- #161
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Hi m dog , finding you a 74 link on the net that does not have all the weirdness along with it is proving to be somewhat difficult. Lol I guess I'll just put them up , then maybe you might consider Steve's comments about the new testament and the old solar religions .somewhere in the mix perhaps a guy could find a starting point .very hard to sift though all this stuff ,but the answers are out there some where.
"Seven Seals Mystery"
Jesus8880: The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity
English Gematria - The KEY & The LOCK - Esoteric Online
I still have not found what I'm looking for BTW . so many times the characters name change in our history but their stories started ? ? ? ?
Thanks, Kanabite. Just what I needed. LOL.
I appreciate you taking the time to look this stuff up. I'll probably never find out for sure what the 74 means but it sure would be nice if some Tnet members, that have run across the same type of setup, would post some information so we could get some type of confirmation about that technique.
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