Too Hot to Dig...


I have a "peace treaty" with all snakes. I leave them alone and they leave me alone. Move slow...remember if you see one, ....they were there first. My son was resting from a hike a few days ago, (sitting Indian style/butt to his heels) and his dog came up and the rattlesnake that was sitting two feet away (unnoticed) bit the dog on the head...then started rattling. My son whacked the snake and the dog is surviving. .. . the snake did not!

Remember, those who hid things were not above depositing snakes n other critters at the site to discourage us "tresspassers".


Thats my problem with em. Im in area I cant get away from em, the terrain is very hard to move at all. I dont know how long he sat there before he rattled, I was jumping around on rocks looking at signs. So if he struck he missed. I get into caves and holes and there is nothing there but me and a long stick. I hate to kill one of em. But if there is one, there is many. The snake is in a key area, I really need over in that area. Im finding some neat stuff pretty high up on the mountain.

Im taking some starting fluid with me next time.

my area its rattler and copperhead ,cotton mouth walking the otherday along tree line stepped down didnt feel right looked i scared him more than me istepped on his tail he shot off into woods------------------i shot off the other way...............

I use a schedule 40 PVC about 5 foot long to whack the ground with, seems the ground vibration gets them moving.I will attempt to post my favorite photo in hopes that someone can make it bigger its stamp size, its a resting lamb, I may have to go back down there and take another photo. Thanks Rangler I agree that it seems that some rocks have 3 some have 2 and some only have one mark, a profile sometimes only has one and the turtle that oddrock posted should have 3 and should be within 6 / 800 feet of a cache site, hint it should be comming from the egg laying site and it should double as 4 direction indicator. Just a guess on my part. Can't figure how to do it ( post the photo )

Next to last sign...( circled cross or X) ... found a small hoyo, then another, then moved around until I could see through both at the same time. OK what is it I am supposed to see from this exact spot?



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hhmmm Bird Wings/horizontal 3 reverse directions once more....oh Yes. End of Turtle Trail Tale.



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poorfarm said:
heres what i see owl figure in background x's in eyes

Thanks poorfarm for the input. The circled X I was talking about is near the top of the rock, just below the sunnyside.


hadji009 said:
how about the A far left.
Are you talking about the A- with the X- above it?


Happy Easter to all! IHS....I posted the next photo for Christmas and shall repeat (or mayby repent) for Easter as Christ is the True Treasure!



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hadji009 said:

Continue the - from both the A and the X and see what it leads you to.(draw a line from left to right) :icon_thumleft:


not another turtle head? on the last photo is the third man a shadow on left? and another X on the turtle mouth.

or this guy.with another X.


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hadji009 said:
not another turtle head? on the last photo is the third man a shadow on left? and another X on the turtle mouth.
Fraid so, coming up out of the ground with a big ole cut 7 rite behind him.....then look up and to the right a is faint but you should be able to make out the rising Sun with a good many rays coming off it. There is a ton of stuff trying to lead my away usual. Enjoy. All for now.



Your last two PMs/attachments failed to make it. Please try again? :dontknow:


Hello folks, all of the monuments that I have seen to say this way, ( directional ) with a hint a bunny rabbit = top of the hill, bear = side hill they move away of their den ( where they had their babies ) turtle = to me go slow in the direction, danger or look good, something small, owl look at the dark places, most of the profiles that I have seen have been leaving an area and going also if its a complete profile.

I say "Spanish" you say?



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:laughing7: I almost said "tomato", but that would have been too obvious.

I couldn't say Spanish or KGC, but that first figure on the second line seems to be a pointer pointing straight at the small "cross" (plus?) in the first line.

The fourth figure from the right on the top line is not an "F" , but looks more like a right angle with a hyphen line across the vertical line close to it's bottom end.

The figure on the first line that looks like a backward "S" is a small "F" at the end of a curvy line.

The next to last figure on the top line is a "C" or "G".

The last figure on the top line is a vertical line and a line drawn at an angle to it. They don't connect at the "point". Pretty sure it is not an "L".

The third figure on the second line looks like a right angle, divided equally into 2 parts. There is a small "2" just to the right of the angle's junction.

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