Randy you are write their should be court records, if this event happened and newspaper articles. I was hoping some of the other treasure hunters could help to enlighten us?
And Randy, know I don't fly!

B, yes that is my book and my name is Dan Adams. But you will notice that it is for free to the treasure hunters on this website. This is so other treasure hunters can help me to either prove or disprove the mine that is found within the pages of this book.
You will notice that I have never posted on this forum the address of my wed site. So it would seem that it is not for sale here.

Now that we no that I am the person that says the Lost Dutchman Gold mine is a HOAX, why don,t you Dons and Donnets stand up and be accounted for.
If not, we should be able to prove or disprove the claims that I have made in my book.
And please be civil, there is no need to call each other names, after all we are grown ups.

I will start by Posting this map and others like it, your job is to dis prove my claim.
My claim is that the treasure maps key, is that topo lines in Upper La Barge canyon are used to draw the maps. This is the first map I broke and this is how I broke it.
Vigal Bowman Map Small.GIF
Vigal Bowman Map Small.GIF
Ok can we disprove the topo lays on this map.
Dan Adams


  • Vigal Bowman Small.GIF
    Vigal Bowman Small.GIF
    5.3 KB · Views: 536
Try that again?
Picture 208.gif


  • Picture 209.gif
    Picture 209.gif
    32.9 KB · Views: 655
sorry to disapoint you dan but we were all on to you, we have been talking via PMs and decided to play good guy bad guy with you. how many of us do you think you fooled? even BB was on to you, and it hurts me to say that!!
you were rumbled very early on,6 of the posters on this thread (me being one of them) had you down after your first post.
please feel free to post away, but please be aware you are posting into an open forum and you are likely to be ripped apart, but of course that is what you claim to want so lets see what you have, but please have the kleenex handy as it is likely to get rough from here on in.

seventytwo wrote

" And please be civil, there is no need to call each other names, after all we are grown ups."

seventytwo also wrote

"why don,t you Dons and Donnets stand up and be accounted for"

Oh my aint that just hypocritical???


Well I hope I have not called anyone any names; however it was just a wee bit dis-ingenuous of you Dan, to be here saying you have stood at the entrance to the Lost Dutchman mine, while you have published a book taking the position that it is all a hoax. Being deliberately dishonest with your fellow treasure hunters is not really a great way to win friends and/or influence people.

Blindbowman, perhaps YOU can reach Black Top in three hours carrying a load, but I guarantee that it takes longer than that for an old fart like myself! ;D :D ;)

I would have been impressed if Dan's GPS coordinates matched with the site of Blindbowman's discovery, but apparently that is not the case? BTW the first time I typed in those coordinates to Topozone, it came up with a site on the west side of Red Tanks canyon, which really had me puzzled. Not that it is impossible to be there, just that Red Tanks canyon just won't "fit" with some of the clues.

Blindbowman, you have said that you only need $3000 and you can prove you have found the original Lost Dutchman mine - well now you have several offers to finance you, so it sounds to me like there is no excuse not to make your expedition. Good luck, don't forget your camera, and believe it or not if you can provide enough evidence to back your claims, the government very well might grant you permission to mine the site and/or take the treasures. After all the government stands to benefit greatly from such a discovery. If however you are wanting to put in a huge heap-leach gold mining operation that will cover thousands of acres and take up vast amounts of scarce water, plus require that new roads be punched into the wilderness, you will be out of luck.

I too want to see the Lost Dutchman mine found, unfortunately I cannot afford to put up the $3000 personally at this time.


Oroblanco said:

Well I hope I have not called anyone any names; however it was just a wee bit dis-ingenuous of you Dan, to be here saying you have stood at the entrance to the Lost Dutchman mine, while you have published a book taking the position that it is all a hoax. Being deliberately dishonest with your fellow treasure hunters is not really a great way to win friends and/or influence people.

Blindbowman, perhaps YOU can reach Black Top in three hours carrying a load, but I guarantee that it takes longer than that for an old fart like myself! ;D :D ;)

I would have been impressed if Dan's GPS coordinates matched with the site of Blindbowman's discovery, but apparently that is not the case? BTW the first time I typed in those coordinates to Topozone, it came up with a site on the west side of Red Tanks canyon, which really had me puzzled. Not that it is impossible to be there, just that Red Tanks canyon just won't "fit" with some of the clues.

Blindbowman, you have said that you only need $3000 and you can prove you have found the original Lost Dutchman mine - well now you have several offers to finance you, so it sounds to me like there is no excuse not to make your expedition. Good luck, don't forget your camera, and believe it or not if you can provide enough evidence to back your claims, the government very well might grant you permission to mine the site and/or take the treasures. After all the government stands to benefit greatly from such a discovery. If however you are wanting to put in a huge heap-leach gold mining operation that will cover thousands of acres and take up vast amounts of scarce water, plus require that new roads be punched into the wilderness, you will be out of luck.

I too want to see the Lost Dutchman mine found, unfortunately I cannot afford to put up the $3000 personally at this time.


After C.J.'s behavior all offers are refused from this point onward, if his behavior continues as does others I will not post the findings on this site at all. I've done nothing other than to try to prove what my sighting was from 1979 .this kind of Behavior is uncalled for and it has cost you all......

i have had enough ot this site its time to go find a better site ... latter

My offer was an honest one after you made your claim and I truly hoped you would back up your words with actions.

You will be hard pressed to find anything disrespectful or in any way "poor behavior" in any of my comments and questions to you BB. I sent you a PM to which you never responded. I did it as a PM out of respect for you, however not responding to me in the same manner when it's obvious you have been online all day is in fact disrespecting me.

Many people live by the belief that respect isn't given, it's earned. I don't happen to follow that rule - instead I live by this one: I give my respect to everyone I meet - it's up to them whether they keep that respect or lose it.

You've got an awful lot of people here who believe you are a nutjob and I would hazard a guess that I'm one of the very few (if not the only one) here who thought you may indeed have been onto something with your theories.

Here's a copy of the PM I sent you in case you never bothered to read it:

actions speak much more loudly than words. As I said, I have no reason to disbelieve you and am offering you the $ you said was what you needed to go there now and show evidence of your finds.

I'm offering the $ risk free to you for the opportunity to be there to see the LDM and ore in person on what I think would be an amazing discovery and exciting thing to be a part of.

If you truly have no interest in taking me up on the offer (for whatever reasons), I'm honestly disappointed and I suggest you be much more careful with your wording in future posts. Whether you made that claim out of haste or whatever doesn't matter to me - I took it as an opportunity to be part of a once in a lifetime events in my life.

I sincerely hope you have found the LDM, but put yourself in my shoes for a moment and you'll see how your backing off your statement causes a bit of doubt to enter my mind where none existed before.

Good luck to you

If you believe you have found the LDM and want to keep all the secrets to yourself - nobody would blame you but imho you ought to be a man about it and come out and say so, not hide behind little morsels of information that cannot be proven on a forum and then when given an opportunity to prove yourself back out of it without the respect of an answer to me.

All that said - I still have enough respect to wish you good luck in whatever paths you follow.

i stated it may be in the fall . in fact it could be in the early spring ...

it wont matter i wont release the finding untill may 1st ...

Blindbowman if anything I have posted is of offence to you, my apologies, no offence was intended. I just thought that with the financing problem now taken care of, you would be able to go on the expedition. Perhaps you are one of the people who does not want any kind of investment from anyone else, if so this is unwarranted - for there is nothing shameful or dishonest in obtaining a "grubstake" to go prospecting, this practice is as old as gold mining and is a proven way for gold mines (and others) to be finally located and brought into production. Few large mining companies want to risk their capital on the search for new deposits, few prospectors or treasure hunters have the needed capital to simply go ON the search, so a good and fair solution is for investors to back the treasure hunter financially, with the understanding that they get an equal share in all discoveries, that are made within a specified period of time.

The offers to help finance your expedition did not sound like "charity" to me at least, and I do not believe you are the greedy type who would refuse any investors on the basis of having to share the proceeds, so I hope you will reconsider.

Monsoon is winding down here in southern Arizona, and the weather will become quite delightful in the Superstitions in the not-too-distant future, so if I were you, I would sure be re-thinking those offers..... :-\ I sure WISH that I could get such offers, but then I don't know the location of the LDM either. :( :'( ;)

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you (and everyone) find the treasures that you seek.


Peerless67 said:
sorry to disapoint you dan but we were all on to you, we have been talking via PMs and decided to play good guy bad guy with you. how many of us do you think you fooled? even BB was on to you, and it hurts me to say that!!
you were rumbled very early on,6 of the posters on this thread (me being one of them) had you down after your first post.
please feel free to post away, but please be aware you are posting into an open forum and you are likely to be ripped apart, but of course that is what you claim to want so lets see what you have, but please have the kleenex handy as it is likely to get rough from here on in.

Well then lets get to work.
In fact, I have sighed my name to my post since the beginning of this thread, there was no hiding it. I don't have to hide behind anything. you see there are 3 people a day reading my book.
Now those people are watching this post, they may not post here, but they are watching.
So I guess the question to you my friend, is why would you and the rest of the people posting here be playing a game of GOOD GUY, BAD GUY, with me.
This is a treasure hunting forum, is it not. Somewhere that treasure hunters get together and talk about finding treasure.
That is what I am doing here, I have a theory, and evidence, to back that theory up.
So exactly what are "you guys" doing here?

Dan Adams

Blindbowman if the problem lies with any member of T-net, you can always set your preferences to "ignore" and not even have to read any posts of that member. Just a suggestion.

You must know that some of your theories sounded a bit far-out, at least to some of the members here; all treasure hunters are a little part detective and want solid proof to support every step of a theory so when someone pops up and says "I have found the LDM" or the Pegleg, or the Adams etc the members very logically wish to see proof to substantiate the claim(s) made. Sometimes the members get a little carried away and many things can be taken in the wrong way, in these cases it pays to keep a good sense of humor and know that these folks really don't know you personally. CJ has a bit of a brusque manner but I don't think he has been trying to be mean to you, as he mentioned before when he makes a comment that is not intended to be some kind of insult, he always adds in the little "smiley" faces ( ;D :D ;)) just in case anyone is reading it wrong. I have read them wrong too, so don't feel like it is only you.

If you have other reasons why you would not want any investors or backers, or other reasons why you cannot make your expedition at the earliest opportunity, that is your own business and none of mine. I was only trying to point out that there were direct offers to help finance your expedition, that would enable you to do it. I have had financial backers (grubstakers) in the past, and it always worked out whether there was profit from the venture or not - most investors do know that hunting treasures is a risk-venture business, that has a high percentage of failure, but with correspondingly high percentages in payoff if successful.

You have threatened to leave Treasurenet on several occasions and I have attempted to talk you out of the idea - such as where else will you find such a large group of fellow treasure hunters to discuss such things with, you have access to a tremendous pool of knowledge and experience here with these folks, and you are among friends - not enemies. However if you want to find another forum that is your business and I have no desire to coerce you into staying here and make you unhappy. I hope you know that even if we disagree on some ideas or theories, keep in mind what a dull forum this would be if we were ALL in agreement on every single point?

Whether you stay or go, please know that I consider you a friend, regardless of what we might have disagreed on or how often, your theories were always interesting and I hope you find the treasures that you seek. (Do make your expedition too, and I wish you good luck on it.)

your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Peerless67 said:
seventytwo wrote

" And please be civil, there is no need to call each other names, after all we are grown ups."

seventytwo also wrote

"why don,t you Dons and Donnets stand up and be accounted for"

Oh my aint that just hypocritical???

No, that is not a hypocritical statement, because you ask me to stand up and be accounted for, which I did. So I merely ask the Dons to do the same.
Are you not proud of who you are.
Or do you have something to hide.

Dan Adams

mrs.oroblanco said:

Curious - you had said (awhile back) that your expedition would be late this fall - why the change in timeline?

Seventytwo - I understand your e-book is free, but I am getting a drift that you are trying to find information from us here. Most people have researched at least some of the questions you have asked (like: are there newspaper articles - you would think you have already checked that out - that's obvious search material). So, I am just curious about your personal motivation.


No B, I said this fall when it cools off to be exact.
I guess what I do not yet understand B, is how come the Dons could promote a mine that they made up, with such disreagards to the men and women that call themselves treasure hunters.
Treasure hunters like myself have died looking for that mine B. If you look in the front of my book. You will see that those treasure hunters is who it is decated to.
It is not a little white lie when people die.

Dan Adams


Why do you think there are members of the Don's Club posting here?

I repeat:


[Well Joe, it would seem that you intend to deal with this, in the typical Dons Club fashion.
"Ignore it and it will go away."
The Dons Club dose not have an open oppion on the mine that is found in the Lost Dutchman Lies. Even though they promote the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchmans Goldmine.
Why is that Joe?]

Wish I knew, but if I were going to ask would be you. Right now, you seem to be the expert on the Don's Club. If I had to take a guess, I would surmise that they, along with the Masons, turned you down for membership. It must be a heavy burden for you to live with.

For most people, like me for instance, life just gets better and better. For others........
it don't get any better, at all.

Try to live a better life. It's all good.

Joe Ribaudo


You seem to have a serious problem with the Don's Club. You also have a problem with finding one of their members hiding behind every to speak. :D

Hope things work out well for you, and that the book turns out to be a huge success. any chance I could get a signed copy?


Joe Ribaudo

While I share a rather suspicious view of the Phoenix Dons Club as potentially behind or connected with some of the mythmaking and misleading "evidence" that is around concerning the Superstitions and Lost Dutchman, I see no reason to think that members of the Don's Club is present here on Treasurenet. Dan, why do you suspect there are Dons and Donettes here? Thank you in advance,


PS By the way, I see nothing wrong with selling more books - more power to you, I also try to sell more books, but to take a false position is rather misleading to our members here; I hope you will refrain from such behavior. It could be done all in "good fun" but some folks will get the wrong idea about a fellow that way, and it could adversely affect book sales as well. Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Congrats on your site and your book.
Pardon me if I am blunt. I always am , and am frequently (Politely) told so.
I hope your proof exposes the truth.

Correct sir, Regarding Behavior unbecoming.


Given all your work.... I hope you can do what you say.
The thing I would have done would have been to state my purpose as simply as possible. period. Then gone and either done it or not.
No flowers, no frills, .... all that stuff can come later.
PT Barnum said it best. You won't find many here.

Good luck in your endeavor. May all the .... winds favor your chances.

Joe and Randy, Kind of hard to keep quiet through all this, isn't it?

Well said Beth.

Happy Hunting,

Oroblanco said:
While I share a rather suspicious view of the Phoenix Dons Club as potentially behind or connected with some of the mythmaking and misleading "evidence" that is around concerning the Superstitions and Lost Dutchman, I see no reason to think that members of the Don's Club is present here on Treasurenet. Dan, why do you suspect there are Dons and Donettes here? Thank you in advance,


PS By the way, I see nothing wrong with selling more books - more power to you, I also try to sell more books, but to take a false position is rather misleading to our members here; I hope you will refrain from such behavior. It could be done all in "good fun" but some folks will get the wrong idea about a fellow that way, and it could adversely affect book sales as well. Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Oro, lest see how fast I can find you a member of the Dons Club?

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