Treasure Mountain, CO - Lost Frenchmens Gold

We have a copy of a book from the French archives that has dozens if not hundreds of maps and entries from the Jesuit priests. We had some of these translated back in the 90s. Many of the entries and maps explain the americas as they have come to know them. I’ll see if I can get it scanned into an electronic format and share it. Here is one of their maps that explains the route they would travel. View attachment 2182268
What made you choose this drawing? I'm interested in knowing what the writing on it is saying. This is a cipher map and the idea is to draw something small to make it look big, so that you focus on it to make you think that you're looking at something larger which is going to throw you off the hunt. It is a hidden clue that is not meat for you. It is a message that can be explain to only those that have a need to know. Information that will help you hunt the treasure down. Information that will only help he who knows how to decipher symbolic cipher information found on cipher maps. There is more that you don't see on this map cause you do understand ciphering. I don't blame you, but I would like to make you aware of what you are up against so you don't go crazy thinking that you found the location spending all your time, money, energy on thinking that you found it.

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someone at work here was trimming down their stuff and had some books for which I said sure I would take. like out of a movie one day moving these books one fell open to a map of treasure stories. living in Del Norte CO I found the closest one called Lost Frenchmen Gold. so I jumped in...

my first doubt comes from where. i am fully vested in the notion that 200/300 men and 300/400 horses came into colorado as early as around 1790. I don't want to talk gold. i want to talk about the trace of this very large group in Co. That many people is a huge party for the period. just imagine the support needed for that adventure. reading here that they brought mercury with them. so from metallurgists to doctors to chefs... all of this has to have left trash and history where they camped. read some say they hung around as long as 3 years. well that is a stationary camp., a semi perma settlement. imagine the stables to house 300+ horses. i read they would escape the cold winters and head to Taos for the winter (this is conjecture as I would say that trip alone is harsh from Gunnison to Taos by horse). anyway where did this massive group stay and why for example is that camp site not a historical monument? "Here in 1789 the French..." should be on a plaque. i cannot fathom that it has not been found, evidenced, and made historic. Pike's Stockade is just some made up location, not even archeologists can find anything on that... but the largest party to ever enter western US pre1800 is just legend?

imho find the trail of human footprints first and foremost. i have found zero evidence of any french presence near wolf creek and what is called treasure mountain and treasure falls near me. not a single horse shoe or button. impossible to have that many europeans in theater and not leave a single iota of an artifact. jump over to Crested Butte farther north. Yule and other history very much implies a french presence in that area. no where in any local museum is a section reserved for "French Finds". no traces anywhere. again nothing to do with the gold, just want to find where the french camped at. I post here because I cannot find any historical items found in colorado near the San Luis Valley. this writing is more of a thought dump but also read I think a Yule found what the believe is french housing near Treasury Mt. That makes a lot more sense than around here...

finally, I am amused by this notion of hiding gold in someone else's back yard. its egotistical. the Ute knew every corner of this area so the idea europeans could hide something, like in a cave is ludicrous. altho not into gold, anywhere the french went would immediately be investigated. so you cant bury and hide anything in indian country is what I am saying. imagine me trying to bury something in your yard, I don't care how clever I think I am. "Hey why is this giant boulder now in front of this cave?". the treasure map and that lore is something I am avoiding. so much conjecture and lies apply to that side. skip that, so where the hell did the hundreds of french camp?

tldr: any and all searches on french lost treasure need to focus around the Gunnison areas and not the San Luis Valley versions. where did the French camp?
I also agree with your way of thinking? When you wonder how a large group can just disappear. If you can find dinosaurs bones, then you can find human bones. We just don't know where the natives buried them? I also understand how cipher maps don't help those who don't know how to read them. Many have tried and instead of helping all they do is introduce misinformation which only makes things more confusing. You are right to say that because of the expedition being so big in numbers? Or by that matter any large group will producing more than one cipher. Its has happened several times. When a pirate buries his own treasure, there will only be one cipher and several copies could surface. So I understand your way of thinking. But what can help you to find the location quicker is to break the cipher and that is I tackle the cipher first. That is my way of thinking because i learned to troubleshoot many things in the military. In order to save time and money one must investigate all the clues and corner the problem. So deciphering the cipher first before you hit the ground will get in the immediate area and all you have to do is verify the map by what the map say. That's if you know how to decipher the map. I understand about you not finding what you need to find. So I'm not kidding about what know and what I can do when it comes to ciphers. I love to work with individuals who what to find more information from that particular area because you want to find more information. To define more history to the French expedition.

We have a copy of a book from the French archives that has dozens if not hundreds of maps and entries from the Jesuit priests. We had some of these translated back in the 90s. Many of the entries and maps explain the americas as they have come to know them. I’ll see if I can get it scanned into an electronic format and share it. Here is one of their maps that explains the route they would travel. View attachment 2182268
Certain priest were entrusted with cipher maps that describes the Location of a hidden treasure. The priest would have no idea of how to read a cipher that was not made by him. Cipher are made to explain themselves as you find each clue in a certain order. If he made the cipher? Then he obviously knew the location and lived near the location. This drawing is a cipher of the lost French gold mine. He dressed it up with information found on a mother map that resents out line. Then he sent it to someone who knew what it was for safe keeping. It is made to look like a general map of another location. So when you start to figure it out you're going to make the mistake of saying it looks like something you've seen before. But I can assure you that it is not exactly the place that you're thinking of, but you have no choice but fall in their trap. Ciphering is like a guessing game. If you guess wrong ? You lose! This cipher is hiding g the location of the treasure. Anyone not part of the expedition would have never figured it out and no one will tell you that truth because first you have to know how to read it to explain it. I can tell you what you are not paying attention to because I do no how to read it. In order to figure it out you must think like the pirate, know the pirate, see walk with the pirate, see what the pirate sees, and be the pirate. If you don't do this? You will end up in left field.

Certain priest were entrusted with cipher maps that describes the Location of a hidden treasure. The priest would have no idea of how to read a cipher that was not made by him. Cipher are made to explain themselves as you find each clue in a certain order. If he made the cipher? Then he obviously knew the location and lived near the location. This drawing is a cipher of the lost French gold mine. He dressed it up with information found on a mother map that resents out line. Then he sent it to someone who knew what it was for safe keeping. It is made to look like a general map of another location. So when you start to figure it out you're going to make the mistake of saying it looks like something you've seen before. But I can assure you that it is not exactly the place that you're thinking of, but you have no choice but fall in their trap. Ciphering is like a guessing game. If you guess wrong ? You lose! This cipher is hiding g the location of the treasure. Anyone not part of the expedition would have never figured it out and no one will tell you that truth because first you have to know how to read it to explain it. I can tell you what you are not paying attention to because I do no how to read it. In order to figure it out you must think like the pirate, know the pirate, see walk with the pirate, see what the pirate sees, and be the pirate. If you don't do this? You will end up in left field.
What treasures did you find from the Jesuit cipher maps you successfully solved ?

What treasures did you find from the Jesuit cipher maps you successfully solved ?
I've successfully decipher a good amount of cipher maps. I've actually have given away information pertaining to two, but I didn't want to explain them in detail because I did not want you to know how certain symbol were being used and the information definitely would help you decipher other ciphers. I could explain the who cipher in detail. I usually point you to the general area and that's where I stop because treasure hunters don't give me the credit I deserve. They are greedy individuals and only care about what you can give them. So instead I try to give everyone opportunity by giving out the general location before the immediate. So everyone looking for the treasure can have a fair chance in finding exploring the immediate area of the treasure. Most greedy treasure hunters don't like, but want to make sure that you know this as a community of treasure hunters looking the lost Frenchmen gold and the hidden goldmines. I'm here to help you, in finding the location, and I'm going to give you the information that you need. Information that you are missing which will define all the stories you have heard. I will for the first time explain everything in detail. But as a community you won't be able to hide the information or be the only ones to explore the immediate area because the area is not far from the public eye. Anyone can be there within thirty minutes. So I offered you the opportunity to get together an exploration team so you can explore it before anyone finds out. But I've not heard anyone speak out. I'm going to decipher this treasure story for you in detail so the next time you don't question my knowledge of knowing how to decipher treasure maps. Randy also has the opportunity to stop me and interview me in order to take advantage of this information. But it's not up to me to help you decide. With that in mind I will proceed to tell you what you don't know. In a couple of days I will start answering some of the most important question that you all brought up. Don't say that I didn't want to work with you.

I've successfully decipher a good amount of cipher maps. I've actually have given away information pertaining to two, but I didn't want to explain them in detail because I did not want you to know how certain symbol were being used and the information definitely would help you decipher other ciphers. I could explain the who cipher in detail. I usually point you to the general area and that's where I stop because treasure hunters don't give me the credit I deserve. They are greedy individuals and only care about what you can give them. So instead I try to give everyone opportunity by giving out the general location before the immediate. So everyone looking for the treasure can have a fair chance in finding exploring the immediate area of the treasure. Most greedy treasure hunters don't like, but want to make sure that you know this as a community of treasure hunters looking the lost Frenchmen gold and the hidden goldmines. I'm here to help you, in finding the location, and I'm going to give you the information that you need. Information that you are missing which will define all the stories you have heard. I will for the first time explain everything in detail. But as a community you won't be able to hide the information or be the only ones to explore the immediate area because the area is not far from the public eye. Anyone can be there within thirty minutes. So I offered you the opportunity to get together an exploration team so you can explore it before anyone finds out. But I've not heard anyone speak out. I'm going to decipher this treasure story for you in detail so the next time you don't question my knowledge of knowing how to decipher treasure maps. Randy also has the opportunity to stop me and interview me in order to take advantage of this information. But it's not up to me to help you decide. With that in mind I will proceed to tell you what you don't know. In a couple of days I will start answering some of the most important question that you all brought up. Don't say that I didn't want to work with you.
I am asking you Ramiro valdez go start your own thread this does not belong here.

“I come to you in a time of great need. You must beg for my assistance because I alone possess the arcane knowledge required to solve this problem. All I require is an audience to hang their hopes and dreams upon my every word”

Sounds like someone might have a god complex ? 🤷

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“I come to you in a time of great need. You must beg for my assistance because I alone possess the arcane knowledge required to solve this problem. All I require is an audience to hang their hopes and dreams upon my every word”

Sounds like someone might have a god complex ? 🤷
I guess that your contributions are so good that you don't need the help

You don't have the right to push me into another thread since Randy opens the thread.
Well go ahead them and make a joke out of this thread, people have tried so hard to provide good information on it for a long time.

Well go ahead them and make a joke out of this thread, people have tried so hard to provide good information on it for a long time.
I'm telling you I got the information you need, you're telling me I'm too stupid to figure it out in one hour and 30 minutes. If you took me seriously that I know how to read ciphers you wouldn't be saying that. I know about all the five mining locations they are situated near each other in a circular form. The chose one of the mining site for a specific reason which must of been very important to them. You have post three cipher maps and all of them point you to that specific gold mine first so you can start finding the rest. It must be because it's very definable and you can spot it from far away. They all describe the camp site in different ways and that's where they buried the gold. I think they left some gold in the goldmine so that makes two places. But one cipher maps tells the story of the third place they had to buried the gold near a rockslide when they were running away from the Indians. Maddog was right the stories don't agree with each other because no one including the pirate will never tell you the exact place of where to find the gold in case you double cross them. So you must read between the lines or be careful at what your reading because they will interject in their story a cipher text message which you must figure out. You can do this if your not thinking like a pirate. So I like to help, but I just don't know what you guys want?

So I like to help, but I just don't know what you guys want?
Personally, I'd like you to use your deciphering skills to locate the treasure, dig it up, and show it to us. If you can't do that, then I wouldn't trust your deciphering skills for squat.

Personally, I'd like you to use your deciphering skills to locate the treasure, dig it up, and show it to us. If you can't do that, then I wouldn't trust your deciphering skills for squat.
That's all right by me, I'm not going to dig it.up. I can explain to you if you want dig it up. But deciphering takes good while of explaining. I like to do that for those who are not going to dig it up, since they are just looking for the history to put closure to the story. So do you want the location of the goldmine or the camp where they hid the gold, because the gold near the rock slides has already been taken by that sheepherder or you want me to do a little bit of deciphering to show you how they work together.

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You don't need to reverse this map. It can be read just as you're looking at it. This cipher map tells you everything you want to know, once you find the location. Ciphers are amazing! They are made to hide things and the only way you were going to figure it out was to get specific information of the location so you could figure it out. But it is made so you won't figure it out without knowing what the symbols really stand for! Even with the amount of information that has been gathered about the story or the map, was not enough to brake the cipher. Today there is a greater possibility that you can figure it out. I saw the video yesterday on utube and they exposed the cipher to my knowledge. It only took me one hour and 45 minutes to decipher the map. Don't waste your time looking for this on either 1 or 2 of the so call treasure mountains. If Randy Bradford is willing to learn how to decipher this map? I'll glad to teach him.

View attachment 2190946
Is this the map that was found in France?

Is this the map that was found in France?
That is the one that Leblanc made.

Maddog, was right about questioning the location where the South Platte River met the Arkansas River, where the Indians fought the French expedition. The South Platte River really doesn't really reach the Arkansas River unless it overflows. If you took that as a starting point and work yourself towards the north you would run into the location. You will first run by several rock slides and they chose one of those rock slides to buried their gold which was not the best thing to do because the water ended up displacing the rocks. Easy for a sheepherder to see. There are two rock structures mentioned on two of the three cipher maps. One is a large graphic circular outline that describes the entrance to the goldmine. The other cipher map used a small circular letter to tip you off. then two of the cipher maps used a rock structure that resembles a candle holder. It kind of looks more like a volcano looking like rock structure. They used this as a reference to help you locate the circular entrance to the goldmine. Once you find that first goldmine you find the rest. You can find the volcano looking like structure near Beaver Creek before it turns into West Beaver Creek. The camp is the easiest thing to find by using the cipher map. If you know the location you can easily decipher the map. Don't forget about the video it has one very important clue if you want to quickly find the place where they buried the gold. Good luck Denver, happy hunting Colorado.

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