Appreciate your position, like your attitude, in the words of the old Mountain Men
" I am well met sir"
Quote from: rangler on Today at 10:30:37 AM
My conclusion is that the Templar numbering over 20,000 at one time and lasted for over 200 years- did not simply "go away"
just because the guy in the big hat said so..
no but they could have gone away because king Phillip IV had them hunted down and executed, it was a criminal offense to be or aide a Templar. im sure he didnt get them all by a long shot, but for all intents and purposes it destroyed the power that the organization had up until 1307. one could still be a templar, simply not out gallivanting around in the snazzy white robes and whatnot. wouldn't want the authorities to find out. this severely limits the power and ambition of such an organization as it removes the prime source of their power, fear.
What I am trying to say is that long long before the KT bbq, they were , according to my theory,
in the New World, exploring, prospecting, they needed huge amounts of gold and silver to
finance the building the Gothic buildings of Europe. I think think they were here as early
as the mid 1100's.

They found the gold and silver, mined it, monumented it, with code, Solomon s Code ,this was the Land of ophir is my thoughts.
The Johnny-come-latley's., as I mentioned , the Jesuits MAY have merely broke the code of the Templars.
The point I am trying to make is that the Templars were doing all this stuff BEFORE the
BBQ and the Disbanding by the Pope...not after..and likely the survivors of the
persecution fled to the New World, like via Scotland then Novia Scotia ( New Scotland).
After the disbanding , these were not the type of men to just drop their convictions and lifes work.
They melded into the Masons of the Scottish Rite. Perfect cover, for their secret work, signs, codes, etc
could survive. And it has unto this day, albiet much removed from the original intent.
Quote from: Old Dog on Today at 07:27:25 PM
Jesuits are concurrent with the Spanish, Expelled 1736.
[ed.note I am sure Old Dog corrected this date to 1767
expelled from where? to where, just asking cause i never heard of them before i found this
site.i just figured they were some stuff yall made up to button up some conspiracy theory
or somthing.
( I am only going to hit the highlights of this stuff here for more in depth hit the google window.)
Expelled from the New World, North America, Central American, South America. WE didnt and COULDNT
make up the Jesuits, the foot soldiers of the Pope. Because I think the Pope back in the 1100
learned of the Templar expeditions to the land of Ophir, and Ophir being North America..
and the reasons for the Jesuits
being sanctioned by the Pope was to go to New Spain ( North America) and given the 'mission' to find
the trails of the Templar's and find the gold and silver mines, ship 80% back to the Pope and 20% to the
King of Spain. Some will refute this, if so fine, write your own thread about it, and i will look in ..otherwise
not here not now.
Columbus hit the beach in 1492, the Spanish bought a Condo in Florida about 15 years later, only
about 30 years after Old Chris' beach party, the Spanish arrived in time for Spring Break,
San Diego! Then the Philippines a few years after that!
The Jesuits were in Baja in the mid 1600's and Missions and Mines went deep into the interior of the
Southwest, California,
Mexico, Arizona, and elsewhere. 176 year later they got canned!
The Jesuits were mining engineers, cartographers, astronomers, to name just a few of their skills
15 years in the University of Salamania, gets you a couple of Phd equivalents! Highly learned men,
Padres - but business men thru and thru, everything from mining to farming, to slave trading
you name it, they coveted power and wielded it thru most of the Monarchs of Europe, as trusted
advisers, their intrigues are legendary. The Gunpowder Revolt, the French Revolution and more.
So you see we could never make them up, they were larger than life, AND the exist to this day
a tribute to their organizations and planning.
Thanks for your question and I thank you in advance
for your reply, I am not selling anything, just trying to open the discussion.
Appreciate the conversation