Here is a post from Dign about the Mission system..
A History of the Mission System
(05/29/06 8:30 AM)
Most treasure hunters don't really give much thought to the system of Missions that was so dominant here in America, as well as throughout the world. Mention the word "Mission" and most, if not all, people will have visions of treasure running through their minds. And, to be honest, that vision of treasure is very close to the truth about this system. But there is a lot more that needs to be understood about the Missions, mainly because this very system is still alive and well to this very day.
American History, as it is taught in our schools, is a complete joke. There is very little, if any, truth to anything that has been, and is still, being taught. The history of the Missions is not even discussed, yet it is evidence of the reason for the very "discovery" of America. And Christopher Columbus?? We won't even go there!! (ed note: I did go there, lol see my post "Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones)
The history of the Mission system is a simple one. You move in to a place that is rich in natural resources, establish a few buildings, then proceed to manipulate the people and oppress them as you "remove" these resources. These resources are then used to control the growth of the New World as more and more people migrate into the land.
Most people feel that the Mission system died out a long ago, along with the Spaniard. But that's not the case. The Missions are very much alive and doing well, it's just that they are no longer called Missions. What was once called a Mission is now called an Embassy. And while the name may have changed, the "mission" has not changed one bit. In fact, we see an excellent example of this modern day "Mission" building in the Country of Iraq.
It was revealed in todays newspaper (5-29-06) that "a lavish U.S. Embassy" is being built in Iraq, on the western bank of the Tigris River. The article states that the peoples of Iraq are experiencing rolling black-outs, yet this Embassy has electricity 24 hours a day. It also states that the rebuilding of the country has not even begun yet, but the building of this Embassy goes on without delay. The people of Iraq go without food and water, have no homes to live in, yet the U.S. Embassy rolls right along!! I mention this example because it is such a perfect example of exactly what the Missions did to the Native Americans!! Same Mission system, same plans, same outcome, just under different names.
The Missions of old took over the land, the peoples, and the resources in that land (not to mention the politics, the finances, the religion, etc.). And I ask you, how does the old Mission system differ from the new Embassy system
editors note:
Report from Old Mexico, a man I know to be a person of his word, told me years ago that
the Missions there were distribution systems of the golden inventory, shipped from one to the other, as time and circumstances permitted, eventually toward the coasts of Mexico and waiting Galleons to ship the goods to the Pope and the King of Spain..
Lots of these warehouses were shut down mid shipment- there goods stored in what was called 'Galleries' beneath the Mission itself, in the case of the Missions near the sea coast a tunnel was dug from the galleria to the water, to be able to load the Galleons under cover of darkness and without the drama of the locals. These tunnels had very elaborate traps to hide and dispose of the goods.
Below is a pic of an unnamed mission that displays architecture that gives cluse to how the goods were hidden within what type of geometry. In fact Dign has written a post about hidden clues in the architecture even in some public buildings! Look for that post to pop up later, I wil post this same pic to remind you..
Here in this pic, hidden from the street view, is the triangle shape, telling you that the Caches and Mines under the dominion of this Mission , the final Geometry was laid out in a triangle, and that the mandate was that the good be buried in the center of triangle. The confirmation is that the square in Code comes from the Arcane knowledge that meant 'earth' the Codemakers pushed it one step farther to mean "buried in the earth"!
The reason for this was so that the information would not be lost if the Code Book was lost or destroyed , and if the Padre was to meet an unfortunate end at the hands of the local neophytes or as we know them ..Amerindians, the vital message of the Omega monuments would not be lost./
Hidden in plain make the obvious fade in to the architecture..HA