THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Male 1st?
For deer it's the Stag that will send the Doe out first. Go test the ice dear. 🤣
Then we'll follow, seen that before.
But it doesn't always work out well.
Doe is lighter than Buck, and then the swimming begins.
Maybe in the bird world males step up.
FOOT NOTE: I don't have a degree in deerology.
So maybe our resident @relevantchair that has his masters degree as a deeroligist can fine tune us in this subject.

Male 1st?
For deer it's the Stag that will send the Doe out first. Go test the ice dear. 🤣
The does here are definitely more approachable than the bucks, at least the older ones.

Maybe in the bird world males step up.
I don't know, just guessing. I do know that for most birds, the males are the "flashy" show offs, bright colors and so forth. Gotta look good for the ladies...

that's serious about the home invasions being that bad, why are they killing when it's just thievery they're after, any reason? I meant to ask Chilli, I guess I might answer my own question, in that it's in the word reason, there is little reason in their heads anyways if they're home invaders in the first place

FOOT NOTE: I don't have a degree in deerology.
So maybe our resident @relevantchair that has his masters degree as a deeroligist can fine tune us in this subject.
Being young a Jake might have just been less cautious. Or just hungrier.

Deer... Vary. Guess that's part of how some survive longer than others.
Sex and age can factor more today but then not tomorrow.

I like to see an old doe around.
She knows her business and has had fawns to consider and try to get to autumn or longer.
A young buck is likely to harass her after hard antler season begins even before she might be receptive.
An older buck during seeking phase or even outside of it and outside the rut encounters an old doe and she can be a weathervane of locale potential trouble.

A friend brought apples and maybe some carrots on a bow hunt to the U.P..
I helped him hang a treestand and he put his bait out.
First buck going down the trail acted like he bumped an electric fence.
Hopped aside to go around the bait and then back onto the deer trail.

Another friend hunting here in the lower penn. put out apples. Walked up the low ridge and hardly sat down to find a doe and fawn eating apples already.

Another friend took bucks with bait when bucks were studying (scenting and watching) for doe traffic at bait.
I've done similar.
Then there was an area deer followed and one brought away stayed clear of bait.

So it varies.
Time I say a critter will do this is does that instead.
But what one has done when watched I can make a call on...L.o.l.

Being young a Jake might have just been less cautious. Or just hungrier.

Deer... Vary. Guess that's part of how some survive longer than others.
Sex and age can factor more today but then not tomorrow.

I like to see an old doe around.
She knows her business and has had fawns to consider and try to get to autumn or longer.
A young buck is likely to harass her after hard antler season begins even before she might be receptive.
An older buck during seeking phase or even outside of it and outside the rut encounters an old doe and she can be a weathervane of locale potential trouble.

A friend brought apples and maybe some carrots on a bow hunt to the U.P..
I helped him hang a treestand and he put his bait out.
First buck going down the trail acted like he bumped an electric fence.
Hopped aside to go around the bait and then back onto the deer trail.

Another friend hunting here in the lower penn. put out apples. Walked up the low ridge and hardly sat down to find a doe and fawn eating apples already.

Another friend took bucks with bait when bucks were studying (scenting and watching) for doe traffic at bait.
I've done similar.
Then there was an area deer followed and one brought away stayed clear of bait.

So it varies.
Time I say a critter will do this is does that instead.
But what one has done when watched I can make a call on...L.o.l.View attachment 2191166
First buck going down the trail acted like he bumped an electric fence.
Hopped aside to go around the bait and then back onto the deer trail. :laughing7:They're smart them old ones, they have been there done that!:icon_thumleft:

that's serious about the home invasions being that bad, why are they killing when it's just thievery they're after, any reason? I meant to ask Chilli, I guess I might answer my own question, in that it's in the word reason, there is little reason in their heads anyways if they're home invaders in the first place
Many years ago I had backed my roll-off into my yard. Sitting there drinking a coffee gathering my thoughts.
I see 2 guys with a bunch of hockey equipment bags fast walking down the street.
They went in behind a dumpster across the way, and started to change their clothes quickly.
I called 911, the dispatch was like so what.

I said look lady this isn't a case of we $hit the pants and need to change. These guys did something and they're on the run.

Then within minutes a helicopter was hovering, squad cars, guns out of holsters.

They arrested the 2 after a short stand off in a coffee roasting company.
They had done a violent home invasion, hurt the homeowners, and the bounty was was in the equipment bags.
I knew my hood, and it wasn't the best street to have a business, but certain things didn't fit in.

I saw the beard and I was going to comment that is she might be identifying as a he.
Or was it that he was the new she?

Then the query I read that 10% of the hens have a beard. Some areas can be 30%.

But is it a beard or a waddle hang down?

I didn’t want the wild turkey gender etiquette squad come a pecking at my door. 😁
So gender fluid turkeys now!

that's serious about the home invasions being that bad, why are they killing when it's just thievery they're after, any reason? I meant to ask Chilli, I guess I might answer my own question, in that it's in the word reason, there is little reason in their heads anyways if they're home invaders in the first place
Societal decline. Their classrooms are PlayStation and Xbox and TV the subjects are Grand Theft Auto, Murder, Horror, Violence.
In the old days in movies the good guys were actually good and the bad guys were villains. Now in the movies the bad guys are good guys and their criminal ways are glorified. We played on video games ping pong tennis or raced a car around a race track. Their games now are steal a car you want, bash innocent bystanders and rob them to get points and go up a level. Our old music was about good times, friends, falling in love. Theirs are about death, anger and sex. In the old days men didn't swear around women. These days even old ladies drop f bombs. In the old days swearing in public was a crime. As an 18 yr old teen I was charged by the police for doing so and went to court. These days they even have F this C that stickers on the back windows of their cars and T-shirts. A young woman here recently met the Prime minister of Australia wearing a full size F on the front of her Tshirt. You would have been arrested for that when I was her age. In the old days a man pretending to be a woman and dressing like one if they went anywhere near a child was labelled a ped pervert and arrested getting more than likely a jail term. These days parents take their children to drag queen story hour where often they're dressed like a street hooker reading gay stories to little pre school children as the parents smile and take pictures to remember it by. Children were once considered something precious. Now people march for the right to kill them.
It's gonna get worse too.

If I leave now, I could be there by March.... I'll even bring my own gear. What's my cut? Oh my that looks so inviting... c'mon c'mon whatcha say Vike? Huh huh.... Oh boy oh boy :laughing7:
Sure! Time waits for no one... I will try to leave a few chunks... :laughing7: :laughing7:

Societal decline. Their classrooms are PlayStation and Xbox and TV the subjects are Grand Theft Auto, Murder, Horror, Violence.
In the old days in movies the good guys were actually good and the bad guys were villains. Now in the movies the bad guys are good guys and their criminal ways are glorified. We played on video games ping pong tennis or raced a car around a race track. Their games now are steal a car you want, bash innocent bystanders and rob them to get points and go up a level. Our old music was about good times, friends, falling in love. Theirs are about death, anger and sex. In the old days men didn't swear around women. These days even old ladies drop f bombs. In the old days swearing in public was a crime. As an 18 yr old teen I was charged by the police for doing so and went to court. These days they even have F this C that stickers on the back windows of their cars and T-shirts. A young woman here recently met the Prime minister of Australia wearing a full size F on the front of her Tshirt. You would have been arrested for that when I was her age. In the old days a man pretending to be a woman and dressing like one if they went anywhere near a child was labelled a ped pervert and arrested getting more than likely a jail term. These days parents take their children to drag queen story hour where often they're dressed like a street hooker reading gay stories to little pre school children as the parents smile and take pictures to remember it by. Children were once considered something precious. Now people march for the right to kill them.
It's gonna get worse too.
The only thing that a little boy should know about a little girl is that she has cooties.

I don't have children, but I have a zero tolerance for this grooming culture of today.

I don't give a rat's ass what a person wants to be, or if they want to live a certain way.

But be damn with the 1% shoveling it down the other 99% throats
I certainly can't wait till commonsense returns to our society.

Societal decline. Their classrooms are PlayStation and Xbox and TV the subjects are Grand Theft Auto, Murder, Horror, Violence.
In the old days in movies the good guys were actually good and the bad guys were villains. Now in the movies the bad guys are good guys and their criminal ways are glorified. We played on video games ping pong tennis or raced a car around a race track. Their games now are steal a car you want, bash innocent bystanders and rob them to get points and go up a level. Our old music was about good times, friends, falling in love. Theirs are about death, anger and sex. In the old days men didn't swear around women. These days even old ladies drop f bombs. In the old days swearing in public was a crime. As an 18 yr old teen I was charged by the police for doing so and went to court. These days they even have F this C that stickers on the back windows of their cars and T-shirts. A young woman here recently met the Prime minister of Australia wearing a full size F on the front of her Tshirt. You would have been arrested for that when I was her age. In the old days a man pretending to be a woman and dressing like one if they went anywhere near a child was labelled a ped pervert and arrested getting more than likely a jail term. These days parents take their children to drag queen story hour where often they're dressed like a street hooker reading gay stories to little pre school children as the parents smile and take pictures to remember it by. Children were once considered something precious. Now people march for the right to kill them.
It's gonna get worse too.
I fully hear ya, we unfortunately are seeing this too. I see it unfortunately in families around, divorced father, his kids with the mother, playing violent video games and hating on the father, kids associating with those nit-wit self-entitled half brains immediately start cursing their own un-divorced dads and blaming them for everything going bad for them under the sun. Where church was a place to go to level one's sanity and bring one back on the right track, now no-one goes there especially after Covid, and if those kids do go they start to for example start to partake in communion without examining themselves first, it's like, you're not taking a slice of pizza and a pop here buddy, hold your horses for a minute, and they get angrier that they were held back, read self-entitlement again. The key word is self-entitlement, if the parents tell them to leave when they get violent or too mouthy, or bring the cops on them, they then realize what a padded life-style they had and should not have bitched so much, excuse my French. I could go on with other kids blowing marijuana smoke in their parents' faces, etc., it's a s--t show, it begins with people tuning in to the wrong suggestive force and not following the right one. They self-entitle themselves to theft, rape, eventually murder and finally into suicide or prison. And without capital punishment for the most heinous of crimes there is less and less restraint for those deluded minors/adolescents. I'm not advocating for capital punishment of course not, but there must be a fine balance of severe punitive action to stop the wrong actions and protect society from further moral decay. Worse, the pedophiles for one are seeing this too and taking advantage of the moral degradation as you imply. Because this slippery slope society might end the world before wars do. I know for sure we Canadians have contributed a lot to the world as undoubtedly you Australians did for example in WW2 and hate for such awesome countries to degrade.

Creepy baby doll staring up at me today. Kinda scared me
there's a website or maybe video I half remember with eerie wind blowing sound and showing the bodies and faces of the men of the failed 19th century Franklin expedition in permafrost preserved almost as they were in around 1850!

Was that from bioluminescence?
I remember fishing at night off the coast for snapper and seeing it. Wonderful sight but unfortunately the snapper here don't like it and we caught nothing.
You got me I have no idea. Chetco river.

First buck going down the trail acted like he bumped an electric fence.
Hopped aside to go around the bait and then back onto the deer trail. :laughing7:They're smart them old ones, they have been there done that!:icon_thumleft:

Told my friend there was a chance the buck hadn't encountered a carrot before where we were at out back of beyond.
You got me I have no idea. Chetco river.



Was that from bioluminescence?
I remember fishing at night off the coast for snapper and seeing it. Wonderful sight but unfortunately the snapper here don't like it and we caught nothing.
I have no idea!!!!!

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