Cornelius, So this spike was just made up because someone wanted a gold spike to take home with them? This was found on the 1733 fleet, obviously on its way to Spain!
Grubby, you did appologize, but it was always in a reply to someone else. I never took it as being directed at me. If you did, I thank you, and I appologize for being so intent on stopping this negativity! You have many more adventures under your belt and I am sure you will add lots to this forum.
Cornelius said:
You say that I know everything better . Well maybe that is so . You ever thought about that .
Regards Cornelius
Cornelius, Yes you have contributed alot over the last 2 years. So have alot of other people! Your statement above shows your ego, and maybe you have every right to feel that way.
All I can say is that Knowledge with Humility will get you farther! No one is always right!
Grubby, Cornelius, I can bury the hatchet as well! Lets put this behind us!
Cornelius, I will appologize as well to you, because we have had many good conversations and I am the type of person who doesn't dwell on these type of issues. I know we don't have to agree on everything, but I would at least like to carry on a civil conversation with you! My door is always open!
I will get off my high horse and quit preaching about the negativity, if y'all stop the "clique" comments, quit eluding to conspiracy with the moderators and keep the controversey to a minimum. We are all working towards the same goal, lets cooperate and make this productive. There is no reason for this to be happening if we think about our post and the way people will read them and reply intelligently!
I will leave the preachin' to Darren! I think we all need a good Sunday sermon!
Now, back to the subject:
According to Robert Marx: In Cadiz, in 1606, the officials notice two anchors that had been painted and it raised some suspicion. Come to find out, they were both solid Gold! Now thats what I call "Contraband"!