Thousands of Soldiers Swear to Keep Oath that Obama Breaks

That doesn't make a lick of sense.

1 + 1 does not equal 3.

An example of our own government not being above breaking their own laws so they could put out a hoax that American guns were being sold to Mexico to help with their attack on our 2nd amendment rights..... Problem is they were being sold by US Government...... That does not make sense to you, or that they would lie about it...

Why do you think the Attorney General went to federal court to beg they not be forced to release documents on "Fast and Furious"....

"Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law.
Judicial Watch had filed, on June 22, 2012, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking all documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious and “specifically [a]ll records subject to the claim of executive privilege invoked by President Barack Obama on or about June 20, 2012.”

The administration has refused to comply with Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, and in mid-September the group filed a lawsuit challenging Holder’s denial. That lawsuit remains ongoing but within the past week President Barack Obama’s administration filed what’s called a “motion to stay” the suit. Such a motion is something that if granted would delay the lawsuit indefinitely.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said that Holder’s and Obama’s desire to continually hide these Fast and Furious documents is “ironic” now that they’re so gung-ho on gun control. “It is beyond ironic that the Obama administration has initiated an anti-gun violence push as it seeking to keep secret key documents about its very own Fast and Furious gun walking scandal,” Fitton said in a statement. “Getting beyond the Obama administration’s smokescreen, this lawsuit is about a very simple principle: the public’s right to know the full truth about an egregious political scandal that led to the death of at least one American and countless others in Mexico. The American people are sick and tired of the Obama administration trying to rewrite FOIA law to protect this president and his appointees. Americans want answers about Fast and Furious killings and lies.”

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It is now rumoured that through Ex order. the Prez. plans to ban the import of ammunition from abroad. If he can't ban and regulate the firearm, he plans to stop readily available, and inexpensive ammunition. Yet as we all know, and have argued about before, his Justice Dept. in a poorly thought out program, exported firearms, incl. automatic weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico. Did they happen to think of the Mexican citizens, and one of our border patrol officers that would loose their lives through these ill-conceived programs. Personally I convinced that the thought of the liability to others even crossed their minds. With this Administration your better off as an immigrant,or foreign national, than you are an American citizen.

Oh That bill! Employers will get 3000$ per newly minted semi legal they hire. They will not have to buy insurance, nor will they be penalized for not purchasing the insurance. The new guys pay no penalty for not having it but old citizens will. But they will still enjoy the same free health care they currently get.

Americans are quickly becoming 3rd class citizens.

Makes sense that we are disarmed, huh!

Did you read about what happened in New Orleans? The army was used to disarm american citzens.And in the army I was in. my oath was to protect the consition and obay all lawful orders of my commander in chief and to defend my country from all enemys Domestic and forigen.What or whos country did you serve?
All presidents since Reagan have created more power for themselves. Any reason you are singling out Obama?

Here is the fact regarding Obama and Presidential power: He isn't giving it up.

That is, he hasn't created more power for himself. The crit is, he promised to give up some of the power created by his immediate predecessor and hasn't. Most likely, once in office, he was subjected to information giving him a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are and most likely decided to keep things as they are. Still, the critics are wagging their fingers and making crap up.

While i'm sure the ultra right Obama haters are coming up with all sorts of dung to throw at the pres, I find it laughable that anyone in the military would act against their sworn duty to follow the commander and chief and more implausable that any would join an organization that advocates disobedience to that sworn duty. Leavenworth is a mean place to spend any time let alone the life time incarceration such actions would bring. But, go ahead and believe what you want.

I also find it laughable that anyone in this country thinks the military is going to be used to disarm the civilian population. That is laughable on it's face. The scary thing is that there are people who beleive that this is not only possible, but that it's coming.

You are entitled to not like Obama.

My rights are NOT up for compromise.You pass a law where it is ilegal for me to have a gun, you have declared war on me and I wont have to use a gun to defend my rights for quite awhile.It will be a war of atrition and I will use my mind and what ever I have to use.My goverment does not have my best intrest in mind for any thing.I was born with these rights and as long as I am willing to defend them they will not be taken away.

My rights are NOT up for compromise.You pass a law where it is ilegal for me to have a gun, you have declared war on me and I wont have to use a gun to defend my rights for quite awhile.It will be a war of atrition and I will use my mind and what ever I have to use.My goverment does not have my best intrest in mind for any thing.I was born with these rights and as long as I am willing to defend them they will not be taken away.

Right on Bill. :thumbup:

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Did you read about what happened in New Orleans? The army was used to disarm american citzens.And in the army I was in. my oath was to protect the consition and obay all lawful orders of my commander in chief and to defend my country from all enemys Domestic and forigen.What or whos country did you serve?

yes, i did read what happened there. It was disgrace!! I think it we can all agree that much was mishandled in NoLa after Katrina. And, just to get it right, wasn't it the National Guard that was called in to assist police?

The problem with what happened in Nola was that vigilantes were running around killing people. And, what first passed as protection of life and property turned to a race war. One white vigilante who had shot a black man later found that the black man had survived the shooting. he tracked down the black man, who presented no threat to anyone, and murdered him in cold blood. He brought back the dead man's baseball cap to show his white gun toting vigilante friends that he'd found the guy and killed him. As he held up the cap to show it off, the victim's blood ran down his arm. All his friends cheered.

This is what law enforcement was up against. Who are the good guys just protecting themselves and who are the ones settling racial scores? No way to know.

That said, what the officials of Nola did was wrong. How the police handled it was wrong. It was a complete loss of control.

The aftermath paints many as wrong doers not the least of which was the Nola PD. Which showed it's corrupt and bruttal underside.

But again, what should have been done? When you've got huge groups of white people running around with guns? There are groups executing black people. There are groups who are trying to protect themselves. How do the police tell who is who? My point - the city had to act. The answer - beyond me!

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Keep race out of it please...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

yes, i did read what happened there. It was disgrace!! I think it we can all agree that much was mishandled in NoLa after Katrina. And, just to get it right, wasn't it the National Guard that was called in to assist police?

The problem with what happened in Nola was that vigilantes were running around killing people. And, what first passed as protection of life and property turned to a race war. One white guy who had shot a black man later found that the black man had survived the shooting. he tracked down the black man, who presented no threat to anyone, and murdered him in cold blood. He brought back the dead man's baseball cap to show his white gun toting friends that he'd found the guy and killed him. As he held up the cap to show it off, the victim's blood ran down his arm. All his friends cheered.

This is what law enforcement was up against. Who are the good guys just protecting themselves and who are the ones settling racial scores? No way to know.

That said, what the officials of Nola did was wrong. How the police handled it was wrong. It was a complete loss of control.

The aftermath paints many as wrong doers not the least of which was the Nola PD. Which showed it's corrupt and bruttal underside.

But again, what should have been done? When you've got huge groups of white people running around with guns? Who are the good guys? There are groups executing black people. My point - the city had to act. The answer - beyond me!

This sounds bad, and I have never heard it before. So I would like to see all of your sources on these statements please. Remember, no race, just sources.

Time out on the race thing. I'm only retelling the facts of what happened. it is what it is.

Dave, i'm not google. it took me about two minutes to look this up. Google it yourself.

That said, I agree with the Poster who said it was a travesty. No excuse for what happened. Not even vigilantes.

Now , if you believe there is the slightest bit of truth to the situations descibed in that article , you will begin to understand why people fear the next big disaster ( nature or man made ) and what it takes to defend life & property if you choose to stay in your home . Going to a camp like the stadium they descibed is not even an option for logical clear minded citizen . BTW , the ATROCITIES commited in the camp are the only ones I remember hearing about during the disaster .

Wow... The comments about the happenings in La during Katrina by people who were not (maybe so) even remotely in the state. The mayor at that time Nagin, is looking to face federal jail time on corruption charges. May I add that he to was a liberal mayor and when the City collapsed, he did exactly as any tyranny government official would do or try.. Have the government turn its people into sheep and they transform themselves into herders.

Here in La we passed an amendment that protects our right to keep and bear arms. As a matter of fact, current people that are we're arrested after this amendment was passed for LRS 14:94a Possession of a firearm by persons convicted of certain felonies are appealing their case and they may get their rights in this state to bear arms. Example. A violent offender is released early for whatever reason(s) he/she may be able to keep/bear posses firearms in this state. That's for the courts to decide. But also this law protects us here in La from any unconstitutional weapon law. Hell, a person maybe able to carry conceal without a permit.. All is to be decided in the La Supreme Court.

I feel for the rest of you who live in more "restrictive state" where the government acts more like an over protective parent. I don't understand any of the policies that your LEOs do and I'm a LEO. As far the place I work for taking anyone's guns...Well this City will have no police force. It would but it would be the private citizen. If you think your LEO carries a firearm to protect you, I'm sorry they (we) don't. That's for their (our) protection. Ask any LEO why he carries a gun, you will get an answer something of the fact "To protect myself". That's real life.

Let me explain how guns laws protected me (Sarcasm following) On 11/9/09, @ 2:30am Me and another LEO was parked in a rouge neighborhood in the City I worked for. A car pulls in where we were parked and panics and hauls butt. We chase 14miles, he crashes, bails and I chase him into a wooded area (I'm not the fat do-nut eating pig), I catch up, he's tasered, and its over.. Not quite. He rolls over, where he was told 3x to lay on his stomach. He had one hand up, telling me No.. BANG, BANG. I'm shot twice. I shoot back, he's shot to. Moral of the story, at the time of this shooting, he was a 3 time convicted felon. Charges from drugs, weapons, and othEr acts if violence towards people and LEOs. The current laws at that time he wasn't supposed to posses firearms but he did. A stolen Springfield XD .40 cal. But wait, he wasn't to have firearms or any weapon for that matter. So even with our state and federal laws, they did not stop him from possessing a firearm. It was later learned he was going to try to do a hit.

Basically what everyone is trying to say is the government will not and can not protect their citizens. When one thing is restricted, what's to stop them from restricting further? Look at NY with food/drink restrictions, the freedom of choice is also being attacked as well.

In my opinion, this country will just collapse and a foreign country will come in. The next biggest country that has some capability is China. They won't come alone either, many would love to take a bite.

Sorry for the long post but not every cop is follower of the socialist system.

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God bless you.

Soldiers swear to obey lawful orders. If researched, one would find where obeying unlawful orders had negative consequences.

I tried to find an oath takers poll but couldn't find one!!! LOL!!!!

When polls agree they can be taken seriously.

Regardless, while you guys worry needlessly about gun control I worry about things that can really happen. Like our elected representatives voting against the will of 90% of their constituents. How did that happen?

Madison's nightmare of factions in action.

I worry about 50% of the voters voting for politicians who stand for handouts and socialist reforms.

Wow... The comments about the happenings in La during Katrina by people who were not (maybe so) even remotely in the state. The mayor at that time Nagin, is looking to face federal jail time on corruption charges. May I add that he to was a liberal mayor and when the City collapsed, he did exactly as any tyranny government official would do or try.. Have the government turn its people into sheep and they transform themselves into herders.

Here in La we passed an amendment that protects our right to keep and bear arms. As a matter of fact, current people that are we're arrested after this amendment was passed for LRS 14:94a Possession of a firearm by persons convicted of certain felonies are appealing their case and they may get their rights in this state to bear arms. Example. A violent offender is released early for whatever reason(s) he/she may be able to keep/bear posses firearms in this state. That's for the courts to decide. But also this law protects us here in La from any unconstitutional weapon law. Hell, a person maybe able to carry conceal without a permit.. All is to be decided in the La Supreme Court.

I feel for the rest of you who live in more "restrictive state" where the government acts more like an over protective parent. I don't understand any of the policies that your LEOs do and I'm a LEO. As far the place I work for taking anyone's guns...Well this City will have no police force. It would but it would be the private citizen. If you think your LEO carries a firearm to protect you, I'm sorry they (we) don't. That's for their (our) protection. Ask any LEO why he carries a gun, you will get an answer something of the fact "To protect myself". That's real life.

Let me explain how guns laws protected me (Sarcasm following) On 11/9/09, @ 2:30am Me and another LEO was parked in a rouge neighborhood in the City I worked for. A car pulls in where we were parked and panics and hauls butt. We chase 14miles, he crashes, bails and I chase him into a wooded area (I'm not the fat do-nut eating pig), I catch up, he's tasered, and its over.. Not quite. He rolls over, where he was told 3x to lay on his stomach. He had one hand up, telling me No.. BANG, BANG. I'm shot twice. I shoot back, he's shot to. Moral of the story, at the time of this shooting, he was a 3 time convicted felon. Charges from drugs, weapons, and othEr acts if violence towards people and LEOs. The current laws at that time he wasn't supposed to posses firearms but he did. A stolen Springfield XD .40 cal. But wait, he wasn't to have firearms or any weapon for that matter. So even with our state and federal laws, they did not stop him from possessing a firearm. It was later learned he was going to try to do a hit.

Basically what everyone is trying to say is the government will not and can not protect their citizens. When one thing is restricted, what's to stop them from restricting further? Look at NY with food/drink restrictions, the freedom of choice is also being attacked as well.

In my opinion, this country will just collapse and a foreign country will come in. The next biggest country that has some capability is China. They won't come alone either, many would love to take a bite.

Sorry for the long post but not every cop is follower of the socialist system.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thank you for the post and your service to the citizens.....:thumbup:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Scooter , God bless you sir and thank you for your service and explaining to some how the REAL world operates . It is amazing and sometimes outrageous what Govt. officials get away with in times of disasters or tragedies . ( can we say 9/11 and Patriot Act ? )

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