G'd morning Rog. Time for our morning wakeup coffee. Wht shall we discuss this bright sunny morning ? My favorite, sides girls, Tayopa and it's role in providing the major source of the bars for the Caballos & Victioia peak??
Brief history, Mexico has two parallel mt ranges, both North and south trending. . The first major one to the west, only recently has been traversed by a road. Before it was a weeks grueling trip by mule..I have many times spent a hard day on the trail only to see my last camp just perhaps 5 - 600 meters away, mostly horizontal..
Mostly just going up and down.
The Sierra Madre blocks travel further east again, making travel far more convenient to go by way of the Rio del Norte.
So it was used in a way not appreciated today. In fact impossible today.
The Jesuits quickly understood that it was far more practical to use the New Mexico natural cave systems as a staging point for their Illegal production on it's way to Rome.
What we are trying to aver (find out ) is why did the last accumulation of bars stay i there until supposedly Noss etc. found them.
I am looking for any information that may help resolve that.
NP's lil map was extremely interesting in that while it could be a 'copy' of a map, it was typical of directions of that period, and used information that was not available to anyone except the Jesuits, until I denounced Tayopa, and the location and existence of it was confirmed.. I can see no way that Doc's group could have come up with that information in the period that they were active.
Naturally I am extremely interested in any other papers that might still exist since the first that I received , by all accounts, was genuine or a copy, which effectively was the same.
Above all, this makes the pouch papers extremely valuable to flesh out the story of the Caballos & Victoria peak.
I wonder if any of the original papers are left to the heirs or are available in any way?
ANY information would be valuable.