pope from a country other than Italy. Continuing onwards:

I seriously doubt that the Jesuits were ever viewed as *prized* representatives by the Roman Catholic church. :-) The Jesuits were, and still are, very highly taught members of clergy and as such, they were among Europe's very first scientists. That the Jesuit scientists drove out the Medieval period and ushered in the Rennasance with their modernistic view of the world can not be disputed. I am pretty sure the officials of the Vatican would have much preferred that the monarchs of Europe had Dominicans or Fransicians as advisors than the Jesuits, due to their hardline traditional views.

The monarchs however seemed enarmored with the Jesuit's very high levels of education and their world view and it is because the Jesuits were so highly educated in the secular society that Europe's ruling class looked to them as advisors and consultants. This no doubt caused no small amount of consternation between the Jesuits and the Vatican, as historically science and religion can be like oil and water to the uninitiated. The Jesuits were also much more tolerant and understanding of their fellow man than the older Mendicant Orders were and this undoubtedly caused a lot of friction between the Jesuits and the more traditional Orders within the Church.

The Jesuits preferred a stance consisting of dialogue between the monarchs of Europe rather than war and this soon allowed the Vatican to act as referee in matters regards the various disputes between Royal factions. For example, the Jesuits were instrumental in the joint decision of Spain and Portugal to allow the Vatican to resolve the land dispute in the New World colonies. As a direct result of this action, a major prolonged war was avoided, and Brazil became the sole possession of Portugal and Spain thus accquired the rest of Latin America. Of course, both Spain and Portugal thought they had been shortchanged in the process, but in truth it was quite possibly the most fair decision the Vatican could have made, and this is only because the Jesuits were advising heavily on the matter.

And so, to answer your question, no, the Vatican did not heavily influence the monarchs of Western Europe. It only SEEMS this way because the political power of the monarchs manipulated the Vatican into taking a stance which was popular with the side wielding the power and unpopular with the other side, which was not.
Your friend;

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