Too Hot to Dig...

Cleveland B. said:
Profile jumped out at me from your very first post/picture.
Would have to be only 6 inches tall or so...
perhaps I see clouds....


Please remember that I have never claimed everything/anything I have posted is directly attributed to Spanish Signs only! Over 90% of the first post is what I believe to be....(ANCIENT)....let us just call it a story panel or bill board....showing what to look for in the area, or on trails leading different directions. (very prior to Columbus/Cortez.and maybe what they were following) Many profile heads are on trails leading to or from the area.......Cloud seeing is human nature....we all see and recoginze many things... if the priest or whoever saw a big rock that looked like a head of something...they noticed it ...and used it to lead you to...or ... from.....the trick is to sort it all out. I believe the "Spanish" would recognize the faces, animals, etc., and mark and adapt, and confirm some as there own. (And deface/destroy some.)

True. Thanks for posting this Trail you are on...

odd, is that a horse or the parrot that twisted fork is talking bout? brent


The parrot Twisted was talking about is on his pic....upper left part.(I think)
I see mine as a horse ... of course.

I will see if I can find the pic of horse number two, and post it too.


I think TF's last photo of the stream is where the parrotman is drawn on a rock. Find the fish and eagle rock (in the stream) and move to the right and slightly up. It's a pretty obvious drawing once you focus on the rocks in the streambed.


Found my third horse head....was going to show it last but what the heck. If you find only one of something it may not mean so much...but three of anything gets my attention. Your post #2433 on Old Dogs thread where you marked the possible horse's head/neck is what spurred me into showing mine. Will come across my third sooner or later and intend to post it also.


I will go back and see which one of Twisted's I had in mind....OK I went back and the pic I had in mind was Twisted's "Eagles Roost" on Old Dogs thread.



  • jamesnew cam 116 (640x480).webp
    jamesnew cam 116 (640x480).webp
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Yep. Here's the part I was looking at. I thought it fit the "French miner" or "pirate with a parrot" figure. LOL

Last Water.webp

Shortstack said:
Yep. Here's the part I was looking at. I thought it fit the "French miner" or "pirate with a parrot" figure. LOL


You may not be so wrong....could be the bird head that was scattered about...look at Twisted's post that I was referring to. Notice a person looking to the right...good sized heart about where the heart on a person should be....the bird would be on his shoulder looking the other way...but downward with a smaller heart below and more pointers....etc.... then again I could be imagining it all. Then again if my poor memory serves me at all he found the rocks scattered and assembled them.

Yep, again. I went back and looked again and Twisted first photo is the pirate with a parrot on post #2453. I went on and tagged this last photo.
I hope Twisted Fork doesn't thump me for messing with his photos. LOL

Last Water Merged.webp

Old Dog said:
I must say NO, not all birds say the same thing. consider the Eagle, the owl and the duck for starters.
There are many situations where a bird could do exactly what Oddrock implies, and lead one on a false trail.
one must look at the attitude of the bird. Same as with a turtle, the positioning and posture tells a story.

Thats really interesting; can you please elaborate and give an example?

Finally ran across my other horse head. It is on the very first picture I posted, near the the base of the hand with the finger pointing...this one is red and wearing something in front of its face also. First pic also has the cauldron/shield that is below the black horse (no. two horse pic) It is not "cloud watching" when it repeats itself across canyon.....



  • Fields road and more signs 082 (640x480).webp
    Fields road and more signs 082 (640x480).webp
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GoldBack said:
Old Dog said:
I must say NO, not all birds say the same thing. consider the Eagle, the owl and the duck for starters.
There are many situations where a bird could do exactly what Oddrock implies, and lead one on a false trail.
one must look at the attitude of the bird. Same as with a turtle, the positioning and posture tells a story.

Thats really interesting; can you please elaborate and give an example?

right at this time I cannotas my computer has suffered a catastophic electrical event.
But there are MANY photos of bird signs that are posted here and they will give you a lot to study.

sent from thom's iphone


As Olddog is temporary out of commission I will try and elaborate. If if is not an owl, eagle, or duck...then if the bird is shown standing on the ground w/o wings spread, look for the next sign to be on the ground or buried. If the bird is in flight...then go higher. If he is looking ahead...then simply go the way he is looking.(most of the time)



  • DSCF4039 (640x480).webp
    DSCF4039 (640x480).webp
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I had one that was on the top of a bluff and the information that I needed was on top of the bluff in the direction it was pointing across the canyon, the underside of the head had an upside down (3 X 3 ) drill hole which I figure that meant something was upside down or below, more drill hole's on the other side.

Short one,
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing......
and you really prove that here in the pic you tried to mark you not understand that rocks in a steam are nothing but rocks in the steam
2.the codemakers would be hung on site if they even thought about doing this.
3. if your'fish' stone is a marker, is it trying to tell us the steam is flowing in this direction
4. a priest in a robe bending over...blab blab..come on dude , do you even think these things
thru..? [and what is cloud readers fasination with the priest figure?] as it is not part of the iconic coded signs..
5. do you not realize that even in a small spring run off these rocks will be tossed and turned over and over and land somewhere down steam in a useless configuration, just as these rocks where up steam last spring- and are now here in a ..... you guessed it a useless configuration
6. again you are lost up on pareidolia creek without a paddle
7. there should be an entrance exam to post on this thread.

on a positive note, if this was the pareidolia or grafiti exam you would have passed with flying colors
beware newbies, this is disinformation~!? Dont take anything this persons says about signs and marks seriously - as he is lost.
hope this helps you stay out of the quicksand
Last Water Merged bills  marks wrong - rangler.webp


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ragler posted:
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing......

You prove your little bit of knowledge every time YOU post. You blather about monuments and codemakers concerning every photo posted here......including this one of Twisted Fork's. Now, play real, close attention: No one said anythng about monuments and codes concerning these pics. Twisted Fork simply posted several very interesting photos of things he has found on his trails and some of us responded well........except you which is expected now by more than you think. I simply tagged some things that can be seen in the photo, WITHOUT zooming in as open observations and here YOU come swooping in on your Spanish code horse crying about stuff that was not even the topic. In another of your posts, you told Twisted that the shapes he was finding were things you had never heard of or seen before. NEWS FLASH: There are a lot of things you have never seen or heard of before, but that shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following your posts. You feed off of OTHER peoples information that suddenly appear a few months later as your bonefied discoveries and decoded info.
At least 2 other folks on this forum have posted trails they've followed, beginning to end, with explanations of the different signs and symbols. Things THEY have learned with "boots on the ground". You claim to have completely decoded all of the Spanish codes and marks, yet the only proof you've presented is your word and a few marked up photos belonging to OTHER people. And when questioned, ever so lightly, ;D you resort to name calling and various other distractions.
Lastly, you keep telling ME to stay off of YOUR posts, but you don't respect OTHER people's request of YOU to stay off of THEIRS.
As far as my marking of other folk's photos; if they PM me asking me to not mark them, then I will honor their wishes. When YOU tell me not to mark OTHER peoples' pix.........well, I can't tell you were to file that idea or the Mods will delete my comment; and rightly so.

Interesting odd rock

"A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three dogs, and a man three horses." No idea if it applies but it is an old old saying from italy or germany.

Shortstack said:
.....NEWS FLASH: There are a lot of things you have never seen or heard of before, but that shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following your posts. You feed off of OTHER peoples information that suddenly appear a few months later as your bonefied discoveries and decoded info......

I frequently disagreed with your opinions, stack, but you really nailed this one.

desertmoons said:
Interesting odd rock

"A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three dogs, and a man three horses." No idea if it applies but it is an old old saying from italy or germany.


Seems most of the old sayings are based in knowledge...we just have to determine which applies where.


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