THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Wheew i am here.... sorta....

Some places ... a few downed tree limbs and debri only....
Others.... not so good.
There are displaced persons everywhere.... gas and food shortages.
Lines for gas for blocks and blocks.
Fights breaking out at pumps.
People getting a bit nutty.

Many have been flooded and flooding has begun again due to the rivers now... so the chaos is continuing,

Entire disaster relief cities are popping up spanning acres with thousands and thousands and thousands of line workers...
And thats not to mention the disaster relief and guard and etc,

MEdia is not reporting on it like it is.

Good morning everyone.

I had to put a new power steering pump on the truck yesterday (the old one had so much play in the pump shaft that it was causing problems with the belt). Whoever designed the way that thing mounts should be shot. It took several hours to get it swapped out because there is zero clearance to get to the two bottom mounting bolts. And you have to put the two bottom bolts in the pump before you put it on the truck or you'll never get them in there. I discovered this, of course, after putting in on the truck and securing the top two bolts. I also discovered that whoever last worked on it had also made this discovery and just left one of the bottom to bolts out entirely. And I know they left it out, because if it had been in there at all, it would still be there. It would be impossible for it to fall out (did I mention there is zero clearance?). When I finally got everything back in there, it took forever to tighten those bottom bolts. You can only reach them from under the truck, with a short open end wrench, from one tiny angle. And you can only turn them maybe 1/8 of a turn at a time. Huge pain. But it's done now and I hope it's a good long time before I need to touch that thing again.

Good morning everyone.

I had to put a new power steering pump on the truck yesterday (the old one had so much play in the pump shaft that it was causing problems with the belt). Whoever designed the way that thing mounts should be shot. It took several hours to get it swapped out because there is zero clearance to get to the two bottom mounting bolts. And you have to put the two bottom bolts in the pump before you put it on the truck or you'll never get them in there. I discovered this, of course, after putting in on the truck and securing the top two bolts. I also discovered that whoever last worked on it had also made this discovery and just left one of the bottom to bolts out entirely. And I know they left it out, because if it had been in there at all, it would still be there. It would be impossible for it to fall out (did I mention there is zero clearance?). When I finally got everything back in there, it took forever to tighten those bottom bolts. You can only reach them from under the truck, with a short open end wrench, from one tiny angle. And you can only turn them maybe 1/8 of a turn at a time. Huge pain. But it's done now and I hope it's a good long time before I need to touch that thing again.
My thoughts are they assembled they engine and pumps before drop it in.
Engineering department is in cohoots with the mechanics.

Just did the AC clutch in the Honda CRV.
Yesterday the dump truck wouldn't start.
Jumped it, either got it going.
Loaded it up with garden debris/dirt.
The dump didn't work.
Another hr of sorting out.
Many batteries are getting to their end of life so it should be an interesting winter. 🤔

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