Those that have been scammed..

EddieR said:
Again: Was your post based on your personal opinions or can you provide verifiable documentation of said extraordinary claims?

Like I told cigar smoker---

"I responded adequately to ER's question, which was a silly one to begin with. My answer obviously explains exactly what I meant, although it was obvious to begin with (to all except the logic challenged).

You guys have the same attitude, being that the fact LRLs are totally fraudulent doesn't matter, but imaginary "technicalities" do.

Your simplistic, nonsensical demand is typical of an LRL promoter."

Learn to read, why don't you?

But, as times before, you will probably ask again, dozens of times.

I guess ignorance if fullfilling to some people.

P.S. LRLs don't work. :laughing7:

JudyH said:
So ya got nuthin'.

Just what I thought, all "Doof" and no substance.

Thanks anyway. ::)

When LRL promoters have no scientific proof that their fraudulent devices work, they resort to irrelevant insults, about imagined transgressions, fantasizing that people might believe that they will be a substitute for actual facts.

P.S. Many people love cigars, but they still take them out once in awhile.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

EE THr said:
EddieR said:
Again: Was your post based on your personal opinions or can you provide verifiable documentation of said extraordinary claims?

Like I told cigar smoker---

"I responded adequately to ER's question, which was a silly one to begin with. My answer obviously explains exactly what I meant, although it was obvious to begin with (to all except the logic challenged).

You guys have the same attitude, being that the fact LRLs are totally fraudulent doesn't matter, but imaginary "technicalities" do.

Your simplistic, nonsensical demand is typical of an LRL promoter."

Learn to read, why don't you?

But, as times before, you will probably ask again, dozens of times.

I guess ignorance if fullfilling to some people.

P.S. LRLs don't work. :laughing7:

Nonsensical demand? Aren't you the one who posts "Don't be a Doof, show the proof?....and then can't provide proof yourself?

Now, wouldn't it be much easier to just admit that your claims were all just "made up", since you obviously can't provide proof of those extraordinary claims?

You beg others for proof of their claims, and yet you cannot provide ANY proof of the claims you made above. Why is that?

JudyH said:
:sleepy4: Still got nuthin'.

Can't even come up with a good insult.

Goodnight li'l stalker. :-*

You still don't understand an answer when you see one.

And just who would the stalker here be? You are the one who came in with personal attacks, and nothing about the topic whatsoever.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

"The level of sanity or insanity of the subject matter, determines the level of sanity or insanity of the two-way communication attainable in any discussion."

SWR said:
EE THr said:
EddieR said:
No, I'm not taking sides at all. I'm just asking if the claims you posted above were your opinions or do you have references which can be verified.

You see, when you made the claim concerning "MANY PEOPLE"....well, in my opinion I think it would be hard for you to be in touch with "many people" that have gotten scammed, else you would have probably already brought them on here to tell their story. But you haven't. Thus, to me, since you said "many people", I consider that to be an extraordinary claim, and according to you, the one making the extraordinary claim bears the burden to produce proof of said claim.

Now, was it just your opinion or can you produce verifiable proof of your extraordinary claim?

Then why aren't you asking Art for verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?

You are just another LRL promoter, but want to be "untouchable" by claiming that you are not.


Yes... there have been many people posting on TreausureNet... over the years, claiming to have been scammed by Long Range Locators.

That is neither an extraordinary claim... or, a claim that is not verifiable. LRL's have already been proven fraudulent... so, the claim is not extraordinary

Oh but it IS an extraordinary claim. To have such verifiable documentation such as money being refunded, etc. would require access to manufacturers or sellers records.

EddieR said:
Nonsensical demand? Aren't you the one who posts "Don't be a Doof, show the proof?....and then can't provide proof yourself?

Now, wouldn't it be much easier to just admit that your claims were all just "made up", since you obviously can't provide proof of those extraordinary claims?

You beg others for proof of their claims, and yet you cannot provide ANY proof of the claims you made above. Why is that?

I don't make claims, rather I question the validity of claims made by fraudulent LRL promoters.

What I said about law suits is not extraordinary at all. It is, in fact, very well known among those familiar with such things. If you can't figure it out, go ask a lawyer. Or take a law course. Or an English comprehension course. Both would be best for you, actually.

The pitiful part of your statement is that you can't understand adequate answers to your point, such as I have already responded with, twice.

And I haven't begged anyone for proof that LRLs work, because I know it's impossible for them to actually provide it, seeing as LRLs don't work.

A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.


EddieR said:
Oh but it IS an extraordinary claim. To have such verifiable documentation such as money being refunded, etc. would require access to manufacturers or sellers records.

So why have you also never asked Art to verify his alleged access to manufacturers and sellers records?

You're just another LRL promoter.

You, too, are your own best skeptic!


EE THr said:
EddieR said:
Oh but it IS an extraordinary claim. To have such verifiable documentation such as money being refunded, etc. would require access to manufacturers or sellers records.

So why have you also never asked Art to verify his alleged access to manufacturers and sellers records?

You're just another LRL promoter.

You, too, are your own best skeptic!


Why? Because you guys already have. Why would I ask him also?

EddieR said:
Why? Because you guys already have. Why would I ask him also?

Nope. I merely responded to his statement with a logical, common sense reply.

Why haven't you demanded names and phone numbers of all his alleged testimonials and buyers?


EE THr said:
EddieR said:
Nonsensical demand? Aren't you the one who posts "Don't be a Doof, show the proof?....and then can't provide proof yourself?

Now, wouldn't it be much easier to just admit that your claims were all just "made up", since you obviously can't provide proof of those extraordinary claims?

You beg others for proof of their claims, and yet you cannot provide ANY proof of the claims you made above. Why is that?

I don't make claims, rather I question the validity of claims made by fraudulent LRL promoters.

What I said about law suits is not extraordinary at all. It is, in fact, very well known among those familiar with such things. If you can't figure it out, go ask a lawyer. Or take a law course. Or an English comprehension course. Both would be best for you, actually.

The pitiful part of your statement is that you can't understand adequate answers to your point, such as I have already responded with, twice.

And I haven't begged anyone for proof that LRLs work, because I know it's impossible for them to actually provide it, seeing as LRLs don't work.

A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.


No, you didn't provide adequate answers, you skirted the issue....something about kids playing in the freeway, lrl's haven't been proven to work, and then accusing me of taking sides.

Where is the verifiable evidence of the claims you made? Or were they your own opinions? I tried to make the question as simple as possible. Do you have evidence of your claims, or do you not?

This time if you don't give a simple yes (I have the evidence and will present it here) or no (it was just my own opinions) then we will all know that it was all fallacy. No run arounds, no counter questions, no whining.

Simple, eh?

EddieR said:
No, you didn't provide adequate answers, you skirted the issue....something about kids playing in the freeway, lrl's haven't been proven to work, and then accusing me of taking sides.

Where is the verifiable evidence of the claims you made? Or were they your own opinions? I tried to make the question as simple as possible. Do you have evidence of your claims, or do you not?

This time if you don't give a simple yes (I have the evidence and will present it here) or no (it was just my own opinions) then we will all know that it was all fallacy. No run arounds, no counter questions, no whining.

Simple, eh?

Sorry, you don't make up the rules. I told you the concept of what I conveyed in my answer. It seems to have gone over your head.

Anyone with common sense understands what I was saying. But you don't.

And you are trying to turn nonsense into a personal attack, in order to shift focus off the fact that LRLs are a scam. And, because you post to try and defend the LRLers, you are biased in favor of the fraud.

And LRLs still don't work.

And you are still a typical LRL promoter.

So your illogic comes as no surprise.

And you remain your own best skeptic.

I predict that you will continue with your nonsensical attempts to catch me in a technical error which doesn't exist.

But it only proves the statements above even more, so go right ahead.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.


If you are sooooooooooooo concerned about verification of "people," then why haven't you demanded names and phone numbers of all his alleged testimonials and buyers?


And where is Art's verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?

Now that is something which is not a generalization, and absolutely should have a reference to the proof!


EE THr said:
EddieR said:
No, you didn't provide adequate answers, you skirted the issue....something about kids playing in the freeway, lrl's haven't been proven to work, and then accusing me of taking sides.

Where is the verifiable evidence of the claims you made? Or were they your own opinions? I tried to make the question as simple as possible. Do you have evidence of your claims, or do you not?

This time if you don't give a simple yes (I have the evidence and will present it here) or no (it was just my own opinions) then we will all know that it was all fallacy. No run arounds, no counter questions, no whining.

Simple, eh?

Sorry, you don't make up the rules. I told you the concept of what I conveyed in my answer. It seems to have gone over your head.

Anyone with common sense understands what I was saying. But you don't.

And you are trying to turn nonsense into a personal attack, in order to shift focus off the fact that LRLs are a scam. And, because you post to try and defend the LRLers, you are biased in favor of the fraud.

And LRLs still don't work.

And you are still a typical LRL promoter.

So your illogic comes as no surprise.

And you remain your own best skeptic.

I predict that you will continue with your nonsensical attempts to catch me in a technical error which doesn't exist.

But it only proves the statements above even more, so go right ahead.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

Bit I DID make up the rules in my post...evidently you agreed to them, 'cause you played.

Well, you answered the best you could...and even got in some personal attacks against me, too....while accusing ME of personal attacks against YOU!!!

Answer is noted: FALLACY

Now, was that so hard?

I just caught you lying about the "not guilty" verdict you claimed. It's just like all your other claims.
Then why aren't you asking Art for verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?
So why have you also never asked Art to verify his alleged access to manufacturers and sellers records?
Gee EE..Your reading comprehension has really went south..We are getting a little tired of trying to educate you..
It is a common psychological problem in that insecure people tend to project their personal deficiencies unto another in self defense, they are sure trying to pass theirs lack of knowledge over to you

EddieR said:
Bit I DID make up the rules in my post...evidently you agreed to them, 'cause you played.

Well, you answered the best you could...and even got in some personal attacks against me, too....while accusing ME of personal attacks against YOU!!!

Answer is noted: FALLACY

Now, was that so hard?

Nope. They are known statistical facts. Ask any lawyer.

Maybe it would be easier for you to think of it this way: For the question, "Do bears poop in the woods?" Do you need to interview every bear in the forest?

Awaiting your nonsensical answer....


aarthrj3811 said:
I just caught you lying about the "not guilty" verdict you claimed. It's just like all your other claims.
Then why aren't you asking Art for verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?
So why have you also never asked Art to verify his alleged access to manufacturers and sellers records?
Gee EE..Your reading comprehension has really went south..We are getting a little tired of trying to educate you..
It is a common psychological problem in that insecure people tend to project their personal deficiencies unto another in self defense, they are sure trying to pass theirs lack of knowledge over to you

Ah, so you are standing by your fabrication, and instead of providing facts you call people "stupid," as predicted.

Then you try to make it all good by attempting to invoke amateur sickology, again as predicted.

You are still your own best skeptic, con-Artie!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

EE THr said:
EddieR said:
Bit I DID make up the rules in my post...evidently you agreed to them, 'cause you played.

Well, you answered the best you could...and even got in some personal attacks against me, too....while accusing ME of personal attacks against YOU!!!

Answer is noted: FALLACY

Now, was that so hard?

Nope. They are known statistical facts. Ask any lawyer.

Maybe it would be easier for you to think of it this way: For the question, "Do bears poop in the woods?" Do you need to interview every bear in the forest?

Awaiting your nonsensical answer....


I can do ya one better: For the question, Was that your opinions or do you have verifiable proof of your claims?" Can you just answer?

By the way, I couldn't help but notice....ya know that list you made, "Predictable Patterns of Con Artists"?

In your last several posts, you have managed to exemplify these, whether directly or in some form close to them: 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 31, and 38.

Wow! :hello2:

JudyH said:
Hmm... :icon_scratch:... I merely used your own words, Darling. :dontknow:

Glad to see you finally admit that you post a personal attack with virtually every post. ;D

:sleepy4: And ya STILL got nuthin'.

I don't know which of my words that you are talking about, but it doesn't matter whose they are, it's what they mean that counts.

You don't know anything about LRLs, as you have previously stated. You only attack the LRL debunkers, and try to validate the LRL promoters. And you compulsively inject comments about sex, of all things.

Actually, I am polite to those who are polite to me. After a few insults are thrown at me by a person, the gloves are off, however. And now you're whining about it.

And I'm waiting for RDT to see this and state whether he has ever met you or not.

LRL promoters, on the other hand, use insults merely to divert attention off the topic, and away from the fact that LRLs just don't work. And that is your pattern. So you promote the fraud, and attack anyone who points it out. Just so everyone is clear on that concept, but it's so obvious that everyone reading these posts likely have already figured that out.

And now for more nonsense gobbledygook from the scammers, as usual....


P.S. As I've told you before, I'm not your darling.

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