I was just reading a post about 2 axes found on Oak Island. I can't find it again so here is what I was going to post on that. Its long winded but will help some of you to understand more about real treasure hunting.
New post
It appears from all the talk about lost axes, some of you need a new idea.
Before I offer my advice, ( I ask that moderators please don’t delete this post. The person I am revealing as knowing nothing about the treasure I speak of has harassed me on this website for several years. Check it out.)
This will be a long explanation of why those on this forum are still asking questions about things dug at Oak Island and elsewhere.
About 29 years ago, I and some in my company began posting true and coherent information on this forum, concerning how treasure clues found in the right places are used to locate the caches in a depository. We had made a few posts before the “experts” began to make fun of what we said. People like 2latetodig or okietreasurehunter was one of the worst. He not only suggested we were crazy but harassed us on the forum. Read his old posts. Later after one of his friends”?” contacted OTC asking us to meet him to look over a map he had. He lived where we were working a site. Not knowing the man was friends with my nemesis, I invited him and his Dad (map man) to meet with us in my RV in Elgin. Ok. We attempted to give some advice to them because one was the man who had several authentic treasure maps. He didn’t know we also had copies of the maps after he gave copies to other THers. They did not know how to read a treasure map. So two of them solicited OTC for help. We found three (they all were disclosed by the idiots I helped) caches using two maps at other sites in Oklahoma.
Since the maps came from him and I wasn’t told the origin of the maps when we got them. We offered them a chance to work with us and split all the finds. They also knew okietreasurehunter. They were trying to make up their minds if they wanted his help or ours. During our meeting I began to show photos of clues we had been finding on our site. One very important clue was made from a tube once containing 3M weather stripping cement from the 1950s. They laughed in our face and choose to work with the other guy. My bad, at that meeting, they learned where our treasure hunt was ongoing. They and OTH, showed up there using binoculars to spy on us from atop hills. Later okietreasehunter started a website posting old treasure legends and pretending to be knowledgeable on all types of treasure. He actually knows nothing about the most common treasure in America. After that we left Tnet and the internet almost completely for over 26 years. In 2007 “He” went behind our back and had our automatic renewal of our lease with the State of Oklahoma canceled. He and his partners leased and worked the site for 6 months before we re-established our lease. We went and found they left, after digging several deep holes and not restoring the ground and planting grass, as was required by the state. The state inspector came to us to see where the digging was done. Afterwards we were told they were made to pay for restoration of their work.
We went back to our work and finally collected all the clues we needed to complete our hunt. So the moral to this long post is “don’t laugh at a gift horse until you’ve learned to ride.”
Now I’m old and done with field work on treasure, I will little by little tell some secrets about finding ****** gold. Take it for what you will, but consider where it comes from, I expect the man I mentioned to come at my posts with both feet. Weigh his experience against mine and decide who may be the one to believe. Note as soon as he learns what I say, it will become his and I just act like the information was mine.
Folks my old eyes are prone to mistakes please forgive.