Treasure Marker, Sign, Symbols, and Monument Rant

IMG_20130611_222620.webp with arrow hyro, pointing at CAVE.. thanks Justintime

justintime, I liked hearing about your and oddrock work with different light, to show hidden stuff. it is all about the light, making things appear,good stuff. thanks.

Thanks, DTTH
Different light, to reveal hidden messages, the game is worth the candle. If someone was carving in a cave by candle light, I wonder if there was a certain candle placement, so that the light would be properly dispersed, that all candle,lantern carvers went by, like three maybe, there would have to be proper light balance to obtain a accurate carving, in the dark. I believe , experimental techniques,was developed from carving in darkness. I also believe, that there, was, treasure buried pre Columbus, all across, America , and that the secret had been keep by very secret people. I'm not a expert on historic conspiracy, but I have made a boatload of discoveries, that had to be investigated with a veryopen mind. It has a little Bacon, Bruton Vault, discovery of maps to the secret vaults, a vision, George Whyte's house, DOI, 4 day of July, John Hancock, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark corps of discoveries expedition, Thomas Beale expedition, unexpectedly received legacies, the great rehide, The Plan, Time lapses, few still knew, new fuel for secret organizations, & much, much more I will play it to the End, and maybe will be, Justintime, I have had a crazy, last couple of years, it has been great, the best has yet to come. Truth ,is the property of no individual, but is the treasure,of all men. What we see,depends mainly on, what we look for. Good luck, in your endeavors, Thanks Justintime. TN rambling,sorry

wooo doggie jethro! man that's some good stuff you put out there, justintime. thanks. id love to hear some more.

In post #41, is that black line running through the top of the white oval and on to the left, the map of the mine?

In post #41, is that black line running through the top of the white oval and on to the left, the map of the mine?

Yep, 2 Cave, most mini maps I've encountered, what's being shown in the message, can be seen from there. I see rocks, Thanks. Justintime

they were not one time travels...sir..they were opening up gold and silver mines all over the place enslaving Native Americans by the millions !!..and were transporting same for 3 centuries~! read geo Thompson book..treasures along the Spanish trails - for a complete accurate history of the Spanish and their Jesuit codemakers ..the tax had to be paid and the monuments is what took care of that detail...

Problem is, the Jesuits weren't in Colorado!!! but there were in the territory that is now called colorado long way long before it was named that..very tricky bit of disinformation, but it will not fly here.

they were not one time travels...sir..they were opening up gold and silver mines all over the place enslaving Native Americans by the millions !!..and were transporting same for 3 centuries~! read geo Thompson book..treasures along the Spanish trails - for a complete accurate history of the Spanish and their Jesuit codemakers ..the tax had to be paid and the monuments is what took care of that detail...

Problem is, the Jesuits weren't in Colorado!!! but there were in the territory that is now called colorado long way long before it was named that..very tricky bit of disinformation, but it will not fly here.
thanks, I don't even know what a Jesuit is. I just see..when there is something to see. Thanks Justin

What a great thread! I'm new so I still look up at the clouds and see things like you are all discussing .. but, I have quickly learned that research leads to success!
Including my new motto .. I found it in my back yard :-)

Research leads to success, true, but sometimes it clouds the truth in plain sight. Thanks Justintime

20130216_155454-1_1.webp20121121_144800-1.webpMy T-rock, marker, which I destroyed, other is the placed, parallelogram, lined in stone, pocket. The word CAVE, was at dirt line,in pocket. That's how the bottom edge broke, prying the rock in front out.. I flipped the corner of T-rock, out ,cause it looked hollow. The corner was placed. I dug and documented, everything as I went, needed to be done professionally,,done the best I could,Every marker. Thanks Justintime

Any help on this site would be great i guess its a retaining wall but looks very very old underneath thinking they were just trying to hide the original wall or structure. A few miles from the site there are 2 under ground kilns for making things like pottery. They are about half way up the bluff one on each side and possible bunkers that go with them. On a adjacent bluff about a mile away that over looks the Mississippi river and railroad tracks there is a nother opening for either a bunker, kiln, or mine. I think those are chimneys or vents in those pics i took plus I'm seeing some of the same old brick used to make them. The original structure seems to be made outta limestone/sandstone and looks very old. This area was heavily inhabited by French, Jesuits, Indians, KGC, And Spanish threw the years. I Would appreciate any comments or pointers. When i was about to quit i found a sink hole 30-40 yards above the structure 5 feet by 5feet pretty much a perfect square with rocks stacked on all sides. So it could be a chimmny or a vent for fresh air or maybe mining shaft ill have to get some pics tomarrow the dirt is probly sunk down 4 feet in a perfect square. Anyone know dangers of this type of site or things to watch out for plz let me know i will have some more pics tomarrow.



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There must be some sort of trash dump should be able to date the site from that...Steve

. Fe, means iron, Beale Fancy U, ARK right next to ARK says POT. Fe can only be seen from the angle the picture is taken. Pot, place of treasure. Iron pot, Fe is the name of the Vault. Thanks Justintime

Hey I was wondering...Fe stands for iron on the periodic table and was derived from the Latin word ferrum, but were they using this abbv. for it pre late 1860's when the table was developed? I mean it definitely makes sense, and if I were carving rocks I would definitely have gone for the 2 letters over 6!

Hello nappy, cool place. Have you swung a detector around. I would, to see what you can find ,to help determine what went down there. How deep is the "air vent"hole. Looks like some type of plantation setup. The house probably burned. Or go get some tax records, there has to be a record of something, concerning the property. Cool stuff googluck Justintime

any clues or help would rock.


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Not sure if Gollum is still following original post, but Thank You for the awesome post. A few questions:

1) the #6 DOT, is this a drill hole? or just a natural hole that happened to be there they used? how deep?

2) can you re-post or PM me a link to the HEART image that is no longer there?

3) is this in Anza Borrego desert? (you already answered this on in a diff reply)

4) Can I come with you next time and check this fish out? LOL just kidding, kind of... Camped out there last weekend, I love it out there but didnt get too "deep" into the desert yet. sounds like you live in So Cal as well, let me know if you need more hiking buddies.

5) the fish in general. I have all of kenworthys books and have not fully read so this may be covered there. But does a fish always have his mouth open like that? Points #1 and #2 in your image look like a normal fish alone, they just added the mouth for more effect maybe...

While I will gear this post towards newbies, I think EVERYONE should read this! Newbies will get some truth, whackos will get some light, scammers will get a wake up call (hopefully).

Due to a lot of questions I have seen asked and some conflicts I have had recently (actually the same conflicts with different people over the years I have been a member here), I just got the idea to get a few things regarding Treasure Hunting, Mine Hunting, Cache Hunting, Treasure Signs/Symbols/Markers/Monuments out in the open, and above board.

For the rest of this thread, I will substitute "marker" for "Signs, Symbols, Markers, Monuments."

FIRST: That bent tree, rock pile, strange crack, or whatever it is you found, is probably not a man made marker (unless it has VERY obvious carvings on it). Mother Nature makes many strange and wonderful rock and plant formations. Enough trips to the mountains and deserts will show you that.

SECOND: In the FIRST paragraph, I said PROBABLY, and PROBABLY means just that. It means that there is a chance that what you have found is man made. IF it is man made, there will ALWAYS be a mark to show it was made by man and not nature (most times it will be an arrow, >, A, or S), but I know time and the elements take a toll on everything exposed, so............ IF what you have found IS man made, THERE WILL BE MORE! All those markers do is show how to get to the next marker. That is another way to be sure yours is real! FIND THE NEXT ONE! If you find more than one, then CONGRATULATIONS! you have found markers. Do they mark a treasure? 99% likely THEY DO NOT. Because the Spanish had tons of trails through the SouthWest, you will likely find thousands of TRAIL MARKERS. You will also find many markers that lead to water (which in some areas was more valuable than gold). Here is a man made monument that leads to water:


Some of you may recognize this marker. You may have seen a black and white picture of it. :wink: It says: "Follow the pointer for ONE LEAGUE (2.16 miles) to find water." How do I know that? I know that a "FISH" monument is one that leads to water. How do I know THAT? Because Charles Kenworthy spent many years and a small fortune getting copies of Spanish Documents that said so. I recommend getting his books if you are seriously going to do this.

Follow the numbers on the pic:


1. The EYE
3. The Gill
4. The MOUTH
6. The single DOT symbol (to the left of the 6) that means ONE LEAGUE
7. The ARROW (to the left of the 7) that points to the Distance Symbol

Now, without giving away the location, I can tell you that a little over two miles away, there IS a water source. This is a REALLY great monument, but has NOTHING to do with any treasures. This monument probably took all of three or four hours for 4 or 5 guys to carve into the sandstone.

THIRDLY: IF you have found a real honest-to-goodness treasure marker, BE VERY CAREFUL! Real honest-to-goodness treasures and rich hidden mines were USUALLY booby trapped (see my thread on Death Traps).

Here is an honest-to-goodness treasure sign. It is a 50 foot tall heart carved into the bedrock on the side of a mountain. A heart was MAINLY used as a treasure marker for gold (there are other meanings, but none apply at this site).


If you really are a newbie, and want to know what it is you have found, then feel free to post it and get opinions. You will find that there are some people that think it is all BS, and they are just rocks and interesting natural cracks and erosion. You will also get whacky stuff (Solomon's Mines, Templar Treasure, etc). BE VERY CAREFUL TAKING ADVICE FROM PEOPLE! Many people who claim they hold all the secrets don't! FREE ADVICE IS WORTH EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAY FOR IT! When somebody tells you something, take that info and file it away. Do your own research to see if that is possible.

Now, we get to me and what I think. Contrary to what some whackos think, YES! I do believe there are still treasures waiting to be found out there. Can anybody find them? ABSOLUTELY! Not wanting to get all cryptic and conspiratorial sounding, but there are some things that nobody will ever read online or in print. The people that have gained that knowledge, have done so over years of researching and countless dollars spent (in the right places). Nobody does it with Philanthropy in mind! They do it to make money! To find treasures! They rarely share all that they know, but are usually more than happy to assist people in helping evaluate what they have.

I will say one last thing about treasure hunting. You can take most all the books out there, and throw them in the trash. Take the basic stories, but when a Treasure Book Author tells you where to find the treasure, FORGET IT! I have found that 95% of the book authors made up a LOT of crap because they liked to see their names in print, and the other 5% shared only a portion of what they knew, and most changed the locations of many of the stories. THEY ALL HAD STORIES THEY WERE SECRETLY WORKING ON.


Not sure if Gollum is still following original post, but Thank You for the awesome post. A few questions:

1) the #6 DOT, is this a drill hole? or just a natural hole that happened to be there they used? how deep?

2) can you re-post or PM me a link to the HEART image that is no longer there?

3) is this in Anza Borrego desert? (you already answered this on in a diff reply)

4) Can I come with you next time and check this fish out? LOL just kidding, kind of... Camped out there last weekend, I love it out there but didnt get too "deep" into the desert yet. sounds like you live in So Cal as well, let me know if you need more hiking buddies.

5) the fish in general. I have all of kenworthys books and have not fully read so this may be covered there. But does a fish always have his mouth open like that? Points #1 and #2 in your image look like a normal fish alone, they just added the mouth for more effect maybe...

1. Much larger than a drill hole.
2. Sorry. I only posted that one for a short time. Not saying where it is either.
3. Yes. This one is North of Borrego Mt on the Anza Trail
4. Will do, but I am mostly a loner.
5. Couldn't say for certain.

Best - Mike

thanks for reply. i prefer being a loner as well, something about the fresh air and quite to yourself. later.

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