THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Nice to see you chair !

Howdy G.A.P..
Not quite there yet , but that spring window between snow melt and fiddleheads being up , and then later when stuff grows up several inches goes fast once it'd finally here.

Morels should start around here in the next weeks.
Flushed a hen turkey off a nest one year when huntin morels. About the time poison ivy was gettin all happy again....That's gettin to the end of smokies blacks and grays last , and time to switch habitat to hunt whites/yellows/big footed morels.

Morning MetalArchSC

Hello All, wazapating?

Same as a Hickory chicken.

Those fellas must really like you if the showed you their hunting grounds. You gotta hang onto friends like that.

There is an actual South Carolina hillbilly living near me and he is a morel expert. He won't share spots but the two of us always exchange photos of the day's catch. Hillbillys a are few and far between around here but they tend to be good God fearing people. My hillbilly friend once showed me how to get a live owl out of a coyote snare. He came out all bleeding and says-"That's how you do that! ... We don't want to do that again."

A youngish neighbor just left home by car and shouted "keep your distance!" and laughing. His sounding like he's coughing out a lung when he's healthy means he should be staying home...

He's still funnin after I whipped him the bird last week when he drove by on his little scooter out of boredom(?) and he was hollerin ," don't be all jealous and hatin..."
We drive all kinds of stuff up and down our dirt road, mostly in the summer. Just can't swap rides again or race , for a while.
Have not put him on either of the antique tractors yet.
(A load of road gravel and I could put him to work when things calm down...:laughing7:)

Hello All, wazapating?

Those fellas must really like you if the showed you their hunting grounds. You gotta hang onto friends like that.

There is an actual South Carolina hillbilly living near me and he is a morel expert. He won't share spots but the two of us always exchange photos of the day's catch. Hillbillys a are few and far between around here but they tend to be good God fearing people. My hillbilly friend once showed me how to get a live owl out of a coyote snare. He came out all bleeding and says-"That's how you do that! ... We don't want to do that again."

Showed me a lot of mountain ways,I never met a hillbilly,met a lot of nice mountain folk now,just don't tick one of them off,VERY clannish,you tick one of them off you tick off a LOT of people. Many families down there with the same last name.

Ramps were another spring goodie,they have a Ramp Day,they even shut schools the next day,you ever been around anyone that has eaten a mess of ramps and scrambled eggs you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.

Showed me all about and where to find Sang (ginseng) too.

Unfortunately they have all past.

Spring break cell phone tracking.
Each tiny light adds up to bright areas.
Dispersal shows at the end....

Ginseng is good stuff and it can grow wild in the Midwest too. As a matter of fact, I happen to know the location of a gigantic single wild and native ginseng plant. Biggest one I ever seen. It's growing right off the trail in Nugget Lake county Park in Pierce county WI. Another matter of fact is that they keep a camera on that plant.

Nugget Lake Park is pretty much the only public gold panning area in WI. If you ever make it over there, let me know if you like and I can meet you there. Nice campground, IMO.

Good afternoon, IMAUDIGGER, Duckshot, and Relevantchair.

Spring break cell phone tracking.
Each tiny light adds up to bright areas.
Dispersal shows at the end....

Yep one of those Spring breakers came back to Ohio infected. No telling how many he infected along the way. Haven't heard anything for a while about him. Not sure how he's doing.

Ginseng is good stuff and it can grow wild in the Midwest too. As a matter of fact, I happen to know the location of a gigantic single wild and native ginseng plant. Biggest one I ever seen. It's growing right off the trail in Nugget Lake county Park in Pierce county WI. Another matter of fact is that they keep a camera on that plant.

Nugget Lake Park is pretty much the only public gold panning area in WI. If you ever make it over there, let me know if you like and I can meet you there. Nice campground, IMO.

Them boys take sang,bear hunting.ramps,dry land fish,and growing pot VERY serious.:laughing9:

OK Bill. Yesterday, while frying up bacon and cheesy eggs, I also started a sirloin tip roast in the slow cooker. Now I have to give you all the details, because I do actually cook. I am just not that good at it. Or should I say, it's edible, but not chef worthy. So, with the roast I put in a can of french onion soup, water, potatoes, carrots, and onions. I let it cook all day. Had reheated leftover pizza for lunch. Suppertime comes, the roast is excellent, juicy and tender. The veggies, however, were blah. Now we are supposed to have this leftover for supper tonight. What do you suggest I add to flavor up the veggies?

OK Bill. Yesterday, while frying up bacon and cheesy eggs, I also started a sirloin tip roast in the slow cooker. Now I have to give you all the details, because I do actually cook. I am just not that good at it. Or should I say, it's edible, but not chef worthy. So, with the roast I put in a can of french onion soup, water, potatoes, carrots, and onions. I let it cook all day. Had reheated leftover pizza for lunch. Suppertime comes, the roast is excellent, juicy and tender. The veggies, however, were blah. Now we are supposed to have this leftover for supper tonight. What do you suggest I add to flavor up the veggies?

Garlic,never to much garlic,and LOTS of it.That will keep people at the six foot thing too.:laughing7:


You beat me to with this virus thingy going around no one will come within 6' of you so you're also practicing social distancing so 2 birds with 1 stone.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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