The Square Round Table

Today, Sunday, I remeasured all my measurements for my target areas 1 and 2 again.
I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right before moving to my last target area.

Of course, measurements were different, but I increased my magnetometer skill level.
If I were kind, I'd make a YouTube video about how to do it.
Right now, the Texas weather is too hot for me to be kind.

Anyway, I was in the marsh from 6 am to 2 pm today honing my "skills" back doesn't like me tonight.

After measuring multiple times in the Texas sun, I now have exactly one place in combined target areas 1 and 2 that might have something down there.
Problem is, that one place doesn't match the map too I have my doubts.
I can dig it later.

Anyway, now that I am "skilled-up" with the magic-wand magnetometer, measuring target area 3 should go quickly tomorrow.

I have all week off...wish I could use it traveling to NM for the Fenn treasure, I would only need one search-day.
But it takes two days (each way to get there)...and next Saturday is "visit-elderly-mom-on-Saturday-weekend"...oh well.

I'm happy to hear you're up to speed on the Mag! It sounds like it's already going faster!

I sure hope you find something where that's zoned in on! I wouldn't worry about what that map says compared to technology... if that map is real a lot could of caused movement over the years.

Down at the farm.. At Least Once A Year...sometimes more, I have to clear rocks that have popped up so far on the surface the mower blades hit them... The garden and crop areas have to be cleared for rocks every year and whatever's been in the ground too... at least once and sometimes's the weirdest thing. Anyway my Unc told me there's some huge underground river/lake that's constantly moving and churning in that part of the country that causes everything to come to the surface. These rocks are anywhere from softball to basketball in size.

Unc's a joker so naturally I thought at first no way this can be happening due to that. I was telling a good friend who's an archeologist about this and what I'd been told about it and that area... it's True! They were very familiar with that area and this river/lake thing... I can't remember what it's called but then I saw it being discussed on a documentary Called Fire and Water about parts of the Ozarks. Strange. Maybe you have that going on where you are?? If so, anything buried would move some for sure. Now I'm going to have to try and find out what that's called!! lol!!

Would that Magnometer help you in the Fenn Search? I just wondered if, while you have it... great time to go to wherever area you think It's in. I don't think it's supposed to be buried though so I guess it wouldn't be of help. Wow, people are all over looking for that chest! I read about some searchers in Montana recently.

I'm enjoying these updates and looking forward to the next installment!


I'm happy to hear you're up to speed on the Mag! It sounds like it's already going faster!

I sure hope you find something where that's zoned in on! I wouldn't worry about what that map says compared to technology... if that map is real a lot could of caused movement over the years.

Down at the farm.. At Least Once A Year...sometimes more, I have to clear rocks that have popped up so far on the surface the mower blades hit them... The garden and crop areas have to be cleared for rocks every year and whatever's been in the ground too... at least once and sometimes's the weirdest thing. Anyway my Unc told me there's some huge underground river/lake that's constantly moving and churning in that part of the country that causes everything to come to the surface. These rocks are anywhere from softball to basketball in size.

Unc's a joker so naturally I thought at first no way this can be happening due to that. I was telling a good friend who's an archeologist about this and what I'd been told about it and that area... it's True! They were very familiar with that area and this river/lake thing... I can't remember what it's called but then I saw it being discussed on a documentary Called Fire and Water about parts of the Ozarks. Strange. Maybe you have that going on where you are?? If so, anything buried would move some for sure. Now I'm going to have to try and find out what that's called!! lol!!

Would that Magnometer help you in the Fenn Search? I just wondered if, while you have it... great time to go to wherever area you think It's in. I don't think it's supposed to be buried though so I guess it wouldn't be of help. Wow, people are all over looking for that chest! I read about some searchers in Montana recently.

I'm enjoying these updates and looking forward to the next installment!


Hi L.C. and Kace and Everyone Else,

Sorry I have been so silent.

I pushed and pushed the wife, and she grudgingly let me go to New Mexico on my vacation for my guaranteed last Fenn hunt.
No, I did not find it.

But now I know why that darn bronze box was so dang special for Fenn to locate for the treasure.
When I looked at the rocks in the streams in my first target area, when they are wet under a stream, they all are the same color (brown/bronze) and many (er, most) of them were square/ about a million of them look exactly like that bronze box of Fenn's.
Without the "blaze" marker, you'd have to metal detect the whole time for that when you have to rush.

I was only able to search two of the four target areas I was planning on searching, before my allotted time ran out.
Of course, I am now thinking I picked the wrong two of the four areas to search!

I will give away my last two solves (that I did not have time to search) on some forum for folks to see and consider.
Maybe someone will take pity and give me $10 if they find it....or maybe not.
Also, if anyone here is planning to go to Los Alamos this summer, I will freely tell you my last two solves if you want.

In any case, my destiny is not there.

Sooo, I am FENNished with Fenn, as it costs too much grief for the wife (and hence for me).
For some reason, she can't stand it when I travel, and she won't go with me.

I have read Fenn's books, studied the man and how he thinks, and I know where he used to hunt for his own artifacts.
Therefore, my idea for a "blaze" was a bent tree...since that is what Indians used to use for trail these

I actually DID find such a blaze this week, a big one, in my second Fenn search area.
It even pointed right down to a stream about 20 yards away. (I thought I had it!)
But, alas, no treasure was there to be found.

Here is a picture of it (very sorry it came out sideways, I don't know why):

Anyway, this forum is about KGC.
I found a great magnetometer hit (in just the right area) of my third search area in the marsh.
(It was 105 degrees in the shade, and there was no shade...really....ugh)

I am going back again tomorrow (Sunday) to re-measure my magnetometer readings to see if I get the same hit.
That magnetometer magic-wand-stick gadget is so darn fickle.

So it is very prudent of me to re-measure.
Like the tailor...measure twice, cut once (er, dig once in my case).

“A real treasure becomes such only after it's been desperately sought after.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway

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Hi All,

I re-measured with the rented magnetometer today.
I just don't get a high confidence feeling from this magnetometer, as it is so fickle.

During the re-measurement, I found another possible high mark about five and a half feet from the previous possible high mark.

Even though my re-measurements may have different actual values, the measurements should be relatively the same from day to day.
What I mean is the same hot-spot areas should be fairly consistent on each day...which they are not. (bummer)

So I am planning on returning the gadget early.
I have three possible places to dig now, as indicated by the magnetometer.

Looking back, my plans were digging 50 holes, then only 20 holes, then only 10 holes, and now I am only thinking of 3 holes.

The marsh ground at the surface is as hard as a rock these days.
Digging with a shovel is really, really hard to do.

I can't help thinking of muddy-clay being "fired" in a kiln to harden it to make pottery.
This marsh is "fired" every July/August by the Texas sun :icon_sunny: until the September rains come.

I am betting there will be fewer cave-ins when digging the holes in July/August.
Time will tell.

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Hi L.C. and Kace and Everyone Else,

Sorry I have been so silent.

I pushed and pushed the wife, and she grudgingly let me go to New Mexico on my vacation for my guaranteed last Fenn hunt.
No, I did not find it.

But now I know why that darn bronze box was so dang special for Fenn to locate for the treasure.
When I looked at the rocks in the streams in my first target area, when they are wet under a stream, they all are the same color (brown/bronze) and many (er, most) of them were square/ about a million of them look exactly like that bronze box of Fenn's.
Without the "blaze" marker, you'd have to metal detect the whole time for that when you have to rush.

I was only able to search two of the four target areas I was planning on searching, before my allotted time ran out.
Of course, I am now thinking I picked the wrong two of the four areas to search!

I will give away my last two solves (that I did not have time to search) on some forum for folks to see and consider.
Maybe someone will take pity and give me $10 if they find it....or maybe not.
Also, if anyone here is planning to go to Los Alamos this summer, I will freely tell you my last two solves if you want.

In any case, my destiny is not there.

Sooo, I am FENNished with Fenn, as it costs too much grief for the wife (and hence for me).
For some reason, she can't stand it when I travel, and she won't go with me.

I have read Fenn's books, studied the man and how he thinks, and I know where he used to hunt for his own artifacts.
Therefore, my idea for a "blaze" was a bent tree...since that is what Indians used to use for trail these

I actually DID find such a blaze this week, a big one, in my second Fenn search area.
It even pointed right down to a stream about 20 yards away. (I thought I had it!)
But, alas, no treasure was there to be found.

Here is a picture of it (very sorry it came out sideways, I don't know why):
View attachment 1609529

Anyway, this forum is about KGC.
I found a great magnetometer hit (in just the right area) of my third search area in the marsh.
(It was 105 degrees in the shade, and there was no shade...really....ugh)

I am going back again tomorrow (Sunday) to re-measure my magnetometer readings to see if I get the same hit.
That magnetometer magic-wand-stick gadget is so darn fickle.

So it is very prudent of me to re-measure.
Like the tailor...measure twice, cut once (er, dig once in my case).

“A real treasure becomes such only after it's been desperately sought after.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway

Hey Barn...I'm Glad You Were Able To Go Back To NM! You got BOTH of your Fathers Day gift requests this year! That's Sweet!! Gotta 'find' something nice for Mrs. Barn now! lol!!

I think that since KGC, Outlaw, Spanish, Indians, Individuals and Communities hid things in much the same way as Fenn claims to have and he has used the same techniques as them and you've used some of the above mentioned groups signs in your hunts, nobody would mind if you posted your thoughts and theories regarding hiding of the treasure here... I can't speak for Baker since it's his thread but I don't care if you put them on the Cole Younger thread if you want to... there's stuff on there that isn't directly related to Youngers. I just recently posted clues to look for that could be done by any of those folks.

I've been wanting to ask you anyway what led you to believe Santa Fe or NM as a whole was the best area to search? I find all the theories on Fenn treasure hunting locations interesting. Myself, when this first started til now, although I doubt it's reality a little more now... I've always thought Wyoming was where he hid it. I did think Sante Fe for little while though then... 'I Was Sure Its In Wyoming'! lol! I've never looked though.

I did recently see where the death toll is 6 searchers now. I know those folks died loving what they were doing but it's sure made a lot of families and friends of those folks mad...The article I read said it was because they thought Fenn was lying about hiding any treasure. The Sheriff was interviewed again too saying they still want Fenn to call it off. I'm not sure where the figures come from but one thing I read said it was $3m now in the chest.

That's an interesting Tree you spotted. Since Fenn is so knowledgeable about Indian practices I would of looked the area over too and thought it could of been a Blaze.

While I'm glad your not going to be digging as many holes as you had planned to before... I hate that you don't have much faith in the magic wand as you called it due to its inconsistency. That is very strange the values would be off so much from the day before in the same location. Have you talked to anyone that's had success with the Mag other than the dealers or rental companies?

With all the technology out now I'd think that there has to be something that's suited for the soil where you are and the depth you need to go. I'm sure you've researched all of it though. Somebody else on Tnet recently said that the soil where they are pretty much makes most ground penetrating scanning equipment useless... I'll have to think who it was but I'm pretty sure it was back East.

Does the ground conditions and heat you described mean you're done digging for the safes til fall?

Glad You Are Back Safely!!


Hey Barn...I'm Glad You Were Able To Go Back To NM! You got BOTH of your Fathers Day gift requests this year! That's Sweet!! Gotta 'find' something nice for Mrs. Barn now! lol!!

I think that since KGC, Outlaw, Spanish, Indians, Individuals and Communities hid things in much the same way as Fenn claims to have and he has used the same techniques as them and you've used some of the above mentioned groups signs in your hunts, nobody would mind if you posted your thoughts and theories regarding hiding of the treasure here... I can't speak for Baker since it's his thread but I don't care if you put them on the Cole Younger thread if you want to... there's stuff on there that isn't directly related to Youngers. I just recently posted clues to look for that could be done by any of those folks.

I've been wanting to ask you anyway what led you to believe Santa Fe or NM as a whole was the best area to search? I find all the theories on Fenn treasure hunting locations interesting. Myself, when this first started til now, although I doubt it's reality a little more now... I've always thought Wyoming was where he hid it. I did think Sante Fe for little while though then... 'I Was Sure Its In Wyoming'! lol! I've never looked though.

I did recently see where the death toll is 6 searchers now. I know those folks died loving what they were doing but it's sure made a lot of families and friends of those folks mad...The article I read said it was because they thought Fenn was lying about hiding any treasure. The Sheriff was interviewed again too saying they still want Fenn to call it off. I'm not sure where the figures come from but one thing I read said it was $3m now in the chest.

That's an interesting Tree you spotted. Since Fenn is so knowledgeable about Indian practices I would of looked the area over too and thought it could of been a Blaze.

While I'm glad your not going to be digging as many holes as you had planned to before... I hate that you don't have much faith in the magic wand as you called it due to its inconsistency. That is very strange the values would be off so much from the day before in the same location. Have you talked to anyone that's had success with the Mag other than the dealers or rental companies?

With all the technology out now I'd think that there has to be something that's suited for the soil where you are and the depth you need to go. I'm sure you've researched all of it though. Somebody else on Tnet recently said that the soil where they are pretty much makes most ground penetrating scanning equipment useless... I'll have to think who it was but I'm pretty sure it was back East.

Does the ground conditions and heat you described mean you're done digging for the safes til fall?

Glad You Are Back Safely!!


Hi Kace et al,

My magnetometer skills are well honed at this point.
So this was the best the gadget will do.

And I know about the atmospheric changes during the day affecting the magnet field as temperatures change...still the re-measerement readings are too inconsistent from day to day.
So, yet again, and as predicted, technology may have failed me.

Still my schedule will remaing the same, so I will dig during July/Aug.
I will just get up at 5 am to start, in the coolest part of the day.
At 5:00 am it is just 85 degrees, and will dig until it is about 95ish degrees.

I just have to know.

“Every time they saw him, they recognized him and knew him and expected things of him.
And every time he came up blank.
It was like watching someone digging where they knew they'd buried something precious, digging and digging and realizing that whatever it was--was gone.
But they kept digging just the same, because the idea of losing it was so terrible and because maybe.
He was that lost treasure.
He was that maybe.”
― Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

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Hi Kace et al,

My magnetometer skills are well honed at this point.
So this was the best the gadget will do.

And I know about the atmospheric changes during the day affecting the magnet field as temperatures change...still the re-measerement readings are too inconsistent from day to day.
So, yet again, and as predicted, technology may have failed me.

Still my schedule will remaing the same, so I will dig during July/Aug.
I will just get up at 5 am to start, in the coolest part of the day.
At 5:00 am it is just 85 degrees, and will dig until it is about 95ish degrees.

I just have to know.

“Every time they saw him, they recognized him and knew him and expected things of him.
And every time he came up blank.
It was like watching someone digging where they knew they'd buried something precious, digging and digging and realizing that whatever it was--was gone.
But they kept digging just the same, because the idea of losing it was so terrible and because maybe.
He was that lost treasure.
He was that maybe.”
― Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

Hey Barn... I completely understand you taking this project to the end and having to know you've covered all bases!

Looking forward to your next update! Wishing You Success As Always.

LC...I'm glad you liked Okies site... lots of great stuff there I think.


Hi All,

I was able to dig 8-ish feet this weekend on the first of my remaining 3 holes.

Only 6 more weeks remaining of this searing Texas'll only get hotter and hotter until September.

“Every treasure is guarded by dragons.
That's how you can tell it's valuable.”
― Saul Bellow, Herzog

(dragons don't live in Texas during the summer... the hot Texas sun does their job instead) :laughing7:

Hi All,

I went out to the marsh on Saturday with the goal of getting all my PVC pipes out of my previous holes.
The reason is that I will need them with the new holes I plan to dig.

I got up early as I need to do during the hot Texas summer.
It took me over 3 hours to get those dang pipes out, what a chore. (my back hated me doing that)
I ended up having to drill holes in the PVC pipes and then use chains and iron pipes as levers (with cinder blocks as fulcrums) to get them out.

Then I dug some more in my first new hole.
I am down to the ever-present water, even though the hole location is on a man-made hill.
I know the hill is man-made because of the old maps.
This adds another 5 or 6 feet to the hole depth that I need to dig. (luvly)

Sunday was pretty much a bust.
I got up early again and went out to the marsh.
As I was setting up, I heard a gunshot.
Gosh-dang poachers again hunting wild pigs, I am sure.
I hate poachers, as they stole all my equipment last year. :censored:
I didn't want them to see me dig, or where my equipment now is.

Also, I forgot my gloves.
(Gloves are really nice to have when you dealing with iron pipes in the hot sun.)
So I went back home. (my aching back thanked me big time for that)

Next dig day is next Sunday.

It was 107 degrees (said my truck thermometer) when I finally got back to my truck on Saturday. :tongue3:

"If you're going through hell,
keep going."
-Winston Churchill

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Hi All,

I went out to the marsh today.
It wasn't too hot, the truck said the outside temperature was only 99 degrees when I got back.

I dug my hole 1 of 3 today until I hit clay.
I spent more than 4 hours out in the march today and it was really slow going.

Since I was down below the ever-present water line,
I had to bail water before getting each scoop of mud,
else the mud will melt away on its way up to the surface.

Also, due to being below the water line, me using a large diameter auger head (8 inches full of mud) and a long pipe (heavy for me)
I had to use a lever almost every time to release the pipe from the suction of the water...ugh.

Here are a couple of pics of my lever, cinder block, chain, and two 14" vise grips.
The vise grips are to to keep the chain from slipping up the pipe.
One vise grip is not enough so I have to use two.



The water suction in the auger head is so great sometimes, even that big ol' heavy pipe bends.

So…(1) bail…
(2) dig…
(3) rig up the lever…
(4) use the lever to break the water suction hold on the auger head
(5) unrig the lever…
(6) pull the pipe up…
(7) empty the auger head's mud…
(8) rest in the shade
(9) drink some water...
repeat for another scoop....sheesh…seems to take forever.

Once I hit the clay, my hand auger was simply too hard for me to turn anymore to get the next scoop.
I know it was clay and not a rock or anything solid.

So I will start on hole 2 of 3 next weekend.

“Failures, repeated failures,
are finger posts on the road to achievement.
One fails forward towards success.”
― C.S. Lewis

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Hi All,

This weekend at the marsh was hard.

On Saturday, I slept all the way until after 1 pm. :sleepy2:

No, I didn't go out drinking on Friday night. :tongue3:
I just had a very hard and stressful week at work.
So I had just a couple of hours of daylight left by the time I got out to the marsh to dig.

On Sunday, I spent about 5 hours digging.
It wasn't too hot, it never even reached 100 degrees.

Hole 2 of 3 proved to be a bust.
I now know why that rented magic-wand magnetometer said something was down in hole 2.

Here is a picture of a 6x8-inch piece of metal slag that was buried 14 inches below the surface.
Attached to it are a couple of magnets that I carry out to the marsh.
The magnets were very much attracted to the slag.
Slag rock.webp

For hole 3 of 3, I dug about 7 feet down with my 8-inch auger.
I then attempted to sink 5 feet of my 8-inch diameter PVC pipe in holes 1 and 3.
(I might dig some more on hole 1, undecided yet)

Man, the PVC pipe was REALLY tight on both holes.

For the first hole, the only way I could get the PVC pipe down was to sit on the pipe
holding a 30-pound cinder block in each hand
and bounce up and down.
I am sure it looked funny if anyone was there to see me. :laughing7:

The other hole was even tighter.
I straddled a long pipe on the top and hung 6 cinder blocks on it (180 pounds)
then I sat on it with another cinder block (ANOTHER 250 pounds).

All that effort got the PVC pipe down where only 18 inches was left above ground.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get the final 18 inches down.
I tried all my other tricks, and yet I failed.

Even 8 cinder blocks (240 pounds) plus my weight didn't do the trick. :BangHead:

I didn't have my 20V replicater saw with me (darn) to cut it off at the surface.
So I just put a bucket over it until next Sunday.
Then I will cut it off at the surface and continue digging with a smaller diameter hand auger.

I hope the poachers don't discover the bucket-covered PVC pipe and put rocks/wood in it for spite.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
― Confucius

(I bet Confucius never dug many 20 foot holes in a salt marsh looking for treasure) :unhappysmiley:

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Hi All,

It rained this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.
It is not supposed to rain in August here.
Those dag-nabbit fates were against me is the only reason it rained, I am am sure.

All I was able to do was to find a break in the rain and cut off the 18 inches of PVC pipe sticking out of the ground with my replicator saw.

I will just have to be patient and resume digging next weekend.

"At my age, patience is not a virtue… it’s a luxury."
Erma Bombeck

Hi All,

It rained this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.
It is not supposed to rain in August here.
Those dag-nabbit fates were against me is the only reason it rained, I am am sure.

All I was able to do was to find a break in the rain and cut off the 18 inches of PVC pipe sticking out of the ground with my replicator saw.

I will just have to be patient and resume digging next weekend.

"At my age, patience is not a virtue… it’s a luxury."
Erma Bombeck

It is like a terrarium full of corn and beans here right now. The humidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife and you can wring the sweat out of your shirt. We are having our own issues right now to hinder the hunt this Summer but we will not give up. Too hot for my Dad to get out with me in the field at this time. Some of the sites in question are covered with different obstacles that make it a game of timing and perseverance to be at the right spot at the right time with the proper equipment. Our Whites developed a short in it and started turning off and on. Any of you that work with a geologger and a Whites 808 know how time-consuming it is to lay out a grid in the field, but then to find out the detector was on the blink when you get home and view the info from the geologger is a real bummer. Someday we may be set up to view it in real time in the field, but for now, the software and the Gater for Dad are still on the our wish list!


Be glad that you have NO red tape Barn! We have been dealing with local government agencies to reopen an easement to a cemetery that has had the stones removed and the fences surrounding the graves by a farmer who is now planting crops on top of the bodies! Believe it or not, just because something is on a National Registry, it offers no protection what so ever. I have spent more time in courthouses than treasure sites this month! Sidetracked yes, but I couldn't walk away from the disrespect without doing my best to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.:icon_thumright:


It is just one of the loose ends along the way that we need to cross off of the list, but when we got there and seen it was a planted field....our plan changed. It was more than a year ago when we started trying to get the problem recognized by the same system that left it unprotected in the first place. You would think that elected officials would want to do the right thing when it comes to protecting the dead from such a travesty as becoming fertilizer for soybeans and corn. The ironic thing is, that this cemetery is an LDS cemetery and Brigham Young decided that cemeteries in Utah would be owned and operated by the town instead of the state........Not in the Midwest Brigham. It seems as though he thought that things may get cast aside by the state .....or in our case sewn over...............:usflag:

:censored: L.C.

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