Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

rangler said:
"Rangler, I must be blind, or possibly retarded. I'm having troubles with the other sites that you told me to read up on. I can't seem to find the threads on spanish signs or symbols. Just a few threads here and there with maybe 5 replies each are all I can find."

not so TC, it is my fault for not remembering that huge parts of the ancient lost treasure website was hacked and all the data lost! Now is see it is all gone...unbelievable- you know those guys over there...really got pissed when I started to tell the truth about the code...
they couldnt stop me so they hacked it..perfect, now only they get the data to use...
which can happen to any treasure site at any time...even the category indexs are changed, this looks like an inside job really.
many pissed off people around the fact that the truth is coming out...

Always copy anything you find valuable on all these sites and archive it your not rely on the information you see today online to be there tomorrow or next year. this is pretty much a requirement if your serious...

then once the data is on your computer, use a back up service like carbonite or others
that back up your data on independent servers. yea you can do external hard drives but that is false security, what good would it do if you lived in the midwest or south and a tornado turned you place in to a landfill..exploded all over the country side, what good would the external hard drive do you now when a foot of water covers everything...including your "external" hard is not really external to the conditions that might occur at your house.
so online back up is true 'external' back up.

Also check other treasure sites

for your information the ancient lost treasures site was hacked supposedly by an ez board employee , long before you were considered a member .
whyte eagle changed from a yuku format to a new server .
some of us left for other ventures .

I have one question , if there really are these kings rules , then do you not think they might have died with whatever king imposed them, at the end of his rule?
never involve me or my friends in whatever fantasy you have going on in here .
because I am not in the mood this week.

I have one question , if there really are these kings rules , then do you not think they might have died with whatever king imposed them, at the end of his rule?

The Kings rules where to build the monuments big and substantial enough to last 300 years!
All succeeding kings would benefit from the contracts and gold and silver production, in addition to the taxes imposed on the missions and their was a system, with mirco managed rules from the king on down to the Viceroys to the accolades to the Bishops, to the priests to the Dons, to the workers, and peons, one escaped the Rules of the King AND the succeeding Kings- that is why it lasted for 300 years the exploitation of New Spain, was too much fun and profitable. [same with the spanish inquisition]

I too - am sorry - for your loss of a good friend and treasure hunter.
nuff said as I will ignore your comment on the 'fantasy' accusation..
as that cat is out of the bag...and gone.
peace out..
thumbnail.jpgx duck rabbit illusion.webp
...some see a rabbit...others see a duck...........they are both right...

I think i would prefer it if you addressed the fantasy comment because it is directed at this statement you made "

not so TC, it is my fault for not remembering that huge parts of the ancient lost treasure website was hacked and all the data lost! Now is see it is all gone...unbelievable- you know those guys over there...really got pissed when I started to tell the truth about the code...
they couldnt stop me so they hacked it..perfect, now only they get the data to use...
which can happen to any treasure site at any time...even the category indexs are changed, this looks like an inside job really.
many pissed off people around the fact that the truth is coming out...

now let me remind you that i was one of the few people that was even nice to you during your performance on the ancient lost treasures web site . your above comment is some what slanderous and very offensive to those of us that were there . and that includes my fallen amigo. if you have an issue with the huge amounts of data that somehow did not make the migration to whyte eagles new ancient lost treasures , on his own private server then i would suggest that you take that up with him. while your at it maybe you could find out where most of the rest of our posts went too. IMO it was not so much the things you were saying that irritated the folks anyway , it was the way you said it

sorry you feel that way and again , I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Lets just let it go at that...out of respect for him.

rangler said:
sorry you feel that way and again , I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Lets just let it go at that...out of respect for him.

you know what rangler , i am not looking for condolences. thanks i guess anyway /
you say out of respect for him,,,,,,hmmmmm,i will guarantee you Mesa would kick my butt if I let this go.
the way i see it you really don't have many choices here , maybe you should just tell the folks you were mistaken for the comment you made , that i have in red in my last post , and apologize for being wrong . think i told you once that it takes a pretty big man to do that. then i can go away and let you continue with what you were doing before I had to come over here and read that part . maybe it was just bad timing that you decided to make that statement anyway.

maybe it was just bad timing that you decided to make that statement anyway.

true... my statement of july 4th came two days before his passing...sorry if it distressed you
in any way...I had no way of knowing of course...regarding the hack, if it was not hacked, then why would all the data not be transferred...seems like a cover story but it is hard to know the facts as no one is talking - and it was 3 years ago.


thanks for posting your plan of the site, and for being smart enough to post the cardinal points,
I spent some midnight oil on this one as it looked like it might tell its secrets...

the key is the the two crosses and the st andrews cross [x] here cross no.2 the small part of the cross, points 120* ... that is clear, what is not clear is the Distance,
same with the footprint it point to 240* [double the first bearing] and that seems to be a clue that the lines are correct...and I dont know the Distance for the foot pointer.
However since this is laid out on a very precise measurements, that so far serve no purpose other than stating an obtuse apparent 120* triangle..this would confirm the bearings from the cross and the foot.. So I would take one of the measurements of one of the sides of the triangle[2.15m] and proceed in the stated Direction at that Distance, try all three until you find the right one...
it has all the earmarks of the spanish and of an omega it in france?
hope this helps
111Plan marked rangler resized.webp
alchemy pyramid.webp
alchemy pyramid

Old Dog said:
Sorry to put a kink in everyone's discussion,
I am just informed last night and have just been able to confirm... That my very long time friend Bud Arnold has passed away.
I will forever miss our discussions for hours about signs and symbols.
Some folks are close to the topic, Buddy was close to my heart.

Everyone who frequented any forums knew him better as the cranky Spanish hunter... Mesa Buddy.

Adios Amigo, buena suerte...

Sorry to hear this Thom as I greatly admired him as a knowledgeable person in this field. Thanks for posting. Notified Cherokee Memories also of his passing.

Re: Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here ( for Mesa)

rangler said:
maybe it was just bad timing that you decided to make that statement anyway.

true... my statement of july 4th came two days before his passing...sorry if it distressed you
in any way...I had no way of knowing of course...regarding the hack, if it was not hacked, then why would all the data not be transferred...seems like a cover story but it is hard to know the facts as no one is talking - and it was 3 years ago.


first of all i assure you i am not lost , second your statement on the fourth of July was made one day after they found him , at least that is what his mom told me on the phone.third you should reread my post about ,if you have issue with whyte eagles data transfer to his new version of the ancient lost treasures site please take that up with him.

now back to the issue you keep avoiding .

rangler wrote:

not so TC, it is my fault for not remembering that huge parts of the ancient lost treasure website was hacked and all the data lost! Now is see it is all gone...unbelievable- you know those guys over there...really got pissed when I started to tell the truth about the code...
they couldnt stop me so they hacked it..perfect, now only they get the data to use...
which can happen to any treasure site at any time...even the category indexs are changed, this looks like an inside job really.
many pissed off people around the fact that the truth is coming out...

i told you the ezboard was hacked before your performance , approximately 2005 , not three years ago .
as far as the rest of your statement , it is a blatant out and out lie, out of your own mouth. now i gave you the chance to recant . but you obviously wish to portray me as some grief stricken unknown. just tell the truth for once , not this blah blah blah, change the subject stuff you keep dishing out.

Is this white dog's eyes open or closed?

Hey Poorfarm,

Is the picture of the dog from the site you've been studying? That is a good one.


I thought i needed to post the lay out of one of the very most published, recorded and documented recoveries.
it was recovered via metal detector, however ,I am pretty sure if you knew the code and its aspects that this site
could have been recovered..of course metal detectors are not 'cheating' in my opinion, however these sites where
not lay down with the idea of the kings men,
coming back with detectors, so they had a way of finding these caches, all I am
doing here is to try to see IF with some knowledge of the code, [not as much
as the kings men] but enough to get the goods....
see if you can follow along....and see what I am saying

the overall view
1.8 caches..with the number 8 meaning cache
2.laid out in a 'cross' shape
3.two of the caches could have been found by drawing a line thru the cross at an oblique
4. the SW cross line looks like it about 120*
5. 6 of the caches could have been found using cardinal points, looks like distance was tripled
6. once the two caches that are not on cardinal points or cross point could have been found
7.the long part of the cross point is pointing to the mayan number rock..
8.and it points to two more of the caches...
9.the short arm of the cross points North as well...
10.the overall lay out of the cross would be known by this time..simply measuring out the shape - then would have found the 2 remaining caches.

oh,I could not find the reference to show, but I did read on the net the guy lost all the gold to the feds because it did not report the find as 'earned income' on his taxes...this is why we never ever, ever tell anyone of what the last piece of the puzzle led to...loose lips sink your ship! Dont be in a hurry to sell you finds, as there is no tax on gold until you SELL it! If you get this your accountant to find the legal ways to leverage your find without selling and causing the taxes to become due in that tax year.
I can help you find it, but you will need other professionals to help you keep it!
hope this helps
rqfindmap marked rangler.webp
site 1 - cross point
site 2 -not found-right away
site 3 - cross point
site 4 - cardinal point
site 5 - cardinal point
site 6 - cross point
site 7 - not found- right away
site 8 - cardinal point

note: notice that the north/south line and the east/west cardinal point are clearly used for orientation and no caches on these points!

caches sites 1 and 8 have both the cross points AND the cardinal points for a redundant set of markers, I think this was done to be sure at least these two caches could be found, then that would start to reveal the overall shape of the lay out...then once you learned that two caches where found on cardinal points, it would make you check the other cardinal points..
that would break the code for sure! really an awesome example of the genius of the jesuits
and the codemakers


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Topic reply: Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

Thursday, July 14, 2011 1:23 PM


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so what wonderful in site was here and then was removed and for what reason?
sorry i must have missed this post,hmmmmmmmm

Hi Rangler,

I read about the recovery at the site you describe on post #481 on Gollum's site. It seemed a lot different than some of the things you and others talk about. The symbols were clear and obviously man made. There didn't seem to be any "hidden in plain site" things. It seems like everything of importance was pretty much upfront. Also the caches were not buried very deep and there was no mention of booby traps. It seems like they went to some trouble to set up the site but it didn't seem too complicated after the guys figured it out. I'm not looking for an argument, I would just like your thoughts on these things.


P.S. A lot of the things you describe I just can't see, but it seems you put a lot of time in here explaining your thoughts and I thank you for that.

mdog said:
Hi Rangler,

I read about the recovery at the site you describe on post #481 on Gollum's site. It seemed a lot different than some of the things you and others talk about. The symbols were clear and obviously man made. There didn't seem to be any "hidden in plain site" things. It seems like everything of importance was pretty much upfront. Also the caches were not buried very deep and there was no mention of booby traps. It seems like they went to some trouble to set up the site but it didn't seem too complicated after the guys figured it out. I'm not looking for an argument, I would just like your thoughts on these things.


P.S. A lot of the things you describe I just can't see, but it seems you put a lot of time in here explaining your thoughts and I thank you for that.

Great post, Rick. Clear signs, simple geometric pattern forming cache locations, no arcane secrets. This site has nothing in common with the 'king's code' silliness, does it?

you raise a very good point...this was not the classic monument..this looked more like a hasty retreat but still considering the lay out -it was-complex enough to hide it well...I cant prove it but it has all the signs of perhaps one of the last caches made just 'seconds' before the expulsion of 1767! This whole thing could have been done with just a couple of men, especially when like you said, the goods where only couple of feet deep and not traps~!

All in all they broke a couple of the Kings Rules so right away a lot of reasons to put this in the 'desperate' all we can do is try to learn from it and keeps our eyes open for any other desperate operatives any where in the theater~!

I dont know the location of this find, but if it is anywhere south of the mines and between the shipping routes to the coast, then this could have been a situation of an attack on the mule train, with enough warning to hide the goods and move on to safety, then hopes of returning
which obviously did not happen,it would be nice to know the exact set of circumstances concerning this stash - but I am afraid that is lost in the fog time and only our imaginations can solve this one...good observation Rick

K ignore me ,,,,rangler , golddiver , and what ever dign something up alias you have .
I'm leaving, don't bother with a a reply .
I won't be here to read it .
remember that i called you a liar , because you are .\
don't know what a mans word is worth in Ca or az or nm
. or where you pretend to be from .
but it means everything where i come from .
Bye .

thank God springfield is here to keep you in check.
careful Steve, think i figure out how he really learns about stuff.
it' s cause folks who know truths about things , have to correct some of the stuff he says .but that is just my opinion of him

This site has nothing in common with the 'king's code' silliness, does it?

the only silliness is your constant barrage of snide remarks with nothing to back it up

sorry to disappoint you but i will ask the 16 or so witnesses to your untruthfulness to not come and participate .
i cannot believe i ever tried to help you back then .
typically folks would attack your treasure theories and i believe you would gain knowledge that way .
not to mention these pore folks who trust you with their pictures.
if this clown ever contacts you all and wants to know where something you have might be .
be very careful in whom you trust with knowledge of you finds.

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