THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I know this may strike some of you as excessive... :)

But just so we are clear... this was an attempt to make up for lost time.

See I only drink a few times a year... but when I do... I make it count.

Besides... it affirms in my mind and on my body the "why I don't drink every weekend anymore".


I've faded to a beer once in a great while.
A far cry from too many times in my youth waking up thinking I was going to die, followed by fearing I wouldn't die....

Ahhh....the shame of it all! I can *never* be a pirate or a piratess. For ya see, mateys, I doesn't drinks! Never have, except for two separate times about half a century ago. All my "friends" were touting what fun they had on their latest binge.

The same "friends" who were completely shocked when I admitted to not drinking. They, (knowing all the grief I've had all my life), all said, "***YOU***!?!?!? DONT DRINK!?!??? Of all the people I've known, YOU should be that one who drinks a LOT!!!

Anyway, on those two occasions, I'd just decided to try getting drunk. See just what I was missing. All I recall of the first one was that I got very, very sleepy! A year or two later, being down once more. I decided that maybe I did it wrong last time. So I tried again. I got dizzy, fell down a lot, couldn't think or see straight. I said, "So what!? I get this dizzy, fall down, etc etc....when I don't drink!" I've never been back. Lucky? I guess.

Ah each their own.

Sometime, when you're bored, ask me about my not smoking either. I have another funny story about that one.

Enjoy yourself folks! Life's just too short!

Ahh , but yer a fine scurvy pirate.
One that keeps his wits about him by being sober is going to see advantage there.
Besides , it's hard to watch your 6 when debating which end to hang over the porthole in the outhouse.....:laughing7:


Certainly no shame in not drinking or smoking both can and do a fair amount of damage especially when taken to excess.

Afternoon MBB, WDF, RC, Bill, rook, WD


Certainly no shame in not drinking or smoking both can and do a fair amount of damage especially when taken to excess.
It's called moderation, something that wasn't in the vocabulary in my life.
Oh well I don't crave anything-well chocolate is a Nic. fit feeling, when I think about it..:laughing7:

No alcohol. No video.
A two inch hitchball does not a substitute for a two and fivesixteenths make!
Wheelied the trailer loading a tractor. Again.
Wonder when I put the two inch ball and ballmount in the receiver...:icon_scratch: Might have been early winter, but not remembering hauling the smaller trailer then.
Can't read the size markings anymore either. Might be time to buy new ones....
Tractors loaded now. (No, not "that" kind of loaded.)

Ahhh....the shame of it all! I can *never* be a pirate or a piratess. For ya see, mateys, I doesn't drinks! Never have, except for two separate times about half a century ago. All my "friends" were touting what fun they had on their latest binge.

The same "friends" who were completely shocked when I admitted to not drinking. They, (knowing all the grief I've had all my life), all said, "***YOU***!?!?!? DONT DRINK!?!??? Of all the people I've known, YOU should be that one who drinks a LOT!!!

Anyway, on those two occasions, I'd just decided to try getting drunk. See just what I was missing. All I recall of the first one was that I got very, very sleepy! A year or two later, being down once more. I decided that maybe I did it wrong last time. So I tried again. I got dizzy, fell down a lot, couldn't think or see straight. I said, "So what!? I get this dizzy, fall down, etc etc....when I don't drink!" I've never been back. Lucky? I guess.

Ah each their own.

Sometime, when you're bored, ask me about my not smoking either. I have another funny story about that one.

Enjoy yourself folks! Life's just too short!

Well that’s admirable in my book!

The rain missed us this afternoon. 91F feels like 102F. Not bad in the shade and no movement .


Same here we're hoping it kicks in this evening or overnight.

I'll be whipping up some home made tzatziki sauce for supper, side salad from the garden toast up some triangles cut out from wraps with a few other dips and some feta cheese, olives and whatever else we can scrounge.



Like you I had quite the run of craziness in my earlier years. Partying until the wee hours a few hours of sleep a shower and then off to work.

Then quite often repeat the cycle for days on end. Luckily for me there were a couple of constants in my life that kept me balanced. I stuck it out at work through thick and thin for my whole career and I was always faithful to family and friends along the way.

It's called moderation, something that wasn't in the vocabulary in my life.
Oh well I don't crave anything-well chocolate is a Nic. fit feeling, when I think about it..:laughing7:

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Also with the yoghurt dip we'll be serving some ajvar I cheated and it's bought not made from scratch....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


I’m off to try and find something good. I’m going to use WHADI ‘s high squeak only method. You guys want to take bets on whether or not I can resist digging the iron donk targets? LOL I bet I cave.

I’m off to try and find something good. I’m going to use WHADI ‘s high squeak only method. You guys want to take bets on whether or not I can resist digging the iron donk targets? LOL I bet I cave.

You will dig it all.


I’m off to try and find something good. I’m going to use WHADI ‘s high squeak only method. You guys want to take bets on whether or not I can resist digging the iron donk targets? LOL I bet I cave.
Well 3 hrs later we await the final report in-fading fast-like the light of the day.

Whilst we all await... I shall achieve a state of full horizontalness.

Night night you scallywags.


My not drinkin' ...not smokin'? Not much in the way of "noble" in how it came about. I've never been able to get beer past my nose. Never liked the smell...later...the taste. :dontknow:

Smokin'? I have chronic bronchitis. A doctor scared me off it for long enough that I finally realized I just didn't want it.

I'll still try to be a good matey.

Good morning folks

Morning there pepper

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