To me , the value is in the finished product , BUT that's just my opinion. I once got a sacked out Duncan - Phife couch that was left outside over a Winter and rain soaked (really stinky and my wife wanted it sssssssssssssssoooooooooooooo I brought it home and tore to rotted fabric of and tightened up the joints and refinished the wood to look pretty good and took it to a upholstery shop and $1,000. and it is looking great still sitting in my basement for the last 20 years ! BUT it's yours to do with whatever you want . looks like you have enough pieces to make 3 chairs with the part's I can see in the picture. . Maybe refinish the wood and put them in your shop window !1 unfinished just like it's pictured ,1 stripped down and the wood refinished and the last one a finished chair just to show it's transition and the quality of your work ! just a hint of what to do with them rather than pitching them into the trash. It's just one way for you to ADVERTISEING your work !