Thousands of Soldiers Swear to Keep Oath that Obama Breaks


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Jul 27, 2006
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A growing movement exists in the United States as more and more people are slowly realizing that the establishment of both parties are against the*constitution, the natural rights, and the interests of the American people. Some of the people waking up are civilians — and some are soldiers.

As Obama increasingly is creating more power for himself, like with the power to kill Americans without trial or evidence, or the power to confiscate guns in defiance of the original intent the Second Amendment, more and more soldiers are joining an organization dedicated to protecting the*constitution*from such violations.

It’s called “Oath Keepers”, and it’s an organization of patriots who find themselves in the military who swear upon their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to never disarm the American people, or fire upon peaceful citizens, or to be the thugs of a dictator. These men and women are heroes and should be recognized as such..

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Fast and Furious... New Soldiers? Unarmed Fort Hood Soldiers? Are they trying to get that one step ahead? CYA.

All presidents since Reagan have created more power for themselves. Any reason you are singling out Obama?

Here is the fact regarding Obama and Presidential power: He isn't giving it up.

That is, he hasn't created more power for himself. The crit is, he promised to give up some of the power created by his immediate predecessor and hasn't. Most likely, once in office, he was subjected to information giving him a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are and most likely decided to keep things as they are. Still, the critics are wagging their fingers and making crap up.

While i'm sure the ultra right Obama haters are coming up with all sorts of dung to throw at the pres, I find it laughable that anyone in the military would act against their sworn duty to follow the commander and chief and more implausable that any would join an organization that advocates disobedience to that sworn duty. Leavenworth is a mean place to spend any time let alone the life time incarceration such actions would bring. But, go ahead and believe what you want.

I also find it laughable that anyone in this country thinks the military is going to be used to disarm the civilian population. That is laughable on it's face. The scary thing is that there are people who beleive that this is not only possible, but that it's coming.

You are entitled to not like Obama.

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All presidents since Reagan have created more power for themselves. Any reason you are singling out Obama?

Here is the fact regarding Obama and Presidential power: He isn't giving it up.

That is, he hasn't created more power for himself. The crit is, he promised to give up some of the power created by his immediate predecessor and hasn't. Most likely, once in office, he was subjected to information giving him a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are and most likely decided to keep things as they are. Still, the critics are wagging their fingers and making crap up.

While i'm sure the ultra right Obama haters are coming up with all sorts of dung to throw at the pres, I find it laughable that anyone in the military would act against their sworn duty to follow the commander and chief and more implausable that any would join an organization that advocates disobedience to that sworn duty. Leavenworth is a mean place to spend any time let alone the life time incarceration such actions would bring. But, go ahead and believe what you want.

I also find it laughable that anyone in this country thinks the military is going to be used to disarm the civilian population. That is laughable on it's face. The scary thing is that there are people who beleive that this is not only possible, but that it's coming.

You are entitled to not like Obama.

NF, you never been in the military have you?

When you join the military the very first line of our oath is to swear to protect and preserve the constitution from all enemies. It comes before promising to follow commands of officers above you and the president. As a vet I can say the vast majority of us take that oath very serious..

I will take that oath to my grave....

There are thousands of active duty military that are members of Oath Keepers including a lot of special forces, marines and army...

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Native Floridian , why do we single him out ? Because he is in power at this point in time and seems to be specifically attacking 2nd Amendment Rights constantly . In case you forgot where your posting , this is the 2nd Amendment Watchdog Forum . Please feel free to avoid this forum if what we post affends you . Also , if you feel we are paranoid , I'd say we are in good company with Senators like Rand Paul . Feel free to CLICK on this January article of what Senator Paul thinks of the president . Oh , Sen. Paul's problem ? He believe in that pesky old paper called THE CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES .......:BangHead:

Rand Paul vows to fight unconstitutional executive orders and fight Obama's 'king complex'

TH, I wish you were kidding with this. Pledging allegiance to the President is 'Part of" the military oath. There is no before or after. It is one oath.

The Oath keepers - another anti government wing nut group of malcontents. Have you checked the finances of this group? it's a non profit. But of course that doesn't mean noone profits.

Do you really think the the president is going to order the military to take your guns?

BTW, the last and most serious abuse of presidential power was the Saturday Night Massacre. So dubbed when two high ranking officials of the justice department resigned instead of following a presidential order they believed to be an abuse of power. Of course that president found a lacky to do his bidding. Fortunately for this country, it didn't stand.

The constitution trumps the president. Why would you even want to cause discord here?

Native Floridian , why do we single him out ? Because he is in power at this point in time and seems to be specifically attacking 2nd Amendment Rights constantly . In case you forgot where your posting , this is the 2nd Amendment Watchdog Forum . Please feel free to avoid this forum if what we post affends you . Also , if you feel we are paranoid , I'd say we are in good company with Senators like Rand Paul . Feel free to CLICK on this January article of what Senator Paul thinks of the president . Oh , Sen. Paul's problem ? He believe in that pesky old paper called THE CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES .......:BangHead:

Rand Paul vows to fight unconstitutional executive orders and fight Obama's 'king complex'

Rand Paul is first and foremost a politician. The founder of the oath keepers is a former Paul staff member.

I'm not offended. Just amazed!

Bevo, if posting facts is causing discord well then not much i can do about that.

Also read the opinions of senators Cruz and Rubio, there are millions of us in this country that ate concerned about the attacks on our constitutional rights.

Mayor Bloomberg says we need to change our interpretation of the constitution to prevent attacks, I say kiss it, politicians need to read our constitution and then they need to follow our constitution, they swore an oath to it...

They try to change the interpretation of 2nd amendment to take our rights away using lame excuse of preventing attacks they have got a fight on their hands...

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TH, I wish you were kidding with this. Pledging allegiance to the President is 'Part of" the military oath. There is no before or after. It is one oath.

The Oath keepers - another anti government wing nut group of malcontents. Have you checked the finances of this group? it's a non profit. But of course that doesn't mean noone profits.

Do you really think the the president is going to order the military to take your guns?

BTW, the last and most serious abuse of presidential power was the Saturday Night Massacre. So dubbed when two high ranking officials of the justice department resigned instead of following a presidential order they believed to be an abuse of power. Of course that president found a lacky to do his bidding. Fortunately for this country, it didn't stand.

N F, just what branch of service did you serve in.......

Look up the oath, I did not swear to protect and defend any president, I swore to protect and defend the constitution. Don't tell me what the oath I took was, I was there when I took it.

Obviously you never took the oath or you would know that you swear or pledge no allegiance to the president, you promise to obey orders of president and officers above you, but those orders must be lawful.

You swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution and to the United States only, not to the president ..

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So all the police, sheriffs, members of the Military, politicians, citizens and celebrities that believe there is a problem are wingnuts? And you mock those who take an oath?
You see nothing wrong? You would rather discredit?

fair, balanced, critical thinking in an effort to find a comprehensive compromise

N F, just what branch of service did you serve in.......

Look up the oath, I did not swear to protect and defend any president, I swore to protect and defend the constitution. Don't tell me what the oath I took was, I was there when I took it.

Obviously you never took the oath or you would know that you swear or pledge no allegiance to the president, you promise to obey orders of president and officers above you, but those orders must be lawful.

You swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution and to the United States only, not to the president ..

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I stand corrected, you are right. The allegiance is only to protect the constitution.

However, that doesn't change my opinion here. You swear to obey the orders of the president. Which for the purposes of this discussion are mute. The prez isn't going to order the seizure of guns.

I stand corrected, you are right. The allegiance is only to protect the constitution.

However, that doesn't change my opinion here. You swear to obey the orders of the president. Which for the purposes of this discussion are mute. The prez isn't going to order the seizure of guns.

You are wasting your time. MANY have been trying to tell them "no one is trying to take away your guns". Makes no difference.

So all the police, sheriffs, members of the Military, politicians, citizens and celebrities that believe there is a problem are wingnuts? And you mock those who take an oath?
You see nothing wrong? You would rather discredit?

fair, balanced, critical thinking in an effort to find a comprehensive compromise

fair balanced critical thinking? LOL!!!!! Where i see balance you see a troublemaker trying to cause discord.

And, To be clear, I'm not mocking the military oath.

I stand corrected, you are right. The allegiance is only to protect the constitution.

However, that doesn't change my opinion here. You swear to obey the orders of the president. Which for the purposes of this discussion are mute. The prez isn't going to order the seizure of guns.

And you know this how? The ultimate aim is to disarm American citizens, we know that even if you want admit it, it has been stated many times by different liberal reps, even obama when he was just a lawyer speaking at a school stated he saw no reason for Americans to be armed when he was talking to a fellow speaker.

As far as swearing to follow orders of president, that excuse didn't work to well at the Nuremburg trials for the German officers and authorities on trial......

As a solider we knew and know any order that violates the constitution is an unlawful order. You are not required to carry out unlawful orders and in fact you better be sure it is lawful or you can find yourself in deep you know what...

Doesn't' mean some want blindly follow the orders and obama, look at what is happening right now. Half the voters and mainstream media is still blindly following....

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And you know this how? The ultimate aim is to disarm American citizens, we know that even if you want admit it, it has been stated many times by different liberal reps, even obama when he was just a lawyer speaking at a school stated he saw no reason for Americans to be armed when he was talking to a fellow speaker.

As far as swearing to follow orders of president, that excuse didn't work to well at the Nuremburg trials for the German officers and authorities on trial......

As a solider we knew and know any order that violates the constitution is an unlawful order. You are not required to carry out unlawful orders and in fact you better be sure it is lawful or you can find yourself in deep you know what...

Doesn't' mean some want blindly follow the orders and obama, look at what is happening right now. Half the voters and mainstream media is still blindly following....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

... and you are not BLINDLY following the NRA?

... and you are not BLINDLY following the NRA?

No, But I am blindly following the constitution and Bill of Rights, I have no problem admitting that, in fact I am proud to admit that. ..

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You are wasting your time. MANY have been trying to tell them "no one is trying to take away your guns". Makes no difference.

All the gun bills the left is trying to force through congress is just a figment of our imagination too.:banghead:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

... and you are not BLINDLY following the NRA?

If you think the NRA has anything to do with this, your EAsy. They have only 4 million members. Do you really think that small number can swing votes of The Lib. Dems? They are running frighten of the ground swell of everyday people starting to realize the left is full of ship. 2014 can't come quick enough.

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