
That was succinctly put. You are a woman of untrammeled intellect and keen insight.

It's late, so I really have no idea what I just wrote. :D

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Greetings Seventytwo and everyone,

Perhaps I am mis-reading your post:

Oro, lest see how fast I can find you a member of the Dons Club?

Do you mean myself personally? My name is Roy A. Decker if you would like to check my name against their membership list, and I am pretty sure that I am no member of the Phoenix Dons Club, in fact have never been invited to join nor know how one would go about joining. I do belong to a few clubs, not much of a "joiner" really, but the GPAA and Lost Dutchman's Mining Assn as well as Natl Geographic I did join. (Used to belong to the NRA, but they lost my support some years ago.) I would be very surprised to find that I am a member of the Phoenix Dons.

If you mean that you will find a member of the Dons here to show me, I would still be surprised but less so, for the Dons' stated purpose is to promote the legends and history of the Superstitions and Arizona in general, so some member(s) might well have an interest in what we discuss here. If such a member is present and keeping that information secret, I fail to see just why they would keep it secret.

If I have mis-understood what you meant, please set me straight?

Either way, I would like to know if there are members of the Phoenix Dons Club here among our little discussion group. Thank you in advance,

Roy ~ Oroblanco

My post was Quickly knocked out a minute ago?
So lets try again.
Joe, you posted on another web site. That anyone can come set at you fire at the annul Dons clubs outing this fall, that by the way you are hosting.
Dose this include me?

Dan Adams

Oro is this good enough?


Dan has already lumped Randy and I into that membership, so I doubt his batting average will improve any as he gives it some serious thought.

That came from so far out, I thought for a moment that he had become possessed by bowman. :o

Don't look so surprised......stranger things have taken place here........just today. :D

Take care, and try to keep that wild woman of yours under some kind of control. ;)


;D :D ;)

Joe I have tried whips and chains, but that only gets her excited! :o ;D :D

Sign me a very bewildered,

PS Dan that is interesting, that Joe (Cactusjumper) would be at the Don's Club annual outing, but as I understand it (and I am NO expert on the Dons) a lot of folks are welcome to the outing that are not members of the Dons, right? Besides, Joe has posted some rather NON-supportive posts in the past concerning some of the myths and legends of the Superstitions, which would be rather against the purpose of the Dons Club too right? I am really getting confused here tonight, must be my medications are reacting or something because I am having a hard time wrapping my head around some of these implications.


[My post was Quickly knocked out a minute ago?
So lets try again.
Joe, you posted on another web site. That anyone can come set at you fire at the annul Dons clubs outing this fall, that by the way you are hosting.
Dose this include me?

Dan Adams

Oro is this good enough?]


I may have to retract my request for a signed copy of your book. Before you can write a book, it is (almost) a prerequisite that you be able to read and understand what you have read.

I don't delete my posts, so why don't you just go back to the LDM Forum and copy that quote over here?

I created, with some help, the Dutch Hunters' Rendezvous two years ago. The first year we met down at Twin Buttes near Florence. Last year, with Greg Davis' help, we gathered at the Don's Camp. This year, without my being involved, it is going back to the Don's Camp. I am not "hosting" the event, nor am I in any way involved in it's organization.

The Don's Club loaned us their Greg's request. They have nothing else to do with the event. I will attend and, like always, anyone will be welcome to sit down and chat.

You should try to let this go now. It's starting to make you look bad.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo


"Joe I have tried whips and chains, but that only gets her excited!"

I knew there was something I loved about that woman. ;)

Dan is confused about two different events. The Dutch Hunters Rendezvous is not a Don's Club function. They simply donated their camp.

I have run into this kind of thing before. No matter how many times I explain this, some folks just won't get the message. ::)


Thanks Joe, I found it hard to believe that you were a member - and not because they would not be glad to have you, just that I would think a member would be proud of being a member and not keep it a secret.

I think your Dutch Hunters Rendezvous is a superb idea, only wish I could attend the next one but that seems very doubtful at the present.

This Lost Dutchman mine is sure an interesting one, always leads to very interesting conversation.



"You are a woman of untrammeled intellect and keen insight."

I stand corrected. Perhaps I knew what I was writing.....after all. :)


whats all this dons club thing about? when he said that i thought he was calling me a lowly supporter of a second rate football team.
Wimbledon football clubs supporters are known as dons and donnetes. but now its sounding like some underground treasure movement.

mother of pearl, red sapphire

well that does'nt seem to bad to me, infact sounds like they do their part for the community

It is a "Political" thing around here , hard to explain :'(

[=Since I am the only female here (I think), does that make me a "Donette", to you? B

HI Mi BETH GAL: Nah, but it does make you "DOÑA BETH"

Don Jose de La Mancha

I would suggest that anyone interested in the "facts" about the Don's Club, visit the site that Randy has posted. I did it some time ago, but have never joined the club.

This disrespectful....slight? that is being put forward, is completely out of proportion in response to anything that has been written by anyone here. It seems obvious that a personal grudge is the motivation behind this silly attack on a completely benign organization.

Probably time to get back on topic.


Joe Ribaudo

I did not bring the Dons Club into this thread Joe.
It was "You Guys" that did, when you all ganged up on me?
Personally I have nothing to gain here by saying that the Dons Club made up the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine.
It would seem though, that "You Guys" have something to protect.
When I started posting on this thread. I merely wanted to try to prove or disprove my claim that the Lost Dutchman has been found.
Within this process, nobody on this thread has entered a single statement saying that the mine that I have found is not the Lost Dutchman.
Nor, has anybody, posted any evidence, disputing the evidence that I have posted on this thread.
So with that said, the readers here must assume that the Lost Dutchmans gold mine is now found!
Since "you Guys" brought the Dons Club into this though, I will now tell the readers of this forum why I copyrighted the coordinates.
This information was not written in my book. When I found the Lost Dutchman I knew that something was wrong, I had never even been searching for a Lost Dutchmanmine. I had the hole time been searching for the De Grazia paintings.
Imagine the surprised look on my face when I walk up to the entrance of the Lost Dutchmans mine.
I didn't tell anyone but my family and close friends about my find. Over the next several months I did more and more research on the subject. The more I learned the less I wanted to know.
There even came times that I had to wondered, would they kill me for what I now knew?
The only thing that I knew about the Dons at the time is that they had a black web page with a phone number attached, the web page has since been changed to what you now see. More research started to reveal more about them and their goals. It didn't take long to realize that the Dons Club could, "at any point that the wanted to," find the Lost Dutchman Gold mine. They knew the location, so all they had to do is to make up some story and have one of their members find it. The Dons clubs members are very prominent people in the state of Arizona. if they want a story on the six o'clock news, at six you will see it. They could have back staged me to the point, that you would have never even heard about the lies behind the Dutchman stories.
How to pervent that from happening was a problem?
So I had to devise a plan, one where I could show the treasure hunters the truth and not get myself killed in the process.
I made a Trails guide to the Lost Dutchman Gold mine. Within it I copyrighted the exact location of the mine. I did this without the Dons Club knowing a thing. Now the U.S. government had made me the knew owner of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine location.
You see, I was the wild card, I broke the maps and had found the mine without the Dons club knowing it. Then by copyrighting the coordinates, I had snatched the Lost Dutchman gold mine right out of the hands of the Dons Club, and they in all their arrogance, they did not even see it coming.

That is why you see it members ripping at me personally on the threads above. You see a megair Carpenter has taken and shoved the Lost Dutchman Gold mine straight up the a---'s of the some of the most powerful people in Arizona.

Dan Adams

Well Dan what can I say, I did not even know what the Dons club was until you called me/everyone "Dons and Donnetes".
You joined this thread for no other reason than your own personal gain.
I can state right here and now I live in London England and have never been a member of the "Dons club" and never been to Az. But because of all the noise you made about the Dons club I did take a look at their web site, I certainly dont know anymore than what I read there about them, but I came away feeling that It is a long standing club who seem to do their bit inside of the community and it sounds as though membership or at least support has been floundering a little. the reason I say that is because they have had to cancel treks because of the lack of patrons taking part.
For such a long standing club/organisation to be suffering a loss of patrons is to me no laughing matter it seems that these days people have little time for such traditional things and I have no doubt that when people like you slight them, it does their cause no good at all.
As for you evidence and your book, you have joined the thread and put forward your theory without ever mentioning you had wrote a book (that was great mr Oroblanco excelent suggestion). you came with an agenda Dan. you failed, had you had been open about your purpose here you would have gained the respect of the people here as it stands I see what had become a lively thread suddenly died I would suggest because of the way you hijacked it for your own gain.
When I read your "book" it really didnt strike me as anymore intresting or intriguing than any other superstitions guide. you have come here with the intention of having US prove that you have found the lost dutchmans mine. well unfortunately for you thats not how it works. YOU have to prove that you have found it and back it up with evidence, I dont know if you have noticed but there are others here who claim to have found it to. one guy in paticular comes in for a hard time with every claim he makes because he like you makes his claims with no evidence.
You came here wanting a reaction and you got that reaction but you chose not to answer questions with any kind of purpose.
I believe it was Randy who asked you "why/what did you look for the LDM in that location" to which you replied, "the truth is so strange ect ect" you ask US to disprove it for you but you refuse to answer questions that dont fit your agenda, and frankly your work as far as proving that you had found the dutchmans mine could have been over within days of your return from that mine. all you had to do was have an assay done, your rock against the known dutchman samples. you found that mine before january of 2005 I know this because that was the date you got a reply from the fed guy. so even if you had no rock then you have had time to go back and get rock for that purpose.
WHY DID YOU NOT HAVE THAT ROCK CHECKED OR ASSAYED? I suspect you did have someone check it or look at it and you never got the answer you were hoping for, as far as your evidence goes it consists with the exception of a photograph of some rock, of just the claims you are making, I am affraid Dan that the onus of evidence and burden of proof is on you. you made the claim you prove it.

This thread is taking a familiar turn. When these kinds of mindless attacks took place on the LMD Forum, I warned of an agenda. Others told me to ignore the attacks and they would get tired and go away. I did and it did not work. Instead, it went on and on and on.

This will also be unending. At least there are moderators here, something I also suggested early on with the LDM Forum, so there is hope it won't degenerate into the same filth.

Here's the answer. When someone, like bowman....etc. offers a wild story, everyone nod there heads and repeat any number of times: Yup....yup.....yup......yup. Do not ask for proof, sources, or disagree in any manner. As you have seen here, and elsewhere, that will result in name calling and deleted posts.

Let me be the first to address Dan's claims. Yup....yup.....yup....nod....nod.....nod.

Joe Ribaudo

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