Grubby, you did state that you didn't know either way. But you lump yourself right in with Cornelius and back his statements. Why? Are the rest of us just ignorant?
As for our clique. Webster's defines a clique as "a close group of friends or coworkers with similar interests and goals, whom outsiders regard as excluding them." Who has been excluded? I have always invited people, to come dive with me and there is not one person in our group who wouldn't do the same. There is not one person here who isn't welcome on my boat! Our group is undertaking several projects right now; 1715 sub-contractors, working with the State of NC on identifying an unknown 19th century wreck, permits on a wreck in DR, and one in Key West. Now, does that sound like wannabees?
This forum has been around a good while, and many friendships have been made, partnerships created, projects started. Why is there so much annimosity?
Cornelius wants there to be more international discussion. OK. But the fact is, that a majority of the people here are stateside. I even tried to get a few investors interested in Cornelius' Indonesia project for him, but most people are focus in other areas. I believe in him and think it is a great project, and if I had the money and resources, I would help him out. (Even after our little fuss lately!) I still have high regards for Cornelius. I have even talked with Cornelius and wanted to meet him the next time he was stateside.
I am just tired of hearing people complaining and the fact of the matter is, Cornelius has been behind most of the problems here over the last year because of his dominant personality and (forgive me) his know it all - my word is final - attitude!
I am a D type as well, but, you have to have respect for other people! Over the last few weeks, I have pushed the line, YES! But it's only because this forum has gone down hill with all the negative remarks passing back and forth and I put the blame mostly on him! He has been at the root of almost every problem with his inflammatory and negative comments. And you are right there backing him!
I have always been cordial to everyone on this forum. Other than my rant as of late, you will not find one harsh word or negative remark posted by me! You have bashed me, the mods and my friends and I am insulted, discusted, and tired of the BS. But unlinke you or Cornelius, I am not threatening to leave!
If I have offended anyone else, I am truly, truly sorry!
So as for Spikes of Silver or Gold: here is your picture! (Courtesy Bob Weller and Ernie Richards, Galleon Alley) If this isn't enough, then nothing in the world will convince you otherwise!