Those that have been scammed..

aarthrj3811 said:
The schematic has been posted, there is no transmitter stage. There's not even a battery!
As usual, your claims are pure nonsense.
Could be that it is not a Radio or TV..It works fine without a battery..It works by the power in the human body.

No, it does not get any power from "the human body." That's pure nonsense. Plus, you have no knowledge of electronics, as you have admitted, so it's ridiculous for you to make a claim like that. But that's a typical thing for LRL promoters to do---make adamant statements about things they know nothing about. Your's is just one more in the long list.

Your statements are straight out of Science Fiction.
What did I say that was Science Fiction?

That was not your post which was quoted. Wake up!

Magnetism from what?
Did I say that?

Again---Wake up!

"Resonance" is a quality, not a quantity. It is not a tangible substance.
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at a greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy.

Forces can produce resonance, but resonance is not, itself, a force. It's a quality.

If these free-swinging pointers could "lock on" to anything, then you could put the handle in a vise, and move a target across in front of them, and they would swing to track the target. This does not occur. These pointers are dead weight, and only swing when you tilt your hand. It's a total hoax.
Where can that information be found?

In your own past posts. You have admitted that you must move your hand to get the pointer to move. Are you having memory problems again?

These are all empty claims. Not one has ever been shown to be true.
No...they are called questions about your claims...Please answer them?

See "Loaded Question," then figure it out for yourself. It will be a good mental exercise for you.

How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...
How can they explain why the only ones complaining on this board are people who have never used a LRL and for the most part are not treasure hunters?..Art

And your court claim is an outright lie. Sales of those devices were banned, and you know it. It has already been addressed many times on here. You are flying in circles again.
Yes there was one treasure hunting device banned by a Federal Judge in the 90’s..When the manufacturer was taken before a Jury he was found not guilty...,374021.0.html

Wrong. You might say that "he was not fount guilty," but that's because he was not charged personally. The purpose of the court case was to ban him from selling LRLs.

And I added two more questions
Did I say that?
Where can that information be found?

I noticed. See above. Also, pay more attention to who is being quoted. I even used the real quote feature (unlike you), and you still goofed it! Sheesh!

Art\'s Motto.jpg

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.


  • Art\'s Motto.jpg
    Art\'s Motto.jpg
    5.6 KB · Views: 224
No, it does not get any power from "the human body." That's pure nonsense. Plus, you have no knowledge of electronics, as you have admitted, so it's ridiculous for you to make a claim like that. But that's a typical thing for LRL promoters to do---make adamant statements about things they know nothing about. Your's is just one more in the long list.

You don’t need any knowledge of electronics to use electronic devices. Have you ever check how much voltage you have between your hands? I have 120 millvolts running between my hands. You probably ignore the voltage tests that have been posted on this site...Where does the voltage come from if not from the body?
Forces can produce resonance, but resonance is not, itself, a force. It's a quality.
I don’t know how it works but I gladly use it
In your own past posts. You have admitted that you must move your hand to get the pointer to move. Are you having memory problems again?
I have said that when the force of the connection that makes antenna swing some times cause the relaxed hand to move.
See "Loaded Question," then figure it out for yourself. It will be a good mental exercise for you.
Where is the Loaded questions?
How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...
Where can that information be found?
I noticed. See above. Also, pay more attention to who is being quoted. I even used the real quote feature (unlike you), and you still goofed it! Sheesh
A very poor duck and dodge job...Why won’t you just tell us that you can’t answer the questions because that would prove that you know nothing...

And your court claim is an outright lie. Sales of those devices were banned, and you know it. It has already been addressed many times on here. You are flying in circles again.
Yes there was one treasure hunting device banned by a Federal Judge in the 90’s..When the manufacturer was taken before a Jury he was found not guilty...,374021.0.html
Wrong. You might say that "he was not fount guilty," but that's because he was not charged personally. The purpose of the court case was to ban him from selling LRLs.
Gee Guys…This old 1996 case has been discussed for almost a year…The thing that is strange are the real facts…A Federal Judge made a ruling that they committed Mail and Wire Fraud…When the Officials of the Company were tried in Court by a Jury they were acquitted of all charges….The main charges was for selling products to locate golf balls, illegal narcotics, weapons and explosives, or missing persons.
It is apparent that you have found one old case that involved a Treasure Hunting device Manufacture…If all LRL’s are a fraud then there has to be more than one case…So please give us the information about any other devices that HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO BE fraudulent since 1996
Darn EE...Don’t you understand the truth?


http://[u]Treasure hunting LRL proven not to work as advertised, in court[/u]

SWR said:
One "treasure hunting" LRL that has been proven not to work as advertised in a court of law:

"Scientific tests and analysis conducted by the government's experts negate defendants' representations and claims that the Quadro Corporations devices have remote sensing capabilities, and also conclude that the operating principals suggested by the manufacturer are scientifically unsound and incorrect. The Governments' experts testified during trial and through depositions that no known or accepted scientific principals would allow the Quadro devices to operate as advertised."

US v. Quadro Corp., 928 F. Supp. 688 - Dist. Court, ED Texas 1996

To wit---

916 F.Supp. 613 (1996)
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff,
QUADRO CORPORATION, Wade L. Quattlebaum, Raymond Fisk, Malcom S. Roe, Quadro Corporation of Texas, William J. Long, et al., Defendants.
No. 1:96CV38.
United States District Court, E.D. Texas, Beaumont Division.

February 10, 1996.


*618 The court finds that the government has demonstrated, by a preponderance of the evidence, that defendants engaged in a scheme to defraud and that defendants used the U.S. mail and interstate wires to perpetrate the fraud. This finding is supported by the testimony of the witnesses, exhibits, and affidavits. The evidence shows by a preponderance that:

(1) Defendants made representations regarding the structure and ability of the Quadro Tracker.
(2) Defendants representations were false. The government presented evidence regarding the structure of the Quadro Tracker which shows that the "chip" inside the device consists of a piece of copy paper with a photocopied image of the object which the Quadro Tracker will purportedly find. The governments' experts testified that the device could not locate objects as represented by defendants under any known principles of modern science. The court finds the testimony of defendants' experts credible and compelling.
(3) The manner in which the Quadro Tracker was manufactured by defendants establishes that the defendants knew or should have known that there was no reasonable scientific basis for the Quadro Tracker to operate as advertised in their marketing brochures, demonstrations or training sessions. Therefore, the defendants knew or should have known that their representation were false.
Even if defendants subjectively believed in the ability of the Quadro Tracker, defendants made numerous representations to government agencies and the general public with reckless disregard to the truth or falsity of the representations.
(3) Defendants enticed law enforcement, correctional and educational authorities to purchase the Quadro Tracker through the use of the U.S. mails and over interstate wires via telephone calls and faxes.
(4) The extent of defendant's advertising and distributorship network indicates that sale of the Quadro Tracker is an ongoing scheme which would continue to defraud government agencies and consumers unless an injunction is granted.


There is no statement that anyone was "acquitted."

Where do you get that from?


aarthrj3811 said:
No, it does not get any power from "the human body." That's pure nonsense. Plus, you have no knowledge of electronics, as you have admitted, so it's ridiculous for you to make a claim like that. But that's a typical thing for LRL promoters to do---make adamant statements about things they know nothing about. Your's is just one more in the long list.

You don’t need any knowledge of electronics to use electronic devices.

Correct, but to make claims about why they should work, yes you do! You spout phony electronics principles about LRL, even though you admit that you know nothing about it. That nullifies anything else you say. You are a joke, and everyone can easily see that.

Have you ever check how much voltage you have between your hands? I have 120 millvolts running between my hands.

You might have that much electrical potential (called "voltage"), but it's the current that does the work, both in transmitting and in electromechanical movement such as the pointers in analog meters. You might shuffle your feet across a carpet, then touch a doorknob, and get a static shock of 10,000 volts; but it doesn't kill you, or even burn your skin, because it doesn't have enough current. If your body could put out enough Wattage (voltage x current) to either transmit or move a pointer, then you could light an LED by holding one lead in each hand. Ain't gonna happen, Einstein.

You probably ignore the voltage tests that have been posted on this site...Where does the voltage come from if not from the body?

I haven't seen any voltage tests on bodies, but it anyone claims that kind of Wattage, it's just more smoke blowing by fraudulent LRL promoters, as usual.

Forces can produce resonance, but resonance is not, itself, a force. It's a quality.
I don’t know how it works but I gladly use it

Everyone is fully aware, by now, that you don't know how electronics work. The only thing you "use" is the gullibility of naive people.

In your own past posts. You have admitted that you must move your hand to get the pointer to move. Are you having memory problems again?
I have said that when the force of the connection that makes antenna swing some times cause the relaxed hand to move.

Connection have no force. "Connection" is a quality, not a quantity. If your claim that the electricity from the body caused the pointer to move, then you could clamp the bottom tip of the handle in a vice, and hold the rest of the handle, and the pointer would move to follow a target moved around in front of it. But it won't. So there is simple proof for non-electronics people that LRLs just don't work, and are a total scam.

See "Loaded Question," then figure it out for yourself. It will be a good mental exercise for you.
Where is the Loaded questions?

If you don't understand the definition of "loaded question," to which I posted a link in a previous post, above, then there is no way that it can be explained to you. You are hopeless.

How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...

There are not thousands of people finding treasure with LRLs---where are those alleged treasures?

How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...

If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.

How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...

Wrong. They were found to be frauds. See the actual case, in my post, above.

Where can that information be found?
I noticed. See above. Also, pay more attention to who is being quoted. I even used the real quote feature (unlike you), and you still goofed it! Sheesh
A very poor duck and dodge job...Why won’t you just tell us that you can’t answer the questions because that would prove that you know nothing...

All your silly questions have already been answered several times before. You have it so jumbled up now, that it's impossible to even determine which questions you are referring to anymore.

And your court claim is an outright lie. Sales of those devices were banned, and you know it. It has already been addressed many times on here. You are flying in circles again.
Yes there was one treasure hunting device banned by a Federal Judge in the 90’s..When the manufacturer was taken before a Jury he was found not guilty...,374021.0.html

Wrong. See above post.

Wrong. You might say that "he was not fount guilty," but that's because he was not charged personally. The purpose of the court case was to ban him from selling LRLs.
Gee Guys…This old 1996 case has been discussed for almost a year…The thing that is strange are the real facts…A Federal Judge made a ruling that they committed Mail and Wire Fraud…When the Officials of the Company were tried in Court by a Jury they were acquitted of all charges….The main charges was for selling products to locate golf balls, illegal narcotics, weapons and explosives, or missing persons.
It is apparent that you have found one old case that involved a Treasure Hunting device Manufacture…If all LRL’s are a fraud then there has to be more than one case…So please give us the information about any other devices that HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO BE fraudulent since 1996
Darn EE...Don’t you understand the truth?

Speak for yourself.

Art\'s Motto.jpg


  • Art\'s Motto.jpg
    Art\'s Motto.jpg
    5.6 KB · Views: 205
Need we forget that the body acts as a resistor. Yes the body will put out a small voltage if you hook it up to a volt meeter. But remember the handles of LRL's are made up of what? Some hand grip foam and PVC right? PVC is an insulator as is the foam. A true insulator is a material that does not respond to an electric field and completely resists the flow of electric charge. In practice, however, perfect insulators do not exist. But it will resit what the body puts out. SO no voltage from the body will go to the equipment

Need we forget that the body acts as a resistor. Yes the body will put out a small voltage if you hook it up to a volt meeter. But remember the handles of LRL's are made up of what? Some hand grip foam and PVC right? PVC is an insulator as is the foam. A true insulator is a material that does not respond to an electric field and completely resists the flow of electric charge. In practice, however, perfect insulators do not exist. But it will resit what the body puts out. SO no voltage from the body will go to the equipment
You may be right ....But look at my movies and see where my little finger is..Yes brass is a good conductor...Do you have anymore excuses?

aarthrj3811 said:
Need we forget that the body acts as a resistor. Yes the body will put out a small voltage if you hook it up to a volt meeter. But remember the handles of LRL's are made up of what? Some hand grip foam and PVC right? PVC is an insulator as is the foam. A true insulator is a material that does not respond to an electric field and completely resists the flow of electric charge. In practice, however, perfect insulators do not exist. But it will resit what the body puts out. SO no voltage from the body will go to the equipment
You may be right ....But look at my movies and see where my little finger is..Yes brass is a good conductor...Do you have anymore excuses?

you also need to close a circut. One finger does not close a circut..It would still be considered open.

you also need to close a circut. One finger does not close a circut..It would still be considered open.
That sure is funny..4000 plus operators seem to have a closed circuit...EE can not answer my questions so may be you can
How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...How can they explain that the only manufacturer that has been brought to court was found not guilty by the Jury?...

Re: Those that have been scammed..
Reply To This Topic #433 Posted Yesterday at 09:52:51 PM

*618 The court finds that the government has demonstrated, by a preponderance of the evidence, that defendants engaged in a scheme to defraud and that defendants used the U.S. mail and interstate wires to perpetrate the fraud. This finding is supported by the testimony of the witnesses, exhibits, and affidavits. The evidence shows by a preponderance that:
Thank you EE for posting one man opinion
When the same people were tried by a judge and jury they were found not guilty. The end of the case...Art

You don’t need any knowledge of electronics to use electronic devices
Correct, but to make claims about why they should work, yes you do! You spout phony electronics principles about LRL, even though you admit that you know nothing about it. That nullifies anything else you say. You are a joke, and everyone can easily see that.
Have you ever check how much voltage you have between your hands? I have 120 millvolts running between my hands.
You might have that much electrical potential (called "voltage"), but it's the current that does the work, both in transmitting and in electromechanical movement such as the pointers in analog meters. You might shuffle your feet across a carpet, then touch a doorknob, and get a static shock of 10,000 volts; but it doesn't kill you, or even burn your skin, because it doesn't have enough current. If your body could put out enough Wattage (voltage x current) to either transmit or move a pointer, then you could light an LED by holding one lead in each hand. Ain't gonna happen, Einstein.
You probably ignore the voltage tests that have been posted on this site...Where does the voltage come from if not from the body?
I haven't seen any voltage tests on bodies, but it anyone claims that kind of Wattage, it's just more smoke blowing by fraudulent LRL promoters, as usual.
I don’t know how it works but I gladly use it
Everyone is fully aware, by now, that you don't know how electronics work. The only thing you "use" is the gullibility of naive people.
I have said that when the force of the connection that makes antenna swing some times cause the relaxed hand to move.
Connection have no force. "Connection" is a quality, not a quantity. If your claim that the electricity from the body caused the pointer to move, then you could clamp the bottom tip of the handle in a vice, and hold the rest of the handle, and the pointer would move to follow a target moved around in front of it. But it won't. So there is simple proof for non-electronics people that LRLs just don't work, and are a total scam.
Where is the Loaded questions?
If you don't understand the definition of "loaded question," to which I posted a link in a previous post, above, then there is no way that it can be explained to you. You are hopeless.
How can they explain to the treasure Hunters how 1000’s of people are finding treasure with LRL’s...
There are not thousands of people finding treasure with LRLs---where are those alleged treasures?
A lot can be found on Treasure Hunting site..Many more can be found on Manufactures Web sites.
~Art ~
How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...
If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.
So there are no law suits so there is no fraud
Thank you for showing that you have no knowledge about the subject....

If you have anymore personal opinions I am always glad to shoot them down...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Re: Those that have been scammed..
Reply To This Topic #433 Posted Yesterday at 09:52:51 PM

*618 The court finds that the government has demonstrated, by a preponderance of the evidence, that defendants engaged in a scheme to defraud and that defendants used the U.S. mail and interstate wires to perpetrate the fraud. This finding is supported by the testimony of the witnesses, exhibits, and affidavits. The evidence shows by a preponderance that:
Thank you EE for posting one man opinion
When the same people were tried by a judge and jury they were found not guilty. The end of the case...Art

I showed the court case where they were found to be fraudulent.

Now show your alleged court case where they were fount "not guilty."


aarthrj3811 said:
~Art ~
How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...

If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.

So there are no law suits so there is no fraud
Thank you for showing that you have no knowledge about the subject....

If you have anymore personal opinions I am always glad to shoot them down...Art

First and foremost, no LRL has ever been proven to the World to actually work.

Therefore any sales or promotion of the is fraud.

Manufacturers don't post complaints about them on their Websites. (Duh!)

Many people are embarrased to file complaints, after they realise how naive they were to buy an LRL. So that narrows down the number of those who would sue.

Many people don't have the funds to sue, because it costs so much. That narrows down the number of people who would sue, even further.

If a manufacturer is notified that a person intends to sue for their money back, the maker simply refunds the money to avoid a suit.

But initial complaints are first handled with BS about interference, lack of training, and so forth, until the customer is simply worn down, thinks it's his fault, and throws the piece of junk away. The rest are handled as above.

All of the mumbo-jumbo, and outright lies, that you come up with will never overcome the fact that LRLs just don't work. They have never been proven to the World that they will actually find anything, and never will be.

As hard as you try to change the subject away from the fact that they don't work, it still remains that LRLs are a fradulent hoax. Just like the court, above, found (and so have other top science labratories and authorities).

The only way you could ever overcome that is to provide real scientific proof to the World, but of course you refuse to even try, because you know that you would fail. :laughing7:

EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
~Art ~
How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...

If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.

So there are no law suits so there is no fraud
Thank you for showing that you have no knowledge about the subject....

If you have anymore personal opinions I am always glad to shoot them down...Art

First and foremost, no LRL has ever been proven to the World to actually work.

Therefore any sales or promotion of the is fraud.

Manufacturers don't post complaints about them on their Websites. (Duh!)

Many people are embarrased to file complaints, after they realise how naive they were to buy an LRL. So that narrows down the number of those who would sue.

Many people don't have the funds to sue, because it costs so much. That narrows down the number of people who would sue, even further.

If a manufacturer is notified that a person intends to sue for their money back, the maker simply refunds the money to avoid a suit.

But initial complaints are first handled with BS about interference, lack of training, and so forth, until the customer is simply worn down, thinks it's his fault, and throws the piece of junk away. The rest are handled as above.

All of the mumbo-jumbo, and outright lies, that you come up with will never overcome the fact that LRLs just don't work. They have never been proven to the World that they will actually find anything, and never will be.

As hard as you try to change the subject away from the fact that they don't work, it still remains that LRLs are a fradulent hoax. Just like the court, above, found (and so have other top science labratories and authorities).

The only way you could ever overcome that is to provide real scientific proof to the World, but of course you refuse to even try, because you know that you would fail. :laughing7:

The above are just your opinions, correct?

Or do you have verifiable references?

The above are just your opinions, correct?

Or do you have verifiable references?
It is all their personal opinions...They have never used a LRL. They have never saw a LRL. They have never saw the insides of a real LRL. Everytime you get them in the corner they duck and dodge. Their opinion of a treasure hunter is that we are all low class citizens. They pretend that it is their god given right that they have to prove nothing...Not having to prove any thing is convenient for them because they have no proof in the first place...Art

EddieR said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
~Art ~
How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...

If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.

So there are no law suits so there is no fraud
Thank you for showing that you have no knowledge about the subject....

If you have anymore personal opinions I am always glad to shoot them down...Art

First and foremost, no LRL has ever been proven to the World to actually work.

Therefore any sales or promotion of the is fraud.

Manufacturers don't post complaints about them on their Websites. (Duh!)

Many people are embarrased to file complaints, after they realise how naive they were to buy an LRL. So that narrows down the number of those who would sue.

Many people don't have the funds to sue, because it costs so much. That narrows down the number of people who would sue, even further.

If a manufacturer is notified that a person intends to sue for their money back, the maker simply refunds the money to avoid a suit.

But initial complaints are first handled with BS about interference, lack of training, and so forth, until the customer is simply worn down, thinks it's his fault, and throws the piece of junk away. The rest are handled as above.

All of the mumbo-jumbo, and outright lies, that you come up with will never overcome the fact that LRLs just don't work. They have never been proven to the World that they will actually find anything, and never will be.

As hard as you try to change the subject away from the fact that they don't work, it still remains that LRLs are a fradulent hoax. Just like the court, above, found (and so have other top science labratories and authorities).

The only way you could ever overcome that is to provide real scientific proof to the World, but of course you refuse to even try, because you know that you would fail. :laughing7:

The above are just your opinions, correct?

Or do you have verifiable references?

Why don't people tell their kids to play on a busy highway?---Because they don't want them to get run over. Do I need to interview people to find that out?---No.

Anyone who knows anything about the legal system doesn't need to interview people know figure out what's going on with the LRL makers.

The point is that no LRL has ever been scientifically proven to the World to actually work at all.

You are taking the side of the frauds, scammers, con artists, and hoaxters---again. So don't try to say that you're not, like you did a couple days ago, which was total BS.


aarthrj3811 said:
The above are just your opinions, correct?

Or do you have verifiable references?
It is all their personal opinions...They have never used a LRL. They have never saw a LRL. They have never saw the insides of a real LRL. Everytime you get them in the corner they duck and dodge. Their opinion of a treasure hunter is that we are all low class citizens. They pretend that it is their god given right that they have to prove nothing...Not having to prove any thing is convenient for them because they have no proof in the first place...Art

The part about no LRL ever being scientifically proven to work is not an opinion. That is a cold, hard, fact.

LRLs being fraudulent has nothing to do with treasure hunters. It's about phony devices and scams.

We don't need to duck or dodge, because you have never had us "in a corner" about anything.

I just caught you lying about the "not guilty" verdict you claimed. It's just like all your other claims.

What someone thinks is their right has nothing to do with whether a device works as advertised or not. It's about the device, and that's all. LRLs just don't work, and you can't scientifically prove to the World that they do. Period. Of course, you can't make commissions with that, so you try to bring in all the irrelevent accusations to change the subject away from the required proof of your LRL claims.


If you want to talk about lawsuits, then how about this?---

Why hasn't any LRL debunker ever been sued?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

EE THr said:
EddieR said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
~Art ~
How can they explain how there are very few complains about the devices? How can they say they are fraudulent when there are no law suits?...

If a customer can't be BS'd into thinking that it's their own fault the device doesn't work, then the manufacturer just gives them their money back. No money loss equals no damages for which to sue.

So there are no law suits so there is no fraud
Thank you for showing that you have no knowledge about the subject....

If you have anymore personal opinions I am always glad to shoot them down...Art

First and foremost, no LRL has ever been proven to the World to actually work.

Therefore any sales or promotion of the is fraud.

Manufacturers don't post complaints about them on their Websites. (Duh!)

Many people are embarrased to file complaints, after they realise how naive they were to buy an LRL. So that narrows down the number of those who would sue.

Many people don't have the funds to sue, because it costs so much. That narrows down the number of people who would sue, even further.

If a manufacturer is notified that a person intends to sue for their money back, the maker simply refunds the money to avoid a suit.

But initial complaints are first handled with BS about interference, lack of training, and so forth, until the customer is simply worn down, thinks it's his fault, and throws the piece of junk away. The rest are handled as above.

All of the mumbo-jumbo, and outright lies, that you come up with will never overcome the fact that LRLs just don't work. They have never been proven to the World that they will actually find anything, and never will be.

As hard as you try to change the subject away from the fact that they don't work, it still remains that LRLs are a fradulent hoax. Just like the court, above, found (and so have other top science labratories and authorities).

The only way you could ever overcome that is to provide real scientific proof to the World, but of course you refuse to even try, because you know that you would fail. :laughing7:

The above are just your opinions, correct?

Or do you have verifiable references?

Why don't people tell their kids to play on a busy highway?---Because they don't want them to get run over. Do I need to interview people to find that out?---No.

Anyone who knows anything about the legal system doesn't need to interview people know figure out what's going on with the LRL makers.

The point is that no LRL has ever been scientifically proven to the World to actually work at all.

You are taking the side of the frauds, scammers, con artists, and hoaxters---again. So don't try to say that you're not, like you did a couple days ago, which was total BS.


No, I'm not taking sides at all. I'm just asking if the claims you posted above were your opinions or do you have references which can be verified.

You see, when you made the claim concerning "MANY PEOPLE"....well, in my opinion I think it would be hard for you to be in touch with "many people" that have gotten scammed, else you would have probably already brought them on here to tell their story. But you haven't. Thus, to me, since you said "many people", I consider that to be an extraordinary claim, and according to you, the one making the extraordinary claim bears the burden to produce proof of said claim.

Now, was it just your opinion or can you produce verifiable proof of your extraordinary claim?

EddieR said:
No, I'm not taking sides at all. I'm just asking if the claims you posted above were your opinions or do you have references which can be verified.

You see, when you made the claim concerning "MANY PEOPLE"....well, in my opinion I think it would be hard for you to be in touch with "many people" that have gotten scammed, else you would have probably already brought them on here to tell their story. But you haven't. Thus, to me, since you said "many people", I consider that to be an extraordinary claim, and according to you, the one making the extraordinary claim bears the burden to produce proof of said claim.

Now, was it just your opinion or can you produce verifiable proof of your extraordinary claim?

Then why aren't you asking Art for verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?

You are just another LRL promoter, but want to be "untouchable" by claiming that you are not.


JudyH said:
Don't be a Doof, Ed the Proof.

Or just admit you mis-spoke.

Simple as that.

I responded adequately to ER's question, which was a silly one to begin with. My answer obviously explains exactly what I meant, although it was obvious to begin with (to all except the logic challenged).

You guys have the same attitude, being that the fact LRLs are totally fraudulent doesn't matter, but imaginary "technicalities" do.

Your simplistic, nonsensical demand is typical of an LRL promoter.


EE THr said:
EddieR said:
No, I'm not taking sides at all. I'm just asking if the claims you posted above were your opinions or do you have references which can be verified.

You see, when you made the claim concerning "MANY PEOPLE"....well, in my opinion I think it would be hard for you to be in touch with "many people" that have gotten scammed, else you would have probably already brought them on here to tell their story. But you haven't. Thus, to me, since you said "many people", I consider that to be an extraordinary claim, and according to you, the one making the extraordinary claim bears the burden to produce proof of said claim.

Now, was it just your opinion or can you produce verifiable proof of your extraordinary claim?

Then why aren't you asking Art for verifiable proof of his imaginary "not guilty verdict"?

You are just another LRL promoter, but want to be "untouchable" by claiming that you are not.


Again: Was your post based on your personal opinions or can you provide verifiable documentation of said extraordinary claims?

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