OK Let me give you an insight on how my life has been. I am somewhat of a "germaphobe." So last week, I am running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to make sure my kids, grandkids, and dad, and yours truely, have all the supplies we need so that I don't have to go out in public anymore. I had gloves on, hand sanitizer, sanitizer wipes and take my temperature 2 & 3 times a day. I get funny looks from people everywhere and for those that know me, they are laughing and poking fun at me. It was an excruciating week for me. I slept most of the weekend away in the sanctity of my own home. Well, for the most part, it was peaceful. Except Mr WD came over and used my eyeglass cleaning cloth. I said a few words, not real spastic, but still. So what's he do? He licked his finger and swiped it on my phone. AAAACCCKKK!!! OK, don't freak out, just clean it off. I get up yesterday, and spent a couple hours trying to get my nerve up to go into work. As I told you, I had to turn in time to the CPA. I'm thinking. "Just one more day. Just one more day and we will be shut down by order of the state." I get into work and find out that we are not closing down. Instant headache, chest tightness, and it's hard to breathe. My brother-in-law types up this official company letter siting "line 3 of paragraph 4 of section C of the essential business" blah blah blah. Tells me where he left a copy because he knows someone will lose theirs and need another. I ask, "Do I get one?" MR WD starts mocking me, "What about me? What about me? Mrs Right has to follow the rules." Brat. Then, he asks me if I can order hand sanitizer from Staples for the guys in the shop. Um, no. I told him what the guys heading to Texas could use and sent him to the house for one of our bottles to use for the shop. Then, he's hollering his good byes to the road crew and warning them about not touching the handles at the gas pump. I say, "I have gloves." So germaphobe gives them some gloves.
Fast forward (I know this is long and boring, but I need to vent)
Last night, at home, MR WD is telling me about his employee meeting and how he explained to the guys that he understands the situation. They are going to stay open and work. If anyone wants to stay home and use their sick/vacation time he totally understands and it won't be held as a strike against them. He said everyone chose to work. I looked at him and asked, " Will it be a strike against me if I chose to stay home?" He said, "Now you are just playing me."
Argh! So I guess I have to go to work. I may have to start doubling up on my blood pressure meds.
And I am sitting here procrasting and hoping the LEO closes them down before I have to go. IMHO we are not essential business.