Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

you asked...
Firstly, I want to apologize, because I didn't see your post asking me to mark up what I saw, before you had the chance.

not a problem, you can still do it even after i marked it, just go to your original unmarked pic, and start to look for the items, this goes for anyone who serioudly wants to learn this stuff....

You also marked North correctly on the right hand side of the screen. That quite literally amazed me, considering I haven't told anyone which way is north on this site. notworthy If it was more than a lucky guess, how did you do that?

thanks for the feedback , it means so much when you are out here on a limb, in front of the whole world and trying your best to find the data, feedback helps me to help the next person who want their site was not a guess, I had help from the site its self...
the compass bearing boulder, which is literally right in the middle of the site, the circle, and next to it the compass bearing of 142*, so with past experience, knowing that south [180] was to my left in the photo, small amount of sun on that day you took the pic, so it took awhile to kinda tell where south was..then once I drew the line of the boulder rock, out in to the space...then noticing that the whole site was an obtuse triangle of 120* the far right leg of the triangle lead right to and thru the 'pointer' and touched the very sharp point of the figure...this was confirmation of the boulder bearing it conformed to the degrees of the compass rose..then I knew it was north..~!

Which one is the compass bearing boulder, and how do you tell? Is it the same on every site?

as above, and yes most, not all but most monuments, typically only the alpha will have these bearing numbers carved in boulders..also, as an aside, they seem to be all 3 digit numbers on purpose, so that there is no mistakeing them for addition the other classic iconic signs lend confirmation that those digits are taken out of the realm of pareidolia, so no reason to get stuck there.

You stated there were 3 Omega monuments associated with this alpha.
"the first one on the correct 242 compass heading"

Well here you should have read most of my or old dogs post to give you the basic here we are on an advanced tact...however for everyone who is not up to par with their own background knowledge...the raw basic data on monuments - is first in line is - the janus monument, this comes from the greek god of the keeper of the gate...this is beginning of
the treasure trail to the royal in line comes the alpha, classically then would be the distance and direction to the omega, usually just one, but over the years evidence has been found to show that more than one omega was associated with some alphas...especially when they were working a rich mine or area, where expeditions were ongoing over the years or decades, it saved the time and resources of making new alphas inorder to hide the omega..or final burial site of the goodies....conditions that exist to make a rock pile an alpha, are rare, and much work is needed to make an alpah from 'scratch' better to use natural outcroppings that suit the purpose, or a pile of natural placed boulders.

I haven't the slightest idea what you mean. Where all omegas on the 142 compass heading? Is there significance to this beyond which way the compass is pointing?

what I meant , was saying that clue is the 142 degree compass bearing, however, I could not absolutely confirm from just a pic which was the real heading, so saying the real as opposed to the reverse azimuth...simple as that. Normally the compass bearing are different on each site, depending on the terrain...sure they had their favorite compass bearings but usually that is used when no compass bears are marked...This part of the Direction that each Alphas are made to relate..

I'd be happy to research it myself if you'd point me in the right direction of things I should read.
If you and anyone else is seriously interested in this hobby the best thing you can do is to read all you can, whenever you might not want to do this but I will tell you that I have read everysingle post on treasure net when the subject was signs, symbols, spanish, code all of old dogs post, read all of my posts..the go to Ancient Lost Treasure web site and read all of those will find lots of my post over there too..until the attackers came out of the woodwork and destroyed my ability to post freely I left.
however, I did manage to get some data in print that will help everyone who really wants to excel in this hobby...then lastly go to lostdutchmanmine,.com and read all the threads that have clues about the peraltra stones, and jesuits...and roger snows posts..I know this might sound like a lot..but lots of my knowledge of signs comes from the input of others all over these three sites and that I have told you that..and you thinking I dont have the time to read all that stuff..then you dont love this hobby as much as you think you do, and finally..just so you know, I read them all.....TWICE!!

* Note I just looked up azimuth angles, and how you draw lines from the points of interest. Do the angles correspond to compass angle readings?

all these lines and numbers are compass the degrees based on the magnetic

I understand alpha is the beginning, and Omega is the end. I understand it is a janus, and that means it was probably just a trail marker and not a treasure marker. However, they wouldn't make an Omega if it wasn't a treasure trail though... right?

correct, as stated above the Janus marker is fairly rare and really important to give you the heads up to find the alpha...the other distinction is the Janus if a Royal Trail, a mine belonging to the King, other monuments and mines that dont have a janus are treasure trail beginning markes - but just not royal ones.

I've never seen a whale symbol used. What does a whale mean?

the critters that are used are symbols of the size of the omega cache.

The pointer on the right hand side of the screen. I thought that was a pointer before you marked it. However, how do you know which way it is pointing? How do I check the confirmation marks for it?

I only knew the direction it was pointing by the info I wrote above...confirmation of the boulder compass bearing rock...they both confirmed each other in a sense...

Directly under the word "reverse" where you wrote "reverse azimuth" There appears to be a bird, or a duck. If that is in fact a duck, wouldn't the triangle (which I think you're implying is the omega) be a false trail, or a false omega? Wouldn't the duck have more instructions to set you on the right path? The duck looks like it's in a straight line from the Alpha to the triangle.
I did not see the duck, but will look for it and let you know..if the duck was facing the alpha, then the reverse azimuth has been confirmed, but it is really a redundant sign, as you can see the triangle sign, by line of site from the alpha.

I'll have more questions soon, I know it hahahaha.
no problem, asking means learning...attacking is an attempt to keep people from learning..~!

Now, I'm almost positive I figured out one of these trails (for the most part) . From this alpha, I can see the turtle, While walking to the turtle, I stumbled onto my owl hoyo. The hoyo looks at the turtle. I'll post a pic of the turtle, please forgive me for not standing far enough back to get the entire thing. The turtle is pointing over to something on this hill. I wasn't able to find any more signs when I walked that direction last time I was out there. So, I walked back on top of a hill where I could see the turtle and which way it was pointing. I think I need to check this jumble of rocks for some signs. I found it odd that there appeared to be a large fire ring directly above those rocks. I never went to check it, this is from the camera on zoom.

right now, the turtle doesnt play that much of a part, unless this it is pointing to another alpha, one thing will that will help you and others, as well as me to help you all I can....
is to make a drawing and place all elements, the alpha, the triangle omega, the turtle and whatever else you found...on a drawing.

Thank you for your help.

your welcome, thanks for posting the pic and asking the good questions, so we can teach all of those that are worthy about the decoding of monuments...

so there you go, tc, I welcome any more questions you might have...

And if anyone you are still a critic, please post your questions..if you will conduct yourself,in a professional manner and allow me to teach those who are interested in this great hobby, then I will make an effort to teach you too...
trying to be terminally helpful

ps take a close look at item number 8, the black dog, this is a highly carved relief done in 3 dimension~! amazing detail and execution! tc, if you go to this site again, I would like to see a close up of the boulder with the compass bearings on it, close up of the black dog, and one more close up the triangle..if you could please, it will reveal more clues and signs.

here is modern compass rose, note the 8* off set [declination] this is different depending on what part of the usa you are standing using this number you can research and tell where the guy was, when he set the declination to 8*...however declination slowly changes over the centuries drifts with the slowing moving magnetic north.[as opposed to true north
which does not change]

Old Dog,
thanks amigo for the heads up...too busy having fun to do the

critics and detractors....
I repeat...
"there is is friends and enemies critics...all for your perusal...
laid out in the most simplistic form, easy for anyone to understand, if you do not understand any element, it is now or never..ask any serious competent question - I will be happy to explain it to all...again I ask you be professional, dont attack or hijack, just ask questions so we know your sincere..otherwise, your silence is golden....................................~!"

from the graffiti markers - i hear only ***crickets *** crickets*** crickets***
now why is that, you are quick to attack and whine, where is your interest to learn, like
you pretend to, as your reason for being here...if you miss this opportunity, you will lose your
right to bitch and complain later, forever! as we will all know your true agenda is to confuse and dissuade new trackers...and now you are caught in the act!! by your lack of participation...

thanks springfield for your comments, I appreciate it very have spoken the truth of the matter which is rare here [from critics]. thank you. .
after all you are the one who complemented me - when I said - the biggest threat to trackers was getting lost in pareidolia, which outed the short one. You also asked for extraordinary proof for making an extraordinary statement [that I solved the code for monuments]
fair question, and the last group of omegas and alphas, especially old dogs 'nubian princess'...po'farms omegas and TC's alpha, showed the exact symbols marked and explained..all with confirmation marks...showing extraordinary proof of the decoded signs.

ps the new data from old dogs search of the archives was the icing on the cake!

gold dore bar, gold mixed with silver, copper ect[this was called 'metallica' by the spainards...and the symbol for it was the kings 3 pointed crown], marked as to the ownership [or allegiance to] father kino, jesuit priest from alta primera. Note: the jesuit "V"which we find on almost every monument where a carved letter pointer is needed, also note the cross is of the king george style,[more of an X than the true cross... which also is used at alphas as a pointer as well.

rangler said:
....thanks springfield for your comments, I appreciate it very have spoken the truth of the matter which is rare here [from critics]. thank you.
after all you are the one who complemented me - when I said - the biggest threat to trackers was getting lost in pareidolia, which outed the short one. You also asked for extraordinary proof for making an extraordinary statement [that I solved the code for monuments] ....

You're welcome. Focusing on 'looks like a ___' rocks and other similar natural phenomena, while interesting, has nothing to do with following manmade sign except in the rarest of cases. We certainlly agree on this point. There are thousands of manmade monuments and quite a number of engraved rocks to be found in the Southwest that cannot be mistaken as natural occurances. That's why they were created - to be obvious markers for those who located them later. 99.9% of these markers have nothing to do with 'lost mines and buried treasure' - tough news for avid 'treasure hunters', but true nonetheless.

The disagreement you and I have is with your embracement of the 'Kenworthy school of King's code'. In my opinion, these theories are disinformation that have not and cannot be demonstrated other than the circular logic that grows from assumptions that cannot be verified but are assumed to be true. Although Old Dog, who I have a lot of respect for, has apparently come into possession of certain 'secret archival documents' that support the Kenworthy lore, I would caution him to be discriminating about which star he hitches his wagon to.

That said, I believe there is a lot of treasure out there, and quite a number of signs left behind by those who own these caches. Things are seldom what they seem, however, and there is no good reason to believe that we can be privy to the secrets of these caches. The carvings, monuments, legends, etc. that surround these caches (including the Kenworthy material) were created to mislead us, I'm afraid, and that effort has worked well.

People will believe what they want to, and you will continue to have followers. It would be great if you proved my opinions to be wrong - I would be the first in line to congratulate you. However, I would expect to see tangible results first.

If "99.9% of these markers have nothing to do with 'lost mines and buried treasure'",
and there are "thousands" of these "manmade monuments"....then
what were said thousands of manmade monuments refering to?

In order to answer that with certainty it might seem to require
your accurate translation of those "thousands" of "manmade monuments",
in order to factually distinguish them from "'lost mines and buried treasure'".

What were these 99.9 % of thousands of monuments refering to ?


Cleveland B. said:
Being new to The Trail, I am absorbing info from any source.

Question about the previous statement:

If "99.9% of these markers have nothing to do with 'lost mines and buried treasure'",
and there are "thousands" of these "manmade monuments"....then
what were said thousands of manmade monuments refering to?

In order to answer that with certainty it might seem to require
your accurate translation of those "thousands" of "manmade monuments",
in order to factually distinguish them from "'lost mines and buried treasure'".

What were these 99.9 % of thousands of monuments refering to ?


They were created by surveyors, prospectors, cowboys, Indians, homesteaders, geologists, explorers, pioneers, hunters, timber cruisers, bird watchers, trappers, soldiers, hikers, fire fighters, hippies, tree thinners, forest service people, pranksters, and on and on. They mark trails, control points, boundaries, turning points, discovery sites, claim corners, worksites, campsites and any number of other useful things.

Centuries of that would add to the confusion to be sure. Thanks !

Rangler, I must be blind, or possibly retarded. I'm having troubles with the other sites that you told me to read up on. I can't seem to find the threads on spanish signs or symbols. Just a few threads here and there with maybe 5 replies each are all I can find.

"you replied..The disagreement you and I have is with your embracement of the 'Kenworthy school of King's code'".

I think kenworthy had most of it right, as far as he went..he told us about master monuments
death traps, misc signs, codes used in written letters.ect
However I have decoded the elements that make up the alpha or omega monument, you would be wise to pay it some attention, as this is a water shed moment...
its a pretty cool story, all battled out and overcoming tremendous odds of the hijackers,
and trolls, however with the submissions of the trackers who sent pics to be marked, over
the years the nature and fabric of this code is now revealed.

As far as tangible results, the signs dont say whether the goods are still there, so I dont
concentrate on that part of it, the treasure is the knowledge of the code used to build
the monuments. to me at least. And you damn will know that you betray everyone if you
reveal what happens at the end of the puzzle. That part of this game is not for fools.

look over the monuments I marked, this is the blueprint for decoding any monument...
now don't forget you still need to have the proper focus in order to see the elements in the
first place. so even with the deconstruction of a monument layer by layer, it is still hard to recognize them in the wild in there natural element.

That said, I believe there is a lot of treasure out there, and quite a number of signs left behind by those who own these caches. Things are seldom what they seem, however, and "there is no good reason to believe that we can be privy to the secrets of these caches."

that is 180 degree out of phase, the truth is there is NOW every reason that will will privy to the secrets of those caches,,how ever you have to dig your own, as you will never get any information from me or my associates or trackers I have helped - give up any info regarding that terminal puzzle piece. And neither should any self respecting trackers break that vow of silence.

The carvings, monuments, legends, etc. that surround these caches (including the Kenworthy material) were created to mislead us, I'm afraid, and that effort has worked well.

Well steve - the truth of it is they were created to hid from normal eyes, what they wanted to tell the kings men..with trained is only hidden when you dont know the code!! so while that was a pretty good piece or rhetoric in the past, as it covered a multitude of errors of today, we have new light and as you will see if you study the markings of the sites I have marked, you will see some reverses, and some false trails,and these are over come easily once you know enough of the code.
this is your chance to learn the code, while you can, as things on the web come and go, this data is for current folks, no archive is implied.

People will believe what they want to, and you will continue to have followers. It would be great if you proved my opinions to be wrong - I would be the first in line to congratulate you. However, I would expect to see tangible results first.

this time you should do more than skim the marked photos, but study them ....your opinions are proved wrong on every site I mark...and with all due respect sir, I am not doing any of this to proof any one wrong, I am proving - that code can be broken.
the only followers I have are the folks who sent me pics to me decoded and marked.
why you would want to down play that, is a mystery to me..[not really]
I do appreciate your input steve, however I hope you can keep up with the swift flow
as the code is being broken...




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"Rangler, I must be blind, or possibly retarded. I'm having troubles with the other sites that you told me to read up on. I can't seem to find the threads on spanish signs or symbols. Just a few threads here and there with maybe 5 replies each are all I can find."

not so TC, it is my fault for not remembering that huge parts of the ancient lost treasure website was hacked and all the data lost! Now is see it is all gone...unbelievable- you know those guys over there...really got pissed when I started to tell the truth about the code...
they couldnt stop me so they hacked it..perfect, now only they get the data to use...
which can happen to any treasure site at any time...even the category indexs are changed, this looks like an inside job really.
many pissed off people around the fact that the truth is coming out...

Always copy anything you find valuable on all these sites and archive it your not rely on the information you see today online to be there tomorrow or next year. this is pretty much a requirement if your serious...

then once the data is on your computer, use a back up service like carbonite or others
that back up your data on independent servers. yea you can do external hard drives but that is false security, what good would it do if you lived in the midwest or south and a tornado turned you place in to a landfill..exploded all over the country side, what good would the external hard drive do you now when a foot of water covers everything...including your "external" hard is not really external to the conditions that might occur at your house.
so online back up is true 'external' back up.

Also check other treasure sites


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here is one of the stories on the website I just gave you.....
these guys really did the correct decoding of the stashes..and diagnosed the treasure signs.

I found one like this that weighted 54 pwt/2.5 ounces appox $1500 per oz X3 for specimen
quality of the ore value...[natural gold nugget] appraisal value - ins purposes... $3.5k

Sorry to put a kink in everyone's discussion,
I am just informed last night and have just been able to confirm... That my very long time friend Bud Arnold has passed away.
I will forever miss our discussions for hours about signs and symbols.
Some folks are close to the topic, Buddy was close to my heart.

Everyone who frequented any forums knew him better as the cranky Spanish hunter... Mesa Buddy.

Adios Amigo, buena suerte...


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Old Dog said:
Sorry to put a kink in everyone's discussion,
I am just informed last night and have just been able to confirm... That my very long time friend Bud Arnold has passed away.
I will forever miss our discussions for hours about signs and symbols.
Some folks are close to the topic, Buddy was close to my heart.

Everyone who frequented any forums knew him better as the cranky Spanish hunter... Mesa Buddy.

Adios Amigo, buena suerte...

Yes, Buddy passed away night before last in Palm Springs. He was a good guy and we'll miss him.

rangler said:
here is one of the stories on the website I just gave you.....
these guys really did the correct decoding of the stashes..and diagnosed the treasure signs.

It's a good story. The cache layout was at a distinct findable hill. The carvings were clear, simple and unmistakable. Once they trial-and-errored their way to the first cache (with metal detectors) from one of the carvings, they were able to discover a pattern that led to the remainding caches. They might never have recovered these caches without metal detectors, but they were persistent and succeeded.

so sorry Steve , you were on my list of folks to contact about buddy.
thanks Thom ,i figured the facebook post would let those who mattered to Mesa , contact everyone , that i don't know .
He will be missed ....

Was shocked myself when I heard,
didn't post until I could confirm it.
will definitely be missed.

something in my eye...

hi thom sorry to hear about the loss of a long time friend

hi thom,
I too am sorry to hear about the loss of a long time friend[/i]
my condolences, mi amigo...

Mesabuddy is gone?

I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard to lose a friend Thom, my condolences to you, his friends, and his family.

I didn't know Mesabuddy very well, but he honestly looks like a guy I've met before. Was he a member of Theoutdoorsforums? He looks like one of my dad's hunting partners, and Palm Springs is only a half hour from my house.

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