THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I'll definitely look for some next time I go out. Whenever that'll be. Stupid virus.


When you go out make sure to keep a safe distance between you and others.....and yes that includes those cute gals....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I've read an account of adding a copper bolt to drag in the earth on the Old push type garden cultivators for getting trace copper in the soil.

Too , accounts of folks putting a silver coin in their milk bottle. The silver supposed to reduce germs. (Starting with a clean coin would help...l.o.l.)
We use colloidal silver on the dogs , and ourselves on occasion for burns and abrasions. A dog gets a spray of it in the mouth once a day for a while if having a gum or tooth problem too.

A guy gave us some he made with a silver coin , I question him for various reasons , but the concept is there , if purity can be maintained....
Purer silver ,like from a jeweler would be better.
When it (commercial offerings of colloidal ) gained in popularity ,quality/purity became an issue with knock offs.

A very thoughtful video about the virus and it's impact worth watching and following the recommendations.



Now the Aussies got a real problem!



You were looking for a solar food dehydrator that wouldn't expose the food to direct sunlight and destroy the vitamins. Here you go and anyone else who's considering drying food for future use.

YEP! Buddy, that exactly what I have in mind. :icon_thumright:

Just have to find the perfect material to build it. Many people just paint the heating area or use black painted aluminum or plastic pipes. Paint and plastic when gets heated extract chemicals and aluminum which is exposed to weather and humidity created aluminum oxide. So it is not the best and healthiest way.

Still thinking about a solution. but as long as we have other problems now it makes no sense to put one of this in the garden or to use a greenhouse. The stuff will get stolen for sure...


The copper as a trace element in foods occuring naturally is ok.....the linked article above was just to illustrate that copper has virus killing properties and they found out by chance during the European cholera outbreak.

I agree with you refined copper as a container for food preparation is a no no and definetely not for consumption. You notice the high end frying pans have a multi layer bottom which incorporates copper since it's a great conductor of heat, however, the fryer surface is stainless steel.


Given to heat absorbtion abilities of glass forget about the plexiglass and black paint. Just use unpainted wood and a glass sheet instead. You could probably do it on the cheap and use an old window and build a box around it. I'm sure you can figure it out.

YEP! Buddy, that exactly what I have in mind. :icon_thumright:

Just have to find the perfect material to build it. Many people just paint the heating area or use black painted aluminum or plastic pipes. Paint and plastic when gets heated extract chemicals and aluminum which is exposed to weather and humidity created aluminum oxide. So it is not the best and healthiest way.

Still thinking about a solution. but as long as we have other problems now it makes no sense to put one of this in the garden or to use a greenhouse. The stuff will get stolen for sure...

For me... any "benefit" that copper MAY have does not IMO outweigh the risks.

Go with glass or quality stainless and you cannot go wrong.

Quality glass... Borosilicate... it costs... but is worth it.

Taste is best as well.


The copper as a trace element in foods occuring naturally is ok.....the linked article above was just to illustrate that copper has virus killing properties and they found out by chance during the European cholera outbreak.

I agree with you refined copper as a container for food preparation is a no no and definetely not for consumption. You notice the high end frying pans have a multi layer bottom which incorporates copper since it's a great conductor of heat, however, the fryer surface is stainless steel.

Bill, natural traces in food is ok like iron etc. BUT, with natural food you don´t get enough to affect a virus who spread rapidly in your body. For this you need a hammer like colloidal silver or MMS.
If you are ill, your doctor don´t give you some traces of antibiotics but a complete pill box you have to use to the last pill.
So a huge amount of copper would be needed to wipe out an infection and I would not put so much copper in my body. When this copper particles disintegrate inyour body, you can get more problems later.

Colloidal silver or MMS also would be the last chose for me when i am REAL ill.


Given to heat absorbtion abilities of glass forget about the plexiglass and black paint. Just use unpainted wood and a glass sheet instead. You could probably do it on the cheap and use an old window and build a box around it. I'm sure you can figure it out.

bill, what do you think about covering the inside of the heater with black ebony wood? Very thin layers are not so expensive and the uncle of my wife can glue them on the wood with a press. He is.... dang, whats the english word LOL... anyway, he is master of the same job Bart has! :laughing7:

Heavy metals have been used in some past arthritis treatments. Not sure of todays use.
A former wife had one with gold in it.
Mouth sores and other side effects existed...

For me... any "benefit" that copper MAY have does not IMO outweigh the risks.

Go with glass or quality stainless and you cannot go wrong.

Quality glass... Borosilicate... it costs... but is worth it.

Taste is best as well.

Let´s stop this copper discussion now! Copper is only good as small round objects or other artifacts when your detector goes over it and makes BEEEEEP! :headbang: :laughing7:


Heavy metals have been used in some past arthritis treatments. Not sure of todays use.
A former wife had one with gold in it.
Mouth sores and other side effects existed...

in the past they also used mercury salt to "treat" syphilis! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

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