Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
You need to read more than the titles to get to the Meat dude! Try and buy a copy of my book and then put your money back in your pocket and sit on it!
You wrote a book?

You need to read more than the titles to get to the Meat dude! Try and buy a copy of my book and then put your money back in your pocket and sit on it!
LC...Just My Opinion... You can't keep getting upset when people ask questions regarding your posts or make conflicting statements from yours...Ask him why he believes what he does personally.. he very well could have new or different information than you have. He's from a way different part of the country than the Midwest. Talk about it...don't say sit on it..He just joined here in June.
I saw something he posted about 8,000 KGC members in Kentucky or somewhere back East...I couldn't tell ya where I saw that here but he posted it. Apparently he studies things regarding KGC.
What I took from his post is that instead of using the 'presses' in the sense you meant to state your beliefs... you use this forum....Which isn't an insult because everyone does that. It's A Discussion Forum.
If you decide to change your response to him, I'll delete this post too.
I've made a lifetime study of these organisations, the KGC in perticular.
No need ta delete yer post, nor his.
You wrote a book?![]()
Yes, and I will bet you could understand every bit of it!I can tell by the way you write!
Jest a shame ye ain't figgered out them scribblings ya been chase'n for nigh on 48 years an acturely found anythin more than sumthin ta hold in yer hand at night. Thank ye fer tha offer'n of yer book, but I don't much hanker after histerical fiction. Holler at me when ya got somethin ta show fer all them years an we can jaw a bit. I'd be happy ta eat some crow if'n ye can serve sum up.![]()
L.C., what is at the end of this KGC trail you are tracking ?
You better save your appetite and polish your fork up my Hillbilly friend!
P.S. Ever go to the cockfights at Blackberry?
Naw, I al'ays got more entertainment watchin the l'il Banty rooster sneak inta my henhouse. Lots o'feathers flyin an about tha same results when the hens got done with 'im.
My fork is al'ays ready, friend. I'm afeared I may starve ta death on this thread tho I reckon. Y'all have fun.![]()
The Grover Cleveland presidential Buckle that was found in the cache was thought to be a personal memento of J.S Morton, who was appointed the secretary of Agriculture at the beginning of President Grover Cleveland's second term in 1893. That would be three years before the "Cross of Gold" speech that the O.A.K. used for the key to the cipher found at Gantt was given by William Jennings Bryan. However, the symbols on the map pieces and some markers are K.G.C., which include R/61, skull, and crossbones. rising sun, and many more symbols and methods used by that secret society. They also include Spanish symbolism as well, and all were used on the same trail. Some were placed in the 1860's through 1882 and some were placed after 1896 by another secret society called the Order of American Knights, which is a name that was given to selected K.G.C. members in 1863. That society, if you choose to believe the history books was short-lived, but I beg to differ. I believe the facts show that that society of the O.A.K., inherited a large portion the wealth that was originally stashed by the K.G.C. to finance a second attempt at rebellion. Over the years the Anti-war faction of "the lost cause party who were also K.G.C. members high up in the U.S. Government decided there was a better way to use the stashed funds to support the Southern Cause than to use it for bullets and powder. Their young men had already been used as cannon fodder enough. A large portion of these businessmen/ robber barons/politicians/ monopolists were initiated into the secret society of the O.A.K. well after the gateway to the West was opened by the Government. They had a better plan to wage war on the U.S. Government than brute force......Buy it out from under the ones that possessed it.This can be proven by the symbolism and dates on the markers that were placed and used by the society as well as things like the Cleveland buckle and the solving methods that were used on the trail, like the copper strips that were recovered with new headings and distances that were placed in the ground a few inches above the original lead pieces at some sites on this treasure trail. This indicated to us that the O.A.K. had more $$ to add later on and did so by using existing buried clues that were left by the K.G.C. on an existing trail that was still in tact at that time in 1896 or shortly after.
P.S. Keep in mind that the assassination of President William McKinley (1897-1901) in 1901 elevated Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) to the office of the President.
Yessir, an a Secret Society of Sequin'd Dress Wearin' KGC Wives was responsible fer Bill Clinton's impeachment. Don't tell me ye never noticed how they all git up tergether and head fer the "powder room" at the same time? Who knows what kinda evil mashinations they be plannin in there. I got evidence tho, Yessir. When all my tools got stole outter my truck toolbox right afore I was s'posed ta fix the toilet in that Judge's office, I found a half used tube o'lipstick with the initials "M" and "k" engraved on it right there on tha bathroom floor. Yessir, now that there's enuff ta raise yer hair if'n ya got any.![]()
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Sounds like you may be onto something big Hoss! Maybe she will give you a couple of pointers and you won't need them blue pills anymore!!![]()
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Like I's said afore, it'd take more'n what Ye've got AND a l'il blue pill ta raise My intrest.
But now I ken why ye ain't got nuthin ta show fer all yer hard work tho. Not only ha' ye been chewin that gristle so long a'thinkin it's meat, ye ain't figgered out ye cain't get milk from a steer. Good luck to Ye!![]()
Like I's said afore, it'd take more'n what Ye've got AND a l'il blue pill ta raise My intrest.
But now I ken why ye ain't got nuthin ta show fer all yer hard work tho.:
This was litigation against the K.G.C. that forever changed the laws governing U.S. companies on foreign soil. It paid off, but it took until Grover Cleveland to happen. The Mexicans really got screwed on the deal. I believe that was the point of the matter, to use the U.S. government to strong arm the Mexicans for money and spite. "The claim was originally the subject of investigation by a commission organized pursuant to a convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico concluded July 4, 1868, and proclaimed February 1, 1869. An award was made by the Commission in relation to this claim, but it has been executed only in part–its full execution having been suspended by legislation in conformity with which the present suit was instituted to ascertain whether the award had been obtained by fraud effectuated by means of false swearing or other false and fraudulent practices on the part of the La Abra Company, its agents, attorneys, or assigns."
S.F. Nuckolls and H. P. Bennett were the ones that came up with it.