THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Question for Bill and other gardeners, I heard you can sprinkle cornmeal around plants and it keeps weeds from growing. Not in inches but just sprinkled. This doesn’t sound right to me but what do I know :icon_scratch::dontknow:
"Did you know that corn gluten meal is birth control for seeds? Sprinkle it on your garden and it will keep weed seeds from germinating and growing into plants. Of course, corn gluten meal will keep any seed from germinating, so don’t try this on your vegetable garden until your plants are established and you’ve finished planting seeds."


Here's a link for the zucchini chips recipe.


It's been quite a few years since we've grown any so I'm a bit rusty. Besides the plants/seeds in your area might be different.

We tend to do zucchini chips I'll post up a recipe shortly.

End of the day, everyone have a good one.

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I just learned something.....I'm wondering though if the residue of the cornmeal would prevent sprouting on future direct seeded vegetables.

Just in case I'll stick with the mulch option.

Morning ***YAWWN***

Good morning treasure hunters of all ages sizes and shapes.

Good morning AARC

Morning Rook.

Morning AARC, and to you rook.

Morning Pepper.

It's officially in, I'm putting on the second layer up top, and the insulated jeans back on today for a few days. High of 55F Lows of 42F-This lizard needs some heat to move around.

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