Mornin all.
Now what?
Haven't checked the mail box in a long time.
Will have to take the golf cart 2/10 of a mile and check it.
Do I touch the mail then

Last time I put it behind a windshield wiper in the sun and left it there a few hours. Should be days. But it's a rainy time of year.
Maybe bag it and toss it in the back of the truck a few days...
I'm working on getting a placard to park in handicapped parking. Who knows, I might go out on the blacktop again someday.
I have a plate on the other truck allowing it,so let's skip the hoops of going to a doctor to get a statement. And lets not have me have to drive to the state office through the gauntlet of virus carriers ect. just to share my smokers cough , get handed a form and told to return after seeing a Dr..
What I have done it seems is take a one day deal and turned it into ten days so far..
And I don't have the form yet. (Thus checking the mail ,hopefully).
Pretty exciting stuff huh?
Rain quits the outside world will be welcomed more. At least a couple hundred yards or so of it.
Plenty of leaves from last fall still to battle with. Now that's exciting...