ragler posted:
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing......
You prove your little bit of knowledge every time YOU post. You blather about monuments and codemakers concerning every photo posted here......including this one of Twisted Fork's. Now, play real, close attention:
No one said anythng about monuments and codes concerning these pics. Twisted Fork simply posted several very interesting photos of things he has found on his trails and some of us responded well........except you which is expected now by more than you think. I simply tagged some things that can be seen in the photo, WITHOUT zooming in as open observations and here YOU come swooping in on your Spanish code horse crying about stuff that was not even the topic. In another of your posts, you told Twisted that the shapes he was finding were
things you had never heard of or seen before. NEWS FLASH: There are a lot of things you have never seen or heard of before, but that shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following your posts. You feed off of OTHER peoples information that suddenly appear a few months later as your bonefied discoveries and decoded info.
At least 2 other folks on this forum have posted trails they've followed, beginning to end, with explanations of the different signs and symbols. Things THEY have learned with "boots on the ground". You claim to have completely decoded all of the Spanish codes and marks, yet the only proof you've presented is your word and a few marked up photos belonging to OTHER people. And when questioned, ever so lightly,

you resort to name calling and various other distractions.
Lastly, you keep telling ME to stay off of YOUR posts, but you don't respect OTHER people's request of YOU to stay off of THEIRS.
As far as my marking of other folk's photos; if they PM me asking me to not mark them, then I will honor their wishes. When YOU tell me not to mark OTHER peoples' pix.........well, I can't tell you were to file that idea or the Mods will delete my comment; and rightly so.