Real de Tayopa said:

A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to "Where do pets come from?"

Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us."

And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves."

And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve.

And it was a good animal. And God was pleased.

And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.

And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal."

And God said, " I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG."

And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them

And they were comforted.

And God was pleased.

And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, "Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride. They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well"

And God said, I will create for them a companion who will be with them and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration."

And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve.

And Cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the supreme beings.

And Adam and Eve learned humility.

And they were greatly improved.

And God was pleased.

And Dog was happy.

And Cat didn't give a #@!$%#@! one way or the other.

Don Jose de La Mancha

ROFLOL - you know, I think I had seen that once a long time ago somewhere but had forgotten all about it!! For anyone who owns or has owned a dog and cat it really resonates!! Thanks very much - my wife will love this one!

Thanks buddy, I really hope you have a great day - you made mine.

your friend,

Seventytwo wrote:

You Will see some of the people on the this post tear at me for my work on the Lost Dutchman.
Why do you think they dislike my opinion so much?

Greetings Dan,

If anything I have posted is offensive to you, please accept my apologies - no offense was intended. You found something that convinced you it was the LDM, and I only wished to see some evidence that would convince me as well - however we all have different levels of what will convince us, and I am not convinced that what you found was indeed the LDM. That is MY OPINION only, and I could be utterly wrong, after all I don't know the location of the LDM - however I would hope that we could have differences of opinion and remain friends.

Good luck and good hunting to you, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Oro, I caught the Dons club with their hands in the cookie jar.
The overlay maps are a dead giveaway.What are the odds that the Lost Dutchman treasure maps could over lay and match up exact to topo lines in Upper La Barge canyon, and even have confermat ion lines that line up. Then after doing that, these maps overlay each other, and state that the Dons club made up the mine.
What are the odds that the mine that I have found in Upper La Barge canyon, fits to ever single clue that is supposed to be the Lost Dutchman.
What are the odds that, Ted De Grazia could draw a picture of Lost Dutchman mine, where the entrance looks just like the mine I found at the end of the treasure maps.
Oro, how many time do we need to see the 111-18 and 3325 pop up in stories, before we label the coordinates as facts.

I would like to make this clear to all of the Dons club members posting here. I am a treasure hunter and not a member of your club.

Sorry Oro,I don't think this is what you were looking for. I do not mean to sound rude or uncaring, but I am getting tried of being dog on by men that can't even stand up and say that they are members of their on club.

Danny A Adams


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djui5 said:
Seventytwo said:
but I am getting tried of being dog on by men that can't even stand up and say that they are members of their on club.

Danny A Adams

And I'm tired of people claiming they've found the LDM with NO GOLD TO SHOW PROOF. HELLOOOOOOO, RICHEST MINE IN THE WORLD, WHERE IS THE F'N GOLD?


Seventytwo said:
Well said Bowman.
It would seem that most of the people posting here do not really care if the Dutchman mine is found or not.
It is like talking to politicians, first this, and then that, always changing the subject without any real answers. Then god for bid you should veer from main stream. Because as soon as you do, your are attacked by a group.
As far as drifting from main stream, you better thank all of the people that think outside of the box, for what you have today. With out them we would just be furry little critters still living in the forest.
lets take the post above, I am actually being accused of having a hidden agenda. The only agenda that I have, is in searching for the truth.
The truth that I have found here on this thread, is there are very few treasure hunter posting on this Lost Dutchman forum.
The Dons Club connection has been made apparent in this thread. I don't really expect the Dons club members to stand up and be accounted for. After all they have their on agenda, being a secret society group and all.
The first trip I took into the superstition mountains with my friend, as we were hiking past Whiskey Spring. We ran into some men coming out of La Barge Canyon. It was an Ice cold morning and raining. The men where dressed in light gear,and I thought it was strange that these men did not have packs. These men were also older men, the one was in his sixty's, the other in his mid fifty's. The older gentlemen said high, and asked where we were headed, so we made small talk with him.
But it was the other one that had my attention, he never spoke. but he looked like he was just going to explode at any second. He had the look of a small child just out side the gates of the circus. he was dancing around and so jittery I thought I was going to shoot him, just to help him keep calm.
After we passed them on the trail, we expected to find their camp. But hiking on into La Barge there was no camp present.
It was a very strange event, and my friend and I talked about them as we hiked on.
Only later after I found the mine, and had established the links to the Dons Club, did realized what that man had seen. He had been shown the Lost Dutchman Gold mine. That why he was so skittish, the olderman was a Don and the younger man had just became a Don.
You Will see some of the people on the this post tear at me for my work on the Lost Dutchman.
Why do you think they dislike my opinion so much?

Dan Adams
if the don's culb is as smart as everyone says they are they should have already contacted me ... at this piont it is a little late ...

beside .i only need ask them to step forward to met me once .. after that if they do not ,thats up to them rules stated if i ask and they do not reply then i do not need there word of passage ... if i am not going to met them dirrectly ...

if they met me then its on my trems ...

they know what i am saying ...

Peerless67 said:
I'm guessing book sales have slumped seventytwo?

Peerless, what makes you think that I make a living off selling books?
I'm a builder, and this is just a hobby, do you really think that I would post my book to read for free here, if I was trying to make money off it?
The only reason that it is for sale at my wedsite is to help off set the cost of the site itself.
You seem not to be grasping the hole concept of what is going on here, The file that the book is in. Is capable of being emailed and sent over the internet. Now anyone that has sent me an email address to, has received a copy of this file. This is allowing them to send it to there friends and families.
You see Peerless, this is not about the money, this is about a made up treasure tale. When I found the Lost Dutchman mine and knew it was a lie, I then went to work on how to expose the group that had made it up. Seeing how theses men where some of the most powerful men in Arizona, this put me in a very bad spot.
So how do you catch a Don, first you snatch his mine right out from under his nose, Then you watch and wait.
Not long ago the Dons drifted from their own site where they have been posting amongst themselves for years. It seems that they need to recruit new members. So they started posting here on this open forum. I have been waiting for 2 years for an opportunity to catch them in the open.
So now we here we are?
The way I see it, the Dons club owes me 18 Ted De Grazia paintings, But I will take a public apologize to me and my fellow treasure hunters in trade.
Dons, you have one week handle this matter.

Dan Adams

Dan, your post seems desperate and delussional, you stepped out from behind your shroud after being found out by one of the members of this forum. you then desperately tried to sell the idea you had found the LDM.
Although I am unable to confirm or deny the fact that you have found the LDM, I am able to assure you of this, I am not now nor have ever been a member of the "dons".
You have spent a great deal of your time in your posts attacking these people who appear not to be here to answer your claims.
As to the point I made about your book sales it was not a suggestion that you need the money, but I do believe you have much to gain if you convince enough people you have found the mine.
However Dan you have proved nothing whatsoever apart from the fact you have a picture of a mine/cave.
Heres my challenge to you, as well as the statement you have made here on these forums please show me the Assay report you had of the ore you removed from the mine. along with any evidence you have that the ore matches the known dutchman samples.
Please post your evidence that there are "dons" members on this forum who are actively seeking to prove your claim wrong.
Please post any photographic evidence that you were indeed in the dutchmans mine.
You have no reasonable excuse for not having an assay done as you claimed to have took ore samples from the mine/cave.
and anyone who would have visited the supers intent on finding the LDM would have had a camera on their person.
I believe you went into the supers, I also believe you came across a mine/cave. I dont however believe you found the LDM but it would be so easy to prove me wrong.
Why not come along to the meet in october, you will have a full audience there, and I am sure some of those people there would be more than happy to accompany you as an expedition leader to the LDM.
I'l leave it with you now Dan, like I said its all to easy to prove so knock yourself out Dan and i'l be first to apologize for any doubt I ever had


Greetings Dan and everyone,

I have been offline for several weeks as we were moving from Arizona to South Dakota, my apologies for the delay in answering.

Dan, you are convinced that what you have found is in fact the Lost Dutchman mine, and it is possible that the Dons Club also believes this. For myself, only the ore itself can ever prove any site to be the actual mine of Jacob Waltz - as you know gold ore is a bit like fingerprints, the ore from each mine is quite distinctive and an expert geologist or assayer can easily identify the source of any ore. Ore from Waltz's mine does still exist and can be compared to any new sample to determine if they are from the same source - and only ONE person I know of has ever brought out any ore which matches the ore from Waltz's mine, and he is dead. So whether the Dons believe that an old cave/tunnel with pretty much NO gold in it is the lost mine of Waltz or not, I personally cannot believe that such a mine/tunnel/cave is the same that produced such distinctive ore. That is only my own view however, as you said if so many "clues" do match with your site it is enough to convince some folks that it is the site of Jacob Waltz's mine.

My apologies again for the delay in replying, good luck and good hunting to you (all) I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

your friend,

OK , i did this to CJ, now its your turn DAN or who ever you are ...

its a mine shaft or a pit or a cave or a tunnel , lets hear it .. discrimbe the LDM you found DAN and i will make you look like a total fool ........

yes the dons got their little camp in place they are waiting for anyone to find it because the land will go up in value . look at their holdings at goldfeild.. they are easy to under stand ,... the sure buck of it ! lol if they find it or not they will enjoy weath from the find ...

but you DAN if you are so sure you have found it , what dose it look like ....???? what is it ....?

the blindbowman said:
OK , i did this to CJ, now its your turn DAN or who ever you are ...

its a mine shaft or a pit or a cave or a tunnel , lets hear it .. discrimbe the LDM you found DAN and i will make you look like a total fool ........

yes the dons got their little camp in place they are waiting for anyone to find it because the land will go up in value . look at their holdings at goldfeild.. they are easy to under stand ,... the sure buck of it ! lol if they find it or not they will enjoy weath from the find ...

but you DAN if you are so sure you have found it , what dose it look like ....???? what is it ....?

Go back to the beginning of the thread and follow his posts - you'll find a picture and description of what he believes is the LDM that he claims to have found.

Not saying I believe it or not, but the information you asked him for is right in the thread.

Quote from: the blindbowman on Today at 07:02:22 AM
OK , i did this to CJ, now its your turn DAN or who ever you are ...

its a mine shaft or a pit or a cave or a tunnel , lets hear it .. discrimbe the LDM you found DAN and i will make you look like a total fool ........

yes the dons got their little camp in place they are waiting for anyone to find it because the land will go up in value . look at their holdings at goldfeild.. they are easy to under stand ,... the sure buck of it ! lol if they find it or not they will enjoy weath from the find ...

but you DAN if you are so sure you have found it , what dose it look like ....? what is it ....?

Go back to the beginning of the thread and follow his posts - you'll find a picture and description of what he believes is the LDM that he claims to have found.

Not saying I believe it or not, but the information you asked him for is right in the thread.


For the most part, people make fools of themselves.

Bowman and Dan are identical twins, except that Dan can spell........somewhat. Both have made empty accusations without an ounce of proof.

If bowman can explain what the "holdings" of the Don's Club are and how they will realize and enjoy the "weath" that will be derived from them..... somehow, I will give him all the respect he is due.

If Dan would be so kind as to name the members of that club, who are posting here, he might have a leg to stand on. I have no idea who they are, but it would be nice to know who the spy's among us are.

I assume both will have nothing, of substance, to say. Surprise me.

Joe Ribaudo

I assume both will have nothing, of substance, to say. Surprise me.

Joe Ribaudo

Don't hold your breath for any surprises CJ - although I'm sure I don't need to tell you that - I'm pretty certain your quote above held a note of sarcasm :)

RL has me completely busy the last few weeks and I've been too tired to even read more of Helen Corbin's book. In a few weeks it'll start getting colder and we'll have less and less sunlight to do much outside, so I plan to catch up on my reading this winter.

I've already got this time of year marked on my next calendar to watch for the "LDM get together" if they have it again next year. By then I hope to be a bit more knowledgable and maybe even have time to do a little hiking of my own.

the Don's wish they knew where it is

.... they can have a guide take them right to it for the right price ...whats in your wallet!


Good to see you folks back on TN. Trust your move went smoothly and the fresh start will be all you hoped for.

There are times when the "facts" speak for themselves. Your post is one of those times.

Welcome back,


i agree maybe for the frist time lol . mrs Oro's reply is a show stopper ... smart wife smart man ! welcome home you two ...

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