treasure location

This is a question to all the guys who actualy set foot in the suppers to look for the mine.
What equiptment do you take with you to locate the mine? I would use an anomely meter, a spanish dip needle, and a metal detecter.


I take a Gun, WATER, food, safety equipment, and sleeping supplies. (GPS, first aid, etc.) I have listed them in the "order of importance" to me.

The Gun is "mostly" for the amount of Mountain Lion activity we have seen in there lately......Mostly :icon_pirat: We even found a "den" the last time that looked like a bad scene from "The Ghost and the Darkness"...... :o

PLEASE take enough Water. People dont realize how hot it is here, even in the winter time. Also, there's less humidity in the Mountains, so you will drink more.

The only thing i "detect" with is my brain.



To be honest, I can't imagine why anyone would pack a metal detector into the Superstitions.......


Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

To be honest, I can't imagine why anyone would pack a metal detector into the Superstitions.......

I have to agree with Joe here. Remember the US Government says there cant be gold in those mountains, and we should believe everything they tell us.......

And Joe, i love the "bushes in the background".... :wink:

You did notice i didnt say a "shovel"....youre not supposed to dig out there either right?


I'll bet that you can find gold just below the surface. You guys may have walked over gold pieces the size of baseblls and never knew it! And I am still trolling for people who go out there often. Ide like to sign an agreement to share the wealth with someone who finds the gold using my maps.

Dirty Dutchman said:
cactusjumper said:

To be honest, I can't imagine why anyone would pack a metal detector into the Superstitions.......

I have to agree with Joe here. Remember the US Government says there cant be gold in those mountains, and we should believe everything they tell us.......

And Joe, i love the "bushes in the background".... :wink:

You did notice i didnt say a "shovel"....youre not supposed to dig out there either right?


We always took my White's, but towards the end we added a Whites Void Detector. That picture was taken in 1999.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:
Dirty Dutchman said:
cactusjumper said:

To be honest, I can't imagine why anyone would pack a metal detector into the Superstitions.......

I have to agree with Joe here. Remember the US Government says there cant be gold in those mountains, and we should believe everything they tell us......
And Joe, i love the "bushes in the background".... :

You did notice i didnt say a "shovel"....youre not supposed to dig out there either right?


We always took my White's, but towards the end we added a Whites Void Detector. That picture was taken in 1999.

Take care,

Joe Is that what they are called now, void detectors? I think they were called anomoly meters earler. Used to detect a cave. There is one to also tell a differenve in ground temp at a distance. Handy to have when looking foe gold in caves!


This picture was taken by my dad on my first trip into the Supe's. I was thirteen that year, and will be 66 next month. We are in West Boulder:


Wonder where some of the know-it-all's were in 1958? Makes me laugh seeing them questioning my chops, when it comes to the range. ::)

Take care,



There are many Dutch Hunters who are really great photographers. David Leach and Tom Kollenborn come to mind. I enjoy doing it, but I'm a piker when it comes to those guys.

Took this from the deck of a moving pontoon boat on the Colorado River:


It's one of my favorites.

This, of course, is another favorite:


Take care,


cactusjumper said:
coazon de oro,

Not many people get the chance to hold the heart in their hands.


We were, of course, very careful.

I will post some clear pictures of the interior of the Supe's.

Joe Ribaudo
Hey Joe,

That's one heck of a stone! I mean the one on the middle finger.

Thank you all once again for all those nice pictures.

Homar P. Olivarez


This is the end of the old trail, worn into bedrock, that leads directly to the heart in the previous post. In that picture you can see the lone cactus just to the right of the heart. That same cactus can be seen in this picture:


Have to admit that it all makes me feel a little smug, but I realize it may all just be a coincidence. :dontknow:

Take care,


"I HATE to compare myself to BB"

i think you should wait till all the evidence is in before you say that ..

i am thinking of selling my computer to help pay for expedition 5 ...

thats how sure i am of the real research i have been doing ..i play around a lot thats true .. but i am a out right prefectionist !

and do plain on takeing a lot pictures on expedition 5 ...i said i would retire .. i ment it .,.. i will no longer own or use a computer after expedition 5 .. i have a hobby farm to run and its my pleasure to have done what i have done in my life time .. but i also miss my reclusive life and i will be back in my own world as soon as my treasure hunting days are over ...

this will be the 5th and last expedition and the last time i TH ..


Blindbowman said:
sorry casca

i cant take a good photo my camera was not working right .. see ...!

:thumbsup: :coffee2:


Would you mind telling us what make/model camera you use and maybe I/we can make some suggestions to help you improve the quality of pictures you take on your next outing.

I have a Cannon Rebel T1i that takes 15 mega-pixel image stabilized images. I also took digital photography classes in order to learn how to use this powerful new tool. By the way, the instructor bought the same model after I brought it to class. I have taken some really good photos with it, and then reduced them to post on this site. (See the photo of Bob Corbin's ring with the red background. Click on this link ( FIFTH ANNUAL DUTCH HUNTER'S RENDEZVOUS....... )
Reply To This Topic #20 Posted October 30, 2009, 12:50:29 AM

If you are using a digital camera try pushing the 'shutter release' half way down to focus the camera then when you get the "green light" or green box in the view finder push it the rest of the way to take the shot.

Your camera probably has another option that may be of interest to you. It’s called ‘Auto” look in your manual or online if you don’t have one and find the setting for “Fully Automatic photos” most digitals have this and it lets the camera decide what settings to use for “white balance”, “focus”, etc. resulting in a really decent photograph in general.

You’re welcome to contact me here (or PM me) with any questions you have.

Ken 'dustcap' Chichester

HI,, may I also suggest that you presize your pictures in the camera, depending upon final use. For in here , 650 - 750 pix wide is just fine, full screen and uses far less memory.

For murals, the sky is the limit.

Example picture of BB 150 pix is fine , for the late Eleanor Parker, the max of your camera, sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI,, may I also suggest that you presize your pictures in the camera, depending upon final use. For in here , 650 - 750 pix wide is just fine, full screen and uses far less memory.

For murals, the sky is the limit.

Example picture of BB 150 pix is fine , for the late Eleanor Parker, the max of your camera, sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

long day real long day ...

i should just leave the camera at home i dont really care if i document the sites at this point .. even if have the best photos in the country no one would beleive them any way .. latter ..

Casca said:
Well DD, you can cuss me all you want with pictures like that. My spelling is the combination of a bad keyboard, and peck and hunt typing. I am a nomad, and feel at home in the desert. If I had my druthers, thats where I would be.

When I first read about the LDM, I was packing a bag.

Then I realized I would probably need a mule and supplies. Then someone to go with. Also a working knowledge of the became real. But the bag is still packed, just waiting for the right time.

I do enjoy the post. without feet on the ground, and not knowing what reference points your talking about, it can all be greek to me. Seems to me that some good ol fashion prospecting may lead you to the mines also.

Im not looking for the gold, but rather the history. It would be great to visit some more of the historic points. Of course finding the mine would be great.

The story of the stones is kinda tied in with what was being found over here in New Mexico. As I started looking at ghost towns, I was amazed at how old some of them are. I am seeing some simular markings.

Im lucky enough to have some real knowledgable friends outside the forum who set me straight about some things.

I like ol BB, the more I hear, the more I want to hear. I hope the location is never given up. Its a puzzle thats for sure.

With luck I will get some youth back and be able to hit the salt river and go from there. If its meant to be, it will happen. till then I got you guys. Look forward to the post. Sorry for the burr up my butt. I say what I think, sometimes without thinking.

casca , PM me we will talk line ! i dont trust the pm's around here for a good reason ...


You like hearts? Why didnt you say so. Here is a nice one i photographed just this last weekend.



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good to see ya back DD

so when you buying ... lol :coffee2:

Here's one that i didnt "catch" until i got home. In the upper left corner there is a "rock that looks like a man".....Nice.....



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