Those that have been scammed..

Of course you don't understand what I'm telling you. I've mentioned over and over that your "logic" is quite askew to what a normal person realizes as logic.

So, you don't understand analogies, you don't understand random chance, you don't understand physics, you don't understand the word "opinion," you don't understand experimentation, you don't understand mathematics......

I have been a gold prospector since the early 1980’s…Some guy comes on T-Net and tells me that all I have to do is throw a rock and dig the gold..or that a blind man can find the same amount of gold as I can because it is just random chance.

A few years ago I gave this same guy a GPS read of where a large treasure was located in his home town and he didn’t go right over there with a shovel and dig the treasure. Seems to me that he does not respect his own logic as being right…

Random Chance is just a joke to me…no..I do not understand physics but that does not stop me from using it…”opinion” is not a fact and does not prove anything…I do a lot of experiments and I understand the ones that matter to me…I understand enough about Mathematics to live my live happily….

When real prove is provided you just go on with you nonsense. You are a true SKEPTC and will follow their code of behavior like a little puppy dog….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
…”opinion” is not a fact and does not prove anything…I

Then why are you insisting that Marc's opinion on LRL's equate to a definition that they're only used to locate treasure?

Good Lord, man, you can't keep anything straight, can you??

aarthrj3811 said:
guy comes on T-Net and tells me that all I have to do is throw a rock and dig the gold..
Since you're so keen on trying "unconventional" methods of hunting treasure, why haven't you tried it yet?

aarthrj3811 said:
A few years ago I gave this same guy a GPS read of where a large treasure was located in his home town and he didn't go right over there with a shovel and dig the treasure.
You've never done this, Art. Maybe you should make up something that can't be verified?

Then you, of all people, should know where gold is without the aid of a bent piece of wire or other gimmicks
Since you're so keen on trying "unconventional" methods of hunting treasure, why haven't you tried it yet?
You've never done this, Art. Maybe you should make up something that can't be verified?

If your methods are so good answer for me one little question? Whey do you own a Metal Detector when you tell me that all I need is a rock and a shovel...Art

Why….I answered both of you at the same time..Illogical comments are illogical comments…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Then you, of all people, should know where gold is without the aid of a bent piece of wire or other gimmicks
Since you're so keen on trying "unconventional" methods of hunting treasure, why haven't you tried it yet?
You've never done this, Art. Maybe you should make up something that can't be verified?

If your methods are so good answer for me one little question? Whey do you own a Metal Detector when you tell me that all I need is a rock and a shovel...Art
I never claimed that my methods were better or worse than anyone else's, Art. You really need to start make-believeing in your own head, instead of in public places.

But I'll give you an answer. I use a metal detector because I've never claimed to be able to find pounds of gold with coat hangers.

Now, a question for you! Why do you own a metal detector when you claim your rods and LRLs work so well?

aarthrj3811 said:
Of course you don't understand what I'm telling you. I've mentioned over and over that your "logic" is quite askew to what a normal person realizes as logic.

So, you don't understand analogies, you don't understand random chance, you don't understand physics, you don't understand the word "opinion," you don't understand experimentation, you don't understand mathematics......

I have been a gold prospector since the early 1980’s…Some guy comes on T-Net and tells me that all I have to do is throw a rock and dig the gold..or that a blind man can find the same amount of gold as I can because it is just random chance.

A few years ago I gave this same guy a GPS read of where a large treasure was located in his home town and he didn’t go right over there with a shovel and dig the treasure. Seems to me that he does not respect his own logic as being right…

Random Chance is just a joke to me…no..I do not understand physics but that does not stop me from using it…”opinion” is not a fact and does not prove anything…I do a lot of experiments and I understand the ones that matter to me…I understand enough about Mathematics to live my live happily….

When real prove is provided you just go on with you nonsense. You are a true SKEPTC and will follow their code of behavior like a little puppy dog….Art

I must disagree with you here, art. I think that one is just a wannabe, trying to impress (poorly) his heroes. :laughing7:
'Following like a little puppy dog' is exactly right.

SWR said:
Dell Winders said:
Since you acknowledge the invitation, I guess it can't be considered propaganda, but fact. Dell

For those interested...the "challenge" Dell Winders speaks of starts here, where he "challenges" me to guess where the buried treasure is. He has already dowsed the treasure, and claims it to be buried 20 foot down.

As far as I know, the treasure (snickers) is still there....20 foot down.,42746.msg410215.html#msg410215
Oh, no doubt the "treasure" still lies there, undisturbed, and apparently forgotten by Dell except when it's convenient for him to mention it.

I can't think of a single treasure hunter than would sit on top of a treasure the size Dell claims it is, and refuse to dig it because one single person didn't RSVP to his little party....

SWR said:
af1733 said:
SWR said:
Dell Winders said:
Since you acknowledge the invitation, I guess it can't be considered propaganda, but fact. Dell

For those interested...the "challenge" Dell Winders speaks of starts here, where he "challenges" me to guess where the buried treasure is. He has already dowsed the treasure, and claims it to be buried 20 foot down.

As far as I know, the treasure (snickers) is still there....20 foot down.,42746.msg410215.html#msg410215
Oh, no doubt the "treasure" still lies there, undisturbed, and apparently forgotten by Dell except when it's convenient for him to mention it.

I can't think of a single treasure hunter than would sit on top of a treasure the size Dell claims it is, and refuse to dig it because one single person didn't RSVP to his little party....

What can I say. It ain't a party without SWR?
LOL! I guess not! He was so disappointed you didn't show up that he apparently gave up treasure hunting entirely!

Isn't it sad that his self-esteem dangles so precariously from the approval and attention of others??

I never claimed that my methods were better or worse than anyone else's, Art. You really need to start make-believeing in your own head, instead of in public places.

But I'll give you an answer. I use a metal detector because I've never claimed to be able to find pounds of gold with coat hangers.

Now, a question for you! Why do you own a metal detector when you claim your rods and LRLs work so well?

I have not claimed to have found pounds of gold with a coat hanger. I have said that they are good FREE tools to use while seeing if you can use Rods. I have @ 4 pounds of gold photo’s posted on this board that was all found using Rods….

My wife for the past 4 years has been my hunting partner. While I am wondering around up in the hills and after she has loaded my vehicle with rocks she would get bored. I bought her a metal detector that I also use at times… You see: The rods will not work for her..

So….Random chance only to people who use the Rods….Got it…Art

Dell Winders said:
SWR said:
Dell Winders said:
Since you acknowledge the invitation, I guess it can't be considered propaganda, but fact. Dell

For those interested...the "challenge" Dell Winders speaks of starts here, where he "challenges" me to guess where the buried treasure is. He has already dowsed the treasure, and claims it to be buried 20 foot down.

As far as I know, the treasure (snickers) is still there....20 foot down.,42746.msg410215.html#msg410215

SWR, your reference link shows that the Invitation was made before I visited the site, and you had the opportunity to participate, where we could have electronically verified the accuracy of your "GUESS" locations, and compare them with my photo Dowsed locations. You would have witnessed the use of LRL, and me detecting the possible treasure with an LRL, along with the anomaly confirmation by 3 Scientifically accepted methods, andtrythe LRL, for yourself, along with the privilege of excavating my dowsed, or your guessed, scientifically confirmed, anomaly location, and sharing the Treasure with the property owner if it was found, with either method.

According to the instruments we used, the suspected culvert I dowsed, started at a depth of 19 feet, and angled down to 28 feet, over a distance of approximately 80 feet.

As you might already know? Sand, below the water table does not pack to support much weight. Heavy anomalies slowly sink over time until they reach a solid strata.

Those are the facts, and there were two other witnesses to the event.

I'm sorry you declined the invitation (challenge) and choose to make a mockery of Treasure hunters.

If it was found? So, you're not really sure there was anything there?

Two others witnessed the event? So you did go ahead with the excavation? Then surely you have wonderful, full-color, date-stamped photos of your finds, right?

How does not showing up to a "challenge" make a mockery of anything, Dell?

Dell Winders said:
Winders...the bottom line is nothing was recovered....NOTHING! Regardless if I came or not....nothing was recovered. Why you continue to travel down this path of self-destruction is beyond any normal persons comprehension. NO RECOVERY WAS MADE.

And just a little side note...the limestone cap is extremely high around Homosassa. Your heavy anomaly sinking theory is like Swiss cheese.

SWR, you seem to know more about this than I do, or you wouldn't be telling me what I don't know. I don't know if the Property Owner made a recovery, or not. I was paid for my services, and left. The Anomaly recorded on the E/M, and the GPR, so why was nothing found?

Both the GPR & the E/M's detected the limestone, water filled cavern a few feet under the house, and a tunnel leading from under the house to a large, 90 foot deep, water filled cavern, with what appeared to be a dome shaped cap about 200 feet from the house. Apparently the limestone was much deeper at the suspected culvert location, which is about 300 feet in a different direction from the house. None of the instruments detected a hard strata, or even a vegetation layer calculated within 28 feet from the surafce

Is that not a possibility with Florida geology, or should we have explored deeper in surveying a potential Treasure lotation?

I'm sorry you weren't there to help with the calculating and guessing Dell
Which is just the long way of saying you didn't find anything.....

If you didn't bother to stick around for the excavation and "discovery," then you don't know what, if anything, was found. So why all the hatred and accusations towards SWR? And how on earth did he make a mockery of treasure hunting if you didn't see this through to the end either?

And why didn't you stick around to see what was down there? Was this a "take the money and run" type of situation??

We are at 138 posts and 1247 views. ..Sure seems to me that a lot of T-Net users are seeing that the skeptics don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to using LRL’s for treasure hunting…Sorry Charlie…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
We are at 138 posts and 1247 views. ..Sure seems to me that a lot of T-Net users are seeing that the skeptics don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to using LRL’s for treasure hunting…Sorry Charlie…Art
It only seems that way to you because you have no idea what you're talking about! :icon_thumleft:

Not to mention the fact that you started this thread to discuss people that have been scammed, not about using LRLs for treasure hunting. You know, it might be helpful for you to read the title of the thread and a few of the posts so you'll be on the right track before you bother to write anything.

Here's something that actually belongs here:

I just poked around on eBay a little bit. I found 4 different LRLs for sale from 2 different sellers, and each LRL had exactly 4 of those units available. Both of the sellers had 100% positive feedback, but apparently neither of them have sold LRLs before, as there was no feedback even mentioning an LRL. All 4 ads were rife with grammatical and spelling errors.

But here's the truly interesting part....neither of the sellers accepted returns! This is what you might call a scam in action.

aarthrj3811 said:
We are at 138 posts and 1247 views. ..Sure seems to me that a lot of T-Net users are seeing that the skeptics don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to using LRL’s for treasure hunting…Sorry Charlie…Art
I also have to say, in what bass-ackwards world does saying "Well, we're at 138 posts and 1247 views, so that means the skeptics lose!" actually have a meaning?

Try this one on for size, Art. I'll bet it fits you: "I drive a blue car, so that means elephants in China have have two ears!"

Or maybe: "My friend drank a glass of water yesterday, so it must be time to mow the lawn!"

Wow, Art, I think you just stumbled onto the answer for everything!

The oil crisis: "If I go for a jog next week, then all cars will be powered by giggles and sunshine!"

Health Care: "Since I dressed myself today, that must mean everyone's doctor visits are free now!"

All Hail Art and his massive BRAIN!!!!!

I also have to say, in what bass-ackwards world does saying "Well, we're at 138 posts and 1247 views, so that means the skeptics lose!" actually have a meaning?
Try this one on for size, Art. I'll bet it fits you: "I drive a blue car, so that means elephants in China have have two ears!"
Or maybe: "My friend drank a glass of water yesterday, so it must be time to mow the lawn!"
Wow, Art, I think you just stumbled onto the answer for everything!
The oil crisis: "If I go for a jog next week, then all cars will be powered by giggles and sunshine!"
Health Care: "Since I dressed myself today, that must mean everyone's doctor visits are free now!"
All Hail Art and his massive BRAIN!!!!!

What does the old saying state….Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me….
I also have to say, in what bass-ackwards world does saying "Well, we're at 138 posts and 1247 views, so that means the skeptics lose!" actually have a meaning?
Try this one on for size, Art. I'll bet it fits you: "I drive a blue car, so that means elephants in China have have two ears!"
Or maybe: "My friend drank a glass of water yesterday, so it must be time to mow the lawn!"
Wow, Art, I think you just stumbled onto the answer for everything!
The oil crisis: "If I go for a jog next week, then all cars will be powered by giggles and sunshine!"
Health Care: "Since I dressed myself today, that must mean everyone's doctor visits are free now!"
All Hail Art and his massive BRAIN!!!!!

What does the old saying state….Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me….
The only people on this thread that have been Scammed are the people who know that LRL’s are good treasure hunting tools and the ones who want to learn something…How two or three skeptics can try to highjack a thread bets the heck out of me…Sorry Charlie..Your fake facts about Treasure Hunting just don’t cut the mustard…Why don’t you go back to a SKEPTIC’S forum where no one will want to know the facts and ask you for proof of your statements….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
What does the old saying state….Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me….
The only people on this thread that have been Scammed are the people who know that LRL’s are good treasure hunting tools and the ones who want to learn something…How two or three skeptics can try to highjack a thread bets the heck out of me…Sorry Charlie..Your fake facts about Treasure Hunting just don’t cut the mustard…Why don’t you go back to a SKEPTIC’S forum where no one will want to know the facts and ask you for proof of your statements….Art
Unless I've missed something, you've haven't asked me for proof of my statements anytime recently.

And this.....The only people on this thread that have been Scammed are the people who know that LRL’s are good treasure hunting tools and the ones who want to learn just freaking hilarious, but I'm glad you're finally able to admit that you and Dell have been scammed.

And fake facts? What fake facts are you referring to?? Surely you have proof of these "fake facts," as you call them.
(This is me asking you for proof. Step up and back up your words, Art, or sit back down and admit you can't.)

Where are all the thousands that have been SCAMMED….It may that they want no part of replies like these….

[bg=]No doubt items have been found, but do you know how they were found? Have you bothererd to think about the use of an LRL as it relates to an actual find? It's a matter of thinking the LRL has pointed you to the base of a nice old tree, and then breaking out the metal detector to "pinpoint" your target.
Tom in CA has developed an excellent expiriment that has yet to be attempted. Take an old tennis shoe and smear it in peanut butter. Close your eyes and toss that shoe into the air. Where it lands, break out the detector and try to "pinpoint" what the tennis shoe is trying to tell you is buried there. If you believe that an LRL can do then, then you might as well save a few bucks and try the shoe idea.
ple statistical odds say that these things will occasionally have a hit.

What has the fact that LRLs will locate gold have to with Statistical odds????Art
This has been explained to you multiple times Art, but it's apparent you still can't "do the math," so to speak.
You do realize that just because you posted a question looking for people that have been scammed doesn't mean that all people unhappy with their LRLs are registered on Treasurenet to respond, or even saw this thread to post on it in the first place?
And why is it that none of you LRL fans have bothered to address the big, red bold paragraph at the top of the new LRL page? You're in here still refusing to provide any kind of evidence that these LRLs do as you claim, when the entire point of this forum even existing is so that people won't get scammed by buying one of these "devices."
So far all I've seen from the LRL group is just more rhetoric having nothing to do with how these devices actually work. I'd think certain people here would be working much more diligently to make a case for these things.

Sooooo, what you're saying is that it's not logical to think you'll find gold when you go to your gold fields? Would it be more logical to say that you'll probably dig up Buicks all day, but then you get the nice suprise of gold once in awhile?
Hence, you know there is gold there....known gold.....
Here's another question you've never bothered to answer. Are you able to tell how much gold is in the dirt you dig out of a particular hole, and how deep was that gold, before you dig it???
Have you ever tried the experiment I suggested? Close you eyes and toss a rock as far as you can into your gold field, then dig a hole there and process it later, then compare that gold to the amount of gold you get from a dowsed hole? You'd be surprised by the results, I can guarantee it.
It most certainly does need an answer. Just 3 posts back you wrote that I have no Treasure Hunting logic because I've explained to you that going to a gold field to hunt for gold isn't hunting at all, it's just digging. Since you seem to think this is illogical, you need to explain yourself.
I was referring to known gold, just like I said. Known targets are targets you bury yourself and then "find" later, and then try to use as proof that your little devices work. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching.
It defies only the logic of those who do not posess it. I am referring to random chance in a roundabout way. What I want you to see is that the micro-gold you rely on your rods so much to find is most likely everywhere in your gold fields. Hence my proposal. And you're right in saying it has very little to do with treasure hunting as looking for gold in a gold field is a bit like looking for a puppy in a pet store.
Of course you don't understand what I'm telling you. I've mentioned over and over that your "logic" is quite askew to what a normal person realizes as logic.

So, you don't understand analogies, you don't understand random chance, you don't understand physics, you don't understand the word "opinion," you don't understand experimentation, you don't understand mathematics......
I never claimed that my methods were better or worse than anyone else's, Art. You really need to start make-believeing in your own head, instead of in public places.

But I'll give you an answer. I use a metal detector because I've never claimed to be able to find pounds of gold with coat hangers.
Not to mention the fact that you started this thread to discuss people that have been scammed, not about using LRLs for treasure hunting. You know, it might be helpful for you to read the title of the thread and a few of the posts so you'll be on the right track before you bother to write anything.
Try this one on for size, Art. I'll bet it fits you: "I drive a blue car, so that means elephants in China have have two ears!"
Wow, Art, I think you just stumbled onto the answer for everything!
The oil crisis: "If I go for a jog next week, then all cars will be powered by giggles and sunshine!"
Health Care: "Since I dressed myself today, that must mean everyone's doctor visits are free now!"
And this.....The only people on this thread that have been Scammed are the people who know that LRL’s are good treasure hunting tools and the ones who want to learn just freaking hilarious, but I'm glad you're finally able to admit that you and Dell have been scammed.[/bg]

aarthrj3811 said:
We are at 138 posts and 1247 views. ..Sure seems to me that a lot of T-Net users are seeing that the skeptics don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to using LRL’s for treasure hunting…Sorry Charlie…Art

Huh? What I'm seeing is that the skeptics appear to be using logical arguments and the pro-LRL group is grasping at every possible explanation they can think of and failing miserably! Dell wants to claim that SWR doesn't have a leg to stand on because he refused to spend the time and money to dig a huge 20 foot deep trench on the whim of a madman! Hey Dell, I used a pendant to map dowse a huge treasure at the bottom of a 100 foot gorge in the catskill mountains. It is expected to be 20 feet deep. I invite you to go and dig it up to show that I am real and have mystic powers. What? No takers? Gee, I wonder why?

Why would a skeptic spend the time and money to dig a huge 20 foot deep pit based on the ramblings of someone who appears to be a complete con artist? If I think you are a fraud then why would I spend any time at all chasing your visions? Now if you wanted to subject yourself to a logical, scientific test then I'm sure SWR would have been happy to take you up on your offer. But chasing your visions is quite ridiculous in my opinion.

Hey jb7487….Could you tell me what equipment you have used to verify that the Treasure is there? LRL users test themselves every time they go into the field. The only one I have to prove it to is myself.
If you want to send me a map or photo of the area I would gladly map dowse it to see if I think there is anything there…Art

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