Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

poorfarm said:
nothing around any rocks were removed to plant they told me 3 years ago removing all trees from ditch line they hit something had a trackhoe dig hit what looked like concrete it shook ground 100 ft away so i went to sat image this is what i seen old dog u said the gods put it there any reaason or was this a tunnel to vaults

What I said was it may have been put there for the gods see. I don't think the gods put it there. If there is more information on the thing you may want to look it up and see. Bing and Google are good starting points.

Check in both directions for creeks or gullies with outfalls of concrete drainage pipes. A drainage system may have been part of a land reclamation project years ago.

Would this help any??


poor farm
sorry no classic spanish signs or symbols that I can see on those rocks..except for the one with the bedrock in the streambed, that ledge facing up stream has some initials or letters on it, a close up would tell you right away if anything is there.
thanks for posting the pics

Wanna see a pretty lady? Look in the shadow of the rock. Gots a cross, and heart, linked with a ribbon, too cool. The camera did not see what I seen that day.


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Your photo #303 is of a dog's head, laying on it's side, facing to the right. Now, those chip outs that forms the eyes, nose, and mouth areas look kinda recent. Those areas don't have the weathered look of the rest of the rock.
Photo #317 is a rock with the right end shaped into a bear's head. This one looks older. And here's photo #304 with some areas that I do not think are natural and might possibly be a map of the area. There are small symbols in the 2 circled areas on the right side.


Hi Poorfarm,

In the shadow on the left is a woman. You may want to enlarge the pic. The front is a heart and cross. The right side is a priest.

poorfarm said:
casa i was looking at the left eye in your pic smaller rock looks like a face

Hi PoorFarm,

Im enjoying all the pics. The one in the creek bed could have been misplaced by fast water.

The pics I post have many things in them. I think the faces are confirmation marks of some sort. They also seem to point to something. Almost every mark has a dual purpose.

Havent found anything but more signs, so I keep going.

poorfarm said:
hi casa the one laying in the low area we shoved a 8 ft rod behind it before it hit something the one that looks like a bear on hill side

I may have to try that, I only use a 3 foot rod. It sounds like you have a neat find.

Remember the rest of us when you hit it good....


does look intriguing doesn't it.

Though there are other big trees around I wonder if those 3 big trees in the pic have marks or rocks by the foot. And what is that dark thing in the back ground.

If those rocks are not natural there.. a close up of the rock face on the stream would be good. Sure they look like turtles...but so do a lot of rocks. The deformation of the one is interesting.

I've shown this one around before, when I took the photo I just thought look at the neat cacti and posted it for giggles, so what is the opinion?


Hi Sheldon,

I see three markers in a line and close, so you are close too. I see three faces, in a triangle, one looking down......I would look here.

Again the picture is 2D, it takes me awhile to see everything. Nice picture.

Im no expert, but I am finding older sites on top of new sites. I wouldn'y secodn guess your trail till you find the prize or where it was anyway.

Sorry to hear the owners arent helping. Im no rangler or Old Dog. Your last picture appears to me to be a site of interest. Being close to water would be a bad place to put a hole in the ground. So you may wish to search the area of the large tree to the right up on the bank. In the case they did bury something in the creek, you would need to find a place of disturbance. The more junky the better. I follow the KGC post at times to see how they search, and since I dont have trees(much) here, I cant help.

It could be the area is a starting point for what appears to me as three trails. You would have to follow them out. I always carry a few bottle caps and such when Im out hunting, in case anyone ask. No one has ever told me to leave if they think Im looking for expent brass casings.

When you climb the big tree. Look for symbols in the tree itself up there. Also look as far as your eyes will let you. See if anything doesnt pop out at you. If not, just take pictures. I always do a panorama to make sure the trail didnt double back on me.

Good luck with the hunt. Really check out that big tree, especially around the roots.

Yes I was referencing how the kgc, french, spanish, and meso tribes may have used they trail also. Let the other signs help you also. I only have to be as smart as my dogs. They can sniff out a old trail in seconds what would take me days.

Your overthinking it. I have seen those marks on the third picture before. You are close. Looks like a trail out to something else too. Justtake your camera and place onm markers, look eye level with it and click........have fun.

please remember to START with confirmation marks! IF you dont then you are trapped in the graffiti world with nothing to show for your time but confusion!
Real signs and symbols are RARE , graffiti is on every rock! Dont fool your discriminating and alert..look for CLASSIC ICONIC signs and symbols
no confimation marks then you got butkus! For you newbies<----start with a HOYO no hoyo no confirmation , no confirmation you got 'graffiti' and wasted server space!
hope this helps-go back and look at the classic signs of an Alpha Monument..dont try to track and trace random trail markers.


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