Thousands of Soldiers Swear to Keep Oath that Obama Breaks

Our 2nd Amendment is being attacked ! These rights are not to be infringed upon, PERIOD ! Our Constitution is what makes America
great. Many people have lost family members in wars & I not tarnish their valor & honor by rolling over. When one Amendment is
compromised, the others will surely fall. STAND TALL, AMERICA & DEFEND OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.

What has always bothered me was the fact that the strongest proponents of gun control, usually are surrounded by armed bodyguards. Sen. Kennedy( D Mass) when he was alive was always in the company of men armed with full-automatic firearms, illegal for the public to easily own, led the fight to Gun Control Act 1968. It makes no difference today, we are under siege, and attack by zealots who don't like or respect us, both foriegn and domestic, and we are expected to be protected by a Govt. who can't even decipher the intelligence passed to it? This is why the 2nd Amendment to the BOR allows for the right to keep and bear arms, as well as the provision for a well regulated militia!

reference to fienstien? She is the head of the intelligence committee and deserves our respect!
Wait a minute, fienstien? intelligence? committee? That makes no sense at all, the:censored:with her!

Native Floridian, you are just wrong. Not trying to take away guns? Let me give you 3 names to contact and you can ask them what their goals are:
1. Diane Feinstein
2. Michael Bloomberg
3. Barack and Michelle Obama

If you think your security, democracy and freedom are secure in this country, you are dead wrong. When the Constitution is attacked, we are all attacked. I have stated before that I was a hippy and a liberal, but I love this country and know how fragile freedom is. And I promise you that these "liberal democrats" today are nothing more than socialists that want this country under their control. If universal background checks would have passed, gun registration would have started when Obama signed the bill. There would have been a listing from that day forward with every bit of info that the government needed. One more simple bill would have ordered all guns to be turned in or registered. What you say? Well, let's see. Don't turn in your gun and IRS comes after you, you never get a refund check, if you have a gov't. job it's gone, you are charged with contempt and jailed, a court order then let's them in to take your weapons, your mortgage is overdue and you can go begging on the streets. One step at a time. It's just that easy...

Here in Montana, as much as I dislike our Sen. Max Baucus, he did the right thing in voting down the bill. He listened to his Montana constituents and possibly even stood on principal, knowing that extending background checks are a stupid idea.

If the majority in your state were against this Bill, your Senators did the right thing in voting against it. it's the Senators who voted against their constiuents wishes who are the problem.

I mean seriously, are you happy that The AARP can come in and influence a U.S.Senator to vote against what his or her constituents want? That they spend millions of dollars to first contribute to the campaigns of the Senators and congressmen who do their bidding and that they spend millions more to defeat those who don't? This money forces the elected representative to chose between what is best for them and what is best for their constiuents. Literally, voting against AARP they are putting their livihood and careers on the line. And they know it. So the special interst group wins, gets what it wants and the constiuents lose. Then the special interest group supplies the representative with talking points to sooth over any hard feelings his vote may have created. Many times those talking points are pure fiction. But only the most savy of voters knows that.

This is what is happening in Washington DC. This is the way a small but vocal and well financed minority can control legislation. You defenders of the constitution should be up in arms about this! As it is pervasive attack on our constitution.

Of course, AARP isn't the only special interest group who operates this way. Between K Street lobbiest and powerful specail intersts, there are hundreds of groups buying our representatives votes.

None of us should be Ok with that on any level.

Native Floridian, you are just wrong. Not trying to take away guns? Let me give you 3 names to contact and you can ask them what their goals are:
1. Diane Feinstein
2. Michael Bloomberg
3. Barack and Michelle Obama

If you think your security, democracy and freedom are secure in this country, you are dead wrong. When the Constitution is attacked, we are all attacked. I have stated before that I was a hippy and a liberal, but I love this country and know how fragile freedom is. And I promise you that these "liberal democrats" today are nothing more than socialists that want this country under their control. If universal background checks would have passed, gun registration would have started when Obama signed the bill. There would have been a listing from that day forward with every bit of info that the government needed. One more simple bill would have ordered all guns to be turned in or registered. What you say? Well, let's see. Don't turn in your gun and IRS comes after you, you never get a refund check, if you have a gov't. job it's gone, you are charged with contempt and jailed, a court order then let's them in to take your weapons, your mortgage is overdue and you can go begging on the streets. One step at a time. It's just that easy...

Well, that's four people but who's counting right? HAHAHA!!!! Just had to say that!

So you know, not ex hippie, politically just right of center. Though relative to this group i look like an ultra liberal!! HAHAHA!!!!

Couple things - the good thing about living in a republic is that 3 ( or4) people can't do anything.

if i used the word try or trying let me retract that and say it this way - the government isn't going to take your guns. Just not happening!

if i say to you that you are misinformed or that you've been sold a bill of goods, you, naturally, would be insulted. Yet this entire "The Government is trying to take our guns away movement" is orchestrated by the pro gun lobby. They are mobilizing the forces! And will do whatever it takes to achieve their goal of no new gun legislation. it's what they get paid to do!

One example:

You state had the background check law passed that universal gun registration would have started. You have lots of company as that is a universal belief among the Pro gun folks i know. HMM, a lot of people with exactly the same concern? Where are they getting this from? Could there be a single source of information? or in this case misinformation? Read on...

Are you aware that the Bill as written was called the Manchin-Toomey Compromise Bill? it was deal struck between opposing sides to come to agreement. Our constitution working as it should. Give and take to deliver a solution everyone could live with. Well, everyone except the NRA. They were not happy.

Did you know that the Manchin - Toomey Compromise BIll prohibited gun registration? I'm gonna bet that you didn't know that. Prohibited! That's a strong word. A word that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

And, Im gonna bet that that you don't believe me. Look at my post #46 and read where it says the special interest group gives talking points to the representatives. The talking point the NRA gave was that gun registration would take place with the passage of the BIll. This, even though the Bill expressly prohibited it. This is how U.S. Senators could vote against the will of the people and save their own hides. it was their out.

The NRA knows that the faithful will take them at their word. Even if that word isn't true.

Doing so, the NRA got what it wanted. So the truth took a little hit. hey, it's politics, not like that's a sacred cow!

But for the staunch anti socialist, anti communist, protectors of the constitution in this crowd, you might want to do a gut check on what you really beleive. because this was truly an example of the "The end justifies the means." Something to ponder.

Believe what you will and do so at your own risk!

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Any one who thinks the background checks proposed would not have been another step towards gun registration/confiscation either has their head buried in the sand or supports gun registration/confiscation to begin with....

Ask the American Indian how that worked out for them...

Cleaned up version... "Don't pour water down my back and tell me it is raining".....We are not buying it........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

the national socialists took control of Germany with less than 100 thousand committed supporters.
yes, four million can do much damage to liberty.

the Oath commits one to protect the nation from all enemies, foreign an domestic.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.


P.S. i am always amaze how so many support one part of the second amendment, ignoring the basic, right of the government to train an regulate the militia.

read the entire second amendment next time.

This is crazy talk. The last gun bill past in this country was passed under Obama. I bet you don't even know what it is. You are allow to carry a concealed weapon on Amtrak and into National parks if you have concealed weapon s permit.

The peril is the thought that "we" need to look at the constitution "differently". They meant it when they said our rights are inalienable.
Not to be messed with period.

The militia is the people.

Ya in 1700's when there was now paid volunteer Army.

We don't need to look at constitution differently, they just need to read it....

237 years later the constitution still works, the purpose for the 2nd amendment as written is as valid today as the day it was written, to protect and defend the American people from a government of tyranny...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Liberty transcends time.

Any one who thinks the background checks proposed would not have been another step towards gun registration/confiscation either has their head buried in the sand or supports gun registration/confiscation to begin with....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Daniel Moynihan said it best - Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

TH, you are entitled to your opinion as you've stated here. But, it is ony that. With regards to the Bill defeated last week, that Bill Prohibited gun registration.

You can believe the facts or you can believe the NRA.

I realize i'm not going to change your mind on any of this but by at least acknowledging reality it makes you a stronger advocate.

here is how i frame it - The NRA was about to lose a big round, and they played dirty. The NRA won a round. Am i upset that they won? Not really. As a resident of a state that has gun laws far more restrictive than anything the new law was proposing, I really had no skin in the game. Perhaps for that reason i was able to see the central view. Be that as it may, Am i happy at how the NRA won? No! How could i be? How could anyone who cares about this country be? it was disgusting! And, IMO, a far more pervasive plundering of our constitution than any of these 2nd amendment arguements.

All here are staunchly declaring how patriotic they are. This thread is about protecting the constitution from all comers! yet, what you are all really for is leave my guns alone. When it comes to defending the constitution your patriotism seem to end where the NRA's anti gun lobby begins. The irony here would be comic if it weren't so serious. This is an issue you need to reconcile. Is it Ok to trample the constitution to get the result you want?

As i said, this thread is about protecting the constitution. From that POV only me a couple others here are doing that. Whether you are too wrapped up in the 2nd amendment fight or, you are unaware of the issues in play, or just plain don't get it, you don't need to join an oathkeepers group to know when the constitution is under attack. Last week it was attacked big time. As posted earlier Madison's nighmare of factions. He saw it coming.

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Daniel Moynihan said it best - Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

TH, you are entitled to your opinion as you've stated here. But, it is ony that. With regards to the Bill defeated last week, that Bill Prohibited gun registration.

You can believe the facts or you can believe the NRA.

I realize i'm not going to change your mind on any of this but by at least acknowledging reality it makes you a stronger advocate.

here is how i frame it - The NRA was about to lose a big round, and they played dirty. The NRA won a round. Am i upset that they won? Not really. As a resident of a state that has gun laws far more restrictive than anything the new law was proposing, I really had no skin in the game. Perhaps for that reason i was able to see the central view. Be that as it may, Am i happy at how the NRA won? No! How could i be? How could anyone who cares about this country be? it was disgusting! And, IMO, a far more pervasive plundering of our constitution than any of these 2nd amendment arguements.

All here are staunchly declaring how patriotic they are. This thread is about protecting the constitution from all comers! yet, what you are all really for is leave my guns alone. When it comes to defending the constitution your patriotism seem to end where the NRA's anti gun lobby begins. The irony here would be comic if it weren't so serious. This is an issue you need to reconcile. Is it Ok to trample the constitution to get the result you want?

As i said, this thread is about protecting the constitution. From that POV only me a couple others here are doing that. Whether you are too wrapped up in the 2nd amendment fight or, you are unaware of the issues in play, or just plain don't get it, you don't need to join an oathkeepers group to know when the constitution is under attack. Last week it was attacked big time. As posted earlier Madison's nighmare of factions. He saw it coming.

NF, just like you were wrong in your telling me my oath when I enlisted in military included swearing allegiance to the president your wrong again.......

I know what the thread is about, I started the thread..

If your only purpose here is to continually attack the NRA then stop posting in this forum..

Your correct the Constitution was attacked last week, attacked by the party you support.

I sent off over a hundred emails and faxes the last month fighting the attack on our rights by your party, I am a vet and have been under fire as well...

Do not question or attack my patriotism again..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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By Native Floridian "TH, you are entitled to your opinion as you've stated here. But, it is ony that. With regards to the Bill defeated last week, that Bill Prohibited gun registration. "

Prohibited registration? Then what is the use of a background check if I let my wife have my gun? I think you are purposely trying to be naive Fla. I know you hate them so here is something from the NRA.

On April 11, by a vote of 68-31, the U.S. Senate voted to move forward with debate and votes on a variety of gun control proposals.

The underlying bill that will be considered by the Senate is S. 649, the so-called "Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013." A number of amendments will be offered to S. 649, including a ban on commonly and lawfully-owned firearms and magazines and language to criminalize the private transfer of firearms and force gun owners to get government permission to transfer guns to friends after "advertising" that might be as little as a Facebook post or a listing in a gun club newsletter. This language--a misguided "compromise" proposal drafted by Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)--would be proposed as an alternative to Sen. Schumer's background check provisions that are currently in the bill.

NRA's position on these proposals is unmistakably clear--we are unequivocally opposed to S. 649, the amendments mentioned above, and any other anti-gun amendments. As we have noted previously, expanding background checks at gun shows or elsewhere will not reduce violent crime or keep our kids safe in their schools. Given the importance of these issues, votes on all anti-gun amendments or proposals will be considered in NRA's future candidate evaluations.


Tell me they did not want me to perform a background check on anyone I sold or gave my weapon to!

I am opposed to any legislation that requires me to submit to background checks to buy a gun, it is an invasion of my privacy and it can and will be abused by government agencies.

There is already a law that makes it against the law to buy a firearm if you are a convicted felon, all a background check would do is put my name on a government list showing I own certain guns, the same list can be searched by any and all government agencies including using it for gun confisication....

To say our government would never do such a thing is beyond naive.......Our government was selling arms to Mexican Drug Cartel members, that alone shows they would....

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