hi ,i did some research some time ago on the tumacacori area. after going through the piles of pages of information, i usually try to reduce everything down to the factual information ,that can be cross referenced ,from another source, reducing all, to the lowest common demoniator, so to speak. and im going to list here those findings. i have not read any of the posts here ,so something i list here may be redundant, or already disproved. but for what its worth ,i think most of this data is right on. 1)the virgin of guadalupe mine is one league from front door of the temple, to the south 2)from there ,the ojos d ramon (spring) is to the left and 1800 varas to the north. (a vara is a measurement of just over 32 inches) 3)200 varas before reaching the mine there is a black rock with the letters ccdt chiseled under it. 4)20 varas from this rock is a munoment ,facing south. 5)to the west of this mine are two mountains that have been destroyed with black powder so that enormous rocks covered the mouth of the mine. 6)there is a treasure within a 50 vara square ,at the mouth of this mine. 7)directly south and within 3 leagues is a pass called puerto de janos (this means a gap in the mountains ,puerto de janos is a good starting point and can be easily found. 8)just to the south of this pass is an area with 12 arrastras and 12 patios( im guessing everybody knows what they are) 9)there is a mine close by called the imaculate concepcion, its name carved in rock above the entrance. 10)50 varas north of this mine is an arroyo where you will find chunks of virgin silver. (planchas de plata) well known site, currently under claim and being explored by a mining company. the arroyo is located on a ranch in sonora ,mexico ,owners are americans .i believe they run a bed and breakfast of some sort.11)halfway between the virgin of guadalupe mine and the immaculate concepcion mine is the los opatas mine. 12) from the opata mine you will see a long mesa to the east. 13)from the opata mine runs a very large canyon to the west. 14) the ore of the opata mine is lime in nature. this was most probably a placer mine .with placer gold found in caliche(lime layer).15) on the other side of the mountain from the opata mine is the virgin of guadalupe mine. the mine named san pedro is 3 leagues from the mine san isabel. 16)there is a river that runs 1/5 league north of the san pedro mine. 17) the san pedro mine is near some black hills. 18)the san pedro mine is 1.5 leagues from the side of the temple to the west. 19)from the san pedro mine you can see arivaca. maybe someone would like to try to get some topographical maps and piece this information togather. since there are a couple of known points it shouldnt be that hard as far as treasure hunting goes. i hopes this helps someone, good luck.