The later cattlemen built cairns along trails too.
And again, here is the Camino Real from Mexico City to St. Louis. This trail goes through a huge silver producing area at San Luis Potosi.
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The later cattlemen built cairns along trails too.
Here is the Spanish El Camino Real in Florida. There is a mention, in this article, about a suggestion to transport silver coins overland from Vera Cruz, Mexico to St. Augustine, Florida.
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I've spent quite a bit of time up on Continental Divide trail there are some very big cairns and small ones up there along its path.
It's a common tradition for hikers to mark the CDT with rock cairns along the way, usually where the trail is not well established.
This was how the King could keep control of his gold this makes it so you can not run around with unprocessed gold.The place you need to find is where they did this processing of the gold.
What and excellent interview thank you for posting that Crosse De Sign seems there was a lot of activity in that area by the Spanish mining and smelting and building vaults to hide there silver and gold.
Absolutely correct. The Spanish were extreme bureaucrats - their bean counters kept close records of all the details. By the marks on the bars, they knew who recovered it and since they also controlled all the mercury that the contractors needed to concentrate the ore, they also knew pretty much what their tax share should be, and they expected to be paid in Mexico.
Treasure hunters' only hopes for finding "lost gold bars" would be legitimate mining contractors never returned to Spanish authorities for some reason. If that was the case, we wouldn't know exactly where to look for their lost party, except in very general terms, as their claims were registered in mining districts with no specific locations given. THers wouldn't know if the missing miners had a successful mine or not - they would have just never returned.
Free-agent miners theoretically could have operated illegally, totally under the radar with no records kept and no marks on any bars they recovered. The whole thing would have been a covert black market deal, although getting mercury to process the ore would have been extremely difficult for them. Their smelted bars would have been low grade as a result.
I would like you people who know about Spanish mining law to take a look at this and tell me what it means.
"Art. 77. Also, we ordain and command, that no person
shall presume to treat for, contract, sell or purchase gold
in dust, or bars, or ingots (rieles), without being stamped
with our Royal stamp; which we command to be kept by
the person who shall be appointed in our name to collect
the proportion which to us may belong: and that there
shall also be a smelter who shall smelt and make bars
(vergas) of the gold which shall be taken out, and who
shall also act as the Trusty to weigh it ( Fil del Peso), and
he shall smelt, weigh and stamp the same with our Royal
stamp aforesaid, in the presence of our said Administrator,
or in the presence of the person appointed by him, and
the proportion which shall belong to us shall be given
and delivered to our Treasurer who for that purpose shall
have been designated, and the remainder shall be deliv
ered to the owner; and the said Treasurer shall keep a
book wherein he shall enter the said parcels, with the day,
month and year, and also whose gold it is, from what Mine
it came, and how much there is, and what proportion belongs to us, of what the said Treasurer has taken charge,
and what has been given to the owner of said parcel,
which shall be signed by the said Treasurer, and by the
said party, if he know how to write, and if not, then by
some other person for him, and by the smelter and the:Notary before whom it is passed; which said Notary shall
keep a book in which the same shall be entered, and he
shall sign it, as aforesaid; and no person shall be at liberty
to sell or contract for said gold, unless it shall have been
smelted and marked as aforesaid, under the penalty prescribed in the ordinance with regard to silver which relates
to this subject, and the like penalty shall be incurred by
him who shall purchase or contract for it, as is prescribed
in said ordinance in regard to silver."
It seems to me that they want all gold to be taken to an authorized place to be smelted and stamped.
Thanks for bringing it to my (our) attention, LOL...
Sdc, I have a hypothetical scenario, maybe you can help me figure it out. Suppose I'm out in the mountains and I find a H.O.T. (Heart, Owl, Triangle) site. I figure out the puzzle and actually find a stack of bullion bars hidden in a vault. While following the monuments to the treasure vault, there are several 18th century Spanish artifacts laying on the ground. Is it more likely that the bars are going to be gold, or silver?
I guess what I want to know is, if you have a primitive recovery operation, in the wilderness, is it going to be easier to produce silver bars from silver ore or gold bars from gold ore?
MDOG, that’s the most convincing quote that I have read , demonstrating that there was, and still remains, a control system that has an historical authority over the handling of precious metals in the new world [emoji289]!
Article 77, implies that there are at least 76 other articles....
Good work, amigo!
Oh and by the way. I drove over a short stretch of the Butterfield Coach trail today.
View attachment 1675241
Shortly after I took that photo, the street turned westward and I was curious what happened to the trail, so after getting home I checked it out.
I used my map app and set it to the satellite view and was able to trace the trail several more blocks and then, off and on I could see bits and pieces that were still on the same northernly heading.
I lost it and the old wire road, as they lead into, Cross Hollows, which was an important strategic location during the Civil War.
Hmmm ... I assume you are searching in today's USA southwest, and not Mexico, during the Spanish era. If so, I would say your cache would much more likely be gold because since gold has a much greater value, it is a more desirable prospecting target. The gold recovery process was also more efficient than that for silver.