The True Story of Victorio Peak

G'd morning Ladies & gentlemen: Who first established Victoria Peak as a collecting point / depository? It was probably the Jesuits. They originally had a depository / collection point for the metal mined from the Tayopa Complex, as well s the surrounding mines, for further transhipment to Rome, one day East of the Complex.. From there it was sent across northern Mexico to be loaded aboard Jesuit shipping some where along the Texas coast,or North Eastern Mexico. Each rendezvous point was supposedly secret.

However this loading period was too long and kept the ship in one anchorage, increasing the chance of discovery. soo

They then scouted around the halfway point. They found the Victorio Peak, which was perfect for their plans, it was extremely easy for their pack trains to locate, yet far enough away from the coastal areas so as to not be too easily found.

This point cut the loading time of a ship in half, an important feature.

The bars from Norhtern Sonora were Dore bars, i.e. crudely cast and separated. This Gold was of very high copper content which while beautiful, corrodes to a blackish color., hence Noss's original mistake.

This continued for some time until they were driven out of the new world in 1767, where upon the Apache having the Jesuit soldiers removed, then moved in and took over, adding more materiel to tha accumulated treasure..

Napoleon installed Maximilian as the emperor in order to access the Tayopa complex to help defray the debts of France. Since He, the king of Belgium, his daughter etc had close ties with the Jesuits in the Vatican who had maps, etc , they prob were going to work hand in hand to remove the lost Jesuit hoard. Unfortunately the revolution stopped this.

Then the sequence possibly was continued by Maci,illiano for his personal riches, He undoubtedly knew of the depository in Victorio Peak an decided that it was ideal for it, and after would be beyond Mexico's reach, yet.....

There does exist a possibility of part of Maximillian's loot being sent there since it was undoubtedly known by him,and also it was outside of Mexican confiscation-- however that is the Basis for another discussion ( fight).

And so it sat until Noss came along, and then the US gov't.

Coffee anyone ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
G'd morning Ladies & gentlemen: Who first established Victoria Peak as a collecting point / depository? It was probably the Jesuits.

I must respectfully disagree, for that would have been "poaching" in the Franciscans territory. Can you support your contention further? Thank you in advance.

Don Jose, el Tropical Tramp also wrote
Coffee anyone ?

Of course! :thumbsup: :coffee:

G'd morning ya doubter, obviously you need some cups of coffee

As for poaching on the Franciscan territory, nah, forget it, since the people involved were not seeking converts, but merely involved in a busines project -- sides, do you think that an order in conflict with the Pope and the /vatican would really worry about the Franciscan's?

As for source , may I referr you to 'Real de Tayopa', he never lies, and is impeccable in his data, especially while his OUIJI board is working. What more do you wish to know?

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'd morning Ladies & gentlemen: Who first established Victoria Peak as a collecting point / depository? It was probably the Jesuits. They originally had a depository / collection point for the metal mined from the Tayopa Complex, as well s the surrounding mines, for further transhipment to Rome, one day East of the Complex.. From there it was sent across northern Mexico to be loaded aboard Jesuit shipping some where along the Texas coast,or North Eastern Mexico. Each rendezvous point was supposedly secret.

However this loading period was too long and kept the ship in one anchorage, increasing the chance of discovery. soo

They then scouted around the halfway point. They found the Victorio Peak, which was perfect for their plans, it was extremely easy for their pack trains to locate, yet far enough away from the coastal areas so as to not be too easily found.

This point cut the loading time of a ship in half, an important feature.

The bars from Norhtern Sonora were Dore bars, i.e. crudely cast and separated. This Gold was of very high copper content which while beautiful, corrodes to a blackish color., hence Noss's original mistake.

This continued for some time until they were driven out of the new world in 1767, where upon the Apache having the Jesuit soldiers removed, then moved in and took over, adding more materiel to tha accumulated treasure..

Napoleon installed Maximilian as the emperor in order to access the Tayopa complex to help defray the debts of France. Since He, the king of Belgium, his daughter etc had close ties with the Jesuits in the Vatican who had maps, etc , they prob were going to work hand in hand to remove the lost Jesuit hoard. Unfortunately the revolution stopped this.

Then the sequence possibly was continued by Maci,illiano for his personal riches, He undoubtedly knew of the depository in Victorio Peak an decided that it was ideal for it, and after would be beyond Mexico's reach, yet.....

There does exist a possibility of part of Maximillian's loot being sent there since it was undoubtedly known by him,and also it was outside of Mexican confiscation-- however that is the Basis for another discussion ( fight).

And so it sat until Noss came along, and then the US gov't.

Coffee anyone ?

Don Jose de La Mancha
hi Real ,
I'm trying to follow what your are saying , but Victorio Peak seems to be like in the middle of nowhere , in regards to the ocean .
I'm not sure Why anyone would bring stuff there from northern Sonora?
unless it was just a good hidey spot .lol
i must need coffee . :coffee2:
it would appear it was used for a long time as a stash , for many groups , but that is just a guess .
and then one day it was not Mexico anymore .
take care .///bob

I'm gonna post this link and I hope you can pull it up. It's the journal of the Mallet expedition to Santa Fe.

AJ-092: Mallet, Expedition to Santa Fe (1739-1740) :: American Journeys

It's a short read but has a couple of interesting points. There might have been some circumstances, involving trade and the exchange of silver, when the Franciscans of New Mexico and the Jesuits of Louisiana cooperated with each other. This trade would not have been sanctioned by the Spanish authorities but tempting to the settlers in New Mexico.

Wow,this tread was a very good read for me. gave me more confidence in what i believe,most of the stone work and mines were originally done by ancients. its got me fired up for the hunt. be it gold or silver,or more of knowledge and truth. Amazing to see what just the thought of gold and silver will do to some humans, ones not even having a remote closeness to it,going out of self control.So i see and understand now it is a very dangerous business, not with just mother nature, but humans,and they don't even have to be physically in the area of the treasure to be dangerous.I see now,that if you have a partner, you better give him a trust and greed test,lol. or you may find two things on discovery day,treasure and a monster. So i see the ones on the treasure convoys had to be selected ones no doubt,for the mission even to get from point A to point Z. Man what pressure that must have been on those convoys. Maybe thats why the man of the cloth would oversee some of them? Yes i see now,this treasure stuff can be very full of emotions and danger,just the nature of the business. great read guys. thanks.

I love all the stories and pics. I have family ties to all of this im the last link left

Don Jose de la Mancha wrote

I must respectfully disagree, for that would have been "poaching" in the Franciscans territory. Can you support your contention further? Thank you in advance.

Don Jose, el Tropical Tramp also wrote

Of course! :thumbsup: :coffee:

Well it looks as though someone should move some of these post to a Roger Snow thread .

No defense offered
but I'll give you a hint about myself .

I use an internet handle when I post at other sites


dang right cynical

and darn right I understand the absurdance of belief in authority to guide and administer

My faith in anything Gov.'t was blown at a very early age

I gained a wealth of knowledge by being under the Intelligence communities microscope .

Today, yep , I have zero tolerance for the blind faith of people .

if you cannot bother to question your reality

then i have absolutely nothing for you .

I watched again the Movie " Casa Blanca " the other night .

People there with me mentioned how much Bogarts Chactor resmbled my attitude .

yeah , once you unravel the brainwash garbage and propaganda and find a bit of what is real
you can become quite cynical and bitter .

for what it's worth

you will find old post of mine, where I speak of events to come

berated as i was , I kept posting the info .

15 years later , everything I revealed about what was coming , has gone down .

The interwebs are full of Gov.'t shills in forums , I dealt with that as I released technological
advancements to be seen in time
took the harassment
sucked it up
and kept releasing the info .

did i owe it to anyone ?


you have watched the CHANGE i spoke of

how do you like it now ?

nuff said ?
did i tell it like it would be ?

Unaccountabillity is all we have left in the U.S.A.

The CEO's that run this corporation referred to as the U.S.A. ,,, are not there for you

there are there for business .

did i burn some of your feathers with my words ?

always keep in mind

i write while under fire that most of you never have contact with

and I have zero tolerance left for people who make demands

has everyone seen where they are going to designate the organs federal land, ive been looking for it all over t-net and cant find anyone talking about it thought i would post it here. this computer wont let me post any links. i figured casca would chime in with something, apparently most of the locals in dona ana county are for it. maybe ya'll missed it because most of the news idiots are calling them the oregon mountains.

has everyone seen where they are going to designate the organs federal land, ive been looking for it all over t-net and cant find anyone talking about it thought i would post it here. this computer wont let me post any links. i figured casca would chime in with something, apparently most of the locals in dona ana county are for it. maybe ya'll missed it because most of the news idiots are calling them the oregon mountains.

Obama designates Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument - Las Cruces Sun-News

This is my first posting here (or anywhere for that matter) regarding Victorio Peak and some of the things which are true or believed concerning it. I have no huge axe to grind with anyone who has posted here in any way at all. I am not interested in getting drawn into debates, any type of bad blood, comments about other people or their families and/or beliefs which they know far better than I do, or anything else which may or may not exist here between members on this board. Therefore I will keep my comments focused only on what I know to be true, things I have seen evidence of, and things I have been told directly by my own father. I will not reveal his whole story here, either on the forum, or in private messages. I personally couldn't care less who is looking for what, or if they do or do not ever find it. I do this only because my fathers name has been repeatedly raised here, and as I am his youngest son and suffer from a terminal illness, I am possibly the only person who can set the record straight on his behalf. This I will do only for the sake of historical accuracy. I apologize in advance if I am coming off hard nosed, as that is not my intent. I am just trying to establish a basic framework for understanding my comments, and where my thoughts are at as I write this.

My father was Claude Suddreth. He passed away in 2005 in Colorado of advanced years, at 93 years of age. He was very involved in treasure hunting and prospecting in New Mexico when we lived there. We moved when I was out of the 2nd grade, at about 8 years of age I guess. He worked at Holloman AFB as a civil service welder, and we lived in Tularosa, NM at the time, about 1.5 miles from his friend Harvey Snow who is also mentioned extensively here. We returned one more year in 1976 when I was in the 6th grade, and then we never came back there to live, although he also lived there for nearly 10 years before I was born, beginning sometime in the mid 1950's.

My father was involved in searches for several things, including but not limited to Victorio Peak, an outlaw treasure under a large boulder hidden by vegetation (I saw this cave myself as a boy through binoculars, but not treasure), one he referred to as "Geronimo's gold mine" which had 3 major waypoints, a cache of items hidden by the Apache, and the Adams diggings by the Malpie area. There are some others, but these seemed to enough to hold the majority of his interest. My father was very good friends with many Mescalero Apache's, as well as probably one of the best I have seen at reading and explaining spanish signs and symbols. How he learned to do that he never said, and as a boy I really did not think it was that important at the time.

I can confirm that Dad had a tendency to send people asking too many questions on a wild goose chase. As it has been mentioned, he felt he had put in the sweat, time, and energy to gain knowledge not otherwise known, and was in no hurry to share it. Likely I have heard his stories more than anyone else, at least the real ones. I can remember how I used to try to keep a straight face as strangers would show up out of the blue, and he would send them running in circles around the desert. Yet he loved to talk to anyone who would listen about his stories, just changing details around so they could never find it.

Regarding a gentleman named Oren Swearingen - Dad went to see him when I was about 17 years old I guess, about 1982. I know this for certain as I went with him, mostly to safeguard his person. He was getting older even then, and I did not know anyone we were meeting, or who might be waiting. I was pretty confident in my own ability with a firearm however, and intended that he and I would return, regardless of anything else. We did indeed go out as a group, and Dad showed a cave that had no steps or anything. This was expected however as a couple of soldiers had managed to rappel down an air shaft into a storage room shortly before, and said there was evidence of a cave in above when they explored. Of course like many such claims - they could not find their way back again..... Were they telling the truth? I do not know. I have no way to know if that was the right cave, or a similar cave close to the right cave. I know Dad thought well of Dr Swearingen, so I never got the feeling he was being purposefully deceptive with the gentleman, although with Dad one was never fully certain. However to my knowledge nothing was recovered from it. I will let folks make of that whatever they wish - I really have no answers other than what I have said.

About Victorio Peak itself - I have heard the story of Doc Noss and how the government came and took a truly massive amount of gold out of that mountain for literally my entire life. Was there treasure there? Maybe. Or not. I don't know. The cave Dad knew of as he put it - was not on Victorio Peak itself. Rather it was close to the peak. It was said to have steps going down, and 3 traps on those steps. First a rockfall from above. Second a trap door to cause you to fall to your death. And third another rockfall. It is possible the cave in was one of the rock falls being tripped. Or both. At the bottom was to be 3 rooms for storage, and one for smelting, as well as a vein of gold that was being mined. There were supposed to be bars of gold down there approximately the size of bricks - weighing an estimated 50 to 70 pounds each. Based on the dimensions of the rooms in question, and using a count with mathematical extension, at least 9000 and possibly as many as 12000 bars were said to be there. There was also a smaller amount of spanish armor, arms, and precious stones and items - likely from a church and / or another location. This was all confirmed, independently, by the two soldiers who claimed to have rappelled in through an air vent, as well as "lots and lots" of skeletons. So while Victorio peak may or may not have existed, and may or may not have been recovered, this is a different cache than the one Doc Noss spoke of. Or possibly Doc had the location in his story wrong, and it is the same cache. If Doc Noss had it wrong, it is not for me to say if it was accidental or on purpose. But this cache is not on Victorio peak itself, but rather a different place. I can not say if it is related in any way with any certainty. Nor can I comment about anything that was or was not on Victorio Peak itself as I simply have no knowledge.

That said if I were to guess, and a guess is all it would be, I would think Doc Noss "found" it somewhere else, in case he was followed or compromised in some way, so that in the end nobody but himself would know exactly where anything he found actually was. I know my Dad would do that, as well as most of his associates, so I see no reason Doc Noss would just up and tell the world where billions in gold he had found was at, to be stolen by anyone able to get to it. Would you?

This is all I am going to say on Victorio Peak for the moment. It should be sufficient to set the record straight where my Dad is concerned. Beyond that only, I am unconcerned about this particular cache, as I do not live in New Mexico and do not have the health at present to go there.

La Rue gold bars...... OK now this I did get a laugh from. I can confirm that Treasurehunter is related to Harvey Snow, because of this one thing he said. Something known only to my Dad and Harvey Snow, and I thought, me. Dad and Harvey DID make some "gold bars" out of lead I believe, and scribed La Rue on the top. They painted them with a spray can of gold paint, and then took a photo of them up in a desert canyon. I am not sure why they did this exactly, so it may have had something to do with a treasure magazine for all I know. But I know they are as fake as anything ever was. I remember asking him the first time to see one - and he didn't stop laughing for 10 minutes. Dad had a photo of them for years on his bedroom wall, and got a chuckle at least once a day when he would look at it. He loved making "educated idiots" look foolish. I guess they pulled something off on this one. But only Dad and Harvey Snow would have known this. Or their sons, like myself, and Treasurehunter. So I can confirm that those photos are pure BS. Pure and simple.

I don't believe Dad ever recovered anything of huge value. The life growing up, and how he lived after I left home, would in no way indicate riches. Why would he not recover something? Several. First this cache at least is on military land. If he would be caught there he would have had troubles with the MP's. So when he went in it was usually at night, and in ways that were difficult to track. Second was his age. He was 55 when I was born. 72 by the time we went back to see Dr Swearingen. With artificial knees and after surviving cancer, even by his early 60's he was not really in a position to be recovering too much of anything and covering long desert distances on foot carrying heavy weights. There are other reasons. Does this mean he absolutely found some huge wealth? If he did I never saw it with my own eyes. Does it mean he did not? No. I guess in the end it means nothing too much under the circumstances, other than whatever he might have found, remained there for others to recover in the future.

So beyond this I know nothing other than the things Dad told me privately. I am not sure I would want to reveal them all publicly for obvious reasons. I just wanted to set the record straight for whatever it might be worth to people in the years to come.

Take care all of you.

...I can confirm that Dad had a tendency to send people asking too many questions on a wild goose chase. As it has been mentioned, he felt he had put in the sweat, time, and energy to gain knowledge not otherwise known, and was in no hurry to share it. Likely I have heard his stories more than anyone else, at least the real ones. I can remember how I used to try to keep a straight face as strangers would show up out of the blue, and he would send them running in circles around the desert. Yet he loved to talk to anyone who would listen about his stories, just changing details around so they could never find it. ...

... La Rue gold bars...... OK now this I did get a laugh from. I can confirm that Treasurehunter is related to Harvey Snow, because of this one thing he said. Something known only to my Dad and Harvey Snow, and I thought, me. Dad and Harvey DID make some "gold bars" out of lead I believe, and scribed La Rue on the top. They painted them with a spray can of gold paint, and then took a photo of them up in a desert canyon. I am not sure why they did this exactly, so it may have had something to do with a treasure magazine for all I know. But I know they are as fake as anything ever was. I remember asking him the first time to see one - and he didn't stop laughing for 10 minutes. Dad had a photo of them for years on his bedroom wall, and got a chuckle at least once a day when he would look at it. He loved making "educated idiots" look foolish. I guess they pulled something off on this one. But only Dad and Harvey Snow would have known this. Or their sons, like myself, and Treasurehunter. So I can confirm that those photos are pure BS. Pure and simple. ...

Thanks for the post, grs. I make note of two of your paragraphs. Hopefully, anyone with a true interest in this topic will read and truly understand.

Welcome GilaRiverSun,

I actually heard good things about your dad (see my PM). Don't tell any secrets you don't feel comfortable telling the whole world! HAHAHA Not only will the occasional poster claimjump you, there are TONS of trolls that never register or post that read everything going on here.

Best Wishes - Mike

Welcome GilaRiverSun,

I actually heard good things about your dad (see my PM). Don't tell any secrets you don't feel comfortable telling the whole world! HAHAHA Not only will the occasional poster claimjump you, there are TONS of trolls that never register or post that read everything going on here.

Best Wishes - Mike

Amen to those thoughts.

Also of note, I believe your dad may be one of a small group of cronies who hunted the Organs and San Andreas ranges with treashunter2's dad - the group shown in the Snow 8mm home movies filmed mostly in the Organs. Judging from the vehicles, the look of the people and a couple panoramic sweeps of Las Cruces, I judged the film's time period as the early 1960's, more or less. There were some quite interesting rock carvings and paintings shown in the film that have since been destroyed.

Hi All,

I do not feel the need to post any further information here, either publicly or privately. I just wanted to clear up a few things since my Dad's name had come up. My goal is not to lead anyone in the right direction, or even the wrong one for that matter. Neither do I desire any special attention, either surrounding this cache, or regarding any of the other things. People are free to read what I have said and make of it whatever they will. They can listen - or not. Ignore what I have said - or not. It matters little to me in the end. I just wanted to set the record straight on a few points while I still might.

For Springfield - I never thought of Dad and his friends as "cronies". Knowing my Dad that might have been taken in a poor way...... However I can confirm that he, Harvey Snow, and a fellow with the last name of Methvin (not sure of spelling) did treasure hunt in the Organs and San Andres quite a bit, both as a team and individually. Dad also went to places outside of these areas. I can not say about the rest as I do not know. I would not be surprised if Dad was on one of Harvey Snows films - or most of them even. They were good friends even aside from treasure hunting, and Dad would spend a fair amount of time with Harvey Snow on that basis, and also with an old man by the last name of Posey, when I was a little boy. I know Dad would go to Las Cruces and Truth or Consequences fairly often. Silver City area also. And the Malpies area. Sometimes being gone for several days. So the film would fit this range of areas without any problems.

Best to all.

Hi All,

I do not feel the need to post any further information here, either publicly or privately. I just wanted to clear up a few things since my Dad's name had come up. My goal is not to lead anyone in the right direction, or even the wrong one for that matter. Neither do I desire any special attention, either surrounding this cache, or regarding any of the other things. People are free to read what I have said and make of it whatever they will. They can listen - or not. Ignore what I have said - or not. It matters little to me in the end. I just wanted to set the record straight on a few points while I still might.

For Springfield - I never thought of Dad and his friends as "cronies". Knowing my Dad that might have been taken in a poor way...... However I can confirm that he, Harvey Snow, and a fellow with the last name of Methvin (not sure of spelling) did treasure hunt in the Organs and San Andres quite a bit, both as a team and individually. Dad also went to places outside of these areas. I can not say about the rest as I do not know. I would not be surprised if Dad was on one of Harvey Snows films - or most of them even. They were good friends even aside from treasure hunting, and Dad would spend a fair amount of time with Harvey Snow on that basis, and also with an old man by the last name of Posey, when I was a little boy. I know Dad would go to Las Cruces and Truth or Consequences fairly often. Silver City area also. And the Malpies area. Sometimes being gone for several days. So the film would fit this range of areas without any problems.

Best to all.

Hi Gil

this is Roger Snow
Havey's son

The film Springfield speaks of is not my Dad's

it is your dad's

Claude had bought an 8mm camera in 1962 , and he filmed the following men in the Organs

Jim Methvin
Alton Posey
Harvey Snpw
Clarence Mcdonald

Manny Seina is in one short bit of that film

The entire film is shot in the ORGAN mOUNTAINS

Mostly on the west side at Spanish Rock as well as Soledad canyon , east to the east end of the

Soledad where they set camp at the old Beasley Trading post

then the final scenes are shot along the East side near the old gunnery range and up in
Johnson Canyon where Your Mom and Dad once went in to view a Gold Vien That Claude and my Dad found together

the vien is still there .

Your Dad was well loved and respected by my dad and all of his friends .

I had talk with your dad a few times , and can well state he was one heck of a good soul ,

Your dad shared with me some details that exactly matched what my Dad had said

I can state factually that they did indeed decode symbols and found exact locations of many hidden treasure sites

but most were on the base in the Organs , and buried very deep , for it would take heavy backhoe work to get down to these caches , the logistics to recover those
was beyond their capabillity , fore the fact that the sites are on base and they would have been
in trouble

Your dad and Clarence found a neat tunnel . verticle , with steps
near Soledad peak

I last visited that cave in 2004 , I found the Military had blasted it apart .

Our fathers were wisemen
they did indeed send red herrimgs when they smelled Rats .

it is self preservation and I myself have battled a long time with interlopers such as Gov't agents .

There is a certain dignity in a person , that I must first reconize in them before i would share info with them

the spies lack any sort of dignity .

Good to hear something from you .

One day I may tell you some of the stories of our Dads .

Like the one where your Dad was falling from a bluff at the east end of Soledad

my dad reached out , grabbed your dads collar and swung him back up on the ledge

Your Dad said my Dad saved his life that day , I smiled , your Dad was so pleasant to converse with .

He had an uncommon grace about him .


Hi Black Cloud
the books are already in the process .

3 books

1. Bigfoot , nice perfume and the fractal
( The seemingly Paranormal experiences that occurred during a lifetime , related to treasure , gov.'t ,
the Female Honey Traps used in Co-Vert operations of the Gov.'t, and the Fractal consciousness )

2 . Sex on silk ( which has nothing to do with either sex nor silk , it is metaphor of how the intelligence community operates
as in : Operations of the Intel community are as sex on silk ,, these work smooth and slippery ,,, just like sex on silk )

The third book has yet to have a firm title applied .

The subject matter of which , covers the inner workings of Nation Building through machinations of elitist interest
via corporate technique .
in essence : The U.S.A. is not a country , it is a Corporation . Built to further enhance the wealth of private entities .

covered within , The N.S.A. ,, Treasury Department , Directives of Manifest Destiny , and 500 years of setting up
a Financial Base of operations , and labeling it : The United States of America .

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