THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

All I know that today is another notch on the belt of sobriety.
35yrs old today so I'm gonna go and play in the dirt. Get harrassed by bloodsucking insects, in temps that feel 100F.
Get dirty knees, hands and dream on every high tone beep.
Being alone in the bush covered site, one with his own thoughts, and dreams.
This will be my special day, actually I will remember this one clearly as I will drink no rum.
A 40 a day, it kept life at bay, that's all I can say.


Once upon a time, my mother of 85 looked over at me and said, "My son....over 50 years old and he's *still* skinning his knees! "

To all the wannabeakidagains out there, Happy Independence Day!


lol... this mini keyboard sucks... wht else can I say :P

No other keyboard will fit on this spot.

I spent eons using regular KB and then got this one... which took some getting use to... but when keys faded... it became a little... um...

Well a permanent marker idea has been in the works :P

What difference does a keyboard make when one only types with one finger!? Or....hook. :tongue3:

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All I know that today is another notch on the belt of sobriety.
35yrs old today so I'm gonna go and play in the dirt. Get harrassed by bloodsucking insects, in temps that feel 100F.
Get dirty knees, hands and dream on every high tone beep.
Being alone in the bush covered site, one with his own thoughts, and dreams.
This will be my special day, actually I will remember this one clearly as I will drink no rum.
A 40 a day, it kept life at bay, that's all I can say.

Takes a strong man to keep his demons at arms length.
Look at what you have to show for it , and celebrate.

Congrats! A hard won life , but here you are.


Good morning and well said about fighting our demons.


Well the garden in now overflowing with swiss chard, kale and lettuce so tonight it's going to be spanokopita(spinach pie with philo pastry and feta cheese) and a side salad.

We got quite a few sweet bell peppers so I might roast up some of those add lots of garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, etc...for added colour and to keep the vampires away.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Morning Bill-Whats a cooking?

Dave keeps offering to clean me place up-but I keep declining.:laughing7:

Mornin all!

Happy fourth to those who celebrate it.
To all Tories,loyalists,kingsmen , Well...Have a nice day.

Happy 4th of July to everyone on tnet! God bless America! The greatest place on earth to live!


"Dave keeps offering to clean me place up-but I keep declining."

Just hope he doesn't show up one day with an apron and feather duster.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Mornin all!

Happy fourth to those who celebrate it.
To all Tories,loyalists,kingsmen , Well...Have a nice day.
My G4 Grandfather who fought in the Revolution, spent a winter in at the Valley and crossed the Delaware was not that fond of Tories, Loyalists, Kingsmen, and Hessians, but a Happy 4th and continue to keep that bell of Freedom ringing for ALL Americans!

The cantaloupes from Florida, and the watermelons from Georgia, are so juicy and delicious! Can't wait to get some cantaloupes from Turbeville Va!

Bow chicka bow wow.

It rained... love it... nice good drink... haven't had rain in weeks... grass crunches when ya walked in it...

And with the yahoo's fireworks... this worries me.... wind and crunchy grass and fireworks... bad combo.

Rain took the edge off my concern a bit.

Hope it rains again later.

Bill... anything good on the menu tonight ?

You crunch..... I slouch. Did I spell that right ??? Oh well you get the picture.
Over 61/2 inches in 2 days. Rain all next week. Ark plans later when I get this dang
Table saw running.

I can’t download from this divice but I could use a little CCR. Who’ll stop the rain. Thanks

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