Well DD, you can cuss me all you want with pictures like that. My spelling is the combination of a bad keyboard, and peck and hunt typing. I am a nomad, and feel at home in the desert. If I had my druthers, thats where I would be.
When I first read about the LDM, I was packing a bag.
Then I realized I would probably need a mule and supplies. Then someone to go with. Also a working knowledge of the area...........it became real. But the bag is still packed, just waiting for the right time.
I do enjoy the post. without feet on the ground, and not knowing what reference points your talking about, it can all be greek to me. Seems to me that some good ol fashion prospecting may lead you to the mines also.
Im not looking for the gold, but rather the history. It would be great to visit some more of the historic points. Of course finding the mine would be great.
The story of the stones is kinda tied in with what was being found over here in New Mexico. As I started looking at ghost towns, I was amazed at how old some of them are. I am seeing some simular markings.
Im lucky enough to have some real knowledgable friends outside the forum who set me straight about some things.
I like ol BB, the more I hear, the more I want to hear. I hope the location is never given up. Its a puzzle thats for sure.
With luck I will get some youth back and be able to hit the salt river and go from there. If its meant to be, it will happen. till then I got you guys. Look forward to the post. Sorry for the burr up my butt. I say what I think, sometimes without thinking.