Peerless67 said:
quote: "not only did Ruth existed . he had some what translated the the map and dirrections . i can prove that witrhout a dout !

there are coded transalations that prove this 100% ..."

you see bowman this is the problem, look at your quote!!!
"I can prove this without a doubt"
"there are coded translations that prove this 100%"

ok bowman prove it without a doubt

when all of the 11 have sign documents to asure we are all part of the expedition 3. yes ,i will out right prove that statement and that is not a problem at all...

we can not yet even agree to agree lol ...

HOLA BB: I appreciate the honor of being included in your group, actually an excellent one, however, I cannot go since all of my resources and time are tied up in Tayopa.

Don Jose de La Mancha

you must be asking your self what was missing . it was the conection between Greece and Atlantis just before 700BC .

look at this


(European mythology)

The supreme deity in Greek mythology— the usurping son of the Titans Kronos and Rhea. In the Theogony, written soon after 700 BC, Hesiod states that Zeus was ‘wise in counsel, father of gods and men, under whose thunder the broad earth quivers’. He defeated his father Kronos, and forced him to yield up not only his swallowed children, such as Poseidon and Hades, but also the imprisoned offspring of Ouranos, his grandfather. In gratitude the primeval Cyclopes presented Zeus with his powerful arms: thunder and lightning. The defeated Titans—the descendants of Ouranos and Gaia—Zeus confined in Tartarus, the realm beneath the underworld.

A composite figure, the sky god of the Greeks was active in the daily affairs of the world, but he was never looked upon as a creator deity. The origins of the world were far distant: they were entangled, Hesiod notes, in the myths concerning Ouranos, sky, and Gaia, earth. The ancient Greeks superimposed an Indo-European sky father cult on an indigenous Aegean tradition in which the earth goddess was very powerful, just as in India the Aryans submerged the Indus valley culture. Although the pre-Greek Hera survived as the wife of Zeus, it was he as Nephelegeretes, ‘the cloud gatherer’, who ruled over all things. His other names were Ombrios, ‘rain god’; Kataibates, ‘the descender’ Keraunos, ‘lightning’ Gamelios, ‘god of marriage’, Teleios, ‘giver of completeness’; Pater, ‘father’; and Soter, ‘saviour’, while Hades, the god of the dead, and Poseidon, the sea god, could be seen as extensions of Zeus' power in their special realms. They were given separate mythical forms, yet the writ of Olympian Zeus, ‘the wolfish’, Lykaios, ran everywhere, and he alone judged winners and losers. He also consorted with a string of goddesses, nymphs, and women, either to produce further offspring, like Apollo and Artemis, or to absorb the females' special powers. Despite Hera's jealousy and wrath, Zeus' illicit children remained the chief actors on the cosmic stage. Heracles was easily the most conspicuous single figure in Greek mythology

(many of the same facters of the seven caves civilization are seen here in Greek mythology)

But I believe may have happened is when Atlantis broke up there was more than one civilization affected by phenomena in the weather and fell prey to their geographic locations. It is my belief that these two civilizations or closely connected between Atlantis in Greece, mainly the islands of the cyclades ....

I can only wonder if this is the true connection that the templar said discovered...

This is only my personal opinion of what some catastrophic weather in geographical changes could have altered the patterns of the civilizations...

It is my belief that Plato plagiarized is metaphysics beliefs of this main article on Platonic realism, and the Allegory of the cave from the culture of the seven caves civilization, and that the defense that led to the demise of Atlantis and scared the path of that culture to be seen as the true source of several advanced civilizations...

It is my belief that great injustice is have been done in the name of self gratification if my theories are right we are for the first time seeing a direct path of events that has severed us from our true tribes, those tribes of the seven caves, and the advanced beliefs of their culture.

You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with the lost Dutchman maybe it has more to do with it than we are led to believe when a culture inspires others we see their influence between these cultures when someone in great power plagiarize is theories that are not his and influences many we're led to believe he is the one that is its player when in fact it was nothing more than a lie , this great man should be seen for his inspiring interpretation not the theory itself, it is my belief those parameters along to the cultures of the seven caves tribes and even if Plato was a great philosopher he must be overlooked for the true inspiration of these beliefs came from the seven caves civilizations...

It is my opinion and beliefs that Plato has deprived us all of the true origin and beliefs of this shamanisum culture.

It is ironic, that one man's will to be heard in turn deathend this a great culture....


He also consorted with a string of goddesses, nymphs, and women, either to produce further offspring, like Apollo and Artemis, or to absorb the females' special powers. Despite Hera's jealousy and wrath, Zeus' illicit children

Shees BB, to heck with the LDM, let's become gods

Sheltered, innocent, innocent Saint Don Jose de La Mancha

djui5 said:
Seventytwo said:
So now it comes down to why I am here? They say Adolf Ruth came to Arizona from back east to search for a legendary mine. a mine hidden within the a vast mountain range called the Superstitions. But instead of a gold mine, he found his death.
Personally, I don't think that Adolf Ruth even existed?

How do you expect people to take you serious when you say things like this? It's like saying the Pope is a robot. Seriously, do you understand how absurd that is? I'm not being confrontational, I'm honestly trying to help you see how crazy a statement like that sounds! It instills a COMPLETE lack of respect concerning yourself and your book. COMPLETE.

Randy, to say you are not a kid, means you have to stop being childlike?

Dan Adams

Never said I wasn't, I said age has nothing to do with it. I am a "whipper snapper". Haven't turned 30 yet :)

Walt Gassler is my hero ;D

" "whipper snapper"

stop whipping that snapper you'll go blind !

If someone could please tell me how the Shaolin monks figure into all of this, I think we'll be complete. Hannibal? Descartes?

Randy it is good to see that we have gotten the name calling out of the way. Thank you.
Randy, I did not say that the Ruth story did not happen. I said that I don't think it happened. I have a list of grave that I am searching for, Ruth is on that list. Along with Herman Pertrash, and his brother Reinhart.
The Ruth stories have a lot of holes in them, but a tomb stones, can say a lot about a man.

Dan Adams


You have a real problem, when you can't even quote yourself accurately.

"Personally, I don't think that Adolf Ruth even existed?"

The really respected authors who write books about the LDM legend and the Superstition Mountains have taken the time to thoroughly research the subject.

Folks like yourself and bowman, can't help but expose the fact that they have only scratched the surface of the information that is out there. Bowman lets his imagination guide him into finding volumes of internet "facts", some having nothing to do with his stated theories, and presenting them here.

I wish you luck with your book, but you might want to skip advertising your "skills" on public forums where people know for a fact that Adolph Ruth did exist.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:
Mr. Adams,

I will not address the Adolph Ruth comment, because it shows a lack of any real research on your part.

"I do not hate the Dons Club. I do not agree with their personal morals, But I do not judge a man complete on that, after all, I am no saint myself. We all have are faults."

I only have two questions: Since you say you have only met one member of the Don's Club, how can you say you "do not agree with their personal morals"? What do you believe "their personal morals" consist of?


Joe Ribaudo

Joe, how many people have to die before someone question write or wrong?
Or Joe, is it more likely, that the only people that have died within the Superstition, have died of from accidents in their mines, or natural causes. Therefore a Dons selfmorals have never even came into question.

cactusjumper said:

You have a real problem, when you can't even quote yourself accurately.

"Personally, I don't think that Adolf Ruth even existed?"

The really respected authors who write books about the LDM legend and the Superstition Mountains have taken the time to thoroughly research the subject.

Folks like yourself and bowman, can't help but expose the fact that they have only scratched the surface of the information that is out there. Bowman lets his imagination guide him into finding volumes of internet "facts", some having nothing to do with his stated theories, and presenting them here.

I wish you luck with your book, but you might want to skip advertising your "skills" on public forums where people know for a fact that Adolph Ruth did exist.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe, I don't think Ruth existed, and since I can,t seem to find a post saying other wise, would you mind quoting exactly what you are talking about for me.

Dan Adams


This was your original post:

"Personally, I don't think that Adolf Ruth even existed?"

This is what you said to Randy:

"Randy, I did not say that the Ruth story did not happen. I said that I don't think it happened."

Do you believe there is no difference in the two statements? The story of Adolph Ruth and whether he existed or not, are two separate things.

My last post on this.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

My condolences go out to both Oroblanco's on your great loss, there is a tear in my beer!



You are right Joe, I did say Ruth and then Ruth story. But then you cannot have one with out the other, can you.
Oh me and my words?
Picture 171.webp
Did you know Joe that Adolph Ruth anagrams into
Now I think that I had speculated in my book. That this picture of Homes HOLDING UP Ruth's skull is a treasure map.
Let me see if I can remember exactly?
Oh yea, I believe I said that the hole in the side of skull looks a lot like an upside down

Those darn typos
Dan Adams

djui5 said:
It's your own respect going to the toilet. I tried to tell you saying things like that will get you nowhere.

I don't recall ever calling you, or anyone here, any names. If I said something to you, I was serious. Telling you that you're delusional isn't name calling.

The fact that you even think Ruth never existed says a lot about your character. If you have a problem finding Rhiney, well...I'm speechless...

This is too funny actually. Please, keep it up, all my shows on HBO have ended and I have nothing to entertain me.

No, you're right, Ruth never existed. Neither did Waltz, Julia or Rhiney. It was all made up by the bored citizens in Phoenix to increase tourism in 1875... Yep, you've figured it all out. Go on, pat yourself on the back there little buddy.

Well Randy, it would seem that I just put up, So now I guess it would be up to you?
Where are the simple to find graves?

dan Adams

mrs.oroblanco said:
HOLD UP HEART?? = Adolph Ruth? 10 letters in Adolph Ruth, 11 letters in Hold Up Heart - hmmm - where'd the E come from?

Also, I'm not sure that is what his mother had in mind when she named him.


Sorry B proper spelling and all.

Thank you Infosponge, she was really one of the family, the last of our Huskies; courageous to the end. She will be sorely missed. I guess we don't need the dogsled anymore.


Greetings Seventytwo and everyone,

What if you could be shown the graves of Waltz, Reiny, Adolph Ruth - would that change your views? Thank you in advance,

Roy ~ Oroblanco

Oro, a very pretty and brave dog. I am sorry for your loss.

Dan Adams

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