Those that have been scammed..

1. You have tried to state the number of LRL owners before, yet you can never back up your claims of those numbers. Worse yet, the numbers you post change, up and down, from week to week.

Please tell us how many LRL’s have been sold in the past 30 years?... From the response to this thread we have to assume that most of the thousands of LRL owners do not feel that they were scammed.. Now we all know that one manufacturer has sold ove 4000 units..Is that not thousands?

You have tried to state that your imaginary LRL owners are happy with them, but you have never backed that up, besides quoting faked "testimonials" from LRL manufacturers' Web sites.

60 plus owners have put their testimonial on this board. 100’s of testimonials on the internet...Is it your opinion the only thing on this board is the posts of the skeptics that are not fake?
2. You continue to refer to group #3 as "skeptics," even after having it clearly explained to you.
People knowledgeable in electronics who have researched the so-called LRL category of devices, and determined, without a doubt, that they are all a fraudulent hoax.

If it walks like a duck, quakes like a duck, it is a duck.

3. You continue to follow the pattern of all con artists everywhere.
Who have I done the con-artists thing to?

4. By your statement quoted above, you are admitting that people have been scammed. That is the one thing that you have ever said that can be believed.

Where can I find that fact?

aarthrj3811 said:
1. You have tried to state the number of LRL owners before, yet you can never back up your claims of those numbers. Worse yet, the numbers you post change, up and down, from week to week.

Please tell us how many LRL’s have been sold in the past 30 years?... From the response to this thread we have to assume that most of the thousands of LRL owners do not feel that they were scammed.. Now we all know that one manufacturer has sold ove 4000 units..Is that not thousands?

Businesses do not release their sales figures, except to employees. So, how are your commissions lately?

You have tried to state that your imaginary LRL owners are happy with them, but you have never backed that up, besides quoting faked "testimonials" from LRL manufacturers' Web sites.

60 plus owners have put their testimonial on this board.

Then post a link to all those.

100’s of testimonials on the internet...

Testimonials are easily faked. Evidence has been shown of LRL manufacturers posting other lies, so it can only be assumed that so are the testimonials. Where are all those people posting? None here, that's for sure---it's only the LRL promoters.

Is it your opinion the only thing on this board is the posts of the skeptics that are not fake?

Skeptics don't post much. They only ask a few questions, observe your BS answers, decide not to buy an LRL, and leave.

2. You continue to refer to group #3 as "skeptics," even after having it clearly explained to you
People knowledgeable in electronics who have researched the so-called LRL category of devices, and determined, without a doubt, that they are all a fraudulent hoax..

If it walks like a duck, quakes like a duck, it is a duck.

Wrong. Skeptics say that they are uncertain. We don't.

3. You continue to follow the pattern of all con artists everywhere.

Who have I done the con-artists thing to?

Every time you post a fake picture. Every time you post fake videos. Every time you accuse Carl of being a cheat. Every time you recommend to someone to buy an LRL.

4. By your statement quoted above, you are admitting that people have been scammed. That is the one thing that you have ever said that can be believed.

Where can I find that fact?

Right here---

aarthrj3811 said:
The question is Those that have been scammed..not what is a no nothing skeptic

Art\'s Motto.jpg

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof! And quit complaining about the truth, the facts, and reality!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?


  • Art\'s Motto.jpg
    Art\'s Motto.jpg
    5.6 KB · Views: 292
Please tell us how many LRL’s have been sold in the past 30 years?...
Businesses do not release their sales figures, except to employees. So, how are your commissions lately?
An estimated 4000 people use Rangertell
60 plus owners have put their testimonial on this board.
Then post a link to all those.
What’s wrong lazy to do any research?
100’s of testimonials on the internet...
Testimonials are easily faked. Evidence has been shown of LRL manufacturers posting other lies, so it can only be assumed that so are the testimonials. Where are all those people posting? None here, that's for sure---it's only the LRL promoters.
So you are assuming that since all the skeptic’s posts are fake that all the LRL manufacturers and all the owners are lying?
Skeptics don't post much. They only ask a few questions, observe your BS answers, decide not to buy an LRL, and leave.
Then why are you still on a Treasure Hunting Web Site?
Who have I done the con-artists thing to?
Every time you post a fake picture. Every time you post fake videos. Every time you accuse Carl of being a cheat. Every time you recommend to someone to buy an LRL.
Good answers to simple questions are your down fall...Art


And out of those alleged "thousands," not a single one wants an extra $25,000.00?

And of course, you wouldn't want to go pick up that 25K, and prove your point, once and for all.

And none of your alleged "friends with LRLs" would want to, either.

And none of the other LRL promoters on here would want to, either.

And you never lie.

And pigs fly.

So much for fantasy, now get back to reality.



Speaking of questions asked, here's one from the previous page, which you failed to answer at all---

EE THr said:

Speaking of "Those that have been scammed," which is the title of your topic here, let me give you the following example.

People have been scammed by LRL advertisements which indicate that the pointer portion of the machine moves, by itself, to point at the target; yet apparently it does not.

So, do the pointer mechanisms move by themselves? Or is the operator required to move them on his own?


I figured you would enjoy having another opportunity to clarify things in this regard.


And out of those alleged "thousands," not a single one wants an extra $25,000.00?
I am real sure that they would want an extra 25K
And of course, you wouldn't want to go pick up that 25K, and prove your point, once and for all.
What point are you talking about?

And none of your alleged "friends with LRLs" would want to, either.

It is according to what point you are talking about
And none of the other LRL promoters on here would want to, either.

And you never lie.
How can anyone say that?

And pigs fly.
I guess they can in your world

So much for fantasy, now get back to reality.
That would be nice if you could do that..
do the pointer mechanisms move by themselves?
How would I know?...None of my 4 LRL’s have a pointer mechanisms..
Now can we talk about your claim that all LRL’s are fraudulent and are a scam?...Art

Now you are saying that your RangerTell doesn't point to treasure. Make up your mind.

Gee EE...We have told you how these devices work..Yes the Ranger Tell will swing to point at the treasure. The other 3 use Rods to point at the treasure. None of them have a pointer mechanisms as none is needed...In fact I know of no LRL that has a pointer mechanisms and neither do you...
Now when do you want to talk about all the people you claim have been scammed?..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Now you are saying that your RangerTell doesn't point to treasure. Make up your mind.

Gee EE...We have told you how these devices work..Yes the Ranger Tell will swing to point at the treasure. The other 3 use Rods to point at the treasure. None of them have a pointer mechanisms as none is needed...In fact I know of no LRL that has a pointer mechanisms and neither do you...
Now when do you want to talk about all the people you claim have been scammed?..Art

I didn't say powered mechanism, that would be electromechanical. I just meant where the pointing device is attached to the handle, which would make it a mechanism.

So, just to be clear on that point, the pointer is merely free-swinging. That is, it will swivel in whatever direction you tilt your hand which is holding the handle, right?


I didn't say powered mechanism, that would be electromechanical. I just meant where the pointing device is attached to the handle, which would make it a mechanism.
Thank you...None of mine have either type

So, just to be clear on that point, the pointer is merely free-swinging. That is, it will swivel in whatever direction you tilt your hand which is holding the handle, right?
The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..How many times has this been explained to you?
That would be anyone who has ever bought one, because they don't work, of course.
So every one that has bought one was scammed...So you are saying that every one that has bought a LRL has never found treasure with them...How do you know this?..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..

...And the "antenna" points to what?---the Moon?

You have always said that it points to the "target." Are you changing your mind now?

P.S. Just because someone buys a part called "telescoping antenna," for a buck or so, doesn't mean that it will function as an antenna without a functioning transmitter---and no LRLs actually have transmitter stages (see the schematic that I posted of your RangerTell---no transmitter stage!)



...And the "antenna" points to what?---the Moon?
What good would that do?
You have always said that it points to the "target." Are you changing your mind now?
Yes it does..

P.S. Just because someone buys a part called "telescoping antenna," for a buck or so, doesn't mean that it will function as an antenna without a functioning transmitter---and no LRLs actually have transmitter stages (see the schematic that I posted of your RangerTell---no transmitter stage!)

I will have to take your word that there is no transmitter in my Ranger Tell..I don’t know if any LRL’s have transmitter stage and neither do you....
I guess we are seeing an entire industry that is smarter and know more about electronics than ordinary EE’s...Art

Art said,

The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..How many times has this been explained to you?

OK, I'm a newbie. But I believe this is a key point. The rod or antenna is free swinging until it locks onto a target as a result of magnetism, electromagnetism, resonance or whatever. Even a newbie knows that much.

The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..How many times has this been explained to you?

OK, I'm a newbie. But I believe this is a key point. The rod or antenna is free swinging until it locks onto a target as a result of magnetism, electromagnetism, resonance or whatever. Even a newbie knows that much.
Hey Nicholas...It is to simple for these guys to understand...You can set the ranger tell on the ground and take a simple set of rods and follow the signal to the target..They can not understand how a device can operate with 100 milvolts.

Heck..I don’t need to understand how it works to use it

How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...
How can they explain why the only ones complaining on this board are people who have never used a LRL and for the most part are not treasure hunters?..Art

aarthrj3811 said:

...And the "antenna" points to what?---the Moon?
What good would that do?
You have always said that it points to the "target." Are you changing your mind now?
Yes it does..

P.S. Just because someone buys a part called "telescoping antenna," for a buck or so, doesn't mean that it will function as an antenna without a functioning transmitter---and no LRLs actually have transmitter stages (see the schematic that I posted of your RangerTell---no transmitter stage!)

I will have to take your word that there is no transmitter in my Ranger Tell..I don’t know if any LRL’s have transmitter stage and neither do you....
I guess we are seeing an entire industry that is smarter and know more about electronics than ordinary EE’s...Art

The schematic has been posted, there is no transmitter stage. There's not even a battery!

As usual, your claims are pure nonsense.

bookcliff said:
Art said,

The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..How many times has this been explained to you?

OK, I'm a newbie. But I believe this is a key point. The rod or antenna is free swinging until it locks onto a target as a result of magnetism, electromagnetism, resonance or whatever. Even a newbie knows that much.

Your statements are straight out of Science Fiction.

Magnetism from what?

"Resonance" is a quality, not a quantity. It is not a tangible substance.

If these free-swinging pointers could "lock on" to anything, then you could put the handle in a vise, and move a target across in front of them, and they would swing to track the target. This does not occur. These pointers are dead weight, and only swing when you tilt your hand. It's a total hoax.


aarthrj3811 said:
The antenna swings when the signal makes contact with the target..How many times has this been explained to you?

OK, I'm a newbie. But I believe this is a key point. The rod or antenna is free swinging until it locks onto a target as a result of magnetism, electromagnetism, resonance or whatever. Even a newbie knows that much.
Hey Nicholas...It is to simple for these guys to understand...You can set the ranger tell on the ground and take a simple set of rods and follow the signal to the target..They can not understand how a device can operate with 100 milvolts.

Heck..I don’t need to understand how it works to use it

How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...
How can they explain why the only ones complaining on this board are people who have never used a LRL and for the most part are not treasure hunters?..Art

These are all empty claims. Not one has ever been shown to be true.

And your court claim is an outright lie. Sales of those devices were banned, and you know it. It has already been addressed many times on here. You are flying in circles again.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

The schematic has been posted, there is no transmitter stage. There's not even a battery!
As usual, your claims are pure nonsense.
Could be that it is not a Radio or TV..It works fine without a battery..It works by the power in the human body.
Your statements are straight out of Science Fiction.
What did I say that was Science Fiction?

Magnetism from what?
Did I say that?

"Resonance" is a quality, not a quantity. It is not a tangible substance.
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at a greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy.

If these free-swinging pointers could "lock on" to anything, then you could put the handle in a vise, and move a target across in front of them, and they would swing to track the target. This does not occur. These pointers are dead weight, and only swing when you tilt your hand. It's a total hoax.
Where can that information be found?
These are all empty claims. Not one has ever been shown to be true.
No...they are called questions about your claims...Please answer them?
How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...
How can they explain why the only ones complaining on this board are people who have never used a LRL and for the most part are not treasure hunters?..Art

And your court claim is an outright lie. Sales of those devices were banned, and you know it. It has already been addressed many times on here. You are flying in circles again.
Yes there was one treasure hunting device banned by a Federal Judge in the 90’s..When the manufacturer was taken before a Jury he was found not guilty...,374021.0.html

And I added two more questions
Did I say that?
Where can that information be found?

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