Nice finds Dave.
Part of the button backmark reads “DUBLIN”, so I would be pretty sure that this relates to the Jones family, recorded as button makers at 2 Cork Hill, Dublin and active between at least 1815 and 1832.
Some marks for this company only refer to ‘W Jones’ (for William), but it’s clear that he was at some time in partnership with Edward Jones, although it isn’t clear whether they were father and son. However there is a newspaper record from 3rd January 1822 announcing the dissolution of their partnership as of 1st January 1822 with William becoming sole proprietor. Retirement of Edward as the father perhaps?
You can probably see better on the button than I can in the picture, but the backmark looks like it might be Edward, written in this abbreviated form:
View attachment 1838405
If so, I would assume it’s then from sometime between 1815 and 1822 before William took over the business. Some of the company’s early advertisements for civilian buttons proudly declare themselves as “The King’s Button Makers” but I don’t think your button is military or militia. Just a bit of patriotism I would think.