The Solution Rest Here.....

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I think the difference, which undoubtedly will always be the difference, resides within the depth of the research undertaken in exploring the long debated and very real possibility put before you.

So real was the threat and cause that Jefferson himself would later write of his opinion that if the French were allowed to colonize in the Louisiana territory that it would leave the Americans no choice but to bed with the British. This illustrates just how strong the French/Bonaparte support in this country really was. Pretty amazing bit of history once you're aware of its existence and its looming threat and what brought that threat to an end, many of the how's & whys, etc.

From 1817 to 1821 a war of supremacy was being quietly waged in the borderlands and men from Bedford County were there, big money being there as well, money that was sent back east with a plan for distribution, these dates of shipment being in "exact" correlation with the dates of the two Beale deposits. In years afterwords we discover two documented accounts complaining of failed distributions, the source of both accounts originating from individuals who were directly involved in the affairs and wealth in the borderlands, at least one of these shipments very likely involving Mexico Sherman of Bedford County, Virginia.

The physical activities in the Beale story took place between 1817-1821 and it involved two shipments of secret wealth coming from west to east, these dates of deposits correlating "exactly" with the dates of two very important events concerning the borderlands, also two secret shipments of wealth that were to be distributed as promised. These two deposits, as we are told in the pamphlet, were never distributed as intended. John Sherman was the editor of press that produced the Beale Pamphlet, his uncle was Mexico Sherman, a man who was in and out of the borderlands from 1817-1821. Beale and his party supposedly got their wealth from an area in Colorado that was part of the borderland battle for supremacy.

But you guys are right, there is no possible connection at all in any of the above. :laughing7:

NO needs for "put-downs"; YOU are defending your R & I for YOUR book... CONNECTIONS; or is it in FRENCH...? Do a "Spoiler's Alert", and tell us about the "SECRET WEALTH" deposited. NO evidence of Mexico Sherman in Bedford County, Va.

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" shipments of secret wealth coming from west to east," Some reason that always stands out.

I understand the source and how it was acquired and shipped all must factor; but still it stands out.
Options for shipping existed;sources too. One; or both, dependent on the west as a source? Or just planned to be west and later moved east?

I think the difference, which undoubtedly will always be the difference, resides within the depth of the research undertaken in exploring the long debated and very real possibility put before you...

From 1817 to 1821 a war of supremacy was being quietly waged in the borderlands and men from Bedford County were there, big money being there as well, money that was sent back east with a plan for distribution, these dates of shipment being in "exact" correlation with the dates of the two Beale deposits... at least one of these shipments very likely involving Mexico Sherman of Bedford County, Virginia...

But you guys are right, there is no possible connection at all in any of the above.
A "real possibility" is just that-a possibility, not hard evidence, the same can be stated concerning the "exact" dates.
"Very likely involving Mexico Sherman" is an attempted connection to the printer of Beale 1885, but still NO real direct connection, just wishful thinking to fit this theory.

Theory fits with what followed.
Spain fleeced through Maximilian and the French drawn in with wealth and reseating power as a carrot; and then the French thrown under the bus when mission accomplished of boarders established and secured through treaty . (After shenanigans employed to impose them originally.)
With goals out west requiring wealth and supplies why allow any wealth to travel beyond a reasonably safe distance from conflict? France is East. What else would be a reason for direction? A ship could have dispersed wealth for acquisitions or a port near the action.
The U.S. government coffers could have used it but it's source would need to be legit.
Territory was the goal. For all.

NO needs for "put-downs"; YOU are defending you R & I for YOUR book... CONNECTIONS; or is it in FRENCH...? Do a "Spoiler's Alert", and tell us about the "SECRET WEALTH" deposited. NO evidence of Mexico Sherman in Bedford County, Va.

Wasn't a put down,...and Mexico Sherman can be found/placed in Bedford County. Virginia. As can the Lallemands, Girard, Joseph B., as well as some of those from the James Long expeditions and some of those connected to these events. So there were men in the Galveston area who were also in the Bedford area during the effected period. Some of these same men were also in New Orleans and St. Louis during the period, but this later information is pretty thin as to exact circumstances.

Wasn't a put down,...and Mexico Sherman can be found/placed in Bedford County. Virginia. As can the Lallemands, Girard, Joseph B., as well as some of those from the James Long expeditions and some of those connected to these events. So there were men in the Galveston area who were also in the Bedford area during the effected period. Some of these same men were also in New Orleans and St. Louis during the period, but this later information is pretty thin as to exact circumstances.

"Pretty thin" is troubling...

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Theory fits with what followed.
Spain fleeced through Maximilian and the French drawn in with wealth and reseating power as a carrot; and then the French thrown under the bus when mission accomplished of boarders established and secured through treaty . (After shenanigans employed to impose them originally.)
With goals out west requiring wealth and supplies why allow any wealth to travel beyond a reasonably safe distance from conflict? France is East. What else would be a reason for direction? A ship could have dispersed wealth for acquisitions or a port near the action.
The U.S. government coffers could have used it but it's source would need to be legit.
Territory was the goal. For all.

Maximilian I of Mexico...? Declared himself Emperor of Mexico on April 10, 1864... shot by Mexicans June 19, 1867. CONFEDERATE WAR plus @ 2 years...

"Pretty thin" is troublesome...

This is why we continue to scour as many private paper collections as we can find, whenever we can, looking for tell-tell letters and that sort of thing. With everything that was going on out there sooner or later we're going to hit on something that will help us to better understand some of the elements that were in play. It's just a matter of time and finding that right collection of paper.

Wasn't a put down,...and Mexico Sherman can be found/placed in Bedford County. Virginia. As can the Lallemands, Girard, Joseph B., as well as some of those from the James Long expeditions and some of those connected to these events. So there were men in the Galveston area who were also in the Bedford area during the effected period. Some of these same men were also in New Orleans and St. Louis during the period, but this later information is pretty thin as to exact circumstances.

"Effected period"...? 1817-1822...?

"Effected period"...? 1817-1822...?

The entire story in the Beale pamphlet involving "Beale's party and their adventure" took place between 1817-1822, this being the same exact period of the Texas insurgencies referenced, these events also encompassing the same exact region Beale and his party were said have found gold in the Colorado territory.

"1862"...a date many want to cling to, was never part of Beale party's story, this only being referenced as it related to when the unknown author first learned of the prior events in 1817 through 1822.

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The entire story in the Beale pamphlet involving "Beale's party and their adventure" took place between 1817-1822, this being the same exact period of the Texas insurgencies referenced, these events also encompassing the same exact region Beale and his party were said have found gold in the Colorado territory.

"1862"...a date many want to cling to, was never part of Beale party's story, this only being referenced as it related to when the unknown author first learned of the prior events in 1817 through 1822.

HA! And YET! Beale PAPERS date from 1885!

... Mexico Sherman can be found/placed in Bedford County. Virginia. As can the Lallemands, Girard, Joseph B., as well as some of those from the James Long expeditions and some of those connected to these events. So there were men in the Galveston area who were also in the Bedford area during the effected period. Some of these same men were also in New Orleans and St. Louis during the period, but this later information is pretty thin as to exact circumstances.
You allude to this as fact, yet provide not one iota of even basic documentation.
Is that because that information is "pretty thin"?

Maximilian I of Mexico...? Declared himself Emperor of Mexico on April 10, 1864... shot by Mexicans June 19, 1867. CONFEDERATE WAR plus @ 2 years...

Thinking of Max's GOLD...? Buried in TX, and found by KGC in TX...?

The entire story in the Beale pamphlet involving "Beale's party and their adventure" took place between 1817-1822, this being the same exact period of the Texas insurgencies referenced, these events also encompassing the same exact region Beale and his party were said have found gold in the Colorado territory.

"1862"...a date many want to cling to, was never part of Beale party's story, this only being referenced as it related to when the unknown author first learned of the prior events in 1817 through 1822.

"Scoop", "google" Rene Robert Cavalier de La Salle... THEN! The Mad Monarchist Blog-spots... INTERESTING. STILL no "connections"... it was Spain against France.

Reb, can you imagine trading for biscuits with maggots in them just so you could get some protein with your food. Today we complain when our food is cold. :laughing7:

Who knows what additional enlightenment 2015 might bring?

Reb, can you imagine trading for biscuits with maggots in them just so you could get some protein with your food. Today we complain when our food is cold. :laughing7:

Who knows what additional enlightenment 2015 might bring?


Thinking of Max's GOLD...? Buried in TX, and found by KGC in TX...?

NOW! Additional I & R indicate that CSA Gen. J.O. Shelby (from MO... "worked" with Q's Guerillas) "headed" an expedition "into" Mexico, PROBABLY to "help" Emperor Maximillan I & get his GOLD out of Mexico... "good ole" REBELS were KGC from TX; go from there... (Hint): CASTLE GAP, TX; "CASTLE" = CASTLE... KGC!

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Maury's New Virginia. Figure 1866 it was time to beat feet again. Gold or Brazil; or for Shelby, MO..back to Lafayette,Bates,Adrian then carried to Kansas City.

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