Rebel - KGC
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- #221
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(Singing) "And the face of George Washington in a Liberty Tree..."
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DANG! NOW it looks like... look at that NOSE!
That's a good one Justintime. But I think more important than the seven in the middle is the date at the bottom 3/19/22
Also what is is meant by "8 poles DAKA
No, can't afford stuff like,that. I shouldn't have to. I see were it is, got to find how to get in. Six foot is a long way, got to be Just right,just right. Still learning, its a process that I've made progress on, and many, new developments, its a learn as you go method, the only way they could share the beauty as a whole. Thanks JustintimeCould be a seven? The rocks rounded like they are could indicate a cavern below. Have you did any inground radar scans?
I can't afford that type of equipment either Justintime. You can use a compass to tell you if there are any large iron deposits. Go on Google Earth find the compass reading for your rocks locations then simply go SE or SW to see if the compass has the same reading if not a large amount of metal will make the compass deviate. I wish I could the time to get up that way I may be able to help you in some way. Weather gets better and I have some free time I will come up your way. Good luck in the mean time and be very careful. Don't go in the same way use different routes so you won't leave a trail.
im curious Justintime, so u have the actual DOI or is it a copy? N is this the same 1 that u found in the wooden box that u posted several months back which was found at a flea market?
thats awesome man, truely, but is it the 1 u found at the flea market in the wooden box ?
You are welcome. I can not see the letter "s" in the middle of the Photo. I do see the number "2" with another "2" going up higher off the Photo and the first "2" has the "18" in front of that. I hope this helps. Looks to me like you may have the "Beale Treasure Map."
Did you a favor. Downloaded image and sent it to a very close friend in a professional photo imagining and processing lab. Asked him to enhance the image and search or any numbers or letters. Probably hear from him in a week or so, maybe sooner. I use him quite often to enhance documents and such. He is very good.![]()