jwhedon, to me it looks like either 4 settlers leagues square, one settlers square ( best bet that its a 1 square league,) there may be 4 directions off of the head, the nose and reverse of the nose are 2 and the other two may be the other 2 directions are across the head, the height of the head will tell you the distance, looks like a cross on the boulder in the lower left hand side which would indicate a Church and it probably will be in the center of 4 settlers leagues, you could check it by looking either to the West, East, North, South for another Church for a distance of exactly 25 miles. This is when Google Earth comes in handy. Sometimes if you are lucky there will still be a Church around to measure from. In the vicinity of the head in the photo there should be seats, chairs, podium, There may be some drill holes near-by