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Hi Trooper, I can recognize a lot of folks here just by the pictures they post. After my first mega site which I was lead into by a sun sign that could be seen from about 3 miles away. I would say why would a caravn of folks even bother to carve signs and rocks in the desert. Most would tell you water and, food and shelter from the indians. There was some mining also done. I believe there is different types of trails depending on who used them and what time period. I always try to date a area, and then see what proof I can find. Most trail signs have a confirmation sign for lack of a better word. You can find trail signs in pairs. Now a good book I can recommend in pm only will help you if your serious about becoming a treasure hunter. You have some great advice from good hunters here, dont be afraid to ask questions. Now you will find a lot of dry holes. I also believe things were hidden in plan sight, but in a way rain or land slide could not accidentally unearth them. I have seen wondrous things on the trails, I hope you do too. Good luck trooper.
Were you able to photo? I like to see if it's like anything I see around here.Happy safe New Year's everybody, found a knee high round boulder in Palo Duro Canyon, knee high = 33 1nches ( pace ) looked to the East 90 degrees, it had a face 2 eyes and a mouth indicating a triangle, with 6 feathers across the top of the face above the eyes, indicating 6 cordel's ( 1 cordel = 189.5 feet ) east indicating a settlers square. Now comes the COLD weather